9 research outputs found

    Učinci siromaštva na razinu sigurnosti hrane u zemljama bivše Jugoslavije

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    This paper examines factors that affect the level of food security in the former Yugoslavia (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro and Macedonia). The data on the basis of which the research was carried out were collected from the national statistics and the database of the World Bank for the period 2006–2018, and as a statistical method, the multivariant analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used. The results obtained indicate that there is a statistically significant correlation between the gross domestic product per capita (),growthofurbanpopulation,growthofruralpopulation,percentageofundernourishedpopulationandpovertyrate.Differencesbetweencountriesintermsofthesefactorsindicatetheleveloffoodsecurity.UraduseispitujucˇimbenicikojiutjecˇunarazinusigurnostihraneubivsˇojJugoslaviji(Srbija,BosnaiHercegovina,Hrvatska,Slovenija,CrnaGoraiMakedonija).PodacinatemeljukojihjeprovedenoistrazˇivanjeprikupljenisuiznacionalnestatistikeibazepodatakaSvjetskebankezarazdobljeod2006.do2018.godine,akaostatisticˇkametodaupotrijebljenajemultivarijantnaanalizavarijance(MANOVA).Dobivenirezultatipokazujudapostojistatisticˇkiznacˇajnakorelacijaizmeđubrutodomacˊegaproizvodapostanovniku(), growth of urban population, growth of rural population, percentage of undernourished population and poverty rate. Differences between countries in terms of these factors indicate the level of food security.U radu se ispituju čimbenici koji utječu na razinu sigurnosti hrane u bivšoj Jugoslaviji (Srbija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Hrvatska, Slovenija, Crna Gora i Makedonija). Podaci na temelju kojih je provedeno istraživanje prikupljeni su iz nacionalne statistike i baze podataka Svjetske banke za razdoblje od 2006. do 2018. godine, a kao statistička metoda upotrijebljena je multivarijantna analiza varijance (MANOVA). Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da postoji statistički značajna korelacija između bruto domaćega proizvoda po stanovniku (), rasta urbanoga stanovništva, rasta ruralnoga stanovništva, postotka pothranjenoga stanovništva i stope siromaštva. Razlike među zemljama u pogledu ovih čimbenika upućuju na razinu sigurnosti hrane


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    Ovaj rad ima za cilj pokušati rekonceptualizirati, rezimirati i analizirati glavna naslijeđa brazilskog filozofa i edukatora Paula Freirea i prikazati njegov značaj za socijalni rad. S obzirom na to da se mali broj autora bavio ovom temom, rad prije svega teži pružiti koherentniji okvir već istraženih Freireovih ideja u kontekstu socijalnog rada. Naime, prikazat će se na koji način njegove ideje poput kritičke pedagogije, refleksivne prakse, kritičkog razmišljanja, dijaloga, osnaživanja, reciprociteta i mnoge druge, utječu na praksu socijalnog rada. Naime, spomenute Freireove ideje koje su relevantne za kontekst socijalnog rada grupirane su u tri područja: (1) kritički socijalni rad, osnaživanje i preispitivanje pozicije socijalnog rada u društvu, (2) ideje koje se mogu koristiti za rekonceptualizaciju odnosa socijalnog radnika i korisnika i (3) ideje koje idu u pravcu promišljanja o rastu i razvoju socijalnih radnika kao profesionalaca. Nakon analize spomenutih pojmova i područja, na kraju rada ostavljen je prostor za ocjenu relevantnosti Freireovih teorijskih okvira u cilju razvoja ključnih kompetencija profesije socijalnog rada koje su usmjerene na dijalog, progresivne društvene promjene i općenito cjelokupan socijalni razvoj, kao i za izazove u kontekstu suvremenog socijalnog rada.The aim of this paper is to attempt to reconceptualise, sum up and analyse the main heritage of the Brazilian philosopher and educator Paul Freire and present its significance for social work. Since few authors analysed this issue, the paper will primarily aim to provide a more coherent framework of Freire’s ides in the context of social work that have already been examined. Namely, the paper will present in what manner his ides, such as critical pedagogy, reflexive practice, critical thinking, dialogue, empowerment, reciprocity and many others, influence social work practice. The aforementioned Freire’s ideas which are relevant for social work are grouped into three areas: (1) critical social work, empowerment and re-evaluation of the position of social work in society, (2) ideas that could be used for reconceptualisation of the relationship between a social worker and a client, and (3) ideas directed towards reflection on growth and development of social workers as professionals. Following the analysis of the aforementioned concepts and areas, the final part of the paper leaves room for assessing the relevance of Freire’s theoretical frameworks with the aim of developing key competences of the social work profession which are focused on dialogue, progressive social changes and overall social development, as well as on the challenges in the context of contemporary social work


