752 research outputs found

    History of another Ruffner Family

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    Brief account of other possible Ruffner Families, theories on Simon and Peter Ruffne

    Negotiating the Faculty Journey: Technology, Teaching, and Tenure

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    This phenomenological study examined the lived experience of five (5) tenured university faculty members over a ten-year span of their professional lives. The purpose of this study was to better understand the lived experience of tenured university faculty, particularly how they negotiated experiences related to the combined influences of technology, tenure, and teaching. While some have suggested that university faculty do not have the necessary skills to transition to this emerging technological era (McKee & Tew, 2013), this study did not attempt to make judgments about whether or not college faculty were prepared to shift their approach to teaching, nor whether such a shift was even necessary. Instead, the study was guided by the following questions: How did a group of tenured faculty negotiate which technologies entered their work and home life?; and How did factors inside and outside of the university shape this experience? Results suggested that technology changed only minor aspects of what it meant to be tenured faculty in higher education; however, the changes and the extent of the changes varied from person to person. This study suggested that factors such as gender, university administration, tenure and the tenure process, and home life played a larger role in the lifeworlds of these faculty. This study adds to the literature on how technology influences university faculty, but it also provides insight to those in higher education charged with supporting faculty use of technology (i.e., instructional designers, technology support staff)

    Maya Ceramic Production in the Yalahau Region: A Diagnostic Analysis of Unslipped Sherds From Vista Alegre, Quintana Roo

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    Along the northern coast of Quintana Roo, Mexico, prehistoric ceramic usage included a variety of unslipped forms. During field excavations at the Maya coastal site of Vista Alegre, Drs. Jeffrey Glover and Dominique Rissolo recovered a high volume of sherds comprising a number of vessel type-varieties and forms. Vessel fragments collected from the Vista Alegre assemblage are comprised largely of ambiguous unslipped plain and unslipped striated sherds. This study explores distinct diagnostic attributes associated with these unlipped plain and unslipped striated sherds such as paste composition, texture, color, rim forms, and handle styles. This research facilitates future ceramic research along the northern coast of Quintana Roo promoting otherwise undefined sherds into a more systematic classification based on recorded modal characteristics

    A screen for round egg mutants in Drosophila identifies tricornered, furry, and misshapen as regulators of egg chamber elongation.

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    The elongation of tissues and organs during embryonic development results from the coordinate polarization of cell behaviors with respect to the elongation axis. Within the Drosophila melanogaster ovary, initially spherical egg chambers lengthen dramatically as they develop to create the elliptical shape of the mature egg. This morphogenesis depends on an unusual form of planar polarity within the egg chamber's outer epithelial cell layer known as the follicle cells. Disruption of follicle cell planar polarity leads to the production of round rather than elongated eggs; however, the molecular mechanisms that control this tissue organization are poorly understood. Starting from a broadly based forward genetic screen, we have isolated 12 new round egg complementation groups, and have identified four of the mutated genes. In mapping the largest complementation group to the fat2 locus, we unexpectedly discovered a high incidence of cryptic fat2 mutations in the backgrounds of publicly available stocks. Three other complementation groups correspond to the genes encoding the cytoplasmic signaling proteins Tricornered (Trc), Furry (Fry), and Misshapen (Msn). Trc and Fry are known members of an NDR kinase signaling pathway, and as a Ste20-like kinase, Msn may function upstream of Trc. We show that all three proteins are required for follicle cell planar polarity at early stages of egg chamber elongation and that Trc shows a planar polarized distribution at the basal follicle cell surface. These results indicate that this new mutant collection is likely to provide novel insight into the molecular mechanisms controlling follicle cell planar polarity and egg chamber elongation

    Real Time Detection of Damage During Quasi-Static Loading of a Single Stringer Panel Using Passive Thermography

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    Real time nondestructive evaluation is required for composites load testing. The early detection and measurement of damage progression is important to understand failure modes. A single stringer panel was subjected to quasi-static loading to induce deformation which can result in the formation of delamination damage between the stiffener flange and skin. Passive thermography was used to detect damage in real time as a function of the applied load. The loading was stopped when damage growth was detected. Of particular interest was the early detection of damage formation which can be challenging, as compared to cyclic fatigue loading. Passive thermography data were acquired and processed in real time and revealed damaged areas due to heating from fiber breakage and delamination formation. The processed thermal imagery was also compared to acoustic emission and ultrasound data

    Damage Depth Estimation on a Fatigue Loaded Composite Structure using Thermography and Acoustic Emission

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    Passive thermography and acoustic emission data were obtained on a three stringer panel during periodic fatigue loading. The acoustic emission data were mapped onto thermal data, revealing the cluster of acoustic emission event locations around the thermal signatures of interest. By combining both techniques, progression of damage growth is confirmed and areas of failure are identified. Furthermore, sudden changes in thermally measured damage growth related to a previously measured higher energy acoustic emission event are studied to determine damage depth. A multi-layered thermal model with a periodic flux heat source is presented using the quadrupole method to determine the relationship between the damage depth and thermal response. The model results are compared to the measured data. Lastly, the practical application and limitations of this technique are discussed

    Detection of Damage During Quasi-Static Loading of a Single Stringer Panel Using Passive Thermography and Acoustic Emission

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    The purpose of this paper is to describe the methodology of measuring damage onset and growth in a composite structure during quasi-static loading using passive thermography and acoustic emission. The early detection and measurement of damage progression is important to understand failure modes. A single stringer panel was subjected to quasi-static loading to induce deformation which resulted in the formation of damage between the stiffener flange and skin. The loading was stopped when damage growth was detected. Passive thermography and acoustic emission were used to detect damage in real-time as a function of the applied load. Of particular interest are the small transient thermographic signals resulting from damage formation which can be challenging to detect, as compared to the persistent passive thermography indications of cyclic fatigue loading. We describe a custom developed thermal inspection system for detection of composite damage during quasi-static loading. The thermal results are compared to a two-dimensional multi-layered thermal simulation based on the quadrupole method. Acoustic emission is used to further characterize the damage by comparing the acoustic emission events with the thermal imagery. Results are compared to ultrasonic measurements to document the damage through-the-thickness

    A market failures approach to justice in health

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    Book Reviews

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    Anticou\u27s Island Domain: Wabanaki People at Mount Desert Island 1500-2000 by Harald E.L. Prins and Bunny McBride; Maine Politics and Government, 2nd Edition by Kenneth T. Palmer, G. Thomas Taylor, Marcus A. LiBrizzi and Jean E. Lavigne; Survival at Work and Home: Saco-Lowell Shops in WWII by Roy P. Fairfield; Designing the Maine Landscape by Theresa Mattor and Lucie Teegarden; Historic Maine Homes: 300 Years of Great Houses Text By Christopher Glass, Photography by Brian Vanden Brink; Twentieth-Century New England Land Conservation: A Heritage of Civic Engagement by Charles H. W. Foster, ed; Mountains in Maine: Intriguing Stories Behind Their Names by Steve Pinkham
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