1,233 research outputs found

    EU-South Korea FTA – Economic Impact for the EU and Austria

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    Das Freihandelsabkommen zwischen der EU und Südkorea (EU-Südkorea FHA) ist das erste einer neuen Generation von FHA, die 2007 gestartet wurden und Teil der Initiative „Globales Europa“ sind. Solche Abkommen, die auf fundierten wirtschaftlichen Kriterien basieren, bilden einen wichtigen Schritt für weitere Handelsliberalisierungen, da sie auch Themen behandeln, die noch nicht reif für multilaterale Diskussionen sind und weit über eine bloße Marktöffnung hinausgehen, wie sie im Rahmen der WTO erreicht werden können. In diesem Sinne ist das EU-Südkorea FHA das umfassendste Freihandelsabkommen, das die EU jemals verhandelt hat. Wir evaluieren die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen dieses Freihandelsabkommen für die EU und für Österreich mit dem rechenbaren allgemeinen Weltgleichgewichtsmodell GTAP. Die Ergebnisse sind wie erwartet. Beide Parteien gewinnen von der Beseitigung der Zölle und anderer Handelsbarrieren. Da die Anteile der Exporte und Importe mit Südkorea sowohl von seitens der EU als auch Österreichs nur 2% bis 2 ½% des gesamten Extra-EU-Handels ausmachen, fallen die Handels- und Wohlfahrtsgewinne für die EU und Österreich bescheiden aus. Der gesamte Handel der EU steigt um 0,2%, jener Österreichs nur um 0,1%. Der Extra-EU-Handel steigt sowohl in der EU als auch in Österreich um jeweils 1,2%. Die Wohlfahrt steigt in der EU und in Österreich nur um 0,04% des BIP. In Südkorea sind die Effekte höher, da die EU der zweitgrößte Handelspartner mit einem Anteil von 12% ist. Der Handel nimmt in Südkorea um 5,3% zu und die Wohlfahrt kann um 1,3% des BIP gesteigert werden.

    Junior Recital: Joseph Fritz, tenor

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    RC Baja Independent Suspension and Chassis Design and Development

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    The goal of this project is to develop an RC car to compete in the MET RC Baja competition. A car will be constructed to be as lightweight, durable, and fast as possible while abiding by ROAR (Remotely Operated Auto Racers) regulations. As such, suspension, steering, chassis and drivetrain systems will need to be devised to form a complete vehicle. The chassis must provide mounting points for all other components of the vehicle and provide a rigid platform in order to create a stable vehicle. The suspension must operate smoothly, allowing for at least 1 inch of ground clearance, and allow the vehicle to transverse a variety of terrain including a 2-foot jump. The steering must be predictable, with less than 5 degrees of bump steer and allow for a less than 2 foot turning radius. These requirements will be achieved through extensive analysis and design of the suspension and chassis components. This project will focus on the suspension, steering, and chassis aspects of the RC car. The drivetrain aspects will be developed by teammate Rachel Krill. The analysis of all systems will involve static structural, kinematic, fatigue, and geometric analysis. The resulting vehicle is ROAR legal, can travel at speeds of 30mph, has approximately 1 inch of ground clearance, weighs 3.5 lbs, has a turning radius of less than 2 feet, and can complete all required tasks for the met RC Baja competition

    Senior Recital: Joseph Fritz, tenor

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    Recent Developments in Osteogenesis Imperfecta

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    Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is an uncommon genetic bone disease associated with brittle bones and fractures in children and adults. Although OI is most commonly associated with mutations of the genes for type I collagen, many other genes (some associated with type I collagen processing) have now been identified. The genetics of OI and advances in our understanding of the biomechanical properties of OI bone are reviewed in this article. Treatment includes physiotherapy, fall prevention, and sometimes orthopedic procedures. In this brief review, we will also discuss current understanding of pharmacologic therapies for treatment of OI