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    Rad daje prikaz problema rasizma i njegove relevantnosti u kontekstu socijalnog rada. U radu će se ukratko analizirati glavna obilježja rasizma kao društvene konstrukcije i kao dinamične sile koja se mijenja tijekom vremena i pod dubokim je utjecajem političkih, ekonomskih i društvenih snaga. Nakon toga, rad teži locirati njegove različite vrste u strukturama socijalnih institucija i prikazati antirasističku praksu socijalnog rada, kao i uloge socijalnih radnika u redukciji ovoga fenomena. Kako su etnička osjetljivost, osnaživanje i kulturna kompetentnost konstitutivni elementi antirasističkog socijalnog rada − operacionalizacija ovih koncepata analizirana je u nastavku teksta. Na kraju, ostavljen je prostor za otvaranje rasprave o pitanjima poboljšanja kompetentnosti socijalnih radnika kako bi se ovom problemu pristupilo proaktivnije i učinkovitije.The paper presents the problem of racism and its relevance in the context of social work. The aim of the paper is to briefly analyse the main features of racism as a social construct and a dynamic force that evolves over time and is strongly influenced by political, economic and social forces. Further, the paper seeks to locate its various forms within the structures of social institutions and to present the anti-racist practices of social work, as well as the roles social workers perform in reducing this phenomenon. As ethnic sensitivity, empowerment and cultural competence are constituents of anti-racist social work, the operationalisation of these concepts is analysed further in the text. Finally, in order to approach this problem in a more proactive and effective way, room is left for a discussion on how to improve the competences of social workers

    Kulturalna kompetentnost stručnjaka u sustavima socijalne skrbi u Srbiji i Hrvatskoj – međudržavna usporedba

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    The paper aims to analyse and compare the knowledge, attitudes and practices of social welfare employees in Serbia and Croatia when it comes to the domain of cultural competence. 101 participants from both countries participated in the research, the data were collected online, using a questionnaire developed for the purposes of this research. The main results of this research indicate a lack of application of the cultural competence principle when it comes to professionals in both countries, as well as a minimal involvement of institutions/organisations in dealing with this topic. At the end of the paper, the authors make recommendations in the direction of more proactive and culturally competent professionals in the field of social welfare in both countries.Cilj je rada analizirati i usporediti znanja, stavove i prakse stručnjaka u socijalnoj skrbi Republike Srbije i Republike Hrvatske na području kulturalne kompetentnosti. U istraživanju je sudjelovao po 101 sudionik iz obje države, a podaci su prikupljeni online, upotrebom upitnika konstruiranog za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Rezultati upućuju na nedostatak primjene principa kulturalne kompetentnosti kada su u pitanju stručni radnici u obje države, kao i ograničen angažman ustanova/organizacija u bavljenju ovom tematikom. Autori na kraju daju preporuke u smjeru poticanja proaktivnijih i kulturalno kompetentnijih stručnjaka u sustavima socijalne skrbi ovih država


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    Agricultural and rural development is a very current issue in the world. Today, agriculture is expected to meet the growing demands for the production of a sufficient amount of food. So, it is necessary to increase productivity in agriculture, while taking into account the longterm agricultural sustainability. The implementation of digitalization in agriculture leads to increased productivity, enables the growth of agricultural producers’ profits and maintenance of food security. The aim of the paper is to analyze the application of digitalization in agriculture on farms in AP Vojvodina. In the paper 46 farms from the territory of AP Vojvodina were surveyed as part of the research. The results of the research showed that digital technology is still not used enough on farms in AP Vojvodina, and the main limiting factors are financial resources, education and lack of different types of training

    Review of the standpoints regarding the content of the article 5 of the proposal for the European Union's artificial intelligence act: The challenge of finding the balance

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    Although the application of artificial intelligence in almost all areas is not new, in the last few years intensive work has been done on its legal regulation. Despite the fact that only initial steps have been taken, it is obvious that the European Union is investing great efforts and resources in order to play a leading role in this process. In April 2021, one of the most important legal documents in this area was adopted - the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council Laying Down Harmonised Rules on Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Act) and Amending Certain Union Legislative Acts. The authors deal with the analysis of Article 5 of this Draft Regulation, which lays down the cases in which the use of artificial intelligence should be banned. Taking into account that there is still not enough knowledge and experience regarding the consequences of the use of artificial intelligence, available different attitudes are explored. The fact that the legislation of the Republic of Serbia should be harmonized with the legal regulations of the European Union, which corresponds to the goals stated in the Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2020-2025, also contributes to the special significance of this research

