94 research outputs found

    Bioleaching to reprocess sulfidic polymetallic primary mining residues: Determination of metal leaching mechanisms

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordThe mining of non-ferrous metals produces the largest volume of metal-containing, extractive waste in Europe, and about 29% of all the waste produced in the EU-28. In the framework of the European project NEMO (Near-zero-waste recycling of low-grade sulfidic mining waste for critical-metal, mineral and construction raw-material production in a circular economy), new ways to valorize sulfidic tailings are being developed through the recovery of valuable metals and critical raw materials and the transformation of the residual in clean mineral fraction to be used for the mass production of cement, concrete and construction products. The first step of the NEMO concept consists of removing the sulfides remaining from primary bioleaching and extracting the metals in the residual material (known as ‘secondary ore’) using either enhanced bioleaching or an alkaline autoclave conversion processes. This paper focuses on one of the project case studies, the secondary ore, obtained from an operating heap leaching plant (Terrafame, Finland). This material still contains several sulfide minerals (pyrrhotite, pyrite, sphalerite, pentlandite, violarite, chalcopyrite) and significant amounts of metals (Zn, Ni, Cu, Co, rare earth elements). The study aimed to characterize the mineralogy of the secondary ore and perform bioleaching in 2 L-stirred tank reactors, with three microbial cultures growing at 42, 48 and 55 °C. These results were compared to abiotic experiments, performed under the same conditions. Nickel was released very quickly, suggesting that part of Ni dissolved in the primary heap was re-precipitated and remained in the secondary ore. By contrast, Cu dissolution was much slower but the kinetics were substantially improved when the temperature was increased to 55 °C. Cobalt dissolution kinetics were highly improved by the bacterial activity, whatever the consortium. This is consistent with the presence of Co in the pyrite in the secondary ore.European Union Horizon 202

    First GIS analysis of modern stone tools used by wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in Bossou, Guinea, West Africa

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    Stone tool use by wild chimpanzees of West Africa offers a unique opportunity to explore the evolutionary roots of technology during human evolution. However, detailed analyses of chimpanzee stone artifacts are still lacking, thus precluding a comparison with the earliest archaeological record. This paper presents the first systematic study of stone tools used by wild chimpanzees to crack open nuts in Bossou (Guinea-Conakry), and applies pioneering analytical techniques to such artifacts. Automatic morphometric GIS classification enabled to create maps of use wear over the stone tools (anvils, hammers, and hammers/anvils), which were blind tested with GIS spatial analysis of damage patterns identified visually. Our analysis shows that chimpanzee stone tool use wear can be systematized and specific damage patterns discerned, allowing to discriminate between active and passive pounders in lithic assemblages. In summary, our results demonstrate the heuristic potential of combined suites of GIS techniques for the analysis of battered artifacts, and have enabled creating a referential framework of analysis in which wild chimpanzee battered tools can for the first time be directly compared to the early archaeological record.Leverhulme Trust [IN-052]; MEXT [20002001, 24000001]; JSPS-U04-PWS; FCT-Portugal [SFRH/BD/36169/2007]; Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Researc

    Hydraulic retention time affects bacterial community structure in an As-rich acid mine drainage (AMD) biotreatment process.

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    Arsenic removal consecutive to biological iron oxidation and precipitation is an effective process for treating As-rich acid mine drainage (AMD). We studied the effect of hydraulic retention time (HRT)-from 74 to 456 min-in a bench-scale bioreactor exploiting such process. The treatment efficiency was monitored during 19 days, and the final mineralogy and bacterial communities of the biogenic precipitates were characterized by X-ray absorption spectroscopy and high-throughput 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The percentage of Fe(II) oxidation (10-47%) and As removal (19-37%) increased with increasing HRT. Arsenic was trapped in the biogenic precipitates as As(III)-bearing schwertmannite and amorphous ferric arsenate, with a decrease of As/Fe ratio with increasing HRT. The bacterial community in the biogenic precipitate was dominated by Fe-oxidizing bacteria whatever the HRT. The proportion of Gallionella and Ferrovum genera shifted from respectively 65 and 12% at low HRT to 23 and 51% at high HRT, in relation with physicochemical changes in the treated water. aioA genes and Thiomonas genus were detected at all HRT although As(III) oxidation was not evidenced. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence of the role of HRT as a driver of bacterial community structure in bioreactors exploiting microbial Fe(II) oxidation for AMD treatment

    Genome Sequence of Halomonas sp. Strain A3H3, Isolated from Arsenic-Rich Marine Sediments

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    We report the genome sequence of Halomonas sp. strain A3H3, a bacterium with a high tolerance to arsenite, isolated from multicontaminated sediments of the l'Estaque harbor in Marseille, France. The genome is composed of a 5,489,893-bp chromosome and a 157,085-bp plasmid

    Structure, Function, and Evolution of the Thiomonas spp. Genome

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    Bacteria of the Thiomonas genus are ubiquitous in extreme environments, such as arsenic-rich acid mine drainage (AMD). The genome of one of these strains, Thiomonas sp. 3As, was sequenced, annotated, and examined, revealing specific adaptations allowing this bacterium to survive and grow in its highly toxic environment. In order to explore genomic diversity as well as genetic evolution in Thiomonas spp., a comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) approach was used on eight different strains of the Thiomonas genus, including five strains of the same species. Our results suggest that the Thiomonas genome has evolved through the gain or loss of genomic islands and that this evolution is influenced by the specific environmental conditions in which the strains live

    Franco-Japanese and other collaborative contributions to understanding chimpanzee culture at Bossou and the Nimba Mountains

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    The Japanese approach to science has permitted theoretical leaps in our understanding of culture in non-human animals and challenged human uniqueness, as it is not embedded in the Western traditional dualisms of human/animal and nature/culture. This paper highlights the value of an interdisciplinary approach and combining methodological approaches in exploring putative cultural variation among chimpanzees. I focus particularly on driver ants (Dorylus sp.) and oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) consumption among the Bossou and Nimba chimpanzees, in south-eastern Guinea at the border with Côte d’Ivoire and Liberia, and hand use across different tool use tasks commonly witnessed at Bossou, i.e. ant-dipping, nut-cracking, pestle-pounding, and algae-scooping. Observed variation in resource use was addressed across differing scales exploring both within- and between-community differences. Our findings have highlighted a tight interplay between ecology, social dynamics and culture, and between social and individual learning and maternal contribution to tool-use acquisition. Exploration of hand use by chimpanzees revealed no evidence for individual-level hand or community-level task specialisation. However, more complex types of tool use such as nut-cracking showed distinct lateralization, while the equivalent of a haptic manual action revealed a strong right hand bias. The data also suggest an overall population tendency for a right hand preference. As well as describing these sites’ key contributions to our understanding of chimpanzees and to challenging our perceptions of human uniqueness, this paper also highlights the critical condition and high levels of threats facing this emblematic chimpanzee population, and several questions that remain to be addressed. In the spirit of the Japanese approach to science, I recommend that an interdisciplinary and collaborative research approach can best help us to challenge perceptions of human uniqueness and to further our understanding of chimpanzee behavioural and social flexibility in the face of local social, ecological and anthropogenic changes and threats to their survival