14 research outputs found

    Preparation, characterization and evaluation of the in vivo trypanocidal activity of ursolic acid-loaded solid dispersion with poloxamer 407 and sodium caprate

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    Ursolic acid is a promising candidate for treatment of Chagas disease; however it has low aqueous solubility and intestinal absorption, which are both limiting factors for bioavailability. Among the strategies to enhance the solubility and dissolution of lipophilic drugs, solid dispersions are growing in popularity. In this study, we employed a mixture of the surfactants poloxamer 407 with sodium caprate to produce a solid dispersion containing ursolic acid aimed at enhancing both drug dissolution and in vivo trypanocidal activity. Compared to the physical mixture, the solid dispersion presented higher bulk density and smaller particle size. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy results showed hydrogen bonding intermolecular interactions between drug and poloxamer 407. X-ray diffractometry experiments revealed the conversion of the drug from its crystalline form to a more soluble amorphous structure. Consequently, the solubility of ursolic acid in the solid dispersion was increased and the drug dissolved in a fast and complete manner. Taken together with the oral absorption-enhancing property of sodium caprate, these results explained the increase of the in vivo trypanocidal activity of ursolic acid in solid dispersion, which also proved to be safe by cytotoxicity evaluation using the LLC-MK2 cell line.O ácido ursólico é um candidato promissor para o tratamento da doença de Chagas, contudo este fármaco possui baixa solubilidade aquosa e limitada absorção intestinal, ambos os fatores limitantes da biodisponibilidade. Entre as estratégias para potencializar a solubilidade e a dissolução de fármacos lipofílicos, as dispersões sólidas estão crescendo em popularidade. Neste estudo, empregamos mistura dos tensoativos, poloxamer 407 e caprato de sódio, para produzir dispersão sólida contendo ácido ursólico, com o objetivo de aumentar tanto a dissolução do fármaco quanto a atividade tripanocida in vivo. Comparada à mistura física, a dispersão sólida apresentou maior densidade e menor tamanho de partícula. Os resultados da análise de espectroscopia no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier mostraram interações intermoleculares do tipo ligações de hidrogênio entre o fármaco e o poloxamer 407. Os experimentos de difratometria de raio-X revelaram a conversão do fármaco de sua forma cristalina para a forma amorfa, mais solúvel. Consequentemente, a solubilidade do ácido ursólico em dispersão sólida foi aumentada e o fármaco dissolveu-se de maneira mais rápida e completa. Em conjunto com as propriedades promotoras de absorção oral do caprato de sódio, estes resultados explicaram o aumento da atividade tripanocida in vivo do ácido ursólico em dispersão sólida, que também se provou segura após avaliação de citotoxicidade empregando a linhagem celular LLC-MK2

    Nanocarriers for Nitric Oxide Delivery

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    Nitric oxide (NO) is a promising pharmaceutical agent that has vasodilative, antibacterial, and tumoricidal effects. To study the complex and wide-ranging roles of NO and to facilitate its therapeutic use, a great number of synthetic compounds (e.g., nitrosothiols, nitrosohydroxyamines, N-diazeniumdiolates, and nitrosyl metal complexes) have been developed to chemically stabilize and release NO in a controlled manner. Although NO is currently being exploited in many biomedical applications, its use is limited by several factors, including a short half-life, instability during storage, and potential toxicity. Additionally, efficient methods of both localized and systemic in vivo delivery and dose control are needed. One strategy for addressing these limitations and thus increasing the utility of NO donors is based on nanotechnology

    Solid Dispersion of Ursolic Acid in Gelucire 50/13: a Strategy to Enhance Drug Release and Trypanocidal Activity

