278 research outputs found

    Histophotograph showing the peripapillary scleral flange (white double arrows) which functions as “bridge” between the sclera just outside of the optic nerve meninges (long black arrow) and the lamina cribrosa of the optic nerve head (yellow arrows), and which forms the anterior border of the orbital cerebrospinal fluid space (black asterisk).

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    <p>Histophotograph showing the peripapillary scleral flange (white double arrows) which functions as “bridge” between the sclera just outside of the optic nerve meninges (long black arrow) and the lamina cribrosa of the optic nerve head (yellow arrows), and which forms the anterior border of the orbital cerebrospinal fluid space (black asterisk).</p

    Graph showing the distribution of the distance between the peripapillary arterial circle of Zinn-Haller and the peripapillary ring in relation to axial length.

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    <p>Graph showing the distribution of the distance between the peripapillary arterial circle of Zinn-Haller and the peripapillary ring in relation to axial length.</p

    Correlations between axial length and scleral thickness measurements obtained in different regions of the eye in non-axially elongated eyes.

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    <p>Correlations between axial length and scleral thickness measurements obtained in different regions of the eye in non-axially elongated eyes.</p

    Scatterplot showing the correlation between the thickness of the peripapillary scleral flange and the central lamina cribrosa thickness in adult human non-glaucomatous eyes (<i>P</i> = 0.03; correlation coefficient: 0.23); equation of the regression line: Central Lamina Cribrosa Thickness (um) = 263×(Thickness of the Peripapillary Scleral Flange (mm))+303 um.

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    <p>Scatterplot showing the correlation between the thickness of the peripapillary scleral flange and the central lamina cribrosa thickness in adult human non-glaucomatous eyes (<i>P</i> = 0.03; correlation coefficient: 0.23); equation of the regression line: Central Lamina Cribrosa Thickness (um) = 263×(Thickness of the Peripapillary Scleral Flange (mm))+303 um.</p

    Measurements of the scleral cross sectional area (mm<sup>2</sup>) and estimated scleral volume (mm<sup>3</sup>).

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    <p>Measurements of the scleral cross sectional area (mm<sup>2</sup>) and estimated scleral volume (mm<sup>3</sup>).</p

    Graph showing the distribution of the distance between the peripapillary arterial circle of Zinn-Haller (ZHAC) and the inner scleral surface in relation to axial length.

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    <p>Graph showing the distribution of the distance between the peripapillary arterial circle of Zinn-Haller (ZHAC) and the inner scleral surface in relation to axial length.</p

    Histophotograph showing the optic nerve head of a non-highly myopic eyes with the peripapillary arterial circle of Zinn-Haller (red arrows), located at the merging point of the dura mater (black arrows) with the scleral at the end of the peripapillary scleral flange (between green arrows), the pia mater (yellow arrows), and the peripapillary ring (white arrows).

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    <p>Histophotograph showing the optic nerve head of a non-highly myopic eyes with the peripapillary arterial circle of Zinn-Haller (red arrows), located at the merging point of the dura mater (black arrows) with the scleral at the end of the peripapillary scleral flange (between green arrows), the pia mater (yellow arrows), and the peripapillary ring (white arrows).</p

    Scleral Thickness at Different Measurement Points in Human Enucleated Eyes.

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    <p>Scleral Thickness at Different Measurement Points in Human Enucleated Eyes.</p

    Histo-photograph showing the location of the scleral thickness measurement (between the two red arrows) at the merging point of dura mater with the posterior sclera.

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    <p>Histo-photograph showing the location of the scleral thickness measurement (between the two red arrows) at the merging point of dura mater with the posterior sclera.</p

    Histomorphometric Measurements in Enucleated Human Globes (Mean±Standard Deviations).

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    <p>ZHAC: Peripapillary arterial circle of Zinn-Haller</p><p><i>P</i>-Value (1): Statistical significance of the difference between the non-highly myopic non-glaucomatous group and the non-highly myopic glaucomatous group</p><p><i>P</i>-Value (2): Statistical significance of the difference between highly myopic non-glaucomatous group and the highly myopic glaucomatous group</p><p><i>P</i>-Value (3): Statistical significance of the difference between non-highly myopic groups and the highly myopic groups</p
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