192 research outputs found

    Automatizing the Evaluation of Model Matching Systems

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    International audienceModel-Driven Engineering (MDE) and the Semantic Web are valuable paradigms. This paper sketches how to use a scientific and technical result around MDE in the Semantic Web. The work proposes a mechanism to automatize the evaluation of model matching algorithms. The mechanism involves megamodeling and a Domain Specific Language named AML (AtlanMod Matching Language). AML allows to implement matching algorithms in a straightforward way. We present how to adapt the mechanism to the ontology context, for example, to the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI)

    Virtual Composition of EMF Models

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    National audienceModel composition is a very important modeling task as it allows to combine various perspectives of a system (represented by various models) into a single specialized view (a composed model). Several approaches have been proposed to tackle this problem, but they present some important limitations concerning efficiency, interoperability, and/or synchronization issues (mainly due to the element cloning mechanism used to create the composed model). In this paper we propose a new model composition method based on the virtualization of the composition mechanism. In our approach, the composed model is in fact created as a virtual model that redirects all its model access and manipulation requests directly to the set of base models from which it was generated. This is done transparently for the designer. Our mechanism improves the composition process with relation to the limitations mentioned above. The solution has been implemented and validated in a prototype tool on top of EMF.La composition de modèles est une tâche de modélisation très importante car elle permet de combiner différents points de vue d'un système (qui est représenté par divers modèles) en une seule vue spécialisée (un modèle composé). Plusieurs approches ont été proposées pour aborder ce problème, mais elles présentent d'importantes limitations concernant l'efficacité, l'interopérabilité, et/ou les problèmes de synchronisation (principalement en raison du mécanisme de clonage d'éléments utilisé pour la création du modèle composé). Dans cet article nous proposons une nouvelle méthode de composition des modèles basée sur la virtualisation du mécanisme de composition. Dans notre approche, le modèle composé est en fait créé comme un modèle virtuel qui redirige toutes ses demandes d'accès et de manipulation directement à l'ensemble des modèles de base à partir desquelles il a été généré. Cela se fait d'une manière transparente pour le concepteur. Notre mécanisme améliore le processus de composition par rapport aux limitations mentionnées ci-dessus. La solution a été implémentée et validée dans un prototype développé sur EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework)

    Combining Model-Driven Engineering and Cloud Computing

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    Service-orientation and model-driven engineering are two of the most dominant software engineering paradigms nowadays. This position paper explores the synergies between them and show how they can benefit from each other. In particular, the paper introduces the notion of Modeling as a Service (MaaS) as a way to provide modeling and model-driven engineering services from the cloud

    Automatizing the Evaluation of Model Matching Systems

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    International audienceModel-Driven Engineering (MDE) and the Semantic Web are valuable paradigms. This paper sketches how to use a scientific and technical result around MDE in the Semantic Web. The work proposes a mechanism to automatize the evaluation of model matching algorithms. The mechanism involves megamodeling and a Domain Specific Language named AML (AtlanMod Matching Language). AML allows to implement matching algorithms in a straightforward way. We present how to adapt the mechanism to the ontology context, for example, to the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI)

    Megamodeling Software Platforms: Automated Discovery of Usable Cartography from Available Metadata

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    International audienceModel-driven reverse engineering focuses on automatically discovering models from different kinds of available information on existing software systems. Although the source code of an application is often used as a basic input, this information may take various forms such as: design "models", bug reports, or any kind of documentation in general. All this metadata may have been either built manually or generated (semi)automatically during the whole software life cycle, from the specification and development phase to the effective running of the system. This paper proposes an automated and extensible MDE approach to build a usable cartography of a given platform from available metadata by combining several MDE techniques. As a running example, the approach has been applied to the TopCased MDE platform for Embedded & Real-Time Systems

    Refining Models with Rule-based Model Transformations

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    Several model-to-model transformation languages have been primarily designed to easily address the syntactic and semantic translation of read-only input models towards write-only output models. While this approach has been proven successful in many practical cases, it is not directly applicable to transformations that need to modify their source models, like refactorings. In this paper we investigate the application of a model-to-model transformation language to in-place transformations, by providing a systematic view of the problem, comparing alternative solutions and proposing a transformation semantics to address this problem in ATL

    Adaptation of Models to Evolving Metamodels

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    The problem of automatic or semi-automatic adaptation of models to their evolving metamodels is gaining importance in the Model-Driven community. Recent approaches propose to adapt models using predefined information (i.e., a trace of changes). Unfortunately, this information is not always available in practice. In many situations metamodels evolve without keeping track of the applied changes. We propose a more general two step solution. First step computes equivalences and differences between the metamodels and saves these into a ``weaving model''. This weaving model acts as a high-level specification of adaptation transformation. Second step translates this model into an executable transformation. This technical report shows the results obtained in applying the approach on two concrete scenarios: a Petri net metamodel, and the Netbeans Java metamodel

    Measuring Model Repositories

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    International audienceWe first present a model repository that has been built as part of the open source Eclipse GMT/AM3 project (Generative Modeling Technology/ATLAS MegaModel Management). Several contributed artifacts present in this repository are organized into sets of models of similar nature called zoos. The structure of the repository will be rapidly described. Its content is very rapidly extending, providing a publicly available source of experimental data to evaluate real life sets of model engineering artifacts. As an initial experiment, this paper shows how the elements contained in the AM3 zoos can be measured. Some examples of such measurements are provided for illustration purposes

    A Domain Specific Language for Expressing Model Matching

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    National audienceA matching strategy computes mappings between two models by executing a set of heuristics. In this paper, we introduce the AtlanMod Matching Language (AML), a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for expressing matching strategies. AML is based on the Model-Driven paradigm, i.e., it implements model matching strategies as chains of model transformations. A matching model transformation takes a set of models as input, and yields a mapping model as output. We present a compiler that takes AML programs and generates ATL (AtlanMod Transformation Language) and Apache Ant code. The ATL code instruments the matching model transformations, and the Ant code orchestrates their execution. We evaluate this implementation on two strategies including robust matching transformations from the literature

    Industrialization of Research Tools: the ATL Case

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    Research groups develop plenty of tools aimed at solving real industrial problems. Unfortunately, most of these tools remain as simple proof-of-concept tools that companies consider too risky to use due to their lack of proper user interface, documentation, completeness, support, etc that companies expect from commercial-quality level tools. Based on our tool development experience in the AtlanMod research team, specially regarding the evolution of our ATL model transformation tool, we argue in this paper that the best solution for research teams aiming to create high-quality and widely-used tools is to industrialize their research prototypes through a partnership with a technology provider
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