108 research outputs found
The impact of silicone hydrogel contact lenses on the measurement of intraocular pressure using non-contact tonometry
© 2017, Institut za Vojnomedicinske Naucne Informacije/Documentaciju. All rights reserved. Background/Aim. Measurement of intraocular pressure (IOP) over therapeutic silicone hydrogel soft contact lenses by a non-contact method of tonometry could be applied in opthalmologic practice but the results obtained are still controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of spherically designed silicone hydrogel soft contact lenses and their power on values of IOP measured by using a non-contact tonometry method. Methods. We measured IOP with and without spherical silicone hydrogel soft contact lenses on 143 eyes of 80 subjects who did not have any ocular or systemic diseases. Results. The Wilcoxon statistical analysis test for ranking average values of IOP measured on 143 eyes over a spherical silicone hydrogel soft contact lenses showed significantly higher values compared to those measured with no contact lenses (15.81 ± 3.46 mm Hg vs 14.54 ± 3.19 mm Hg; respectively; Z = -5.224, p = 0.001). Refractive power analysis of the contact lenses of -9.00D to +6.00 D showed a significant difference of IOP in the range from 0.00D to -6.00D. Conclusion. Non-contact tonometry is not an accurate method of IOP measuring over spherical silicone hydrogel soft contact lenses which belong to therapeutic contact lenses
The measurement and analysis of economic growth dynamics in european countries
In this paper, the quantitative aspect of economic growth, i.e. its dynamics, is dealt with. Although it is common to observe the growth rate (intensity) when analyzing the growth dynamics of countries while neglecting growth variability, the fact that covering fluctuations in growth rates has clear motivation and practical significance is presented. On a sample of European countries, including Serbia, growth intensity and stability are analyzed in the paper in order to construct a growth dynamics indicator and an adjusted growth rate based upon these two components. Based upon the two constructed indicators, the position of each country in the sample and in the region (Western and Eastern Europe) which they belong to is analyzed. The detailed analysis and results indicate the importance of this approach when analyzing and comparing the economic growth of individual countries in the medium term and in the long term and when assessing effects on future economic growth and wellbeing
Microwave-assisted synthesis of n-doped carbon quantum dots for the photocatalytic removal of methylene blue from wastewater
Wastewater treatment is an emerging problem in the industrialized world. The development of new semiconducting materials with the potential to be used in photocatalysis is the focus of the scientific community. Here, we present the synthesis of N-doped carbon quantum dots (NCQDs) using microwave radiation. N-CQDs were synthesized by irradiation of glucose solution in the presence of ammonia hydroxide as a nitrogen doping agent at low temperature (100 °C), low applied microwave power (100 and 200 W), and for a short period of time (60 s). The possible application of N-CQDs as a catalyst for photocatalytic degradation of Methylene Blue (MB) dye under blue light, green light, red light, and daylight was investigated. The highest values of MB degradation were observed for the samples exposed to red light with a maximum of 58.8 % for N-CQDs sample prepared at the reactor power of 200 W exposed to red light for 2 h
Novi dinuklearni Au(III) kompleks: Sinteza, karkterizacija i ispitivanje interakcija sa DNK
Considering that gold(III) complexes are isostructural and isoelectronic with platinum(II)
complexes, the synthesis, characterization and study of their biological activity were very
common in the last few years. We have synthesized new dinuclear gold(III) complex with
1.5-naphtiridine as bridging ligand. The structure of this complex was confirmed by
different analytical methods (IR, UV-Vis,1H NMR, mass analysis, conductometry). The
study of the interactions between complex and DNA was performed by UV-Vis
spectrofotometry, fluorescence spectroscopy and viscosity measurement. Based on the
results of UV-Vis spectrofotometry can be concluded that complex binds to DNA.
