134 research outputs found


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    In this paper author examines the relationship between the claim for damages for breach of contract for the sale of goods and other legal remedies available to the creditor in that case. The focus of interest is on our law and in the first part of article a legal basis of debtors liability for damages for breach of contract according to the Law of Obligations is presented. After that, the influence of late performance and the influence of termination of the contract to the claim for compensation are considered, given that they are, as a rule, possible outcomes when creditor use his remedies. Particular attention is paid to the sellerā€™s liability for defects and to the buyer's claim for damages in that case, not only because that issue is regulated by special rules, but also because it well illustrates the weakness of the solution that the claim for damages instead of performance, as well as termination of contract, can be use only when elapsed the additional period of time for performance. In this article it is argued that that rule sometimes is contrary to reasonable interest of creditor to terminate the contract instantly after the breach, while presentation of the solutions in comparative law, especially the examples of the Vienna Convention and the German law, show that this problem can be overcome without violating the scheme for termination, which is based on the expiration of the additional period of time for performance.Predmet ovog rada je odnos između zahteva za naknadu Å”tete zbog povrede ugovora o prodaji robe i drugih pravnih sredstava koja poveriocu stoje na raspolaganju u tom slučaju. TežiÅ”te interesovanja je na naÅ”em pravu i na početku se daje pravni osnov odgovornosti dužnika za Å”tetu zbog povrede ugovora prema Zakonu o obligacionim odnosima, a nakon toga se razmatra uticaj zadocnelog izvrÅ”enja i uticaj raskida ugovora na naknadu Å”tete, s obzirom da su to, po pravilu, moguća reÅ”enja sporne situacije nakon upotrebe poveriočevih pravnih sredstava. Posebna pažnja u radu je posvećena pitanju odgovornosti prodavca za materijalne nedostatke na stvari i kupčevom zahtevu za naknadu Å”tete u tom slučaju, ne samo zato Å”to je ovo pitanje uređeno specijalnim pravilima, već i zato Å”to ono dobro ilustruje slabost reÅ”enja po kome se zahtev za naknadu Å”tete umesto ispunjenja ugovora, jednako kao i raskid ugovora, uslovljavaju protekom naknadnog roka. U radu se konstatuje da je to pravilo nekada suprotno poveriočevom opravdanom interesu da odmah po učinjenoj povredi raskine ugovor, a predstavljanje reÅ”enja uporednog prava, posebno primeri Bečke konvencije i nemačkog prava, pokazuju da se ovaj problem može pravazići a da se istovremeno ne naruÅ”i shema raskida ugovora na osnovu proteka naknadnog roka za izvrÅ”enje

    Međunarodna trgovinska arbitraža

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    International commercial arbitration is ever more in the spotlight due to its growing popularity. Parties decide more often to entrust their dispute to arbitration comprising of independent arbitrators nominated by the parties themselves, within the procedure and by rules freely chosen by them. By selecting international commercial arbitration, a special and complete mechanism of solving a dispute, one avoids uncertainties that may arise in international court procedures, the most inconvenient of which are the following: long duration of the procedure, possible parallel procedures in different states, conļ¬‚ict of law issues, etc. The most common advantage of arbitration in comparison to court procedure is the fact that, due to wide accepted international sources of law, the international commercial arbitration awards are often more easily enforced abroad then national court verdicts. Having in mind that we are dealing with international institutions that apply international rules with great success, which provide fair, neutral, professional and efficient way of solving complicate international cases, scientific focus on arbitrations is of great importance for legal theory and practice.Međunarodna trgovinska arbitraža privlači sve veću pažnju zbog svoje aktuelnosti i narastajuće popularnosti. Stranke se čeŔće odlučuju da spor povere na reÅ”avanje arbitraži gde se predmet raspravlja pred nezavisnim arbitrima koje same imenuju, u postupku i po pravilima koje slobodno određuju. Ugovaranjem međunarodne trgovinske arbiraže i određivanjem jednog posebnog i celovitog mehanizma za reÅ”avanje spora, izbegavaju se nesigurnosti koje se javljaju u međunarodnim sudskim postupcima, od kojih su posebno nepoželjne dugo trajanje postupka, moguće vođenje paralelnih postupaka u različitim državama, rasprava o merodavnom pravu i dr. Prednost arbitraže u odnosu na suđenje pred državnim sudom je i u tome Å”to se, zahvaljujući Å”iroko prihvaćenim međunarodnim izvorima prava, odluke međunarodnih arbitraža često lakÅ”e prinudno izvrÅ”avaju u inostranstvu nego odluke nacioinalnih sudova. Imajući u vidu da je reč o, pretežno, međunarodnim institucijama koje primenom međunarodnih pravila sa zapaženim uspehom obezbeđuju poÅ”teno, neutralno, stručno, postojano i efkasno sredstvo za reÅ”avanje teÅ”kih međunarodnih sporova, bavljenje njima je od velikog značaja za pravnu teoriju i praksu


