24 research outputs found

    3D laser scanner for underwater manipulation

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    Nowadays, research in autonomous underwater manipulation has demonstrated simple applications like picking an object from the sea floor, turning a valve or plugging and unplugging a connector. These are fairly simple tasks compared with those already demonstrated by the mobile robotics community, which include, among others, safe arm motion within areas populated with a priori unknown obstacles or the recognition and location of objects based on their 3D model to grasp them. Kinect-like 3D sensors have contributed significantly to the advance of mobile manipulation providing 3D sensing capabilities in real-time at low cost. Unfortunately, the underwater robotics community is lacking a 3D sensor with similar capabilities to provide rich 3D information of the work space. In this paper, we present a new underwater 3D laser scanner and demonstrate its capabilities for underwater manipulation. In order to use this sensor in conjunction with manipulators, a calibration method to find the relative position between the manipulator and the 3D laser scanner is presented. Then, two different advanced underwater manipulation tasks beyond the state of the art are demonstrated using two different manipulation systems. First, an eight Degrees of Freedom (DoF) fixed-base manipulator system is used to demonstrate arm motion within a work space populated with a priori unknown fixed obstacles. Next, an eight DoF free floating Underwater Vehicle-Manipulator System (UVMS) is used to autonomously grasp an object from the bottom of a water tank

    NeuroBench:A Framework for Benchmarking Neuromorphic Computing Algorithms and Systems

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    Neuromorphic computing shows promise for advancing computing efficiency and capabilities of AI applications using brain-inspired principles. However, the neuromorphic research field currently lacks standardized benchmarks, making it difficult to accurately measure technological advancements, compare performance with conventional methods, and identify promising future research directions. Prior neuromorphic computing benchmark efforts have not seen widespread adoption due to a lack of inclusive, actionable, and iterative benchmark design and guidelines. To address these shortcomings, we present NeuroBench: a benchmark framework for neuromorphic computing algorithms and systems. NeuroBench is a collaboratively-designed effort from an open community of nearly 100 co-authors across over 50 institutions in industry and academia, aiming to provide a representative structure for standardizing the evaluation of neuromorphic approaches. The NeuroBench framework introduces a common set of tools and systematic methodology for inclusive benchmark measurement, delivering an objective reference framework for quantifying neuromorphic approaches in both hardware-independent (algorithm track) and hardware-dependent (system track) settings. In this article, we present initial performance baselines across various model architectures on the algorithm track and outline the system track benchmark tasks and guidelines. NeuroBench is intended to continually expand its benchmarks and features to foster and track the progress made by the research community