    Civil society organisations as the support to inclusive education of Roma pupils in the territory of AP Vojvodina

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    Romi predstavljaju jednu od najsiromašnijih i najugroženijih grupa u Republici Srbiji sa akutnim socijalnim problemima i trpe posledice dugotrajnog i snažnog društvenog isključivanja, koje se odražava na njihovo zaposlenje, obrazovanje, korišćenje zdravstvenih i socijalnih usluga itd. Diskriminacija prema Romima predstavlja problem u svim aspektima društvenog života, a istraživanja u Republici Srbiji (Mitrović 2003; Raduški 2009, Cvejić 2014, MICS 2014) pokazuju da je ona vrlo visoka (i) u domenu obrazovanja. Ova konstatacija je posebno značajna za ovo istraživanje jer posredstvom sistematskih i ranih intervencija na smanjenju diskriminacije u oblasti obrazovanja, otvara se mogućnost za poboljšanjem kvaliteta života romske populacije u svim drugim domenima. Iako ne postoje egzaktni podaci o tačnom broju romske dece u sistemu obrazovanja, pojedina istraživanja (UNICEF 2010, Baucal 2012; Cvejić 2014; MICS 2014) prikazuju i upozoravaju na njihov veoma nepovoljan položaj u Republici Srbiji. Obrazovna struktura romske populacije prikazuje ogromne razlike u odnosu na ostale stanovnike Srbije i potpuno drugačije karakteristike koje su uslovljenje (pre svega) njihovom teškom socio-ekonomskom situacijom. Ta razlika se odražava na manji obuhvat romske dece u sistemu obrazovanja, viši stepen osipanja iz sistema 5 obrazovanja, niža školska postignuća (niži prosek ocena) u odnosu na opštu populaciju, veći broj opravdanih i neopravdanih časova, lošiji sociometrijski status u odeljenju itd., a sve ovo prati i suočavanje sa stereotipima i predrasudama koji su duboko ukorenjeni i percipiraju se kao činjenice. S obzirom na pomenutu negativnu obrazovnu strukturu romske populacije, rad pretenduje da pruži dublji uvid u rad organizacija civilnog društva kao podrške romskoj deci ka socijalnom uključivanju u obrazovni sistem. Predmet istraživanja biće usmeren na analizu programa i aktivnosti organizacija civilnog društva (u daljem tekstu OCD) i na analiziranje i ispitivanje delotvornosti njihove podrške kada je u pitanju inkluzija romske dece u obrazovni sistem. Istraživanje će biti sprovedeno u četiri grada u AP Vojvodini: Novi Sad, Subotica, Sombor i Kikinda. Praćenje će obuhvatiti programe i aktivnosti koji su sprovedeni u školskoj 2017/2018 godini, a obuhvatiće OCD koje u svom statutu definišu ciljeve u vezi sa inkluzijom Roma u obrazovanju u pomenutim gradovima i pružaju programe i aktivnosti koje doprinose inkluziji romske dece u obrazovni sistem. Naučni značaj ovog istraživanja ogleda se u sistematizovanju i produbljivanju saznanja o organizacijama civilnog društva i njihovim doprinosima, dometima, potencijalima i perspektivama u procesu inkluzije romske dece u obrazovni sistem. Produbljivanje naučnih saznanja o uticajima organizacija civilnog društva u ovom kontekstu svakako su bitni preduslovi za bolje razumevanje politike socijalnog uključivanja romske dece u sistem obrazovanja i unapređenje same inkluzivne prakse. Društveni značaj ogleda se u: - ukazivanju na doprinose OCD na obrazovnu inkluziju romske dece, - pružanju potpunije slike o radu OCD u kontekstu socijalnog uključivanja, 6 - upoznavanju sa aktuelnim problemima romske populacije. Pored toga, ovo istraživanje može da ponudi mogućnosti za razmatranje dugoročne i održive podrške u razvoju kapaciteta OCD i do efikasnijeg angažmana OCD u kontekstu socijalnog uključivanja romske dece u obrazovni sistem. U tom smislu, praktična korist bi mogla da bude integracija delotvornih programa i aktivnosti OCD u zvanične socijalne i/ili obrazovne politike i/ili mere. Istraživanje se oslanja na kvalitativne i kvantitativne metode, a po svom karakteru je deskripitvno i ekplanatorno. Pored toga, rad se oslanja i na analizu sadržaja relevantnih javnih dokumenata, zakonskih regulativa i statističkih podataka. Pomoću sociometrijske metode istražiće se aspekti socijalnih odnosa romske dece unutar odeljenja, odnosno njihov sociometrijski status u vršnjačkoj grupi kao osnov za procenu stepena uključenosti/isključenosti romske dece koja su korisnici programa i aktivnosti OCD u odnosu na decu iz opšte populacije i drugu romsku decu u sistemu obrazovanja. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 179 romskih učenika, između 9 i 10 godina, od kojih su 76 korisnici programa i aktivnosti OCD i 103 učenika koji nisu korisnici programa i aktivnosti OCD. Od 179 romskih učenika 97 su devojčiće, a 82 su dečaci. U programima i aktivnostima OCD uključeno je 40 devojčica i 36 dečaka, dok je van programa i aktivnosti OCD 57 devojčica i 46 dečaka. Uzorak predstavljaju romski učenici iz 8 osnovnih škola (četvrti razredi) sa visokim procentom romske dece u pomenutim gradovima (iz svakog grada po dve škole). Pored toga, pomoću odgovarajućih intervjua (posredstvom unapred strukturiranog upitnika) ispitani su zastupnici OCD koje u svom statutu navode inkluziju Roma kao jedan od ciljeva. Ovi upitnici pretenduju da ispitaju trenutno 7 stanje OCD (aktuelne programe i aktivnosti) i samoprocenu kapaciteta za rad sa romskom decom, kao i stepen saradnje sa osnovnim školama i drugim relevatnim akterima u ovom kontekstu. Nakon toga, intervjuisano je (posredstvom unapred strukturiranog upitnika) i 28 učitelja/ica iz pomenutih osnovnih škola, iz odabranih gradova sa teritorije AP Vojvodine. Konačno, posredstvom intervjua ispitano je i 24 romske porodice; 12 romskih porodica čija su deca uključena u programe i aktivnosti OCD i 12 romskih porodica čija deca nisu korisnici programa i aktivnosti OCD . Analizirajući dobijene rezultate, odnosno programe i aktivnosti OCD, ali i saradnju i kooperaciju između OCD, škola i romskih roditelja utvrđeno je da OCD predstavljaju značajnu podršku romskoj deci u sistemu obrazovanja. Rad takođe ukazuje i na sukob odnosno diskrepanciju između potreba zajednice i raspoloživih resursa OCD na teritoriji AP Vojvodine. Nalazi istraživanja jasno sugerišu da se glavne barijere odnose na finansijsku nestabilnost i neodrživost OCD, nedostatak saradnje sa školama i na izostajanje adekvatne podrške grada i/ili države, odnosno čitave zajednice. Naime, uprkos nedostatku finansijskih i drugih resursa, ukoliko sagledamo nalaze istraživanja, odnosno objektivne pokazatelje prikupljene iz školskih dosijea moramo da priznamo pozitivan uticaj OCD i njihovu značajnu ulogu u kreiranju podrške romskim učenicima u obrazovnom sistemu.The Roma people represent one