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    Solid dispersions (SDs) are an approach to increasing the water solubility and bioavailability of lipophilic drugs such as ursolic acid (UA), a triterpenoid with trypanocidal activity. In this work, Gelucire 50/13, a surfactant compound with permeability-enhancing properties, and silicon dioxide, a drying adjuvant, were employed to produce SDs with UA. SDs and physical mixtures (PMs) in different drug/carrier ratios were characterized and compared using differential scanning calorimetry, hot stage microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), particle size, water solubility values, and dissolution profiles. Moreover, LLC-MK2 fibroblast cytotoxicity and trypanocidal activity evaluation were performed to determine the potential of SD as a strategy to improve UA efficacy against Chagas disease. The results demonstrated the conversion of UA from the crystalline to the amorphous state through XRD. FTIR experiments provided evidence of intermolecular interactions among the drug and carriers through carbonyl peak broadening in the SDs. These findings helped explain the enhancement of water solubility from 75.98 mu g/mL in PMs to 293.43 mu g/mL in SDs and the faster drug release into aqueous media compared with pure UA or PMs, which was maintained after 6 months at room temperature. Importantly, improved SD dissolution was accompanied by higher UA activity against trypomastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi, but not against mammalian fibroblasts, enhancing the potential of UA for Chagas disease treatment.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel SuperiorConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologic

    Development and validation of a HPLC method for quantification of ursolic acid in solid dispersions

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    Ursolic acid is a natural molecule that presents several pharmacological properties. In this work, an analytical method by RP-HPLC has been developed and validated for quantification of this drug in the solid dispersions, using PEG 6000 and Poloxamer 407 as polymers. The method was specific, linear in the range of 1.0-50.0 µg mL-1 (r<0.99), precise (CV < 5% for both inter- and intra-assays), accurate (maximum deviation of ± 13%), and robust to the parameters evaluated. This method has proved to be simple and useful for ursolic acid determination in solid dispersions, enabling its determination in pharmaceutical dosage form

    PVP solid dispersions containing Poloxamer 407 or TPGS for the improvement of ursolic acid release

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    Solid dispersions (SDs) of ursolic acid (UA) were developed using polyvinylpyrrolidone K30 (PVP K30) in combination with non-ionic surfactants, such as D-α-tocopherol polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate (TPGS) or poloxamer 407 (P407) with the aim of enhancing solubility and in vitro release of the UA. SDs were investigated using a 24&nbsp;full factorial design, subsequently the selected formulations were characterized for water solubility, X-ray diffractometry (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), particle diameter, scanning electron microscopy, drug content, physical-chemical stability and in vitro release profile. SDs showed higher UA water-solubility than physical mixtures (PMs), which was attributed by transition of the drug from crystalline to amorphous or molecular state in the SDs, as indicated by XRD and DSC analyses. SD1 (with P407) and SD2 (with TPGS) were chosen for further investigation because they had higher drug load. SD1 proved to be more stable than SD2, revealing that P407 contributed to ensure the stability of the UA. Furthermore, SD1 and SD2 increased UA release by diffusion and swelling-controlled transport, following the Weibull model. Thus, solid dispersions obtained with PVP k-30 and P407 proved to be advantageous to enhance aqueous solubility and stability of UA

    Liposomes and immunoliposomes containing antitumor drugs: development, characterization and evaluation of the efficacy against breast cancer

