1,327 research outputs found

    Nonlinear electrodynamics and the surface redshift of pulsars

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    Currently is argued that the best method of determining the neutron star (NS) fundamental properties is by measuring the {\it gravitational redshift} (zz) of spectral lines produced in the star photosphere. Measurement of zz at the star surface provides a unique insight on the NS mass-to-radius relation and thus on its equation of state (EoS), which reflects the physics of the strong interaction between particles making up the star. Evidence for such a measurement has been provided quite recently by Cottam, Paerels & Mendez (2002), and also by Sanwal et {\it al.} (2002). Here we argue that although the quoted observations are undisputed for canonical pulsars, they could be misidentified if the NS is endowed with a super strong BB as in the so-called magnetars (Duncan & Thompson 1992) and strange quark magnetars (Zhang 2002), as in the spectral line discovered by Ibrahim et {\it al.} (2002;2003). The source of this new "confusion" redshift is related to nonlinear electrodynamics (NLEDs) effects.Comment: 5 pages, emulateapj.sty, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Diagnostic Mock-Up as a Surgical Reduction Guide for Crown Lengthening: Technique Description and Case Report.

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    Background and Objectives: The report describes a technique using a diagnostic mock-up as a crown-lengthening surgical guide to improve the gingival architecture. Materials and Methods: The patient's primary concern was improving her smile due to her "gummy smile" and short clinical crowns. After clinical evaluation, surgical crown lengthening accompanied by maxillary central full-coverage single-unit prostheses and lateral incisor veneers was recommended. The diagnostic mock-up was placed in the patient's maxillary anterior region and used as a soft tissue reduction guide for the gingivectomy. Once the planned gingival architecture was achieved, a flap was reflected to proceed with ostectomy in order to obtain an appropriate alveolar bone crest level using the overlay. After six months, all-ceramic crowns and porcelain veneers were provided as permanent restorations. Results: A diagnostic mock-up fabricated with a putty guide directly from the diagnostic wax-up can be an adequate surgical guide for crown-lengthening procedures. The diagnostic wax-up was used to fabricate the diagnostic mock-up. These results suggested that it can be used as a crown-lengthening surgical guide to modify the gingival architecture. Several advantages of the overlay used in the aesthetic complex case include: (1) providing a preview of potential restorative outcomes, (2) allowing for the appropriate positioning of gingival margins and the desired alveolar bone crest level for the crown-lengthening procedure, and (3) serving as a provisional restoration after surgery. Conclusions: The use of a diagnostic mock-up, which was based on a diagnostic wax-up, as the surgical guide resulted in successful crown lengthening and provisional restorations. Thus, a diagnostic overlay can be a viable option as a surgical guide for crown lengthening

    Angiotensin Type 1 Receptor Antagonists Protect Against Alpha-Synuclein-Induced Neuroinflammation and Dopaminergic Neuron Death

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    Altres ajuts: This study received funding from the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas' intramural program (2014/01 and 2017/02), Galician Government (Xunta de Galicia, Consellería de Educación; GRC2014/002), Navarra Government (Departamento de Salud; 046-2017), and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (Regional European Development Fund).The loss of dopaminergic neurons and α-synuclein accumulation are major hallmarks of Parkinson's disease (PD), and it has been suggested that a major mechanism of α-synuclein toxicity is microglial activation. The lack of animal models that properly reproduce PD, and particularly the underlying synucleinopathy, has hampered the clarification of PD mechanisms and the development of effective therapies. Here, we used neurospecific adeno-associated viral vectors serotype 9 coding for either the wild-type or mutated forms of human alpha-synuclein (WT and SynA53T, respectively) under the control of a synapsin promoter to further induce a marked dopaminergic neuron loss together with an important microglial neuroinflammatory response. Overexpression of neuronal alpha-synuclein led to increased expression of angiotensin type 1 receptors and NADPH oxidase activity, together with a marked increase in the number of OX-6-positive microglial cells and expression of markers of phagocytic activity (CD68) and classical pro-inflammatory/M1 microglial phenotype markers such as inducible nitric oxide synthase, tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-1β, and IL-6. Moreover, a significant decrease in the expression of markers of immunoregulatory/M2 microglial phenotype such as the enzyme arginase-1 was constantly observed. Interestingly, alpha-synuclein-induced changes in microglial phenotype markers and dopaminergic neuron death were inhibited by simultaneous treatment with the angiotensin type 1 blockers candesartan or telmisartan. Our results suggest the repurposing of candesartan and telmisartan as a neuroprotective strategy for PD

    Selection of extreme phenotypes: the role of clinical observation in translational research

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    Systematic collection of phenotypes and their correlation with molecular data has been proposed as a useful method to advance in the study of disease. Although some databases for animal species are being developed, progress in humans is slow, probably due to the multifactorial origin of many human diseases and to the intricacy of accurately classifying phenotypes, among other factors. An alternative approach has been to identify and to study individuals or families with very characteristic, clinically relevant phenotypes. This strategy has shown increased efficiency to identify the molecular features underlying such phenotypes. While on most occasions the subjects selected for these studies presented harmful phenotypes, a few studies have been performed in individuals with very favourable phenotypes. The consistent results achieved suggest that it seems logical to further develop this strategy as a methodology to study human disease, including cancer. The identification and the study with high-throughput techniques of individuals showing a markedly decreased risk of developing cancer or of cancer patients presenting either an unusually favourable prognosis or striking responses following a specific treatment, might be promising ways to maximize the yield of this approach and to reveal the molecular causes that explain those phenotypes and thus highlight useful therapeutic targets. This manuscript reviews the current status of selection of extreme phenotypes in cancer research and provides directions for future development of this methodology

