589 research outputs found


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    Physical and linkage mapping of genetic markers and genes associated with sex determination in tilapia (Oreochromis spp.)

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    ABSTRACT In order to combine previous observations from different sources on sex determination, and to identify sex chromosomes including the major sex determination locus in Nile tilapia, physical and genetic maps based on sex-linked markers and genes (such as sex-linked AFLPs, microsatellites, ovarian aromatase and DMO genes) were integrated and anchored. An accurate physical map using FISH techniques on mitotic cells was developed based on a previous map and 23 tilapia BAC clones previously assigned to linkage groups (LGs) 1, 3, 6, 7, 10 and 12; and on meiotic cells, 2 BAC clones containing the SLAM OniY227 and the dmrt4 gene were mapped. The six linkage groups were then assigned to different chromosomes, but surprisingly, the putative sex LG1 was located to a small submetacentric chromosome and not to the larger subtelocentric chromosome 1, where LG3 was assigned instead. The other LGs were assigned to different chromosomes and oriented with respect to the centromeres. A detailed comparison of the physical distribution of markers on chromosome 1 with respect to LG3 revealed a suppression in recombination in the subtelomeric region of the q arm between the marker GM354 (0 cM) and clcn5 (29 cM) and an abrupt increment of recombination between clcn5 (29 cM) and GM128 (77 cM) close to the centromere (Flpter=0.2). The unpairing region (20% of the total length) observed on the larger bivalents of XY fish during early pachytene in meiotic cells has been confirmed by DAPI staining and FISH to be at the terminal part of the q arm, opposite to the centromere. Comparison with six other tilapia species (2n=44) revealed a well conserved karyological distribution of the suspected LGs associated with sex determination (1 and 3). Besides, in O. karongae (2n=38) it was shown by SATA and UNH995/UNH104 marker hybridisation that LG1 has been re-arranged into the subtelomeric chromosome 2 as a result of a telomere-telomere fusion. A pool of 15 tilapia BAC clones previously localised on chromosome 1 and containing sex-linked AFLPs, dmrt1, dmrt4 and several SINEs were screened for new microsatellites; BACs were digested with SAU3AI and TC, GT, ATCT and CTGT probes radio-labelled with 32P. The high abundance of repetitive sequences in the BACs used led to only one useful polymorphic and co-dominant marker being obtained, associated to a BAC clone containing a copy of the dmrt1 gene on chromosome 1 (Flpter=0.85). Four linkage maps were constructed from an XY male, XY neofemale, XX neomale and XX female, mapping 4 and 8 markers on LG1 and LG3 (including the dmrt1 associated microsatellite) respectively. A specific sex-determination locus was identified on LG1 clearly linked with UNH995. However there appeared to be different allelic strengths for this sex determination locus, as shown by different sex ratios associated with different UNH995 genotypes. Additionally, one of the two XX fish mapped, showed the location of the recessive black blotching trait on LG3 (chromosome 1) between the markers GM128 and GM526, close to the centromere (Flpter=0.14). The results presented suggest a nascent Y chromosome in early stage of differentiation in Nile tilapia and with a functional master gene on LG1 close to the marker UNH995 (Flpter=0.67) located on the q arm of a small submetacentric chromosome. The potential influences of the autosomal LG3 (chromosome 1) in sex differentiation are also discussed

    Liolaemus cuyanus. Saurophagy.

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    First record of saurophagy in Liolaemus cuyanusFil: Gallardo, Gabriela. Universidad Nacional de Chilecito; ArgentinaFil: Scrocchi Manfrini, Gustavo Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán. Unidad Ejecutora Lillo; Argentin

    TT race data logger

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    This report is made to accomplish the demand from TriCAT Racing motor race team. They suggest if it was possible to create a device capable to log data from a motorbike during a race or testing seasons, mentioning some other similar systems out on the market, but is really expensive. Taking an initial idea, we thought about one way to design a system capable of satisfy the demand of our contractor, trying to reduce costs on the design. At this point we accept the project offered by TriCAT racing team. Known the several issues that they have about the design and studying the different ways to make it, the design is starting to be thought. The contractor needs that the system has to be capable of store the data into a SD card, this data are: position, velocity, RPM, cornering angle and lap time of a motorbike in a circuit race. For solve this issues we thought about microprocessors, GPS’s, and other kind of possibilities, arriving to one possible solution. Now the solution of design question is solved, it is possible to design a system capable to accomplish the demands of the contractor, with a microcontroller PIC18F4550 and a GPS Unit, one Accelerometer, and programming a complex program on C for microcontrollers it is possible arrive to a solution. When we start to build the first prototype and we decide to test it a problem appears, not enough space in ROM memory. During the implementation part, we arrived the conclusion that we made an error choosing the microprocessor PIC18F4550, this error is because the ROM memory. The program that we are using is too big, and the ROM memory of the microprocessor PIC18F4550 it’s not enough to contain all the program. As a result of the short time disposed for make the project, and the errors made at the end, it is not possible to change the design, the prototype is build and we are trying to make it run. If the project could be continued for another students or another engineers, the best idea for start, is change the microcontroller for another with the minimum resources needed by the C program