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    O câncer de mama representa um grave problema de saúde pública. Dentre os fármacos empregados, destaca-se o paclitaxel, um agente citotóxico eficaz, porém associado a severos efeitos colaterais. A metformina hidrocloreto tem obtido resultados promissores para o tratamento de neoplasias, porém é bastante hidrofílica, fator limitante da biodisponibilidade. A rapamicina tem demonstrado sinergismo com paclitaxel e potente atividade antitumoral. Todavia, é um fármaco lipofílico e possui desvantagens. Sistemas nanoestruturados de fármacos como lipossomas PEGlados são largamente empregados para a melhora da farmacocinética e potencialização da ação terapêutica. Ademais, a funcionalização de lipossomas com anticorpos monoclonais pode permitir a entrega seletiva do fármaco encapsulado à célula alvo. No presente trabalho objetivou-se desenvolver e caracterizar lipossomas e imunolipossomas funcionalizados com trastuzumabe, contendo paclitaxel, metformina hidrocloreto e/ou rapamicina, bem como avaliar as formulações através de estudos in vitro e in vivo. Os resultados mostraram que a metformina hidrocloreto foi encapsulada com baixa eficiência, menor que 20%, ao passo que paclitaxel e rapamicina puderam ser co-encapsulados com adequados valores de eficiência de encapsulação, equivalente a 56,32% para paclitaxel e 73,31% para rapamicina, e tamanho de partícula nanométrico, de 136,95 nm em composição biocompatível baseada em SPC:Col:DSPE-PEG(2000). Os dois fármacos apresentaram liberação lenta, e foram convertidos às formas molecular e amorfa, respectivamente para paclitaxel e rapamicina quando encapsulados. Os imunolipossomas foram funcionalizados com elevada eficiência com trastuzumabe e mantiveram o tamanho nanométrico, com adequados valores de encapsulação dos fármacos. Ainda, mostrou-se o sinergismo entre paclitaxel e rapamicina coencapsulados em lipossomas em células triplo negativas (4T1) e houve sinergismo entre os dois fármacos, mediado pelo anticorpo em imunolipossomas frente à linhagem celular HER2 positiva (SKBR3), em virtude do aumento do uptake celular mediado pelo trastuzumabe. Finalmente, os resultados obtidos in vitro foram confirmados in vivo, sendo que os lipossomas com paclitaxel e rapamicina coencapsulados foram capazes de controlar o crescimento tumoral em modelo de câncer de mama triplo negativo, ao passo que o imunolipossoma com os dois fármacos permitiu o controle do crescimento de tumores xenográficos HER2 positivos, cuja média de volume tumoral correspondeu a 25,27%, 44,38% e 47,78% das médias dos volumes tumorais de controle negativo, positivo e lipossoma, respectivamente. Portanto, a formulação desenvolvida nesse trabalho tem potencial para ser avaliada em estudos clínicos.Breast cancer represents a severe public health problem. Among the drugs used in the treatment, paclitaxel is an effective cytotoxic drug, but associated with side effects. Hydrocloride metformin has shown promising results for cancer treatment, however it is very hydrophilic, a limiting factor for bioavailability. Rapamycin has demonstrated synergism with paclitaxel and potent anticancer activity, though it is a lipophilic drug with drawbacks that compromise its bioavailability. Nanostructured drug delivery systems, such as PEGylated liposomes are largely employed for pharmacokinetics improvement and enhancement of therapeutic effect. Furthermore, the functionalization of liposomes with monoclonal antibodies enables the selective delivery of the loaded drug to the target cell. In the present work, we aimed to develop and characterize liposomes and immunoliposomes functionalized with trastuzumab, containing paclitaxel, hydrocloride metformin and/or rapamycin, as well as to evaluate the formulations through in vitro and in vivo studies. The results showed that hydrocloride metformin was encapsulated with low efficiency, less than 20%, on the other hand paclitaxel and rapamycin could be co-loaded with suitable values of encapsulation efficiency, 56.32% for paclitaxel and 73.31% for rapamycin and nanometric particle size, 136.95 nm, based on a SPC:Chol:DSPE-PEG(2000) composition. The two drugs displayed slow release, and were converted to molecular and amorphous form, respectively for paclitaxel and rapamycin when encapsulated. The immunoliposomes were developed with high efficiency with trastuzumab and kept the nanometric size, with adequate encapsulation of drugs. Moreover, herein it was shown the synergism between paclitaxel and rapamycin co-loaded in liposomes in triple negative cells (4T1) and there was synergism between the two drugs mediated by the antibody in immunoliposomes in the HER2-positive cell line (SKBR3), due to the improved cell uptake mediated by trastuzumab. Finally, the results obtained in vitro were confirmed in vivo. Co-loaded paclitaxel and rapamycin were able to control tumor growth in a triple negative breast cancer animal model, while the immunoliposome containing the two drugs allowed for better control of tumor growth in a HER2-positive breast xenograft model, whose average tumor volume corresponded to 25.27%, 44.38% and 47.78% of the tumor volumes of positive control, negative control and liposome, respectively. Therefore, the formulation developed herein has potential to be evaluated in clinical trials

    Solid dispersions containing ursolic acid for the treatment optimization of Chagas disease