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    An assent on elements of a contract is essential when concluding it and it can be analysed by means of an offer and its acceptance in case contracting parties exchange their statements in that way. This question is especially interesting in cases of international contracts, since contracting parties are from different countries and they regularly don't speak the same language, so they come across problems and obstacles in communication. Beside that they often interprete law terms when using them differently, because they belong to different legal systems ā€“ so the parties can have quite different attitude concerning offer and its acceptance and their legal importance, the offer liability regarding its terms or whether it is boundary at all, about the importance of additional or different terms of an offer in acceptance statement and similar. Exchange of goods and services at the international market takes place significantly according to regime of Vienna Convention on contracts for the international sale of goods which now already counts 60 acceded countries. Reaching an assent of will by means of an offer and its acceptance according to regulations of this Convention is the subject to be studied in this work ā€“ firstly, we have to discuss the question of obligatory terms which must be fulfilled in order to create a statement which is to be considered as an offer. Concerning the above mentioned, the special attention is to be paid to contradictions occurring in the articles 14 and 55 of the Convention for in law theory as well as in case law different positions regarding their meaning are to be found. In addition to that the regulations are analysed which bring under the control of law the questions of legal effect of an offer and its acceptance. They are interesting because they represent the result of compromises based on different concepts existing in comparative law.Promet roba i usluga na međunarodnom tržiÅ”tu danas se u značajnom delu odvija po režimu Bečke konvencije o međunarodnoj prodaji robe kojoj je pristupilo preko 60 država. Postizanje saglasnosti volja putem ponude i njenog prihvata prema odredbama ove konvencije predmet je proučavanja u ovom radu, u kome se na početku obrađuje pitanje uslova koje treba da zadovolji jedna izjava da bi se smatrala ponudom. S tim u vezi posebna pažnja je posvećena pitanju protivurečnosti između članova 14. i 55. Konvencije, o čijem značenju se u pravnoj teoriji i u sudskoj praksi sreću različiti stavovi. Pored toga, analiziraju se i odredbe koje uređuju pitanje pravnog dejstva ponude i njenog prihvata, koje su interesantne zato Å”to predstavljaju rezultat kompromisa zasnovanog na različitim konceptima koji o tome postoje u uporednom pravu


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    Subject of this paper are important issues raised in connection with request for specific performance of contract in additional period of time in the contract for international sale of goods. Objective that is achieved by its use is to fulfill contractual obligations just as they are predicted in contract, which is in accordance with the principle of contract law pacta sunt servanda. Law systems that regulate this request of creditor as separate remedy bind to it certain legal consequences, the most important being that the creditor, to whom the debtor does not provide fulfillment even in additional period of time, with its expiration acquires the right to terminate the contract in situations where he would not be able to do so because the breach of contract is not so serious and hard to make the law allow the termination. In the other words, the request for specific performance of contract in additional period of time is a step on the path of realisation the right to terminate the contract, which enables complicated international trade disputes to be resolved in a flexible and easy way with avoiding expensive, long and often unpredictable court and arbitration proceedings. These benefits were recognized by numerous national laws which regulate this remedy particulary, as well as by the most important international sources of law for the contract for the international sale of goods and in this paper solutions of Vienna Convention, UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, Principles of European Contract Law and Serbian Law on Obligations are presented.U ovom radu se analiziraju bitna pitanja koja se postavljaju u vezi sa zahtevom za izvrÅ”enje ugovora u naknadnom roku kod ugovora o međunarodnoj prodaji robe. Cilj koji se postiže upotrebom ovog zahteva jeste da se ugovorne obaveze ispune upravo onako kako glase i time se podržava načelo ugovornog prava pacta sunt servanda. Pravni sistemi koji zahtev za izvrÅ”enje ugovora u naknadnom roku uređuju kao posebno pravno sredstvo poverioca za njega vezuju određene pravne posledice, od kojih je najvažnija ta Å”to poverilac, kome dužnik ne pruži ispunjenje ni u naknadnom roku, njegovim protekom stiče pravo da ugovor raskine u situacijama kada on to ne bi mogao zato Å”to povreda ugovora nije tako ozbiljna i teÅ”ka da bi se zbog nje dopustio raskid ugovora. Drugim rečima, zahtev za izvrÅ”enje ugovora u naknadom roku predstavlja stepenicu na putu realizacije prava da se ugovor raskine, Å”to omogućava da se komplikovani međunarodni trgovinski sporovi reÅ”e na jedan fleksibilan i jednostavan način, uz izbegavanje vođenja skupih, dugotrajnih i često neizvesnih postupaka pred sudovima i arbitražama. Ove koristi prepoznala su brojna prava, kao i najznačajniji međunarodni izvori prava za ugovor o međunarodnoj prodaji robe i u radu se predstavljaju reÅ”enja koja o tom pravnom sredstvu poverioca predviđaju Bečka konvencija, UNIDROIT Načela za ugovore u međunarodnoj trgovini, Načela evropskog ugovornog prava i Zakon o obligacionim odnosima Republike Srbije


