29 research outputs found

    An Overview of the Database Framework for GEM Detector under CMS Experiment at CERN

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    In this paper, we give an overview of the database framework which we have developed for the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Detector at CERN. The GEM constitutes a powerful addition to the family of fast radiation detectors; originally developed for particle physics experiments, and has spawned a large number of developments and applications. The GEM database framework comprises four components. The first component is the database itself. There are three instances of the database which have been deployed. One is for the development purpose which contains test data, other one is for the integration purposes while the last one is for the production purpose which contains real data. The database further comprises various schemas and each schema consists of different tables in it. We use separate schemas for various types of tables. The second component of the database framework is called DB Loader. The DB Loader is used to load data into database. The data is prepared in the predefined format which is in the XML form. Then the xml file is copied into a spool area of the server in which DB loader is running. Once the file is copied, the DB Loader loads the file into the database. The loader returns appropriate status codes after performing database insertion/update operation. The status of the database operations is checked against the status code which is returned by the loader. The third component of the database framework comprises graphical user interface (GUI). This is a web-based interface which can be accessed from the internet. This interface is basically used for the detector construction and to perform various quality control tests on the detector and its components. The last component of the database framework is called online monitoring system (OMS). The OMS is data visualization framework for the various detectors of the CMS experiment at CERN. It is also used to display data for the GEM. It enables users to view and retrieve database contents without having to learn database specifics

    Tests of CMS Hadron Forward Calorimeter Upgrade Readout Box Prototype

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    A readout box prototype for CMS Hadron Forward calorimeter upgrade is built and tested in CERN H2 beamline. The prototype is designed to enable simultaneous tests of different readout options for the four anode upgrade PMTs, new front-end electronics design and new cabling. The response of the PMTs with different readout options is uniform and the background response is minimal. Multi-channel readout options further enhance the background elimination. Passing all the electronics, mechanical and physics tests, the readout box proves to be capable of providing the forward hadron calorimeter operations requirements in the upgrade era