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    A doença de Chagas representa um grave problema de saúde pública, afetando principalmente a população de baixa renda, o que a torna negligenciada pela indústria farmacêutica. Atualmente, existe apenas um fármaco disponível para o tratamento, o benzonidazol, porém este apresenta eficácia limitada e está associado a diversos efeitos colaterais. O ácido ursólico, um triterpeno de origem natural, possui atividade tripanocida, porém, sua solubilidade aquosa baixa limita sua biodisponibilidade. Para o aumento da biodisponibilidade tem destaque o uso das dispersões sólidas, onde fármacos lipofílicos são dispersos molecularmente ou no estado amorfo em carreadores hidrofílicos, acarretando um aumento do perfil de dissolução. Neste trabalho, dispersões sólidas e misturas físicas contendo ácido ursólico foram preparadas com os carreadores polietilenoglicol 6000, Gelucire 50/13 e dióxido de silício coloidal, Poloxamer 407 e caprato de sódio, empregando as técnicas de fusão e evaporação do solvente. Os sistemas foram caracterizados através das técnicas de microscopia eletrônica de varredura, espectroscopia do infravermelho com transformada de Fourier, calorimetria exploratória diferencial, microscopia em hot stage e difratometria de raios-X. Em outra etapa, os produtos foram avaliados quanto à solubilidade aquosa, perfil de dissolução in vitro, citotoxicidade em linhagem celular LLC-MK2, e atividade tripanocida em modelo animal. Em conjunto, os resultados mostraram que o fármaco não teve suas propriedades afetadas pela manipulação em misturas físicas, mantendo sua estrutura cristalina. Por outro lado, os experimentos de difratometria de raios-X e as observações microscópicas em hot stage revelaram a alteração do ácido ursólico para o estado amorfo, principalmente para os sistemas preparados pelo método do solvente, enquanto que algumas formulações manipuladas pelo método da fusão exibiram alterações polimórficas. Além disso, evidenciaram-se interações intermoleculares do tipo ligações de hidrogênio para as dispersões sólidas preparadas pelo método do solvente. As alterações do fármaco observadas para as dispersões sólidas preparadas pelo método do solvente aumentaram sua solubilidade e melhoraram seu perfil de dissolução comparado às dispersões sólidas pelo método da fusão e misturas físicas, sendo este aumento maior para os sistemas compostos por Poloxamer 407 + caprato de sódio, seguido por Poloxamer 407, Gelucire 50/13 + dióxido de silício coloidal e PEG 6000, o que pode ser atribuído ao poder tensoativo dos três primeiros carreadores. As formulações mostram-se seguras até a concentração de 128 ?M do fármaco, através da avaliação da citotoxicidade. Por último, o ursólico teve um aumento significativo da atividade tripanocida para a formulação composta pelo tensoativo Poloxamer 407 junto com o promotor de absorção oral caprato de sódio, manipulada pelo método do solvente, sugerindo o aumento da biodisponibilidade do fármaco.Chagas disease represents a severe problem in public health, affecting mainly the low-income population, making it neglected by the pharmaceutical industry. Currently, there is only one drug available for treatment, benznidazol, however, it presents limited efficacy and is associated with several side effects. Ursolic acid, a naturally occurring triterpene, presents trypanocidal activity, but its low water solubility limits the bioavailability. To increase the biovailability, solid dispersions, where lipophilic drugs are molecularly or in the amorphous state dispersed in hydrophilic carriers, can play an important role, resulting in enhanced dissolution profile of the drug. In this work, solid dispersions and physical mixtures containing ursolic acid were prepared with Polyethyleneglycol 6000, Gelucire 50/13 and silicon dioxide, Poloxamer 407 and sodium caprate as carriers, employing the fusion and solvent evaporation techniques. The products were characterized through scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, hot stage microscopy and X-ray diffractometry. In another step, the formulations were evaluated regarding the aqueous solubility, in vitro dissolution profile, citotoxicity using LLC-MK2 cell line, and trypanocidal activity in animal model. Together, results showed that the drug did not suffer any change in its properties when in physical mixture. On the other hand, X-ray diffractometry and hot stage microscopy revealed a transition from the crystalline to the amorphous state for ursolic acid, especially for the products prepared by the solvent method. In the fusion method, some formulations exhibited a polymorphic change. Moreover, we identified intermolecular interactions between drug and carrier by hydrogen bonding in the products prepared by the solvent method. These changes observed for solid dispersions prepared by the solvent method resulted in increased water solubility and dissolution profile and these effects were higher for the products prepared with Poloxamer 407 + sodium caprate, followed by Polomer 407 alone, Gelucire 50/13 + silicon dioxide and PEG 6000, which can be attributed to the surfactant property of the three first carriers. The formulations were safe up to 128 ?M of the drug, showed by the citotoxicity evaluation. Very importantly, we highlight that ursolic acid had a significant increase in the trypanocidal activity for the product prepared with the surfactant Poloxamer 407 and the penetration enhancer sodium caprate, prepared by the solvent method, suggesting that in this composition ursolic acid was more bioavailable