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    The termination of the contract is a remedy available to each contracting party under the provided conditions in case when the other party does not fulfills contractual obligations. This right is established by law, but also can be provided by the contract itself. The aim which creditor wants to achieve using it is to get free from his contractual obligation and to get things back, to the maximum extent possible, into the position in which they would have been if the performance of the contract has not even started. Having in mind that the termination of the contract is a remedy that affects the contract on the most difficult way, all legal systems provide conditions and restrictions of its use, in order to prevent its misuse. A request that the breach of contract has to be sufficiently serious is the most important restriction in that context, as only severe breach can be a basis for rescind of the contract. Beside that, a right to use that remedy is, as a rule, time-limited, and in some legal systems it depends upon by the possibility to return the debtor what he has already fulfilled in the name of performance of the contract. Predicting specific procedures for realization of the right to terminate the contract, control of fulfillment of mentioned conditions is carried out. So, termination can be exercised only in court proceedings in some legal systems, while in others it is enough if the creditor makes an appropriate statement. Sometimes, termination of the contract comes ex lege.Povreda ugovora je pravno sredstvo koje je dostupno svakoj ugovornoj strani pod predviđenim uslovima, kada druga strana ne ispuni svoju ugovornu obavzeu. Ovo pravo se ustanovljama zakonom, ali se, takođe, može predvideti i ugovorom. Cilj koji poverilac želi da postigne upotrebom ovog pravnog sredstva, jeste da se oslobodi od obaveze da ispuni ugovor i, u meri u kojoj je to moguće, vrati stvari u položaj u kome bi one bile da izvrÅ”enje nije ni započeto. Imajući u vidu da je u pitanju pravno sredstvo koje, na najteži način pogađa ugovor, svi pravni sitstemi predviđaju uslove i ograničenja pod kojima se to pravo stiče i koristi, kako bi se sprečile njegove zloupotrebe. Najvažnije ograničenje koje se u tom cilju predviđa odnosi se na zahtev da povreda ugovora mora biti ozbiljna, teÅ”ka da bi mogla biti osnov za raskid ugovora. Pored toga, pravo da se upotrebi ovo pravno sredstvo se, po pravilu, vremenski ograničava, a u nekim pravima je ono uslovljeno i mogućnoŔću da se vrati dužniku sve Å”to je, eventualno, na ime izvrÅ”enja ugovora već ispunio. Kontrola ispunjenosti predviđenih uslova vrÅ”i se, po pravilu, predviđanjem posebnih procedura realizacije prava da se ugovor raskine, pa se u nekim pravima to može ostvariti samo u sudskom postupku, dok je u drugima dovoljno da poverilac učini odgovarajuću izjavu, a nekada do raskida ugovora dolazi i po samom pravu


