19 research outputs found

    Projekt grijanja, hlađenja i ventilacije obiteljske kuće s otvorenim bazenom

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    U ovom radu daje se idejno rješenje cjelogodišnjeg sustava grijanja, hlađenja i ventilacijske obiteljske kuće smještene u okolici grada Šibenika. Kako je kuća planirana kao niskoenergetska, kao rješenje će se razmotriti dizalica topline sa tlom kao toplinskim spremnikom. Kao ogrjevni i rashladni medij se koristi voda koja radi u niskotemperaturnom režimu 35/30°C u vrijeme grijanja, dok se režim 16/19°C koristi za hlađenje. Zbog niskotemperaturnog režima rada za ogrjevna i rashladna tijela koristi se panelni sustav grijanja i hlađenja. Za proračune toplinskog opterećenja zimi i ljeti koriste se norme HRN EN 12831 te VDI 2078. Zbog lokacije na kojoj se kuća nalazi predviđen je i solarni sustav kao potpora za zagrijavanje potrošne tople vode. Također je predviđen i sustav mehaničke ventilacije. Mehanička ventilacija, iako rijetka pojava u obiteljskim kućama na našim prostorima, ima velik značaj, pogotovo zbog toga što je kuća izvedena kao niskoenergetska


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    Satellite DNA - like elements dispersed in the within euchromatin of Tribolium castaneu


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    U radu se analiziraju dva naizgled konkurentna načela – načelo publiciteta zemljišnih knjiga i pravo na zaštitu osobnih podataka. Razmatra se hoće li Opća uredba o zaštiti podataka (GDPR) iz 2018. utjecati na pristup osobnim podatcima u zemljišnim knjigama i njihovu obradu, imaju li nositelji knjižnih prava pravo na zaštitu osobnih podataka te kojim se mjerama takva zaštita može postići. Isto će se tako razmotriti komparativna rješenja u vezi s javnosti zemljišnih knjiga poput estonskog, švicarskog i škotskog te na koji način nove digitalne tehnologije, osim što olakšavaju dostupnost podatcima, mogu pomoći u kontroli pristupa informacijama.The paper analyses two seemingly incompatible principles, the principle of publicity of land registers and the right to protection of personal data. On 25 May 2018, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), entered into force. Therefore, the paper considers how the GDPR will affect personal data in the land register, whether register rights holders have the right to personal data protection, whether they have the right to be forgotten. The paper also considers how new digital technologies, in addition to facilitating access to data can help control with whom data is shared and who has the right to access it

    Dispersed satellite DNA elements and their effect on gene expression

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    Different from dispersed transposable elements whose role in evolution of gene regulation was investigated in diverse model organism, influence of satellites DNA on gene regulation was not investigated till now. To perform potential regulatory function, satellite DNA elements are predicted not only to be present within heterochromatin, but to be distributed in euchromatic portion of the genome, in the vicinity of genes. Within insect species Tribolium castaneum satellite DNAs make a substantial portion of the genome and are major constituents of pericentromeric heterochromatin. The expression of a major heterochromatic T. castaneum satellite DNA TCAST1 proceeds in the form of long double-strand transcripts which are rapidly processed into small interfering RNAs (siRNAs). Satellite DNA expression is strongly induced by heat shock, and increased level of satellite-derived siRNAs is accompanied by increase of repressive epigenetic modifications of histones, H3K9me2-3 at satellite DNA regions. Single repeats or short stretches of the same TCAST1 satellite DNA are also dispersed in the close vicinity of protein-coding genes within euchromatin of T. castaneum. To explore the potential gene-regulatory role of TCAST1 satellite elements, we examined variation of TCAST1 elements among 10 T. castaneum wild-type strains originating from diverse geographic locations, and followed expression of genes that either contain or have in the vicinity polymorphic TCAST1 elements. Gene expression was explored at normal as well as under heat stress conditions. Expression analysis of genes that contain polymorphic TCAST1 elements within introns indicates influence of TCAST1 elements on gene expression under heat stress conditions. The gene expression is effected by the presence of TCAST1 element as well as by the number of repeats within dispersed TCAST1 satellite element. In all cases, TCAST1 elements partially repressed activity of genes after heat shock treatment. It is proposed that TCAST1-associated siRNAs, significantly induced after heat stress, affect epigenetic state of euchromatic regions containing dispersed TCAST1 satellite elements by increasing repressive epigenetic modifications of histones. This is the first demonstration of satellite DNA involvement in the modulation of protein-gene expression and indication for the role of satellite DNA in the evolution of gene regulation