According to the results obtained by fluorescence spectroscopy and by viscosity
measurement, the covalent binding mode between complex and DNA was confirmed.https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/bitstream/handle/123456789/5079/SHD58_Book_of_abstracts_1.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=yPublishe
Information and Communication Technologies in Education as a Stimulus to Economic Development
Education has always been a driving force behind economic prosperity. However, this has become especially important in a globalized knowledge- and new-technology-based economy. The research presented in this paper focuses on the relationship between ICT, population education, and economic growth and development. The analysis of this relationship is based on the latest data collected from relevant national and international institutions. The results obtained from a survey conducted at the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, are also analyzed. The paper highlights the challenges faced by the education systems in general, and the education system of the Republic of Serbia in particular, confronted with the new wave of technological innovation which is fundamentally changing the nature of work and imposing new requirements with regard to the necessary knowledge and skills. Our research results indicate that ICT and education have been recognized by the Government of the Republic of Serbia as the important determinants of economic and the overall social development
Microwave synthesis of N-CQDs : effect of wavelength on degradation of organic pollution in water
Industries today realis high amounts of different hazards into the environment without any pre– treatment, which is why the remediation from organic pollution still represents one of the most important issues in waste water treatment. Organic dyes from textile industry are one of the extremely geno‒toxic and cyto‒toxic pollutants. Thus, finding the appropriate photocatalyst for the treatment of contaminated water under sunlight is still a challenging work from economical and green chemistry approach. Here we present a microwave assisted synthesis of nitrogen doped carbon quantum dots with high efficiency in degradation of Rose Bengal organic dye from water under visible, blue, green and red light irradiation in batch system. The effect of microwave irradiation power and time on size and photocatalytic activity of synthesized dots were also investigated
Tumor necrosis factor-alpha as differential diagnostic marker for patients with fever of unknown origin
© 2019, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science. All rights reserved. Febrile conditions of unidentified origin are still unknown in modern medicine despite the development of diagnostic procedures. There are various agents of long-term temperature encompassing numerous infectious or non-infectious diseases. The aim of this study was to determine if there was a statistically significant difference in the values of proinfl ammatory cytokines (IL-1, TNFa, IL-6) in patients who meet the criteria for febrile conditions of unidentified origin, between the group of infectious, malignant, rheumatic, “other” diseases and undiagnosed patients. The study was conducted in the Immunology laboratory of the Center for Molecular Medicine and Stem Cells Research of the Faculty of Medical Sciences in Kragujevac. Blood samples were taken from patients tested at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases, of the Clinical Center of Kragujevac, in the period from 2014 to 2016. The study included 70 patients. The measured values of the level of TNFa showed significantly higher values in a group of malignant diseases than in the group of infectious diseases, while the values of IL-1 and IL-6 did not show statistical significance. TNFa can improve diagnosing in case of patients with an unknown febrile condition, which can shorten the length of the hospital stay and reduce the volume of performance of diagnostic procedures
Rheological behavior of za27 alloy semi-solid slurries and Al2O3 particulate / ZA27 composite slurries
The rheology of Al2O3 particulate/ZA27 composite slurries has been investigated and compared with that of the matrix ZA27 alloy. The influence of processing variables on the rheological behavior of semi-solid mixtures (SSMs) was examined. The mixing power change of SSMs was determined by the "electric method“ in the temperature range from 479 to 440˚C, at constant cooling rate. Mixing of ZA27 alloy SSM was carried out using cylindrical stirrer and paddle stirrer, while SSMs of composites were mixed using paddle stirrer only. On the basis of experimental measurements the values of the most important rheological parameters (apparent viscosity and shear rate) were calculated. It was noticed that apparent viscosity of SSMs of composites containing small Al2O3 particles is higher comparing to that of composites with large Al2O3 particles.Publishe
Разбирање на здравствениот контекст за имплементација на нова дигитална психосоцијална интервенција за подобрување на менталното здравје во Северна Македонија
The aim of this study was to identify the contextual attributes in North Macedonia and their characteristics relevant to the implementation of a new digital intervention to improve mental health, called DIALOG+. This research is the first of its kind in North Macedonia due to the analysis of contextual attributes that may affect the effectiveness of the intervention and its acceptability in various settings of mental health care. Some of the data processed in this paper were provided and analyzed by the National Mental Health Strategy 2018-2025 and other relevant accompanying documents from the World Health Organization and action plans, as well as through interviews with stakeholders (patients, carers, clinicians and policy makers) for their opinion before introducing the DIALOG + intervention and the report on the assessment of the situation in the centers where the implementation of the intervention should have started. The collected data were then mapped to a framework developed by the Ottawa Implementation Group, which included 14 contextual attributes. The results are summarized in 2 subgroups, and are presented as facilitators and barriers to implementation, specific to the mental health system in North Macedonia. The characteristics of DIALOG + (widely applicable psychosocial intervention) are in accordance with modern assumptions for psychosocial rehabilitation of patients with psychosis. Hence, we can conclude that it is a useful tool for professionals in monitoring and achieving the true vision and mission of these institutions. It will help patients reintegrate into society, become more independent and use their full potential in the pursuit of healthy and functional living.Целта на оваа студија беше да ги идентификува контекстуалните атрибути во Северна Македонија и нивните карактеристики релевантни за спроведување на нова дигитална интервенција за подобрување на менталното здравје, наречена DIALOG+. Ова истражување е прво од ваков вид во Северна Македонија поради анализата на контекстуалните атрибути што може да влијаат на ефективноста на интервенцијата и на нејзината прифатливост во различни поставки на здравствената заштита на менталното здравје. Дел од податоците обработени во овој труд се обезбедени и анализирани од Националната стратегија за ментално здравје 2018-2025 и други соодветни придружни документи од Светската здравствена организација и акциски планови, како и преку интервјуа со засегнатите страни (пациенти, негуватели, клиничари и креатори на политики) за нивното мислење пред воведување на интервенцијата DIALOG+ и извештајот за проценка на состојбата во центрите каде требаше да се започне со имплементирање на интервенцијата. Потоа, собраните податоци беа мапирани на рамката развиена од Групата за имплементација на Отава, која вклучува 14 контекстуални атрибути. Резултатите беа сумирани во 2 подгрупи, и се прикажани како фацилитатори и бариери за спроведување, специфични за ментално-здравствениот систем во Северна Македонија. Карактеристиките на DIALOG+ (широко применлива психосоцијална интервенција) се во согласност со современите претпоставки за психосоцијална рехабилитација на пациенти со психоза. Оттука, може да заклучиме дека претставува корисна алатка за професионалците во следење и остварување на вистинската визија и мисија на овие установи. Тоа ќе им помогне на пациентите да се реинтегрираат во општеството, да станат понезависни и да ги искористат своите целосни капацитети во потрага по здравствено и функционално живеење
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