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    Termination of the contract is a remedy that affects the contract on the hardest way and it is allowed, subject to certain limitations and conditions, in the legal regime of the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. The most important requirement that must be fulfilled for the creditor to gain this right is that the debtor breached the contract so seriously and severely that his actions ft into the concept of fundamental breach of contract. This general rule applies to all breaches of contract, but the termination of contract can be achieved in certain cases independently of the concept of fundamental breach of contract. Within context of specific subtitles in this work the conditions for termination the contract are specified and analyzed in situation where that right acquires the buyer, because of the sellerā€™s breach of his characteristic contractual obligations, and when that right is acquired by the seller, on the basis of typical breach of contract by the buyer. In conclusion, it is noted that it is in the creditorā€™s interest that, before deciding to begin with the procedure of realization of termination the contract, analyze the existing situation in detailed manner and comprehensively because he cannot always be sure that he will be able to finish that procedure successfully.Raskid ugovora kao pravno sredstvo koje na najteži način pogađa ugovorni odnos dopuÅ”ten je, pod određenim ograničenjima i uslovima, i u pravnom režimu Bečke konvencije o ugovorima o međunarodnoj prodaji robe. Osnovni uslov koji mora biti ispunjen da bi poverilac stekao to pravo je da je dužnik povredio ugovor tako ozbiljno i teÅ”ko da se njegovo postupanje uklapa u koncept bitne povrede ugovora. Ovo opÅ”te pravilo važi za sve povrede ugovora, ali pored toga raskid je moguće steći i van koncepta bitne povrede ugovora u određenim slučajevima. U okviru posebnih podnaslova u radu su izloženi i analizirani uslovi za raskid ugovora u situaciji kad to pravo stiče kupac, zbog propusta prodavca u izvrÅ”enju njegovih karakterističnih ugovornih obaveza, kao i kad to pravo stiče prodavac, na osnovu tipičnih povreda ugovora od strane kupca. U zaključku se konstatuje da je u interesu poverioca da, pre nego Å”to odluči da započne realizaciju prava na raskid ugovora, detaljno i svestrano analizira postojeću situaciju jer on ne može uvek biti siguran da će to pravo i ostvariti


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    The paper analyzes specific rules of consumer protection in distance contracts and contracts concluded between consumer and trader in a place that is not the traderā€™s business premises (off-premises contracts). Special protection is necessary because the above-mentioned techniques of concluding the contract are at risks for consumers, the most significant being that they donā€™t have the opportunity to verify the quality and characteristic of the product or service they buy in distance contracts, as well as the fact that they often conclude off-permises contracts under traderā€™s psychological pressure. This protection manifests primarily as traders additional obligations in respect of pre-contract informing, consumerā€™s right of withdrawal the contract, the obligation of the trader to deliver the goods or performe service not later than 30 days and the ban of inertia selling.U ovom radu se razmatraju specfčna pravila zaÅ”tite potroÅ”ača kod ugovora koji se zaključuju na daljinu ili van poslovnih prostorija trgovca. Ta zaÅ”tita je potrebna zato Å”to navedene tehnike zaključenja ugovora nose određene rizike po potroÅ”ače, od kojih su najznačajniji taj Å”to oni nemaju mogućnost da se pre kupovine uvere u kvalitet i svojstva proizvoda ili usluge koje kupuju, kao i okolnost Å”to u tim uslovima oni često zaključuju ugovor pod psiholoÅ”kim pritiskom trgovca. Specijalna zaÅ”tita potroÅ”ača kod ugovora na daljinu i van poslovnih prostorija se manifestuje, pre svega, kao pooÅ”trena obaveza trgovaca u pogledu predugovornog informisanja potroÅ”ača, u pravu potroÅ”ača da odustane od ugovora, u vidu obaveze trgovca da u određenom roku izvrÅ”i ugovor, kao i kroz zabranu da se potroÅ”ačima isporučuju nenaručene poÅ”iljke ili da im pružaju nenaručene usluge


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    The article discusses the importance and scope of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Vienna Convention) and its contribution to the unification of the Law of international sale of goods. Although it does not regulate all matters relating to international sale of goods, the Vienna Convention is undoubtedly the most frequently used source of law for contracts for the international sale of goods. Containing substantive rules to regulate this, the most common, legal operation in international business, the CISG, 30 years after being signed, confirms its successful implementation throughout the world. The paper analyses parts of the Vienna Convention, as chapters of this article, through the prism of the views of leading international scientists, which were presented at the International Conference held at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law in November 2010. The paper underlines current and outstanding issues regarding the application and interpretation of the CISG, and the solutions to these problems proposed by different authors. This article pays particular attention to issues of content and conclusion of the sales contracts, lack of conformity of delivered goods, and remedies for non-performance of the contract and the exclusion of contractual liability. In addition, the paper analyses the advantages and disadvantages of international conventions as a source of uniform rules governing contracts for the international sale of goods, as well as the relation of the Vienna Convention and other (especially newer) instruments of unification, which may be applied to regulate this most common legal operation in international business.U radu se razmatra značaj i domaÅ”aj Konvencije UN o ugovorima o međunarodnoj prodaji robe (Bečka konvencija), kao i njen doprinos unifikaciji prava međunarodne prodaje robe. Delovi Bečke konvencije su, kao poglavlja u ovom radu, razmatrani kroz prizmu stavova vodećih međunarodnih naučnika koji su izloženi na Međunarodnoj konferenciji održanoj na Pravnom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu novembra 2010. godine. Ukazano je na aktuelna i otvorena pitanja u vezi sa primenom i tumačenjem Bečke konvencije, o kojima različiti autori daju svoja viđenja za reÅ”avanje ovih problema. U radu je posebna pažnja posvećena pitanjima zaključenja i sadržine ugovora o prodaji, nesaobraznosti isporučene robe, kao i pravnim sredstvima za neizvrÅ”enje ugovora i isključenju ugovorne odgovornosti. Pored toga, razmatrane su prednosti i nedostaci međunarodnih konvencija kao izvora uniformnih pravila za regulisanje ugovora o međunarodnoj prodaji robe, kao i odnos Bečke konvencije i drugih (naročito novijih) instrumenata unifikacije, kojima se može regulisati ovaj najčeŔći posao u međunarodnom poslovanju


