4 research outputs found

    Metal Particulate Matter Components Affect Gene Expression and Beat Frequency of Neonatal Rat Ventricular Myocytes

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    Soluble particulate matter (PM) components (e.g., metals) have the potential to be absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to the heart where they might induce the expression of inflammatory cytokines and remodel electrical properties. We exposed cultured rat ventricular myocytes to similar concentrations of two metals [zinc (Zn) and vanadium (V)] found commonly in PM and measured changes in spontaneous beat rate. We found statistically significant reductions in spontaneous beat rate after both short-term (4-hr) and long-term (24-hr) exposures, with a more substantial effect seen with Zn. We also measured the expression of genes associated with inflammation and a number of sarcolemmal proteins associated with electrical impulse conduction. Exposure to Zn or V (6.25-50 microM) for 6 hr produced significant increases in IL-6, IL-1 alpha, heat shock protein 70, and connexin 43 (Cx43). After 24 hr exposure, Zn induced significant changes in the gene expression of Kv4.2 and KvLQt (potassium channel proteins), the alpha 1 subunit of the L-type calcium channel, and Cx43, as well as IL-6 and IL-1 alpha. In contrast, V produced a greater effect on Cx43 and affected only one ion channel (KvLQT1). These results show that exposure of rat cardiac myocytes to noncytotoxic concentrations of Zn and V alter spontaneous beat rate as well as the expression of ion channels and sarcolemmal proteins relevant to electrical remodeling and slowing of spontaneous beat rate, with Zn producing a more profound effect. As such, these data suggest that the cardiac effects of PM are largely determined by the relative metal composition of particles

    Conditional Deletion of Focal Adhesion Kinase Leads to Defects in Ventricular Septation and Outflow Tract Alignment▿ †

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    To examine a role for focal adhesion kinase (FAK) in cardiac morphogenesis, we generated a line of mice with a conditional deletion of FAK in nkx2-5-expressing cells (herein termed FAKnk mice). FAKnk mice died shortly after birth, likely resulting from a profound subaortic ventricular septal defect and associated malalignment of the outflow tract. Additional less penetrant phenotypes included persistent truncus arteriosus and thickened valve leaflets. Thus, conditional inactivation of FAK in nkx2-5-expressing cells leads to the most common congenital heart defect that is also a subset of abnormalities associated with tetralogy of Fallot and the DiGeorge syndrome. No significant differences in proliferation or apoptosis between control and FAKnk hearts were observed. However, decreased myocardialization was observed for the conal ridges of the proximal outflow tract in FAKnk hearts. Interestingly, chemotaxis was significantly attenuated in isolated FAK-null cardiomyocytes in comparison to genetic controls, and these effects were concomitant with reduced tyrosine phosphorylation of Crk-associated substrate (CAS). Thus, it is possible that ventricular septation and appropriate outflow tract alignment is dependent, at least in part, upon FAK-dependent CAS activation and subsequent induction of polarized myocyte movement into the conal ridges. Future studies will be necessary to determine the precise contributions of the additional nkx2-5-derived lineages to the phenotypes observed