    Ultra-short heart rate variability and Poincaré plots

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    The short-term heart rate variability records of 5 minutes are currently considered very extensive compared to other indicators of health and well-being of people, such as body weight, blood glucose, blood pressure, etc. To find records of indicators less than 5 minutes, ultra-short heart rate variability, equivalent to the short-term heart rate variability, samples registers of 5 minutes is used to extract SS (stress score index) and S / PS (sympathetic/parasympathetic ratio) from the Poincaré diagram and correlate with the time and frequency domain of a group of subjects. To do this, the electrocardiographic signals were recorded for 300 seconds at rest then, the cardiotachograms (RR series) were calculated and used as a gold standard, and cardiotachogram were also calculated at intervals of 60, 90, 120, 180, and 240 seconds to perform the analysis of concordance with the gold standard. We use concordance analysis: Spearman, Bland, and Altman correlation, and Cliff´s delta. This study set out to, that the indicator S/PS -- proposed for the analysis of the autonomic balance -- could be regarded as an alternative for traditionally be used LF/HF (Low Frequency / High Frequency) of the frequency domain or SD21 (SD2 / SD1) of the graphic Poincaré domain. In addition, the SS times within records of 120 seconds, were equivalent to those of short-term HRV and S/PS of 90 seconds. This finding, while preliminary, suggests that a reduction in measurement times will make it possible to increase the use of heart rate variability analysis. In future investigations, it might be possible to use these indicators in different populations and use of different pre-processing methods.Fil: Gallardo, Jose Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Unidad de Microanálisis y Métodos Físicos en Química Orgánica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Unidad de Microanálisis y Métodos Físicos en Química Orgánica; Argentina. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Bellone, Giannina. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires". Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología. Laboratorio de Cronobiología; ArgentinaFil: Risk, Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Oficina de Coordinacion Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Medicina Traslacional E Ingenieria Biomedica. - Hospital Italiano. Instituto de Medicina Traslacional E Ingenieria Biomedica. - Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Medicina Traslacional E Ingenieria Biomedica.; Argentin

    What leads to loneliness?An integrative model of Social, Motivational and Emotional approaches in adolescence

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    Loneliness has been linked to many physical and mental health problems, especially during adolescence. From evolutionary, social needs, and cognitive approaches, this study examined whether emotional repair, relatedness need, and peer-rated indicators of relations behave in predicting loneliness, considering all approaches together. The sample consisted of 373 adolescents measured longitudinally at three time points. Results of a cross-lagged panel design found that, considering all the influences together, relatedness need showed the highest strength to predict loneliness. Furthermore, adolescents who were accepted by their peers and whose relatedness need was satisfied activated emotional regulation which additionally produced a decrease in prospective feelings of loneliness. In addition, loneliness has been shown to be a consequence of these variables

    A propósito de los Leptodactylidae (Amphibia Anura)

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    Reproductive Structures and Early Life History of the Gulf Toadfish, Opsanus beta, in the Tecolutla Estuary, Veracruz, Mexico

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    Although the Gulf toadfish, Opsanus beta, is an abundant member of the nearshore Gulf of Mexico ichthyofaunal assemblage, little information exists regarding the ecology of the species, especially for southern Gulf of Mexico populations. We added to the existing knowledge of this species by describing the reproductive structures and examining the early life history of this species in the Tecolutla estuary, Mexico. Macro- and microscopic examination of 7 males showed spermatogenesis to be similar to other teleost species except for the occurrence of biflagellate spermatozoa. Histological examination of the male accessory gland showed 3 tissue layers, but their functions are still undetermined. We found asynchronous development of oocytes in the ovaries of 16 females, which may indicate multiple spawning over the long spawning season noted in this study. Batch fecundity estimates among females ranged from 79 to 518 mature ova with a mean ovum diameter of 3.5 mm. The above-mentioned factors along with large size at hatching, attached larval forms, and paternal care may account, in part, for the abundance of this species in highly dynamic systems

    Prevalencia y nivel de severidad de patologías estructurales presentes en edificaciones de albañilería del sector 18 de la ciudad de Cajamarca

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    El trabajo de investigación que se está presentando contiene la cuantificación, caracterización y análisis de las patologías que se presentan en las edificaciones de albañilería del sector 18 de la ciudad de Cajamarca que comprende los barrios La Florida, Aranjuez y Miraflores. El propósito del estudio radica en determinar cuál es la patología estructural que se presentan con más prevalencia en las muestras seleccionadas para el estudio y finalmente poder obtener su nivel de severidad el cual es clasificada en 3 escalas (Leve, Moderado y Severo). Para la recolección de los datos fué necesario obtener la autorización de los propietarios y empresas que vienen ocupando las viviendas o locales en el área escogida. Todos los datos obtenidos en campo fueron anotados y posteriormente trasladados a una Guía de Observación que permitió la Identificación, Medición, Caracterización y Evaluación. La metodología usada para la obtención de datos fue del tipo descriptiva, la población estuvo conformada por todas las edificaciones de albañilería del sector 18 de la ciudad de Cajamarca mientras que la muestra estuvo compuesta por 23 edificaciones de albañilería repartidas en toda el área en estudio. La obtención de datos se realizó en dos etapas utilizando los siguientes instrumentos: Wincha, Fisurómetro, Cámara fotográfica, útiles de escritorio. Al realizar el análisis se pudo determinar lo siguiente: Existen 5 patologías prevalentes que fueron: Fisuras, Desprendimientos, Humedad, Eflorescencias y grietas siendo la más prevalente las fisuras con 81.37% presentando niveles de severidad Leve (80%), Moderado (17%) y Severo (3%) concluyendo que su nivel de severidad es Leve