618 research outputs found

    Robb Garden Building

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    Final project from the EMGT 193/293 Building Information Modeling (BIM) course in the School of Engineering and Computer Science as part of the Bachelor of Science in Engineering Management degree. A student group designed and modeled a one-story building to house the Pacific Garden Program on campus

    Automation of Data Analysis in Formula 1

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    This paper explores economic solutions for Formula 1 racing companies who are interested in data visualization tools. The research was conducted on the current development of data gathering, data visualization, and data interpretation in Formula 1 racing. It was found that a large chunk of racing companies within the league needs an affordable, effective, and automated visualization tool for data interpretation. As data collection in Formula 1 arises, the need for faster and more powerful software increases. Racing companies profit off-brand exposure and the more a racing team wins, the more exposure they receive. The goal of the paper focuses on solving the issue of data visualization. It begins with the current state of Formula 1 and the background of the billion-dollar industry. Then, the criteria needed for an effective solution is discussed and is used to measure three different software solutions. The three solutions considered were Tableau, Power BI, and Python. Python earned the highest rating according to the criteria of process time, scalability, usability, customizable, and cost-effectiveness. As proof of concept, a demo was created using Python, specifically using the Python framework Dash, showing the simplicity and versatility of the software. Racing companies looking to save money should consider implementing Python into their data visualization to increase their odds of winning and rising in the rankings

    Neutralizing Antibodies and Sin Nombre Virus RNA after Recovery from Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome

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    Patients who later have a mild course of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) are more likely to exhibit a high titer of neutralizing antibodies against Sin Nombre virus (SNV), the etiologic agent of HCPS, at the time of hospital admission. Because administering plasma from patients who have recovered from HCPS to those in the early stages of disease may be an advantageous form of passive immunotherapy, we examined the neutralizing antibody titers of 21 patients who had recovered from SNV infection. Even 1,000 days after admission to the hospital, 6 of 10 patients had titers of 800 or higher, with one sample retaining a titer of 3,200 after more than 1,400 days. None of the convalescent-phase serum samples contained detectable viral RNA. These results confirm that patients retain high titers of neutralizing antibodies long after recovery from SNV infection

    Genomic organization and phylogenetic utility of deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) lymphotoxin-alpha and lymphotoxin-beta

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Deer mice (<it>Peromyscus maniculatus</it>) are among the most common mammals in North America and are important reservoirs of several human pathogens, including Sin Nombre hantavirus (SNV). SNV can establish a life-long apathogenic infection in deer mice, which can shed virus in excrement for transmission to humans. Patients that die from hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) have been found to express several proinflammatory cytokines, including lymphotoxin (LT), in the lungs. It is thought that these cytokines contribute to the pathogenesis of HCPS. LT is not expressed by virus-specific CD4<sup>+ </sup>T cells from infected deer mice, suggesting a limited role for this pathway in reservoir responses to hantaviruses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have cloned the genes encoding deer mouse LTα and LTβ and have found them to be highly similar to orthologous rodent sequences but with some differences in promoters elements. The phylogenetic analyses performed on the LTα, LTβ, and combined data sets yielded a strongly-supported sister-group relationship between the two murines (the house mouse and the rat). The deer mouse, a sigmodontine, appeared as the sister group to the murine clade in all of the analyses. High bootstrap values characterized the grouping of murids.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>No conspicuous differences compared to other species are present in the predicted amino acid sequences of LTα or LTβ; however, some promoter differences were noted in LTβ. Although more extensive taxonomic sampling is required to confirm the results of our analyses, the preliminary findings indicate that both genes (analyzed both separately and in combination) hold potential for resolving relationships among rodents and other mammals at the subfamily level.</p

    Hematology and Clinical Chemistry Reference Ranges for Laboratory-Bred Natal Multimammate Mice (Mastomys natalensis)

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    Laboratory-controlled physiological data for the multimammate rat (Mastomys natalensis) are scarce, despite this species being a known reservoir and vector for zoonotic viruses, including the highly pathogenic Lassa virus, as well as other arenaviruses and many species of bacteria. For this reason, M. natalensis is an important rodent for the study of host-virus interactions within laboratory settings. Herein, we provide basic blood parameters for age- and sex-distributed animals in regards to blood counts, cell phenotypes and serum chemistry of a specific-pathogen-monitored M.natalensis breeding colony, to facilitate scientific insight into this important and widespread rodent species.Peer Reviewe