    Dispersion Profiles and Gene Associations of Repetitive DNAs in the Euchromatin of the Beetle Tribolium castaneum

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    ABSTRACT Satellite DNAs are tandemly repeated sequences clustered within heterochromatin. However, in some cases, such as the major TCAST1 satellite DNA from the beetle Tribolium castaneum, they are found partially dispersed within euchromatin. Such organization together with transcriptional activity enables TCAST1 to modulate the activity of neighboring genes. In order to explore if other T. castaneum repetitive families have features that could provide them with a possible gene-modulatory role, we compare here the structure, organization, dispersion profiles, and transcription activity of 10 distinct TCAST repetitive families including TCAST1. The genome organization of TCAST families exhibit either satellite-like or transposon-like characteristics. In addition to heterochromatin localization, bioinformatic searches of the assembled genome have revealed dispersion of all families within euchromatin, preferentially in the form of single repeats. Dispersed TCAST repeats are mutually correlated in distribution and are grouped in distinct regions of euchromatin. The repeats are associated with genes, are enriched in introns relative to intergenic regions, and very rarely overlap exons. In spite of the different mechanisms of repeat proliferation, such as transposition and homologous recombination, all TCAST families share a similar frequency of spreading as well as dispersion and gene association profiles. Additionally, TCAST families are transcribed and their transcription is significantly activated by heat stress. A possibility that such common features of TCAST families might be related to their potential gene-modulatory role is discussed

    Satellite DNA as a driver of population divergence in the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum

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    Tandemly repeated satellite DNAs are among most rapidly evolving sequences in eukaryotic genome, usually differing significantly among closely related species. By inducing changes in heterochromatin and/or centromere, satellite DNAs are expected to drive population and species divergence. However, despite high evolutionary dynamics, divergence of satellite DNA profiles at the level of natural population which precedes and possibly triggers speciation process is not readily detected. Here we characterize minor TCAST2 satellite DNA of the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum and follow its dynamics among wild-type strains originating from diverse geographic locations. The investigation revealed presence of three distinct subfamilies of TCAST2 satellite DNA which differ in monomer size, genome organization and subfamily-specific mutations. Subfamilies Tcast2a and Tcast2b are tandemly arranged within pericentromeric heterochromatin while Tcast2c is preferentially dispersed within euchromatin of all chromosomes. Among strains, TCAST2 subfamilies are conserved in sequence but exhibit a significant content variability. This results in overrepresentation or almost complete absence of particular subfamily in some strains and enables discrimination between strains. It is proposed that homologous recombination, probably stimulated by environmental stress, is responsible for the emergence of TCAST2 satellite subfamilies, their copy number variation and dispersion within genome. The results represent the first evidence for the existence of population-specific satellite DNA profiles. Partial organization of TCAST2 satellite DNA in the form of single repeats dispersed within euchromatin additionally contributes to the genome divergence at the population level

    The impact of influencer-brand compatibility and follower's familiarity with influencer on purchase intention and brand recommendation

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    Oglašavanje ima važnu ulogu u niz procesa suodnosa marke i krajnjeg kupca, namjere i odluke kupnje, namjere ponašanja i stava prema marki. Ovaj rad pokušao je hijerarhijski od općih pojmova doći do ključnih pojmova influencer marketinga te uz pomoć odabranog uzorka potvrditi ili odbaciti određene pretpostavke usko vezane s ovim tipom marketinga. Ispitano je kako utječe influencerovo visoko i nisko podudaranje s markom, kao i potrošačeva upoznatost s radom influencera na namjeru ponašanja. Istraživanje na terenu koje je obuhvatilo 80 ispitanika dovelo je do zaključka da influenceri imaju veći kredibilitet kada je ono što promoviraju slično njihovom imidžu, te većim kredibilitetom lakše utječu na potrošačevu namjeru kupnje i preporuke. Također, stav prema marki i percipirani kredibilitet influencera pozitivniji su kada je potrošač blizak s influencerom, a takav stav također utječe pozitivno na namjere potrošača da kupi i preporuči marku. Ovaj rad i njegovo istraživanje još su jedna potvrda važnosti promocije kao dijela marketing miksa, te on može svojom analizom pomoći kako influencerima, tako i marketinškim stručnjacima i svakom onom tko želi ući u srž ove vrste marketinga