    Death and the Societies of Late Antiquity

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    Ce volume bilingue, comprenant un ensemble de 28 contributions disponibles en français et en anglais (dans leur version longue ou abrégée), propose d’établir un état des lieux des réflexions, recherches et études conduites sur le fait funéraire à l’époque tardo-antique au sein des provinces de l’Empire romain et sur leurs régions limitrophes, afin d’ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives sur ses évolutions possibles. Au cours des trois dernières décennies, les transformations considérables des méthodologies déployées sur le terrain et en laboratoire ont permis un renouveau des questionnements sur les populations et les pratiques funéraires de l’Antiquité tardive, période marquée par de multiples changements politiques, sociaux, démographiques et culturels. L’apparition de ce qui a été initialement désigné comme une « Anthropologie de terrain », qui fut le début de la démarche archéothanatologique, puis le récent développement d’approches collaboratives entre des domaines scientifiques divers (archéothanatologie, biochimie et géochimie, génétique, histoire, épigraphie par exemple) ont été décisives pour le renouvellement des problématiques d’étude : révision d’anciens concepts comme apparition d’axes d’analyse inédits. Les recherches rassemblées dans cet ouvrage sont articulées autour de quatre grands thèmes : l’évolution des pratiques funéraires dans le temps, l’identité sociale dans la mort, les ensembles funéraires en transformation (organisation et topographie) et les territoires de l’empire (du cœur aux marges). Ces études proposent un réexamen et une révision des données, tant anthropologiques qu’archéologiques ou historiques sur l’Antiquité tardive, et révèlent, à cet égard, une mosaïque de paysages politiques, sociaux et culturels singulièrement riches et complexes. Elles accroissent nos connaissances sur le traitement des défunts, l’emplacement des aires funéraires ou encore la structure des sépultures, en révélant une diversité de pratiques, et permettent au final de relancer la réflexion sur la manière dont les sociétés tardo-antiques envisagent la mort et sur les éléments permettant d’identifier et de définir la diversité des groupes qui les composent. Elles démontrent ce faisant que nous pouvons véritablement appréhender les structures culturelles et sociales des communautés anciennes et leurs potentielles transformations, à partir de l’étude des pratiques funéraires.This bilingual volume proposes to draw up an assessment of the recent research conducted on funerary behavior during Late Antiquity in the provinces of the Roman Empire and on their borders, in order to open new perspectives on its possible developments. The considerable transformations of the methodologies have raised the need for a renewal of the questions on the funerary practices during Late Antiquity, a period marked by multiple political, social, demographic and cultural changes. The emergence field anthropology, which was the beginning of archaeothanatology, and then the recent development of collaborative approaches between various scientific fields (archaeothanatology, biochemistry and geochemistry, genetics, history, epigraphy, for example), have been decisive. The research collected in this book is structured around four main themes: Evolution of funerary practices over time; Social identity through death; Changing burial grounds (organisation and topography); Territories of the Empire (from the heart to the margins). These studies propose a review and a revision of the data, both anthropological and archaeological or historical on Late Antiquity, and reveal a mosaic of political, social, and cultural landscapes singularly rich and complex. In doing so, they demonstrate that we can truly understand the cultural and social structures of ancient communities and their potential transformations, based on the study of funerary practices

    New Methods for Triangulation-based Shape Acquisition using Laser Scanners

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    Tradicionalment, la reproducció del mon real se'ns ha mostrat a traves d'imatges planes. Aquestes imatges se solien materialitzar mitjançant pintures sobre tela o be amb dibuixos. Avui, per sort, encara podem veure pintures fetes a ma, tot i que la majoria d'imatges s'adquireixen mitjançant càmeres, i es mostren directament a una audiència, com en el cinema, la televisió o exposicions de fotografies, o be son processades per un sistema computeritzat per tal d'obtenir un resultat en particular. Aquests processaments s'apliquen en camps com en el control de qualitat industrial o be en la recerca mes puntera en intel·ligència artificial. Aplicant algorismes de processament de nivell mitja es poden obtenir imatges 3D a partir d'imatges 2D, utilitzant tècniques ben conegudes anomenades Shape From X, on X es el mètode per obtenir la tercera dimensió, i varia en funció de la tècnica que s'utilitza a tal nalitat. Tot i que l'evolució cap a la càmera 3D va començar en els 90, cal que les tècniques per obtenir les formes tridimensionals siguin mes i mes acurades. Les aplicacions dels escàners 3D han augmentat considerablement en els darrers anys, especialment en camps com el lleure, diagnosi/cirurgia assistida, robòtica, etc. Una de les tècniques mes utilitzades per obtenir informació 3D d'una escena, es la triangulació, i mes concretament, la utilització d'escàners laser tridimensionals. Des de la seva aparició formal en publicacions científiques al 1971 [SS71], hi ha hagut contribucions per solucionar problemes inherents com ara la disminució d'oclusions, millora de la precisió, velocitat d'adquisició, descripció de la forma, etc. Tots i cadascun dels mètodes per obtenir punts 3D d'una escena te associat un procés de calibració, i aquest procés juga un paper decisiu en el rendiment d'un dispositiu d'adquisició tridimensional. La nalitat d'aquesta tesi es la d'abordar el problema de l'adquisició de forma 3D, des d'un punt de vista total, reportant un estat de l'art sobre escàners laser basats en triangulació, provant el funcionament i rendiment de diferents sistemes, i fent aportacions per millorar la precisió en la detecció del feix laser, especialment en condicions adverses, i solucionant el problema de la calibració a partir de mètodes geomètrics projectius.Traditionally, the reproduction of the real world has been shown to us by means of at images. These images used to be materialised by means of paint on canvas, drawings or the like. Today, we still see hand made pictures, by fortune, although most of the images are acquired by cameras and they are either directly shown to an audience, like in the cinema, television or photographs, or they are processed by a computer system in order to obtain a particular result, like in industrial quality assurance or bleeding edge artificial intelligence research. Applying mid-level processing algorithms, 3D images can be obtained from 2D ones, using well known techniques called Shape From X, where X is the method for obtaining the 3rd dimension. While the evolution to the 3D camera begun in the 90s, the techniques for obtaining the most accurate 3D shape need to be continuously improving. The application of 3D scanners has spread signi cantly in the recent years, specially in elds like entertainment, assisted diagnosis/ surgery, robotics, etc. One of the most used techniques to obtain 3D information from a scene is triangulation, and more concretely, triangulationbased laser scanners. Since their formal appearance in scienti c publications, in 1971 [SS71], there have been contributions for solving inherent problems like occlusion avoidance, accuracy improvement, acquisition speed, shape description, etc. All of the methods for obtaining 3D points of a scene is accompained with a calibration procedure, and this procedure plays a decisive role in the performance of the acquisition device. The goal of this thesis is to provide a holistic approach to the problem of shape acquisition, giving a wide survey of triangulation laser scanners, testing the performance of di erent systems, and to give contributions for both improving acquisition accuracy under adverse conditions and solving the calibration problem. In addition, the calibration approach is based on previous works that used projective geometry to this end

