188 research outputs found

    Untangling the relative contribution of maltreatment severity and frequency to type of behavioral outcome in foster youth

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    Within maltreatment research, type, frequency, and severity of abuse are often confounded and not always specifically documented. The result is that samples are often heterogeneous, and the role of components of maltreatment in predicting outcome is unclear. The purpose of the present study was to identify and test the potential unique role of type, frequency, and severity of maltreatment to elucidate each variable’s role in predicting outcome behavior. Data from 309 youth in foster care (ages 8–22) and their caregivers were collected using the Modified Maltreatment Classification System and the Behavioral Assessment System for Children, 2nd Edition (BASC2), to measure maltreatment exposure and behavioral outcome respectively. A measurement model of the BASC2 was completed to determine model fit within the sample data. A second confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was completed to determine the unique contributions of frequency and severity of maltreatment across four types of abuse to externalizing, internalizing, and adaptive behavior. The result of the CFA determined good fit of the BASC2 to the sample data after a few modifications. The result of the second CFA indicated that the paths from severity to externalizing behavior and adaptive behavior (reverse loading) were significant. Paths from frequency of abuse were not predictive of behavioral outcome. Maltreatment is a complex construct and researchers are encouraged to avoid confounding components of abuse that may be differentially related to outcome behavior for youth. Untangling the multifaceted nature of abuse is important and may have implications for identifying specific outcomes for youth exposed to maltreatment

    Lessons From the Pandemic: Engaging Wicked Problems With Transdisciplinary Deliberation

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    Some crises, such as those brought on or exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, are wicked problems—large, complex problems with no immediate answer. As such, they make rich centerpieces for learning with respect to public deliberation and issue-based dialogue. This essay reflects on an experimental, transdisciplinary health and science communication course entitled Comprehending COVID-19. The course represents a collaborative effort among 14 faculty representing 10 different academic departments to create a resource for teaching students how to deliberate the pandemic, despite its attending, oversaturated, fake-news-infused, infodemic. We offer transdisciplinary deliberation as a pedagogical framework to expand communication repertoires in ways useful for sifting through the messiness of an infodemic while also developing key deliberation skills for productively engaging participatory decision-making with concern to wicked problems

    Controlled, parametric, individualized, 2D and 3D imaging measurements of aerosol deposition in the respiratory tract of healthy human volunteers: in vivo data analysis

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    Background: To provide a validation dataset for aerosol deposition modeling, a clinical trial was performed in which the inhalation parameters and the inhaled aerosol were controlled or characterized.Methods: Eleven, healthy, never-smokers, male participants completed the study. Each participant performed two inhalations of 99mTc-labeled aerosol from a vibrating mesh nebulizer, which differed by a single controlled parameter (aerosol particle size: “small” or “large”; inhalation: “deep” or “shallow”; carrier gas: air or a helium–oxygen mix). The deposition measurements were made by planar imaging, and single photon emission computed tomography–computed tomography (SPECT-CT).Results: The difference between the mean activity measured by two-dimensional imaging and that delivered from the nebulizer was 2.7%, which was not statistically significant. The total activity deposited was significantly lower in the left lung than in the right lung (p&lt;0.0001) with a mean ratio (left/right) of 0.87±0.1 standard deviation (SD). However, when normalized to lung air volume, the left lung deposition was significantly higher (p=0.0085) with a mean ratio of 1.08±0.12 SD. A comparison of the three-dimensional central-to-peripheral (nC/P3D) ratio showed that it was significantly higher for the left lung (p&lt;0.0001) with a mean ratio (left/right) of 1.36±0.20 SD. The effect of particle size was statistically significant on the nC/P3D ratio (p=0.0014), extrathoracic deposition (p=0.0037), and 24-hr clearance (p&lt;0.0001), contrary to the inhalation parameters, which showed no effect.Conclusions: This article presents the results of an analysis of the in vivo deposition data, obtained in a clinical study designed to provide data for model validation. This study has demonstrated the value of SPECT imaging over planar, the influence of particle size on regional distribution within the lung, and differences in deposition between the left and right lungs.<br/

    Validated respiratory drug deposition predictions from 2D and 3D medical images with statistical shape models and convolutional neural networks

