249 research outputs found

    The internationalization of hidden champions from Germany and the UK : an extension to the Born-Again Global path

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    Although internationalization has been extensively studied, the majority of analyses have focused on motives and enablers, also known as triggers, with less attention paid to internationalization paths. To add to the internationalization paths debate, we explore global niche players dubbed as Hidden Champions from Germany and Britain. Our findings show that a large portion of these firms experience an international ‘rebirth’ by adopting a more accelerated approach to internationalization after already gaining first international experience. This is mainly through exporting activity, which is a variation of the Born-Again Global phenomenon. Due to their unique internationalization path, we call these firms Re-Born-Again Globals. Furthermore, we uncover the critical incidents for the internationalization of these firms, namely changes in management, technology advances, and product diversification.Peer reviewe

    Effect of corruption distance on FDI flows to Latin America

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    The aim of this research is to understand how corruption affects the attraction of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Studies of corruption and its relationship with FDI have yielded mixed results; some have found that corruption deters FDI others have found no relation between the two factors, while others have found a positive one. In order to further the knowledge of how corruption affects FDI this study argues that it is not only the level of corruption what might affect FDI but also the distance between host and home countries. This study presents two sections, the first one concentrates on a macroeconomic level analysis of corruption and how it affects FDI to Latin America. The second section analyses how corruption affects the decision-making process of allocating FDI to a highly corrupt host country at the firm-level. After controlling for institutional and transaction cost variables, results show that corruption distance has an asymmetrical impact. Host countries enjoying “positive” corruption distance compared with home countries as sources of FDI experience no significant increases or reductions in levels of inward FDI. However, “negative” corruption distance suffered by host countries is associated with significantly lower levels of inward FDI. Conversely, firms from home countries with high corruption are undeterred by high corruption in host countries. This study also analysed how corruption affected foreign investors at the firm level. To do so, this study researched the decision making process of allocating FDI into a highly corrupt host country. The results of the analysis show that corruption amongst bureaucrats, judges, and members of the government elite do not seem to have an impact on the decision making process of allocating FDI in the country because foreign investors are aware of the problem. However, firms from more corrupt countries seem to have an advantage when operating in a highly corrupt foreign location because they may possess knowledge of how to cope with the arbitrariness dimension of corruption. High corruption levels in the host country seem to have an effect on the entry mode utilised by firms from countries with lower levels of corruption. Based on the results presented on this study, MNEs from less corrupt countries might opt to enter a highly corrupt host country via wholly owned subsidiaries (WOS) rather than joint ventures (JVs). This might be explained by the fact that these investors prefer to have more control over their firms’ operations in a highly corrupt country. Also, these managers need to protect their image and not to be associated with local partners that are perceived as corrupt. Finally, even though this study found evidence that all firms operating in Guatemala might participate in corrupt deals, those headquartered in highly corrupt countries are more willing to do so. This claim is based on the fact that firms from less corrupt countries might face stronger pressures from their headquarters to not engage in corrupt deals, whereas firms from more corrupt countries might not encounter such pressures

    Tai Chi for Older Adult Wellness: A Scoping Review and Proposed Study

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    PURPOSE: Tai Chi is a moderate-intensity exercise, which consists of slow fluid movements, appropriate for older adults. The five primary styles of Tai Chi include, Chen, Yang, Hao, Wu and Sun, where each style focuses on certain movements and functions. The purpose of this scoping review is to evaluate the impact of Tai Chi on the health and well-being of older adults. METHODS: Google Scholar and an university library’s OneSearch feature were used to locate relevant articles on Tai Chi for older adults. The OneSearch indexed several databases relevant to exercise science including PubMed, SPORTDiscus and Web of Science were the primary article databases used. RESULTS: Tai Chi provides physiological and psychological health benefits such as improved physical function and reduced mood disturbances. Tai Chi is versatile as it is used for fall prevention, rehabilitation, socialization and improving self-efficacy. These cited improvements are reported across all the five primary styles of Tai Chi. There are some known barriers to Tai Chi participation, such as unfamiliarity with Tai Chi’s history and benefits. There is limited evidence on whether the style of Tai Chi that is practiced can mitigate these barriers. CONCLUSION: Based on the findings, we still need to know the preferred Tai Chi style among older adults. There is need for qualitative study that will determine why older adults are interested or disinterred in Tai Chi and which style is most appealing to them

    DNA damage induced during mitosis undergoes DNA repair synthesis.

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    Understanding the mitotic DNA damage response (DDR) is critical to our comprehension of cancer, premature aging and developmental disorders which are marked by DNA repair deficiencies. In this study we use a micro-focused laser to induce DNA damage in selected mitotic chromosomes to study the subsequent repair response. Our findings demonstrate that (1) mitotic cells are capable of DNA repair as evidenced by DNA synthesis at damage sites, (2) Repair is attenuated when DNA-PKcs and ATM are simultaneously compromised, (3) Laser damage may permit the observation of previously undetected DDR proteins when damage is elicited by other methods in mitosis, and (4) Twenty five percent of mitotic DNA-damaged cells undergo a subsequent mitosis. Together these findings suggest that mitotic DDR is more complex than previously thought and may involve factors from multiple repair pathways that are better understood in interphase

    Prevalence of human papillomavirus in adolescent girls before reported sexual debut.

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    BACKGROUND: Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines are recommended for girls prior to sexual debut because they are most effective if administered before girls acquire HPV. Little research has been done on HPV prevalence in girls who report not having passed sexual debut in high HPV-prevalence countries. METHODS: Using attendance registers of randomly selected primary schools in the Mwanza region of Tanzania, we enrolled girls aged 15-16 years who reported not having passed sexual debut. A face-to-face interview on sexual behavior and intravaginal practices, and a nurse-assisted self-administered vaginal swab were performed. Swabs were tested for 13 high-risk and 24 low-risk HPV genotypes. RESULTS: HPV was detected in 40/474 (8.4%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 5.9-11.0) girls. Ten different high-risk and 21 different low-risk genotypes were detected. High-risk genotypes were detected in 5.3% (95% CI, 3.5-7.8). In multivariable analysis, only intravaginal cleansing (practiced by 20.9%) was associated with HPV detection (adjusted odds ratio = 2.19, 95% CI, 1.09-4.39). CONCLUSION: This cohort of adolescent Tanzanian girls had a high HPV prevalence prior to self-reported sexual debut, and this was associated with intravaginal cleansing. This most likely reflects underreporting of sexual activity, and it is possible that intravaginal cleansing is a marker for unreported sexual debut or nonpenetrative sexual behaviors