42 research outputs found

    Konvolucijske neuronske mreže - primena u preciznoj poljoprivredi

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    A promising concept of artificial intelligence that records intense developments in the field of digital imaging is Deep Learning (DL). More intensive research within this field has been recorded over the past two decades, and has been applied in the agricultural industry as well. This paper will describe the DL technology which represents a part of Machine Learning (ML), based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). It takes a special application in a machine vision where it allows machines to learn from experience, adapt to new technologies, and perform human tasks. Input data can be from a variety of sources: from classic digital camera shots to satellite images, as well as from recordings obtained by means of hyperspectral, thermal and infrared cameras. The increasing popularity and use of trunks in agricultural fields is increasing, and the very application of these new technologies leads to the huge amount of data that needs to be processed in real time, therefore, DL algorithms are increasingly used. The paper will summarize the current and considered possible applications of CNN in primary and precise agriculture in the future.Obećavajući koncept veštačke inteligencije koji beleži intenzivan razvoj u oblasti digitalne obrade slike je duboko učenje (Deep Learning – DL). Intenzivnije istraživanje u okviru ove oblasti beleži se poslednje dve decenije, a primenu poprima i u poljoprivrednoj industiji. U okviru ovog radu opisana je tehnologija DL koja predstavlja deo mašinskog učenja (Machine Learning – ML), bazirajući se na konvolucijske neuralne mreže (Convolution Neural Networks – CNN). Posebnu primenu zauzima u mašinskoj viziji gde omogućava mašinama da uče iz iskustva, prilagođavaju se novim tehnologijama i obavljaju ljudske zadatke. Ulazni podaci mogu biti iz raznovrsnih izvora: od klasičnih digitalnih snimaka kamere do satelitskih snimaka, kao i snimaka dobijenih pomoću hiperspektralnih, termalnih i infrared kamera. Sve je veća popularnost i upotreba dronova na poljoprivrednim površinama, a samom primenom ovih novih tehnologija dolazi se do ogromnog broja podataka koje je potrebno obraditi u realnom vremenu, stoga se i algoritmi DL sve više upotrebljavaju. U radu su prikazane dosadašnje primene CNN u primarnoj i preciznoj poljoprivredi kao i moguće primene DL u budućnosti

    Exercise Attenuates Anabolic Steroids-Induced Anxiety via Hippocampal NPY and MC4 Receptor in Rats

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    The aim of our study was to evaluate the effects of chronic administration of nandrolone-decanoate (ND) or testosterone-enanthate (TE) in supraphysiological doses and a prolonged swimming protocol, alone and in combination with ND or TE, on anxiety-like behavior in rats. We investigated the immunohistochemical alterations of the hippocampal neuropeptide Y (NPY) and melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) neurons, as a possible underlying mechanism in a modulation of anxiety-like behavior in rats. Both applied anabolic androgenic steroids (AASs) induced anxiogenic effect accompanied with decreased serum and hippocampal NPY. The exercise-induced anxiolytic effect was associated with increased hippocampal NPY expression. ND and TE increased the number of MC4R, while the swimming protocol was followed by the reduction of MC4R in the CA1 region of the hippocampus. However, NPY/MC4R ratio in hippocampus was lowered by AASs and elevated by exercise in all hippocampal regions. An augmentation of this ratio strongly and positively correlated to increased time in open arms of elevated plus maze, in the context that indicates anxiolytic effect. Our findings support the conclusion that alterations in both hippocampal NPY and MC4R expression are involved in anxiety level changes in rats, while their quantitative relationship (NPY/MC4R ratio) is even more valuable in the estimation of anxiety regulation than individual alterations for both NPY and MC4R expression in the hippocampus

    Cardiovascular Properties of the Androgen-Induced PCOS Model in Rats: The Role of Oxidative Stress