of the poorest and the most vulnerable groups in Serbia with acute social problems and they suffer the consequences of long-lasting and strong social exclusion that reflects on their employment, education, use of health and social services, etc. Discrimination against Roma is a problem in all aspects of social life, and the research in the Republic of Serbia (e.g. Mitrović, 2003; Raduški, 2009: Baucal, 2012, Cvejić, 2014, MICS, 2014) point to high discrimination in the domain of education. This finding is especially important for this research, because through systematic and early intervention on reducing discrimination in the field of education, the opportunity occurs for improving the quality of life of the Roma population in all other domains. Although there is no precise data on the exact number of Roma children in the education system, some studies (UNICEF, 2010, Baucal, 2012; Cvejić, 2014; MICS, 2014) show and warn of their very unfavorable situation in the Republic of Serbia. The educational structure of the Roma population shows tremendous differences in relation to other Serbian residents and completely different characteristics that are caused (primarily) by their difficult socio-economic situation. This difference reflects on the smaller inclusion of Roma children in the education system, the higher level of dropout from the education system, lower school achievements (lower average grade) 9 compared to the general population, a higher number of excused and unexcused absences, poorer socio-metric status within the class, etc. all this is followed by confrontation with stereotypes and prejudices that are deeply rooted and often perceived as facts. In view of the abovementioned negative educational structure of the Roma population, the dissertation seeks to provide a deeper insight into the work of civil society organizations in support of Roma children towards social inclusion in the education system. The research topic was focused on analyzing the programs and activities of civil society organizations (hereinafter referred to as CSOs) and analyzing and examining the effectiveness of their support when it comes to the inclusion of Roma children in the education system. The research was carried out in four cities in AP Vojvodina: Novi Sad, Subotica, Sombor and Kikinda, while monitoring will include programs and activities implemented in the school year 2017/2018 by CSOs that have the goals related to the inclusion of Roma defined in their Statute.The scientific significance of this research is reflected in the systematization and deepening of knowledge about civil society organizations and their contributions, ranges, potentials and perspectives in the process of inclusion of Roma children in the educational system. The proliferation of scientific knowledge about the impact of civil society organizations in this context is certainly a prerequisite for a better understanding of the policy of social inclusion of Roma children in the education system and the promotion of inclusive practice itself. Social importance is reflected in: - pointing out the contributions of CSOs to the educational inclusion of Roma children, 10 - providing a more complete picture of the work of CSOs in the context of social inclusion, - gaining the insight into the current problems of the Roma population. In addition, this research can offer opportunities to consider long-term and sustained support in developing CSO capacities and more effective engagement of CSOs in the context of social inclusion of Roma children in the education system. In that sense, the practical benefit could be the integration of effective CSO programs and activities into official social and/or educational policies and/or measures. The research relies on qualitative and quantitative methods, and is descriptive and explanatory in its character. In addition, the work relies on analyzing the content of relevant public documents, legal regulations and statistical data. Using the socio-metric method, the aspects of the social relations of Roma pupils within the class were investigated, i.e. their socio-metric status in the peer group as a basis for assessing the degree of involvement/exclusion of Roma children who are beneficiaries of CSO programs and activities in relation to children from the general population and other Roma children in the education system. The sample comprised of 179 Roma pupils aged 9 and 10, from 8 primary schools (fourth grades) with a high percentage of Roma children in these cities; of which 76 pupils were beneficiaries of programs and activities of CSOs (40 girls and 36 boys), and the remaining 103 were not included in these programs and activities (57 girls and 46 boys). Additionally, through appropriate interviews (through a pre-structured questionnaire), representatives of CSOs which in their Statute cite the inclusion of Roma as one of the goals were examined. These questionnaires tend to examine the current state of CSOs (current programs and activities) and the self-assessment of the capacity to work with Roma children, as well 11 as the degree of cooperation with primary schools and other relevant actors in this context. After that, 28 teachers from the mentioned schools, from selected cities from the territory of AP Vojvodina were interviewed (through a pre-structured questionnaire). Finally, through the interview, 24 Roma families will be examined; 12 Roma families whose children are involved in CSO programs and activities and 12 Roma families whose children are not beneficiaries of CSO programs and activities. Analyzing the obtained results, i.e. programs and activities of CSOs, as well as cooperation and cooperation between CSOs, schools, Roma parents and other relevant actors, it was established that CSOs provide significant support to Roma children in the education system. The work also points to a conflict or discrepancy between the needs of the community and the available resources of the CSOs in the territory of AP Vojvodina. That is, the research findings clearly suggest that the main barriers are financial instability and unsustainability, lack of cooperation with schools, and the lack of adequate support from the city and/or the state, or the entire community. Namely, despite the lack of financial and other resources, if we look at the findings of the survey, or objective indicators collected from school files, we must recognize the positive impact of CSOs and their significant role in creating support for Roma pupils in the education system


