3,056 research outputs found

    Current developments of the Brazilian automotive industry

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    In the context of the stabilization and economic growth that has followed the Real plan introduced in mid 1994, the latest effort to curb dramatically high inflation, the Brazilian automotive industry has continued to grow following a series of policy changes occurred throughout the 90s. The industry has "boomed" for two consecutive years, achieving record production and sales levels. In 1994 production volume reached 1.5 million units, domestic sales of 1.3 million and 380.000 units exported. And a record volume of 150.000 units of imported vehicles penetrated the Brazilian market. After more than a decade of stagnation and with a poor technological and efficiency performance, this partial success crowns a restructuring process that has implemented lean manufacturing principles as the new industry paradigm and a new set of industrial policies that has liberalized the Brazilian economy and has stimulated the cooperation among the major stakeholders - government, companies, labor. This paper will focus on the most recent economic performance and policy changes in the Brazilian automotive industry, which faces the formidable challenge of being competitive internationally as new investments of US$ 10 billion expected until the year 2.000 to raise the production volume of 2.5 to 3 million

    Molecular and thermodynamic properties of zwitterions versus ionic liquids: A comprehensive computational analysis to develop advanced separation processes

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    WILEY: "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: ChemPhysChem 19.7 (2018): 801-815, which has been published in final form at http://doi.org/10.1002/cphc.201701093. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions." Este artículo apareció anteriormente con el siguiente título "Exploring molecular and thermodynamic properties of zwitterions vs ionic liquids: A comprehensive computational analysis to develop advanced separation processes"Zwitterion ionic liquids (ZIs) are compounds in which both counterions are covalently tethered, conferring them with unique characteristics; however, most of their properties are still unknown, representing a bottleneck to exploit their practical applications. Herein, the molecular and fluid properties of ZIs and their mixtures were explored by means of quantum chemical analysis based on the density functional theory (DFT) and COSMO-RS method, and compared against homologous ionic liquids (ILs) to provide a comprehensive overview of the effect of the distinct structures on their physicochemical and thermodynamic behavior. Overall, ZIs were revealed as compounds with higher polarity and stronger hydrogen-bonding capacity, implying higher density, viscosity, melting point, and even lower volatility than structurally similar ILs. The phase equilibrium of binary and ternary systems supports stronger attractive interactions between ZIs and polar compounds, whereas higher liquid–liquid immiscibility with nonpolar compounds may be expected. Ultimately, the performance of ZIs in the wider context of separation processes is illustrated, while providing molecular insights to allow their selection and design for relevant applicationsThe authors would like to acknowledge to Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid for the Project S2013/MAE-2800 and to Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) of Spain for financial support of Projects CTQ2014-52288-R. We are very grateful to Centro de Computación Científica de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid for computational facilities. We all would like to acknowledge kind support in the framework of the COST Action EXIL-Exchange on Ionic Liquids (CM1206)

    Simulation and optimization of the CWPO process by combination of aspen plus and 6-factor doehlert matrix: Towards autothermal operation

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    This work aims to present an industrial perspective on CatalyticWet Peroxide Oxidation (CWPO) technology. Herein, process simulation and experimental design have been coupled to study the optimal process conditions to ensure high-performance oxidation, minimum H2O2 consumption and maximum energetic effciency in an industrial scale CWPO unit. The CWPO of phenol in the presence of carbon black catalysts was studied as a model process in the Aspen Plus® v11 simulator. The kinetic model implemented, based on 30 kinetic equations with 11 organic compounds and H2O2 involvement, was valid to describe the complex reaction network and to reproduce the experimental results. The computer experiments were designed on a six-factor Doehlert Matrix in order to describe the influence of the operating conditions (i.e., the different process temperatures, inlet chemical oxygen demands, doses of H2O2 and space time) on each selected output response (conversion, e ciency of H2O2 consumption and energetic effciency) by a quadratic model. The optimization of the WPO performance by a multi-criteria function highlighted the inlet chemical oxygen demand as the most influential operating condition. It needed to have values between 9.5 and 24 g L-1 for autothermal operation to be sustained under mild operating conditions (reaction temperature: 93–130 ºC and pressure: 1–4 atm) and with a stoichiometric dose of H2O2.The authors thank the financial support by the Spanish Government and Comunidad de Madrid through the projects CTM2016-76454-R and S2018/EMT-4341, respectively. Also, the authors acknowledge financial support to the Portugal Government through the project UIDB/00690/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Automation in the simulation of processes with Aspen HYSYS: An academic approach

