377 research outputs found

    Is there a “Gestalt bias” in indulgence? Subjectively constructing food units into wholes (versus parts) increases desire to eat and actual consumption

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    In the present work we extend research into the unit bias effect and its extension—the portion size effect—by demonstrating the existence of a “Gestalt bias.” Drawing on the tenets of Gestalt psychology, we show that a unit bias effect can be observed for food portions that are composed of identical basic units, but which are subjectively grouped into, or perceived as a Gestalt—a larger whole. In three studies, we find that such subjectively constructed food wholes constitute a new (perceptual) unit that is perceived bigger than the units it is constructed from, thereby prompting increased eating and desire to eat

    Correlated Markov Quantum Walks

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    We consider the discrete time unitary dynamics given by a quantum walk on Zd\Z^d performed by a particle with internal degree of freedom, called coin state, according to the following iterated rule: a unitary update of the coin state takes place, followed by a shift on the lattice, conditioned on the coin state of the particle. We study the large time behavior of the quantum mechanical probability distribution of the position observable in Zd\Z^d for random updates of the coin states of the following form. The random sequences of unitary updates are given by a site dependent function of a Markov chain in time, with the following properties: on each site, they share the same stationnary Markovian distribution and, for each fixed time, they form a deterministic periodic pattern on the lattice. We prove a Feynman-Kac formula to express the characteristic function of the averaged distribution over the randomness at time nn in terms of the nth power of an operator MM. By analyzing the spectrum of MM, we show that this distribution posesses a drift proportional to the time and its centered counterpart displays a diffusive behavior with a diffusion matrix we compute. Moderate and large deviations principles are also proven to hold for the averaged distribution and the limit of the suitably rescaled corresponding characteristic function is shown to satisfy a diffusion equation. An example of random updates for which the analysis of the distribution can be performed without averaging is worked out. The random distribution displays a deterministic drift proportional to time and its centered counterpart gives rise to a random diffusion matrix whose law we compute. We complete the picture by presenting an uncorrelated example.Comment: 37 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1010.400

    Random Time-Dependent Quantum Walks

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    We consider the discrete time unitary dynamics given by a quantum walk on the lattice Zd\Z^d performed by a quantum particle with internal degree of freedom, called coin state, according to the following iterated rule: a unitary update of the coin state takes place, followed by a shift on the lattice, conditioned on the coin state of the particle. We study the large time behavior of the quantum mechanical probability distribution of the position observable in Zd\Z^d when the sequence of unitary updates is given by an i.i.d. sequence of random matrices. When averaged over the randomness, this distribution is shown to display a drift proportional to the time and its centered counterpart is shown to display a diffusive behavior with a diffusion matrix we compute. A moderate deviation principle is also proven to hold for the averaged distribution and the limit of the suitably rescaled corresponding characteristic function is shown to satisfy a diffusion equation. A generalization to unitary updates distributed according to a Markov process is also provided. An example of i.i.d. random updates for which the analysis of the distribution can be performed without averaging is worked out. The distribution also displays a deterministic drift proportional to time and its centered counterpart gives rise to a random diffusion matrix whose law we compute. A large deviation principle is shown to hold for this example. We finally show that, in general, the expectation of the random diffusion matrix equals the diffusion matrix of the averaged distribution.Comment: Typos and minor errors corrected. To appear In Communications in Mathematical Physic

    Localization Properties of the Chalker-Coddington Model

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    The Chalker Coddington quantum network percolation model is numerically pertinent to the understanding of the delocalization transition of the quantum Hall effect. We study the model restricted to a cylinder of perimeter 2M. We prove firstly that the Lyapunov exponents are simple and in particular that the localization length is finite; secondly that this implies spectral localization. Thirdly we prove a Thouless formula and compute the mean Lyapunov exponent which is independent of M.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figure. New section added in which simplicity of the Lyapunov spectrum and finiteness of the localization length are proven. To appear in Annales Henri Poincar

    Continuous deformations of the Grover walk preserving localization

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    The three-state Grover walk on a line exhibits the localization effect characterized by a non-vanishing probability of the particle to stay at the origin. We present two continuous deformations of the Grover walk which preserve its localization nature. The resulting quantum walks differ in the rate at which they spread through the lattice. The velocities of the left and right-traveling probability peaks are given by the maximum of the group velocity. We find the explicit form of peak velocities in dependence on the coin parameter. Our results show that localization of the quantum walk is not a singular property of an isolated coin operator but can be found for entire families of coins

    Metabolomics reveals biomarkers in human urine and plasma to predict cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) activity.