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    U radu su date problematizacija i analiza značaja kulturne kompetentnosti za socijalni rad, odnosno za praksu socijalnih radnika. Predstavljeni su koncepti i programi multikulturalizma i interkulturalizma kao šireg društvenog konteksta, a posebna pažnja posvećena je konceptu duboke kulture, kao i fenomenu interkulturnog učenja kao preduslovu za kulturno kompetentne prakse. Zatim se razmatraju sami fenomeni kulturne kompetentnosti i kulturno kompetentnih praksi, uz detaljno bavljenje potrebom za obrazovanjem (i postojanjem) kulturno kompetentnog socijalnog radnika

    Structural characterization and dielectric properties of BaTiO3 thin films obtained by spin coating

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    Barium titanate thin films were prepared by spin coating deposition technique of an acetic precursor sol and sintered at 750, 900 and 1050 °C. Phase composition of the obtained thin films was characterized by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. Their morphology was analysed by scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Dielectric properties of thin films sintered at 750 and 900 °C were characterized by LCD device, where the influence of sintering temperature on dielectric permittivity and loss tangent was inspected. It was concluded that higher sintering temperature increases grain size and amount of tetragonal phase, hence higher relative permittivity was recorded. The almost constant relative permittivity in the measured frequency (800 Hz–0.5 MHz) and temperature (25–200 °C) ranges as well as low dielectric loss are very important for the application of BaTiO3 films in microelectronic devices