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    For the one billion sufferers of respiratory disease, managing their disease with inhalers crucially influences their quality of life. Generic treatment plans could be improved with the aid of computational models that account for patient-specific features such as breathing pattern, lung pathology and morphology. Therefore, we aim to develop and validate an automated computational framework for patient-specific deposition modelling. To that end, an image processing approach is proposed that could produce 3D patient respiratory geometries from 2D chest X-rays and 3D CT images. We evaluated the airway and lung morphology produced by our image processing framework, and assessed deposition compared to in vivo data. The 2D-to-3D image processing reproduces airway diameter to 9% median error compared to ground truth segmentations, but is sensitive to outliers of up to 33% due to lung outline noise. Predicted regional deposition gave 5% median error compared to in vivo measurements. The proposed framework is capable of providing patient-specific deposition measurements for varying treatments, to determine which treatment would best satisfy the needs imposed by each patient (such as disease and lung/airway morphology). Integration of patient-specific modelling into clinical practice as an additional decision-making tool could optimise treatment plans and lower the burden of respiratory diseases.</p

    Extending health messaging to the consumption experience: a focus group study exploring smokers’ perceptions of health warnings on cigarettes

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    Introduction: While most countries require health warnings on cigarette packs, the Scottish and Canadian Governments are considering requiring health warnings on cigarette sticks. Methods: Twenty focus groups were conducted in Glasgow and Edinburgh (Scotland) with smokers (n Π120) segmented by age (16-17, 18-24, 25-35, 36-50, >50), gender and social grade, to explore perceptions of cigarettes displaying the warning 'Smoking kills' on the cigarette paper and any demographic differences in how smokers responded to these. Results: A warning on each cigarette was thought to prolong the health message, as it would be visible when a cigarette was taken from a pack, lit, left in an ashtray, and with each draw, and make avoi-dant behavior more difficult. That it would be visible to others was perceived as off-putting for some. It was felt that a warning on each cigarette would create a negative image and be embarrassing. Within several female groups they were viewed as depressing, worrying and frightening, with it suggested that people would not feel good smoking cigarettes displaying a warning. Within every group there was mention of warnings on cigarettes potentially having an impact on themselves, others or both. Some, mostly younger groups, mentioned stubbing cigarettes out early, reducing consumption or quitting. The consensus was that they would be off-putting for young people, nonsmokers and those starting to smoke. Conclusions: Including a warning on each cigarette stick is a viable policy option and one which would, for the first time, extend health messaging to the consumption experience

    The statistical analyses of flares detected in B band photometry of UV Ceti type stars

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    In this study, we present the unpublished flare data collected from 222 flares detected in the B band observations of five stars and the results derived by statistical analysis and modeling of these data. Six basic properties have been found with a statistical analysis method applied to all models and analyses for the flares detected in the B band observation of UV Ceti type stars. We have also compared the U and B bands with the analysis results. This comparison allowed us to evaluate the methods used in the analyses. The analyses provided the following results. (1) The flares were separated into two types, fast and slow flares. (2) The mean values of the equivalent durations of the slow and the fast flares differ by a factor of 16.2 \pm 3.7. (3) Regardless of the total flare duration, the maximum flare energy can reach a different Plateau level for each star. (4) The Plateau values of EV Lac and EQ Peg are higher than the others. (5) The minimum values of the total flare duration increase toward the later spectral types. This value is called the Half-Life value in models. (6) Both the maximum flare rise times and the total flare duration obtained from the observed flares decrease toward the later spectral types.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, 8 table

    Determination of regional lung air volume distribution at mid-tidal breathing from computed tomography: A retrospective study of normal variability and reproducibility

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    © 2014 Fleming et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. Background: Determination of regional lung air volume has several clinical applications. This study investigates the use of mid-tidal breathing CT scans to provide regional lung volume data.Methods: Low resolution CT scans of the thorax were obtained during tidal breathing in 11 healthy control male subjects, each on two separate occasions. A 3D map of air volume was derived, and total lung volume calculated. The regional distribution of air volume from centre to periphery of the lung was analysed using a radial transform and also using one dimensional profiles in three orthogonal directions.Results: The total air volumes for the right and left lungs were 1035 +/- 280 ml and 864 +/- 315 ml, respectively (mean and SD). The corresponding fractional air volume concentrations (FAVC) were 0.680 +/- 0.044 and 0.658 +/- 0.062. All differences between the right and left lung were highly significant (p < 0.0001). The coefficients of variation of repeated measurement of right and left lung air volumes and FAVC were 6.5% and 6.9% and 2.5% and 3.6%, respectively. FAVC correlated significantly with lung space volume (r = 0.78) (p < 0.005). FAVC increased from the centre towards the periphery of the lung. Central to peripheral ratios were significantly higher for the right (0.100 +/- 0.007 SD) than the left (0.089 +/- 0.013 SD) (p < 0.0001).Conclusion: A technique for measuring the distribution of air volume in the lung at mid-tidal breathing is described. Mean values and reproducibility are described for healthy male control subjects. Fractional air volume concentration is shown to increase with lung size.Air Liquid