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a multifaced reproductive endocrinopathy affecting 6-20% of women of childbearing age. It was previously shown that women with PCOS have an increased risk of cardiovascular (CV) diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cardiodynamic parameters of isolated rats' hearts, blood pressure levels, and histomorphological changes in the heart tissue following the androgen-induced PCOS model in rats and the role of oxidative stress in the development of these CV properties of PCOS. 21-day-old female rats (n=12) were divided into control and PCOS groups. PCOS was induced by administration of testosterone enanthate (1 mg/kg BW, daily) during 35 days. During the autoregulation protocol (40-120 mmHg) on the Langendorff apparatus, ex vivo cardiodynamic parameters of retrogradely perfused hearts showed enhanced contractile function and increased lusitropic effects in the left ventricle (LV) in PCOS rats. Systolic and diastolic pressures in LV were elevated at all perfusion pressure values. Systemic arterial systolic blood pressure showed borderline elevation, while mean arterial blood pressure was significantly higher in PCOS rats. Histological evaluation of heart tissue depicted hypertrophic (8.3%) alterations in LV cardiomyocytes and increase (7.3%) in LV wall thickness. Oxidative stress parameters were altered in systemic circulation, coronary venous effluent (CVE), and heart tissue. Levels of superoxide dismutase and reduced glutathione were decreased in blood and heart tissue, while catalase activity was not altered. Degree of lipid peroxidation was increased in circulation as well as heart tissue. Increased levels of O2- in CVE indicated the cardiotoxic effects in the rat PCOS model. The mentioned alterations of oxidative stress parameters in the blood, CVE, and heart could be recommended as potential contributors underlying the development of CV risk in PCOS women

    Normotensive rats with PCOS exhibit the hypertensive pattern: focus on oxidative stress

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    Numerous evidence implies complex interrelations between polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and hypertension (HT) in reproductive-age women. In this study, we aimed to investigate the potential strain differences in ovarian morphology, hemodynamic, and biochemical characteristics in an androgen-induced PCOS rat model. A total of 24 rats of 3 weeks old (12 Wistar Kyoto - WK and 12 spontaneously hypertensive rats - SHR) were divided into four groups: WK, WK PCOS, SHR, and SHR PCOS. PCOS was induced by daily s.c. injections of testosterone enanthate (1 mg/100 g body weight) administered for 5 weeks. PCOS induction led to estrus cyclicity cessation, cystic ovarian appearance, and sex hormones disturbances in both strains. The morphometric parameters in ovaries were altered in a manner of PCOS-related changes in both strains (higher number in preantral, atretic, and cystic follicles). Ultrasonographically, a significant decrease in ovarian volume (OV) was registered in PCOS groups but also in SHR compared to WK rats. All blood pressure parameters were higher in SHR compared to WK. PCOS modeling increased systolic, mean arterial, and pulse pressure in WK strain, while in SHR, only mean arterial and pulse pressure were higher. Alterations in oxidative stress parameters could provide a molecular basis for PCOS-related changes: in PCOS groups, thiobarbituric acid reactive substance and superoxide anion radical levels were higher in both strains, while superoxide dismutase and glutathione were significantly lowered

    The Impact of Hippocampal Sex Hormones Receptors in Modulation of Depressive-Like Behavior Following Chronic Anabolic Androgenic Steroids and Exercise Protocols in Rats

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate alterations in depressive-like behaviors in rats following chronic administration of a supraphysiological dose of anabolic androgenic steroids (AASs) as well as exposure to a prolonged exercise protocol. The role of hippocampal sex hormones receptors in the modulation of depressive-like behavior was also assessed. A total of 48 male Wistar albino rats were divided into six groups: control, exercise (1 h/day, five consecutive days), nandrolone-decanoate (ND, 20 mg/kg/week, in a single dose), exercise plus ND, testosterone-enanthate (TE, 20 mg/kg/week, in a single dose), and exercise plus TE. After the 6-week protocols were complete, the rats underwent behavioral testing in the tail suspension test (TST). Rats were sacrificed for the collection of blood samples, to determine sex hormones levels, and isolation of the hippocampus, to determine [androgen receptors (AR) and estrogen receptors α (ERα)] expression. ND and TE treatment induced significant depressive-like behavior, opposing the antidepressant effect of exercise. Chronic TE administration elevated testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) serum levels, and this was augmented by exercise. In contrast, ND and exercise alone did not alter T or DHT levels. There were no changes in serum estradiol levels in any of the groups. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that exercise reduced AR immunoreactivity in all hippocampal regions and increased the ERα expression in the CA1, dentate gyrus (DG), and total hippocampal sections, but not in the CA2/3 region. AASs administration increased AR expression in all hippocampal regions, although not the total hippocampal section in the TE group and did not significantly decrease ERα. The hippocampal AR/ERα expression index was lowered while parvalbumin (PV)-immunoreactivity was enhanced by exercise. AASs administration increased the AR/ERα index and reduced PV-immunoreactivity in the hippocampus. The number of PV-immunoreactive neurons negatively correlated with the antidepressant effects and the AR/ERα ratio. Our results suggest a potential role of the numerical relationship between two sex hormones receptors (stronger correlation than for each individual receptor) in the regulation of depressive-like behavior via the hippocampal GABAergic system in rats, which allow better understanding of the hippocampal sex hormones receptors role in modulation of depressive-like behavior