    Mitochondrial Rejuvenation After Induced Pluripotency

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    Background: As stem cells of the early embryo mature and differentiate into all tissues, the mitochondrial complement undergoes dramatic functional improvement. Mitochondrial activity is low to minimize generation of DNA-damaging reactive oxygen species during pre-implantation development and increases following implantation and differentiation to meet higher metabolic demands. It has recently been reported that when the stem cell type known as induced pluripotent stem cells (IPSCs) are re-differentiated for several weeks in vitro, the mitochondrial complement progressively re-acquires properties approximating input fibroblasts, suggesting that despite the observation that IPSC conversion ‘‘resets’ ’ some parameters of cellular aging such as telomere length, it may have little impact on other age-affected cellular systems such as mitochondria in IPSC-derived cells. Methodology/Principal Findings: We have examined the properties of mitochondria in two fibroblast lines, corresponding IPSCs, and fibroblasts re-derived from IPSCs using biochemical methods and electron microscopy, and found a dramatic improvement in the quality and function of the mitochondrial complement of the re-derived fibroblasts compared to input fibroblasts. This observation likely stems from two aspects of our experimental design: 1) that the input cell lines used were of advanced cellular age and contained an inefficient mitochondrial complement, and 2) the re-derived fibroblasts were produced using an extensive differentiation regimen that may more closely mimic the degree of growth and maturatio

    The immunotherapy potential of agonistic anti-CD137 (4-1BB) monoclonal antibodies for malignancies and chronic viral diseases

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    Pharmacological intervention on the immune system to achieve more intense lymphocyte responses has potential application in tumour immunology and in the treatment of chronic viral diseases. Immunostimulating monoclonal antibodies are defined as a new family of drugs that augment cellular immune responses. They interact as artificial ligands with functional proteins of the immune system, either activating or inhibiting their functions. There are humanized monoclonal antibodies directed to the inhibitory receptor CD152 (CTLA-4) that are being tested in clinical trials with evidence of antitumoural activity. As a drawback, anti-CTLA-4 monoclonal antibodies induce severe autoimmunity reactions in a fraction of the patients. Anti-CD137 monoclonal antibodies have the ability to induce potent immune responses mainly mediated by cytotoxic lymphocytes with the result of frequent complete tumour eradications in mice. Comparative studies in experimental models indicate that the antitumour activity of anti-CD137 monoclonal antibodies is superior to that of anti-CD152. CD137 (4-1BB) is a leukocyte differentiation antigen selectively expressed on the surface of activated T and NK lymphocytes, as well as on dendritic cells. Monoclonal antibodies acting as artificial stimulatory ligands of this receptor (anti-CD137 agonist antibodies) enhance cellular antitumoural and antiviral immunity in a variety of mouse models. Paradoxically, anti-CD137 monoclonal antibodies are therapeutic or preventive in the course of model autoimmune diseases in mice. In light of these experimental results, a number of research groups have humanized antibodies against human CD137 and early clinical trials are about to start

    A randomized phase II clinical trial of dendritic cell vaccination following complete resection of colon cancer liver metastasis

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    Surgically resectable synchronic and metachronic liver metastases of colon cancer have high risk of relapse in spite of standard-of-care neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy regimens. Dendritic cell vaccines loaded with autologous tumor lysates were tested for their potential to avoid or delay disease relapses (NCT01348256). Patients with surgically amenable liver metastasis of colon adenocarcinoma (n = 19) were included and underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy, surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy. Fifteen patients with disease-free resection margins were randomized 1:1 to receive two courses of four daily doses of dendritic cell intradermal vaccinations versus observation. The trial had been originally designed to include 56 patients but was curtailed due to budgetary restrictions. Follow-up of the patients indicates a clear tendency to fewer and later relapses in the vaccine arm (median disease free survival –DFS-) 25.26 months, 95% CI 8. 74-n.r) versus observation arm (median DFS 9.53 months, 95% CI 5.32–18.88)

    BCR-ABL1-induced expression of HSPA8 promotes cell survival in chronic myeloid leukaemia

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    In order to determine new signal transduction pathways implicated in chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML), we performed a gene expression profile comparison between CD34+ cells from CML patients and healthy donors. Functional studies were performed using the Mo7e and Mo7e-p210 cell lines. Expression of CCND1 (Cyclin D1), as well as the chaperone HSPA8, which is important for regulation of CCND1, were significantly upregulated in CD34+ CML cells. Upregulation of HSPA8 was dependent, at least in part, on STAT5 (signal transducer and activator of transcrition 5)-dependent transcriptional activation, as demonstrated by chromatin immunoprecipitation. The presence of HSPA8 in the nuclear protein fraction as well as its binding to CCND1 suggests that it may contribute to stabilization of the CCND1/CDK4 complex, which, in turn, may participate in proliferation of CML cells. Treatment of CML cells with the specific HSPA8 inhibitor 15-deoxyspergualin induced inhibition of CML cell viability but did not induce apoptosis. In conclusion, our studies suggest that STAT5-mediated activation of HSPA8 induces nuclear translocation and activation of the CCND1/CDK4 complex leading to increased proliferation of CML cells, deciphering a new pathway implicated in CML and supporting a potential role of chaperone inhibitors in the treatment of CML