    A new optimised de bruijn coding strategy for structured light patterns

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    Coded structured light is an optical technique based on active stereovision that obtains the shape of objects. Oneshot techniques are based on projecting a unique light pattern with an LCD projector so that grabbing an image with a camera, a large number of correspondences can be obtained. Then, a 3D reconstruction of the illuminated object can be recovered by means of triangulation. The most used strategy to encode one-shot patterns is based on De Bruijn sequences. In this paper a new way to design patterns using this type of sequences is presented. The new coding strategy minimises the number of required colours and maximises both the resolution and the accuracy. 1

    Calibration of a Structured Light Imaging System in Two-Layer Flat Refractive Geometry for Underwater Imaging

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    The development of a robust 3D imaging system for underwater applications is a crucial process in underwater imaging where the physical properties of the underwater environment make the implementation of such systems challenging. Calibration is an essential step in the application of such imaging systems and is performed to acquire the parameters of the image formation model and to enable 3D reconstruction. We present a novel calibration method for an underwater 3D imaging system comprising a pair of cameras, of a projector, and of a single glass interface that is shared between cameras and projector(s). The image formation model is based on the axial camera model. The proposed calibration uses a numerical optimization of a 3D cost function to determine all system parameters, thus avoiding the minimization of re-projection errors which require numerically solving a 12th order polynomial equation multiple times for each observed point. We also propose a novel stable approach to estimate the axis of the axial camera model. The proposed calibration was experimentally evaluated on four different glass interfaces, wherein several quantitative results were reported, including the re-projection error. The achieved mean angular error of the system’s axis was under 6∘, and the mean absolute errors for the reconstruction of a flat surface were 1.38 mm for normal glass interfaces and 2.82 mm for the laminated glass interface, which is more than sufficient for application

    A new optimised De Bruijn coding strategy for structured light patterns

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    Coded structured light is an optical technique based on active stereovision that obtains the shape of objects. One shot techniques are based on projecting a unique light pattern with an LCD projector so that grabbing an image with a camera, a large number of correspondences can be obtained. Then, a 3D reconstruction of the illuminated object can be recovered by means of triangulation. The most used strategy to encode one-shot patterns is based on De Bruijn sequences. In This work a new way to design patterns using this type of sequences is presented. The new coding strategy minimises the number of required colours and maximises both the resolution and the accurac