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    Individualized assessment of cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) activity is usually performed through phenotyping following administration of a probe drug to measure the enzyme's activity. To avoid any iatrogenic harm (allergic drug reaction, dosing error) related to the probe drug, the development of non-burdensome tools for real-time phenotyping of CYP2D6 could significantly contribute to precision medicine. This study focuses on the identification of markers of the CYP2D6 enzyme in human biofluids using an LC-high-resolution mass spectrometry-based metabolomic approach. Plasma and urine samples from healthy volunteers were analysed before and after intake of a daily dose of paroxetine 20 mg over 7 days. CYP2D6 genotyping and phenotyping, using single oral dose of dextromethorphan 5 mg, were also performed in all participants. We report four metabolites of solanidine and two unknown compounds as possible novel CYP2D6 markers. Mean relative intensities of these features were significantly reduced during the inhibition session compared with the control session (n = 37). Semi-quantitative analysis showed that the largest decrease (-85%) was observed for the ion m/z 432.3108 normalized to solanidine (m/z 398.3417). Mean relative intensities of these ions were significantly higher in the CYP2D6 normal-ultrarapid metabolizer group (n = 37) compared with the poor metabolizer group (n = 6). Solanidine intensity was more than 15 times higher in CYP2D6-deficient individuals compared with other volunteers. The applied untargeted metabolomic strategy identified potential novel markers capable of semi-quantitatively predicting CYP2D6 activity, a promising discovery for personalized medicine

    Frequency Dependence of Quantum Localization in a Periodically Driven System

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    We study the quantum localization phenomena for a random matrix model belonging to the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE). An oscillating external field is applied on the system. After the transient time evolution, energy is saturated to various values depending on the frequencies. We investigate the frequency dependence of the saturated energy. This dependence cannot be explained by a naive picture of successive independent Landau-Zener transitions at avoided level crossing points. The effect of quantum interference is essential. We define the number of Floquet states which have large overlap with the initial state, and calculate its frequency dependence. The number of Floquet states shows approximately linear dependence on the frequency, when the frequency is small. Comparing the localization length in Floquet states and that in energy states from the viewpoint of the Anderson localization, we conclude that the Landau-Zener picture works for the local transition processes between levels.Comment: 12 pages and 6 figure

    Early responses to H7N9 in southern mainland China

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    This article is made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund. © 2014 Goodwin and Sun; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.Background: H7N9 posed potentially serious health challenges for Chinese society. The previous SARS outbreak in this country was accompanied by contradictory information, while worries about wide-spread influenza led to discrimination worldwide. Early understanding of public threat perceptions is therefore important for effective public health communication and intervention. Methods: We interviewed 1011 respondents by phone two weeks after the first case. Questions examined risk awareness and media use, beliefs about the emergence of the threat and those most at risk, anxiety about infection and preventive and avoidant behaviours. Results: Results demonstrate moderate levels of anxiety but relatively high levels of trust towards government officials. Threat emergence was associated with hygiene levels, temperature change, floating pigs in the Huangpu River and migration to the city. Anxiety predicted both recommended and non-recommended behavioural changes. Conclusions: Comparatively high levels of trust in Chinese government advice about H7N9 contrast positively with previous pandemic communications in China. Anxiety helped drive both recommended and non-recommended behaviours, with potentially important economic and social implications. This included evidence of 'othering’ of those associated with the threat (e.g. migrants). Findings emphasise the need to manage public communications early during new influenza outbreaks.Fudan Tydall Centre and Fudan Media and Public Opinion Center