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    Aspen HYSYS is a typical tool used in some Master in Chemical Engineering courses at the University of Castilla-La Mancha like “Analysis and Optimization of Chemical Processes” and “Dynamic of Process: Regulation of Chemical Plants.” Automation is the process of linking commercial software to third-parties applications built in EXCEL-Visual Basic for Applications. The capability of automation as a powerful tool for simulating unprecedented complex processes suggests that it could be a relevant background complement to the classical one offered by a university. In this sense, a seminar about automation based on the study of two cases: a refrigeration process and a production one taken from literature, has been proposed at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. The analysis of the survey performed for the subject evaluation resulted to be very positive. Students consider the methodology of the course and the potentiality of automation for developing their research and professional skills appropriately. However, more examples are required to better understand the automation concept and its potential application to other situations. Finally, they declare that the concept of automation requires a lot of expertise and deep knowledge of programming and the correct application of numerical methods for solving complex problem

    El discurso Periodístico Informativo en momentos de tensión electoral: Tratamiento periodístico de los diarios de circulación nacional “El Comercio” y “La República”, sobre la candidatura de Ollanta Humala en la semana previa a la segunda vuelta de los comicios electorales generales del 2011 (30/05/11 - 04/06/11)

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    Esta investigación se centra en el análisis de los textos informativos publicados por los diarios de circulación nacional: El Comercio y La República, relacionados a la candidatura de Ollanta Humala Tasso durante la semana previa al balotaje de los comicios electorales en Perú el año 2011. Y tiene el propósito de evidenciar, si en momentos de tensión política, como es una segunda vuelta, el equilibrio periodístico informativo y sus elementos se ven afectados por el contexto. Para ello, se explica la estrecha relación que guarda el periodismo con la política. Luego, se toma en cuenta los fundamentos del periodismo, para definir la naturaleza, matices y el lenguaje del periodismo informativo. A partir de ello, se construye el concepto de Equilibrio Periodístico Informativo, el cual está apoyado en una serie de elementos y de referentes. De igual forma, se considera el contexto político de la época, el cual sirve de referencia. A partir de ello, los resultados del análisis demuestran que el concepto de información, supuestamente asentado en ambos enunciadores, pierde algunas referencias por una serie elementos y presiones propias de tales coyunturas, donde hay una polarización política.This study focuses on the analysis of news published by El Comercio y La República, newspapers with nationwide circulation, which are related to Ollanta Humala Tasso’s bid for presidency during the previous week to the results of the second-round round-off elections in Peru in 2011. It also aims at showing, if under circumstances of political tension, as it is a second-round election, the equilibrium in news journalism and its elements are affected by context. For this purpose, it explains the close relationship between journalism and politics. Then, it deals with the fundamentals of journalism in order to define the nature, nuances, and language of news journalism. Based on the abovementioned, the concept of Equilibrium in News Journalism is developed, which is supported by a series of elements and referents. Similarly, the political context at that time is considered as a reference. From this, the results of this study show that the concept of news journalism, which is supposedly to be the foundation of both local newspapers involved in this study, loses certain references due to the presence of a series of elements and tensions from the contexts where there exists a political polarization.Tesi

    Prevención Psicosocial de la Violencia Escolaren Relación con el Bullying Directo e Indirecto en el Instituto Educativo Distrital Montebello de la Ciudad de Bogotá, Localidad San Cristóbal.