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    In this article we have been researching the contract for the international sale of goods i.e we have been examining the criteria and standards which are to qualify the international sale of goods. In the focus of the researches were subjective criteria of qualification which were considered regarding personal and territorial standards, and later objective and mixed i.e subjective-objective criteria which qualify the contract for the international sale of goods. The fact that a contract for the sale of goods has different legal effects in different legal systems has cleared the path in sense of conducting researches comparative law in national legislation, as well as rules contained in international sources i.e. in international conventions as means of unification which organize this most frequent legal affair regarding international trade. In this way, we have comparatively examined the sale system with property law effect and sale with obligation law effect. At the same time we have discussed both civil and collision law's aspects of the very important principle for this contract - autonomy of the will. In cases of dispute or by the will of the parties the specific national law will be applied to some questions regarding this contract with a foreign element, we have paid attention to applicable national law concerning contract for the international sale of goods, especially for its validity.U ovom radu istraživali smo kada je ugovor o prodaji - ugovor o međunarodnoj prodaji, tj. ispitivali smo kriterijume i merila koji kvalifikuju prodaju robe međunarodnom. U fokusu istraživanja bili su subjektivni kriterijumi kvalifikacije, razmatrani kroz personalna i teritorijalna merila, potom objektivni i meÅ”oviti, tj, subjektivno-objektivni kriterijumi koji kvalifikuju kao takav ugovor o međunarodnoj prodaji robe. Činjenica da ugovor o prodaji ima različita pravna dejstva u različitim pravnim sistemima, trasirala je put istraživanja i ka uporednopravnim reÅ”enjima u nacionalnim zakonodavstvima, a potom i ka reÅ”enjima sadržanim u međunarodnim izvorima, tj. međunarodnim konvencijama kojima se pokuÅ”ava unifikacija pravila koja uređuju ovaj - najčeŔći pravni posao u međunarodnoj trgovini. Tako smo, komparativno, ispitali sistem stvarnopravnog i obligacionopravnog dejstva ugovora o prodaji, razmotrivÅ”i i građanskopravni i kolizionopravni aspekt načela autonomije volje, koje je važno za ovaj ugovor. Kako, voljom stranaka ili u slučaju spora, dolazi do primene određenog nacionalnog prava na pojedina pitanja ovog ugovora sa elementom inostranosti, pažnju smo posvetili i merodavnom nacionalnom pravu za ugovor o međunarodnoj prodaji robe, naročito za njegovu punovažnost

    Zahtev za izvrÅ”enje ugovora prema Bečkoj konvenciji o ugovorima o međunarodnoj prodaji robe

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    The subject of this article is the analysis of the rules of the Vienna Convention on the claim for specific performance of the contract. The general rule is that a creditor can always require specific performance of the contract, except when he chooses another remedy contrary to it, or in case when the contractual obligation has become impossible to perform. In addition to these general limitations of its use, which apply to all requests for performance of contract, the buyerā€™s request for delivery of substitute goods or for remedy the lack of conformity by repair are the subjects on some special restrictions. However, even when the claim to perform the contract is allowed according to the Convention, it is not a guarantee that the contract can be fullfiled by enforced performance since this source of law allows the courts to resolve this issue finally by applying the lex fori. Although this solution is an expression of compromise between conflicting views on this issue in national laws which was necessary in order to ensure the wider acceptance of the Convention, but that has been achieved at the expense of its uniform application
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