    Behavioural Effects of Short-term Total Food Restriction in Rats

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    Redukcija unosa hrane može dovesti do smanjenja anksioznosti kod pacova. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj kratkotrajnog (48 h), potpunog prekida unosa hrane na ponašanje, kao i motoričku koordinaciju i ravnotežu kod pacova. Tri meseca stari, muški Wistar albino pacovi (n=20), težine 350-400 g su podeljeni u kontrolnu grupu (unos hrane i vode ad libitum) i eksperimentalnu grupu - potpuni prekid unosa hrane 48 h pre testiranja. Bihejvioralna istraživanja su sprovedena uz korišćenje testova: „otvorenog polja”, „uzdignutog krstastog lavirinta”, Barnsovog lavirinta, „hodanja po gredi”, „izazvanog hodanja po gredi “ i linearnog lokomotornog testa. Ukupno pređeno rastojanje, brzina, kretanje i frekvencija ulazaka u centralnu zonu „otvorenog polja” su bili značajno veći u tretiranoj grupi. Ukupno vreme provedeno u centralnoj zoni „otvorenog polja” se nije značajno povećalo u tretiranoj grupi. Broj ulazaka u otvorene krake, ukupno vreme provedeno u otvorenim kracima i ukupno pređeno rastojanje u „uzdignutom krstastom lavirintu” su bili značajno povećani, dok se brzina nije menjala kod životinja bez unosa hrane. 48 h potpunog prekida unosa hrane nije imalo uticaja na parametre testa Barnsovog lavirinta, kao ni na parametre linearnog lokomotornog testa. Brzina registrovana kod testa „hodanja po gredi” se nije menjala usled restrikcije unosa hrane, ali se brzina registrovana kod testa „ izazvanog hodanja po gredi” značajno smanjila u grupi tretiranih životinja. Sumarno, kratkotrajni potpuni prekid unosa hrane nije izazvao značajne promene fi zičke sposobnosti pacova, ali je na ponašanje ispoljio efekte koji podsećaju na anksiolitičko dejstvo, uz obrasce koji podsećaju na traženje hrane usled povećane motivacije da se obezbedi hran

    Behavioural effects of short-term total food restriction in rats

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    © 2014 University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science. All rights reserved. Reducing food intake can decrease anxiety indices in rats. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of short-term (48 hours) total food restriction on the behavioural characteristics, the motor coordination and balance, of rats. Th ree-month-old male Wistar albino rats (n=20) weighing 350-400 g were divided into a control group (food and water intake ad libitum) and an experimental group (total food restriction 48 hours before testing). Behavioural studies were performed using the open field, elevated plus maze, Barnes maze, beam walking, evoked beam walking and linear locomotor tests. The total distance moved, the velocity, the movement and the frequency in the centre zone of the open field were significantly higher in the treated group. The cumulative duration in the centre zone of the open field did not significantly increase in the treated group. The number of entries into the open arms, the total time spent in the open arms and the total distance moved in the elevated plus maze significantly increased with no change in the velocity in the food-restricted animals. The 48 hours of total food restriction did not aff ect the Barnes maze test parameters or the parameters of the linear locomotor test. The velocity recorded during the beam walking test was not aff ected by the food restriction, but the velocity recorded during the evoked beam walking test significantly decreased in the treated group. In summary, short-term total food restriction did not produce significant changes in the physical performance of rats but did result in anxiolytic- like behaviour accompanied by food-seeking behaviour due to enhanced motivation to forage for food