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    El trabajo investigativo se realiza con el fin de dar una respuesta a problemas de maltrato y psicológico en el instituto educativo distrital Montebello de la ciudad de Bogotá, localidad san Cristóbal; por lo tanto tiene el propósito de presentar analogías de programas frente el acoso escolar “bullying”, que han demostrado su efectividad y aceptación en las instituciones a nivel Iberoamérica, haciendo hincapié al auge de las herramientas tecnológicas utilizadas en este tipo de planes psicosociales, ya que estas facilitan a los adolescentes en denunciar cualquier tipo de acoso físico o psicológico.The investigative work is carried out in order to give an answer to abuse and psychological problems in the Montebello district educational institute in the city of Bogotá, San Cristóbal; Therefore it has the purpose of presenting analogies of programs against school bullying, which have demonstrated their effectiveness and acceptance in the institutions at the Ibero-American level, emphasizing the rise of the technological tools used in this type of psychosocial plans, and that these make it easier for teenagers to report any type of physical or psychological harassment

    Multiscale conceptual design of a scalable and sustainable process to dissolve and regenerate keratin from chicken feathers

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    A multiscale strategy was used to conceptually design and economically analyze a scalable and sustainable process for dissolving and regenerating keratin from chicken feathers by using a sodium acetate-urea deep eutectic solvent as the reacting media. In this study, the recovery and recycling of the solvent were also considered. Moreover, molecular modeling of the solvent, keratin and its derivatives, property estimation of the corresponding mixtures, and simulation of the different process alternatives proposed, including the equipment sizing, estimation of energy needs, and economic analysis were presented. A quasi-planar cluster governed by H-bond interactions resulted in the most stable configuration of the deep eutectic solvent. Molecular models having molecular weights higher than 1.400 g/mol were created to represent the keratin species, where the most abundant amino acids in the feathers were included and conveniently ordered in the chain. Property estimations performed with the conductor-like screening model-real solvent succeeded in describing the main features of the interactions between the keratin derivatives and the solvents used. The process analysis performed on several alternatives showed that the process is technically and economically viable at the industrial scale, the costs being strongly dependent on the excess of both the solvent used to dissolve keratin and the water added for its regeneration. Several options to improve the process and reduce the costs are discussedEuropeanUnion’s Horizon 2020 Researchand Innovation program undergrant agreement 72326

    Bacterial outer membrane vesicles and vaccine applications

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    Vaccines based on outer membrane vesicles (OMV) were developed more than 20 years ago against Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B. These nano-sized structures exhibit remarkable potential for immunomodulation of immune responses and delivery of “self” meningococcal antigens or unrelated antigens incorporated into the vesicle structure. This paper reviews different applications in OMV Research and Development (R&D) and provides examples of OMV developed and evaluated at the Finlay Institute in Cuba. A Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) process was developed at the Finlay Institute to produce OMV from N. meningitidis serogroup B (dOMVB) using detergent extraction. Subsequently, OMV from N. meningitidis, serogroup A (dOMVA), serogroup W (dOMVW) and serogroup X (dOMVX) were obtained using this process. More recently, the extraction process has also been applied effectively for obtaining OMV on a research scale from Vibrio cholerae (dOMVC), Bordetella pertussis (dOMVBP), Mycobacterium smegmatis (dOMVSM) and BCG (dOMVBCG). The immunogenicity of the OMV have been evaluated for specific antibody induction, and together with functional bactericidal and challenge assays in mice have shown their protective potential. dOMVB has been evaluated with non-self neisserial antigens, including with a herpes virus type 2 glycoprotein, ovalbumin and allergens. In conclusion, OMV are proving to be more versatile than first conceived and remain an important technology for development of vaccine candidates. - See more at: http://journal.frontiersin.org/Journal/10.3389/fimmu.2014.00121/abstract#sthash.MwqUyZQ1.dpu

    Flux interactions on D-branes and instantons

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    We provide a direct world-sheet derivation of the couplings of NS-NS and R-R fluxes to various types of D-branes (including instantonic ones) by evaluating disk amplitudes among two open string vertex operators at a generic brane intersection and one closed string vertex representing the background fluxes. This world-sheet approach is in full agreement with the derivation of the flux couplings in the brane effective actions based on supergravity methods, but it is applicable also to more general brane configurations involving fields with twisted boundary conditions. As an application, we consider an orbifold compactification of Type IIB string theory with fractional D-branes preserving N=1 supersymmetry and study the flux-induced fermionic mass terms both on space-filling branes and on instantonic ones. Our results show the existence of a relation between the soft supersymmetry breaking and the lifting of some instanton fermionic zero-modes, which may lead to new types of non-perturbative couplings in brane-world models.Comment: 48 pages, 2 figures. One reference and some comments adde