    Joint Recital: Joseph Fritz, tenor & Chris D\u27Amico, baritone

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    Metabolism of Auxin in Tomato Fruit Tissue

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    A new, temporarily confined population in the polar cap during the August 27, 1996 geomagnetic field distortion period

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    On August 27, 1996, a two-hour energetic heavy ion event (∼1 MeV) was detected at 8:25 UT at apogee (∼9 Re and an invariant latitude of ∼80°), by the Charge and Mass Magnetospheric Ion Composition Experiment onboard POLAR. The event, with a maximum spin averaged peak flux of ∼150 particles/(cm²-sr-s-MeV), showed three local peaks corresponding to three localized regions; the ion pitch angle distributions in the three regions were different from an isotropic distribution and different from each other. No comparable flux was observed by the WIND spacecraft. The appearance of lower energy He++ and O \u3e +2 during the event period indicates a solar source for these particles. From region 1 to 2 to 3, the helium energy spectra softened. A distorted magnetic field with three local minima corresponding to the three He peak fluxes was also observed by POLAR. A possible explanation is that the energetic He ions were energized from lower energy helium by a local acceleration mechanism that preferred smaller rigidity ions in the high altitude polar cusp region

    Becoming Teacher Researchers: Using 3D Printing to Create Individualized Assistive Technology for High School Students with Disabilities

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    Our team of undergraduate teacher-researchers collaborated with interdisciplinary peers to design 3D printed individualized Assistive Technology (AT) supports for high school students with significant disabilities. Our mission was to increase student access to their educational environment while also improving ourselves as future teachers, researchers, and advocates. A self-study was conducted with a primary purpose of identifying themes in our research experiences, with a secondary purpose toward discovering themes in our reflection to guide similar interdisciplinary projects in the future. Qualitative data was collected from research journals and focus group interviews. Data was then analyzed for common themes that represented trends in our experiences of becoming researchers, and the impact this project had on our development as future teachers. We discovered that common themes of extrinsic vs. intrinsic motivation were consistently present across the data set, yet evolved over time. We consistently agreed on extrinsic benefits of the project, e.g. professional opportunity, hands-on experience, building professional relationships. We also agreed upon intrinsic benefits of the project, e.g. meaningful relationships with students and peers, supporting student needs, professional development. This experience also solidified our desire to advocate for people with differing needs in our personal and professional lives

    Characterizing the immune microenvironment of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor by PD-L1 expression and presence of CD8+ tumor infiltrating lymphocytes.

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    BackgroundMalignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) is an aggressive sarcoma with few treatment options. Tumor immune state has not been characterized in MPNST, and is important in determining response to immune checkpoint blockade. Our aim was to evaluate the expression of programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1), programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1), and presence of CD8+ tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in MPNST, and correlate these findings with clinical behavior and outcome.ResultsPD-L1 staining of at least 1% was seen in 0/20 nerves, 2/68 benign lesions and 9/53 MPNST. Two of 68 benign lesions and 7/53 (13%) MPNST had at least 5% PD-L1 staining. CD8 staining of at least 5% was seen in 1/20 (5%) nerves, 45/68 (66%) benign lesions and 30/53 (57%) MPNST. PD-L1 was statistically more prevalent in MPNST than both nerves and benign lesions (p=0.049 and p=0.008, respectively). Expression of PD-1 was absent in all tissue specimens. There was no correlation of PD-L1 or CD8 expression with disease state (primary versus metastatic) or patient survival.MethodsA comprehensive PNST tissue microarray was created from 141 surgical specimens including primary, recurrent, and metastatic MPNST (n=53), neurofibromas (n=57), schwannoma (n=11), and normal nerve (n=20). Cores were stained in triplicate for PD-L1, PD-1, and CD8, and expression compared between tumor types. These data were then examined for survival correlates in 35 patients with primary MPNST.ConclusionsMPNST is characterized by low PD-L1 and absent PD-1 expression with significant CD8+ TIL presence. MPNST immune microenvironment does not correlate with patient outcome