    Preparation, characterization and evaluation of the in vivo trypanocidal activity of ursolic acid-loaded solid dispersion with poloxamer 407 and sodium caprate

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    Ursolic acid is a promising candidate for treatment of Chagas disease; however it has low aqueous solubility and intestinal absorption, which are both limiting factors for bioavailability. Among the strategies to enhance the solubility and dissolution of lipophilic drugs, solid dispersions are growing in popularity. In this study, we employed a mixture of the surfactants poloxamer 407 with sodium caprate to produce a solid dispersion containing ursolic acid aimed at enhancing both drug dissolution and in vivo trypanocidal activity. Compared to the physical mixture, the solid dispersion presented higher bulk density and smaller particle size. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy results showed hydrogen bonding intermolecular interactions between drug and poloxamer 407. X-ray diffractometry experiments revealed the conversion of the drug from its crystalline form to a more soluble amorphous structure. Consequently, the solubility of ursolic acid in the solid dispersion was increased and the drug dissolved in a fast and complete manner. Taken together with the oral absorption-enhancing property of sodium caprate, these results explained the increase of the in vivo trypanocidal activity of ursolic acid in solid dispersion, which also proved to be safe by cytotoxicity evaluation using the LLC-MK2 cell line

    Hydroxyethylcellulose-Based Hydrogels Containing Liposomes Functionalized with Cell-Penetrating Peptides for Nasal Delivery of Insulin in the Treatment of Diabetes

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    Liposomes functionalized with cell-penetrating peptides are a promising strategy to deliver insulin through the nasal route. A hydrogel based on hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) aqueous solution was prepared, followed by a subsequent addition of liposomes containing insulin solution functionalized with trans-activator of transcription protein of HIV-1 (TAT) or Penetratin (PNT). The formulations were characterized for rheological behavior, mucoadhesion, syringeability, in vitro release and in vivo efficacy. Rheological tests revealed non-Newtonian fluids with pseudoplastic behavior, and the incorporation of liposomes (HLI, HLITAT and HLIPNT) in hydrogels did not alter the behavior original pseudoplastic characteristic of the HEC hydrogel. Pseudoplastic flow behavior is a desirable property for formulations intended for the administration of drugs via the nasal route. The results of syringeability and mucoadhesive strength from HEC hydrogels suggest a viable vehicle for nasal delivery. Comparing the insulin release profile, it is observed that HI was the system that released the greatest amount while the liposomal gel promoted greater drug retention, since the liposomal system provides an extra barrier for the release through the hydrogel. Additionally, it is observed that both peptides tested had an impact on the insulin release profile, promoting a slower release, due to complexation with insulin. The in vitro release kinetics of insulin from all formulations followed Weibull&rsquo;s mathematical model, reaching approximately 90% of release in the formulation prepared with HEC-based hydrogels. Serum insulin levels and the antihyperglycemic effects suggested that formulations HI and HLI have potential as carriers for insulin delivery by the nasal pathway, a profile not observed when insulin was administered by subcutaneous injection or by the nasal route in saline. Furthermore, formulations functionalized with TAT and PNT can be considered promoters of late and early absorption, respectively