    Nipah Virus Efficiently Replicates in Human Smooth Muscle Cells without Cytopathic Effect

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    Nipah virus (NiV) is a highly pathogenic zoonotic virus with a broad species tropism, originating in pteropid bats. Human outbreaks of NiV disease occur almost annually, often with high case-fatality rates. The specific events that lead to pathogenesis are not well defined, but the disease has both respiratory and encephalitic components, with relapsing encephalitis occurring in some cases more than a year after initial infection. Several cell types are targets of NiV, dictated by the expression of the ephrin-B2/3 ligand on the cell’s outer membrane, which interact with the NiV surface proteins. Vascular endothelial cells (ECs) are major targets of infection. Cytopathic effects (CPE), characterized by syncytia formation and cell death, and an ensuing vasculitis, are a major feature of the disease. Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) of the tunica media that line small blood vessels are infected in humans and animal models of NiV disease, although pathology or histologic changes associated with antigen-positive SMCs have not been reported. To gain an understanding of the possible contributions that SMCs might have in the development of NiV disease, we investigated the susceptibility and potential cytopathogenic changes of human SMCs to NiV infection in vitro. SMCs were permissive for NiV infection and resulted in high titers and prolonged NiV production, despite a lack of cytopathogenicity, and in the absence of detectable ephrin-B2/3. These results indicate that SMC might be important contributors to disease by producing progeny NiV during an infection, without suffering cytopathogenic consequences.Peer Reviewe

    Note and Comment

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    The Tight of a Trade Union to Enforce a Boycott; Criminal Responsibility of Husband for Maliciously Slandering His Wife; The Bulk Sales Laws; The Police Power and Liberty of Contract; The Obligations Resulting from an Indorsement, In Blank, Before Delivery, of a Negotiable Instrumen

    Generation of competent bone marrow-derived antigen presenting cells from the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus)

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    BACKGROUND: Human infections with Sin Nombre virus (SNV) and related New World hantaviruses often lead to hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS), a sometimes fatal illness. Lungs of patients who die from HCPS exhibit cytokine-producing mononuclear infiltrates and pronounced pulmonary inflammation. Deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) are the principal natural hosts of SNV, in which the virus establishes life-long persistence without conspicuous pathology. Little is known about the mechanisms SNV employs to evade the immune response of deer mice, and experimental examination of this question has been difficult because of a lack of methodologies for examining such responses during infection. One such deficiency is our inability to characterize T cell responses because susceptible syngeneic deer mice are not available. RESULTS: To solve this problem, we have developed an in vitro method of expanding and generating competent antigen presenting cells (APC) from deer mouse bone marrow using commercially-available house mouse (Mus musculus) granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor. These cells are capable of processing and presenting soluble protein to antigen-specific autologous helper T cells in vitro. Inclusion of antigen-specific deer mouse antibody augments T cell stimulation, presumably through Fc receptor-mediated endocytosis. CONCLUSIONS: The use of these APC has allowed us to dramatically expand deer mouse helper T cells in culture and should permit extensive characterization of T cell epitopes. Considering the evolutionary divergence between deer mice and house mice, it is probable that this method will be useful to other investigators using unconventional models of rodent-borne diseases

    Adaptive responses to cool climate promotes persistence of a non-native lizard

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    Successful establishment and range expansion of non-native species often require rapid accommodation of novel environments. Here, we use common-garden experiments to demonstrate parallel adaptive evolutionary response to a cool climate in populations of wall lizards (Podarcis muralis) introduced from southern Europe into England. Low soil temperatures in the introduced range delay hatching, which generates directional selection for a shorter incubation period. Non-native lizards from two separate lineages have responded to this selection by retaining their embryos for longer before oviposition-hence reducing the time needed to complete embryogenesis in the nest-and by an increased developmental rate at low temperatures. This divergence mirrors local adaptation across latitudes and altitudes within widely distributed species and suggests that evolutionary responses to climate can be very rapid. When extrapolated to soil temperatures encountered in nests within the introduced range, embryo retention and faster developmental rate result in one to several weeks earlier emergence compared with the ancestral state. We show that this difference translates into substantial survival benefits for offspring. This should promote short- and long-term persistence of non-native populations, and ultimately enable expansion into areas that would be unattainable with incubation duration representative of the native range