    The opposite effects of nandrolone decanoate and exercise on anxiety levels in rats may involve alterations in hippocampal parvalbumin-positive interneurons.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavioral effects of chronic (six weeks) nandrolone decanoate (ND, 20 mg/kg, s.c., weekly in single dose) administration (in order to mimic heavy human abuse), and exercise (swimming protocol of 60 minutes a day, five days in a row/two days break), applied alone and simultaneously with ND, in male rats (n = 40). Also, we evaluated the effects of those protocols on hippocampal parvalbumin (PV) content and the possible connection between the alterations in certain parts of hippocampal GABAergic system and behavioral patterns. Both ND and exercise protocols induced increase in testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and estradiol blood levels. Our results confirmed anxiogenic effects of ND observed in open field (OF) test (decrease in the locomotor activity, as well as in frequency and cumulative duration in the centre zone) and in elevated plus maze (EPM) test (decrease in frequency and cumulative duration in open arms, and total exploratory activity), that were accompanied with a mild decrease in the number of PV interneurons in hippocampus. Chronic exercise protocol induced significant increase in hippocampal PV neurons (dentate gyrus and CA1 region), followed by anxiolytic-like behavioral changes, observed in both OF and EPM (increase in all estimated parameters), and in evoked beam-walking test (increase in time to cross the beam), compared to ND treated animals. The applied dose of ND was sufficient to attenuate beneficial effects of exercise in rats by means of decreased exercise-induced anxiolytic effect, as well as to reverse exercise-induced augmentation in number of PV immunoreactive neurons in hippocampus. Our results implicate the possibility that alterations in hippocampal PV interneurons (i.e. GABAergic system) may be involved in modulation of anxiety level induced by ND abuse and/or extended exercise protocols

    The effects of N-acetylcysteine on cisplatin-induced cardiotoxicity on isolated rat hearts after short-term global ischemia

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the protective effect of N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC) against cisplatin-induced cardiotoxicity under conditions of ischemic-reperfusion injury. Wistar albino rats were randomly divided into three groups (n = 8): control, cisplatin (5 mg/kg/w, i.p., 5 weeks) and cisplatin + NAC group (cisplatin – 5 mg/kg/w, i.p. and NAC – 500 mg/kg/w, i.p., 5 weeks). Isolated hearts were perfused according to the modified Langendorff technique at constant pressure (70 cmH2O). Following cardiodynamic parameters were measured: maximum rate of left ventricular pressure development, minimum rate of left ventricular pressure development, left ventricular systolic pressure (SLVP), left ventricular diastolic pressure and heart rate. The ischemic vasodilation episodes were induced by the complete interruption of coronary inflow for 30, 60 and 120 s. The samples of the coronary venous effluent (CVE) were continuously collected during the reperfusion period for determination of coronary flow (CF) rate and oxidative stress markers (H2O2, O2−, NO2− and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances – TBARS). Cisplatin reduced CF, heart rate and overflow (total, maximal and duration of overflow) during reperfusion, and increased SLVP (under basal conditions and after global ischemias). Cisplatin increased levels of H2O2 (under basal conditions), O2− and TBARS (under basal conditions and after ischemia), but decreased NO2− levels (during reperfusion) in CVE, and decreased superoxide dismutase and reduced glutathione in serum. NAC attenuated cisplatin-induced changes of cardiodynamic parameters (except CF under basal conditions) and oxidative stress parameters. Those results suggest that NAC, by decreasing oxidative stress, may be useful in cardioprotection during cisplatin therapy

    The Effects of Methionine-Enriched and Vitamins (Folate, Pyridoxine and Cobalamine)-Deficient Diet on Exploratory Activity in Rats - A Brief Report

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of increased homocysteine levels induced by methionine nutritional overload (twice as standard) and deficiency of the vitamins folate, pyridoxine and cobalamine, which plays an important role in homocysteine metabolism in anxiety-related behaviour, expressed by means of exploratory activity in rats. Twenty-three male Wistar albino rats (4 weeks old, 100±15 g body weight) were divided into three groups: control (n=8), methionine-enriched (Meth+, 7.7 g of methionine/kg chow, n=7) and methionine-enriched vitamin-deficient (Meth+Vit-, 7.7 g of methionine/ kg chow, deficient in folate, pyridoxine and cobalamine - 0.08, 0.01 and 0.01 mg/kg, n=8). All animals had free access to food and water for 30 days. Behavioural testing was performed using the elevated plus maze (EPM) test. Standard parameters for vertical exploratory activity, the number of rearings and the number of head-dippings, as well as the total exploratory activity (summarizing overall exploratory activity in the EPM) were significantly reduced following 30 days of methionine nutritional overload (p<0.05, p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively). A methionine-enriched diet coupled with a reduction in some B vitamins resulted in a more pronounced decline in exploratory drive observed in the EPM test compared to the control (p<0.01). The decline in total exploratory activity associated with vitamin deficiency was significant compared to the Meth+ group (p<0.05). The results of this study highlight the important role of homocysteine in the modulation of exploratory activity in rats. Decreased exploratory drive induced by both a methionine-enriched and vitamin-deficient diet could be attributed to an anxiogenic effect of hyperhomocysteinemia