9 research outputs found

    Specification of human germ cell fate with enhanced progression capability supported by hindgut organoids

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    Human primordial germ cells (hPGCs), the precursors of sperm and eggs, are specified during weeks 2-3 after fertilization. Few studies on ex vivo and in vitro cultured human embryos reported plausible hPGCs on embryonic day (E) 12-13 and in an E16-17 gastrulating embryo. In vitro, hPGC-like cells (hPGCLCs) can be specified from the intermediary pluripotent stage or peri-gastrulation precursors. Here, we explore the broad spectrum of hPGCLC precursors and how different precursors impact hPGCLC development. We show that resetting precursors can give rise to hPGCLCs (rhPGCLCs) in response to BMP. Strikingly, rhPGCLCs co-cultured with human hindgut organoids progress at a pace reminiscent of in vivo hPGC devel-opment, unlike those derived from peri-gastrulation precursors. Moreover, rhPGCLC specification depends on both EOMES and TBXT, not just on EOMES as for peri-gastrulation hPGCLCs. Importantly, our study pro-vides the foundation for developing efficient in vitro models of human gametogenesis.Peer reviewe

    MicroRNA-142 Critically Regulates Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cell Homeostasis and Function

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    Innate lymphoid cells are central to the regulation of immunity at mucosal barrier sites, with group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) being particularly important in type 2 immunity. In this study, we demonstrate that microRNA(miR)-142 plays a critical, cell-intrinsic role in the homeostasis and function of ILC2s. Mice deficient for miR-142 expression demonstrate an ILC2 progenitor_biased development in the bone marrow, and along with peripheral ILC2s at mucosal sites, these cells display a greatly altered phenotype based on surface marker expression. ILC2 proliferative and effector functions are severely dysfunctional following Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infection, revealing a critical role for miR-142 isoforms in ILC2-mediated immune responses. Mechanistically, Socs1 and Gfi1 expression are regulated by miR-142 isoforms in ILC2s, impacting ILC2 phenotypes as well as the proliferative and effector capacity of these cells. The identification of these novel pathways opens potential new avenues to modulate ILC2-dependent immune functions

    MicroRNA-142 Critically Regulates Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cell Homeostasis and Function.

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    From PubMed via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2020-06-01, accepted 2021-03-19Publication status: ppublishFunder: Wellcome Trust; Grant(s): 204394Funder: British Heart Foundation; Grant(s): PG/12/36/29444Funder: Medical Research Council; Grant(s): MR/M003493/1, MR/R024812/1Innate lymphoid cells are central to the regulation of immunity at mucosal barrier sites, with group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) being particularly important in type 2 immunity. In this study, we demonstrate that microRNA(miR)-142 plays a critical, cell-intrinsic role in the homeostasis and function of ILC2s. Mice deficient for miR-142 expression demonstrate an ILC2 progenitor-biased development in the bone marrow, and along with peripheral ILC2s at mucosal sites, these cells display a greatly altered phenotype based on surface marker expression. ILC2 proliferative and effector functions are severely dysfunctional following infection, revealing a critical role for miR-142 isoforms in ILC2-mediated immune responses. Mechanistically, and expression are regulated by miR-142 isoforms in ILC2s, impacting ILC2 phenotypes as well as the proliferative and effector capacity of these cells. The identification of these novel pathways opens potential new avenues to modulate ILC2-dependent immune functions. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2021 The Authors.

    Bi-directional signaling between the intestinal epithelium and type-3 innate lymphoid cells regulates secretory dynamics and interleukin-22

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    Type-3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC3) respond to localized environmental cues to regulate homeostasis and orchestrate immunity in the intestine. The intestinal epithelium is an important upstream regulator and downstream target of ILC3 signaling, however, the complexity of mucosal tissues can hinder efforts to define specific interactions between these two compartments. Here, we employ a reductionist co-culture system of murine epithelial small intestinal organoids (SIO) with ILC3 to uncover bi-directional signaling mechanisms that underlie intestinal homeostasis. We report that ILC3 induce global transcriptional changes in intestinal epithelial cells, driving the enrichment of secretory goblet cell signatures. We find that SIO enriched for goblet cells promote NKp46+ ILC3 and interleukin (IL)-22 expression, which can feedback to induce IL-22-mediated epithelial transcriptional signatures. However, we show that epithelial regulation of ILC3 in this system is contact-dependent and demonstrate a role for epithelial Delta-Like-Canonical-Notch-Ligand (Dll) in driving IL-22 production by ILC3, via subset-specific Notch1-mediated activation of T-bet+ ILC3. Finally, by interfering with Notch ligand-receptor dynamics, ILC3 appear to upregulate epithelial Atoh1 to skew secretory lineage determination in SIO-ILC3 co-cultures. This research outlines two complimentary bi-directional signaling modules between the intestinal epithelium and ILC3, which may be relevant in intestinal homeostasis and disease.</p

    ILC1 drive intestinal epithelial and matrix remodelling

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    Organoids can shed light on the dynamic interplay between complex tissues and rare cell types within a controlled microenvironment. Here, we develop gut organoid cocultures with type-1 innate lymphoid cells (ILC1) to dissect the impact of their accumulation in inflamed intestines. We demonstrate that murine and human ILC1 secrete transforming growth factor β1, driving expansion of CD44v6+ epithelial crypts. ILC1 additionally express MMP9 and drive gene signatures indicative of extracellular matrix remodelling. We therefore encapsulated human epithelial–mesenchymal intestinal organoids in MMP-sensitive, synthetic hydrogels designed to form efficient networks at low polymer concentrations. Harnessing this defined system, we demonstrate that ILC1 drive matrix softening and stiffening, which we suggest occurs through balanced matrix degradation and deposition. Our platform enabled us to elucidate previously undescribed interactions between ILC1 and their microenvironment, which suggest that they may exacerbate fibrosis and tumour growth when enriched in inflamed patient tissues