2,042 research outputs found

    Symmetric bifurcation analysis of synchronous states of time-delayed coupled Phase-Locked Loop oscillators

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    In recent years there has been an increasing interest in studying time-delayed coupled networks of oscillators since these occur in many real life applications. In many cases symmetry patterns can emerge in these networks, as a consequence a part of the system might repeat itself, and properties of this subsystem are representative of the dynamics on the whole phase space. In this paper an analysis of the second order N-node time-delay fully connected network is presented which is based on previous work by Correa and Piqueira \cite{Correa2013} for a 2-node network. This study is carried out using symmetry groups. We show the existence of multiple eigenvalues forced by symmetry, as well as the existence of Hopf bifurcations. Three different models are used to analyze the network dynamics, namely, the full-phase, the phase, and the phase-difference model. We determine a finite set of frequencies ω\omega, that might correspond to Hopf bifurcations in each case for critical values of the delay. The SnS_n map is used to actually find Hopf bifurcations along with numerical calculations using the Lambert W function. Numerical simulations are used in order to confirm the analytical results. Although we restrict attention to second order nodes, the results could be extended to higher order networks provided the time-delay in the connections between nodes remains equal.Comment: 41 pages, 18 figure


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    The performance management process in health care is far behind compared to the manufacturing and service industries. Although nowadays the health care organizations are able to deal with a greater rank diseases, their cost, quality and delivery has essentially not improved significantly, and the difference with the other industries even seems to have increased. As opposed to this situation health care has a tremendous opportunity to deploy lean principles to reduce internal/external costs, improve patient safety, increase profits, reduce litigation and decrease the dependence on Government and Insurance. The application of these principles is being facilitated by the use of the new technologies. A new technology allowing personnel to constantly "see" what’s happening with regards to patients schedule, backlog, workflow, inventory levels, resource utilization, quality, etc., is Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). The aim of this paper is to analyse the benefits that can be derived from the joint use of lean principles and RFID technology in health care.

    “Sexed habits” in the port city of Mar del Plata: women and fishermen in the beginning of the millennium

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    La actividad pesquera es considerada como una actividad productiva eminentemente masculina que reserva a la mujer roles domésticos y reproductivos. Esta visión naturalizada de la diferenciación de los sexos se ha construido históricamente de acuerdo a la relación de desigualdad implícita en la oposición entre lo que socialmente se considera masculino o femenino. Es así como variados estudios antropológicos se han ocupado de las mujeres y su relación con la actividad pesquera, dado que este ámbito productivo ofrece un terreno favorable para dotar de visibilidad a las mujeres y a sus actuaciones cotidianas en las unidades domésticas y en la vida pública. En este trabajo, proponemos la consideración de las representaciones sociales de género que circulan entre personas que manifiestan sentido de pertenencia a este microcosmos que denominamos “comunidad portuaria marplatense”. Mediante la interpretación de diversos testimonios orales, intentaremos discriminar discursos y prácticas que hombres y mujeres construyen en sus interacciones cotidianas. De este modo, cuestionaremos la invisibilidad del trabajo femenino dentro y fuera del hogar, para pasar a ocuparnos de la autonomía “relativa” de la que gozan estas mujeres. Finalmente, presentaremos algunas cuestiones, muy preliminares, referidas a la actuación gremial de un grupo de mujeres que están o han estado casadas con pescadores.Fishing is considered as an eminently male production activity that ascribes to women domestic and reproductive roles. This naturalized view of the differentiation of the sexes has been built historically according to the implicit inequality in the opposition between what is socially considered masculine or feminine. Various anthropological studies have focused on women and their relation with the fishing activity, since this industry makes it possible to lend visibility to women and their daily activities at home and in public. This paper discusses the social representations of gender that circulate among people who belong to the port community of Mar del Plata. By interpreting oral testimonies, it identifies discourses and practices that men and women construct in their daily interactions In this way it questions the invisibility of female work inside and outside of the home and deals with the “relative” autonomy that women have. Finally, it raises some preliminary questions related to the labor union activities of a group of women who are or were married to fishermen.Fil: Mateo, Jose Antonio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "bernardino Rivadavia". Estación Hidrobiológica de Puerto Quequén (sede Quequén); Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; ArgentinaFil: Correa, Analía. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educacion; Argentin

    Obstetric violence: a Latin American legal response to mistreatment during childbirth

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    Over the last several years, a new legal construct has emerged in Latin America that encompasses elements of quality of obstetric care and mistreatment of women during childbirth - both issues of global maternal health import. Termed "obstetric violence," this legal construct refers to disrespectful and abusive treatment that women may experience from health care providers during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period, as well as other elements of poor quality care, such as failure to adhere to evidence-based best practices. This new legal term emerged out of concerted efforts by women's groups and networks, feminists, professional organizations, international and regional bodies, and public health agents and researchers to improve the quality of care that women receive across the region.Fil: Williams, Caitlin R.. University of North Carolina; Estados UnidosFil: Jerez, Celeste. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género; ArgentinaFil: Klein, Karen. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Correa, Malena. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Belizan, Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Cormick, Gabriela. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. University of Cape Town; Sudáfric

    Stillbirth rates in 20 countries of Latin America: an ecological study

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    Objective: To describe country-level stillbirth rates and their change over time in Latin America, and to measure the association of stillbirth rates with socio-economic and health coverage indicators in the region. Design: Ecological study. Setting: 20 countries of Latin America. Population or Sample: Aggregated data from pregnant women with countries as units of analysis. Methods: We used stillbirth estimates, and socio-economic and healthcare coverage indicators reported from 2006 to 2016 from UNICEF, United Nations Development Programme and World Bank datasets. We calculated Spearman's correlation coefficients between stillbirths rates and socioeconomic and health coverage indicators. Main outcome measures: National estimates of stillbirth rates in each country. Results: The estimated stillbirth rate for Latin America for 2015 was 8.1 per 1000 births (range 3.1–24.9). Seven Latin America countries had rates higher than 10 stillbirths per 1000 births. The average annual reduction rate for the region was 2% (range 0.1–3.8%), with the majority of Latin America countries ranging between 1.5 and 2.5%. National stillbirth rates were correlated to: women's schooling (rS = −0.7910), gross domestic product per capita (rS = −0.8226), fertility rate (rS = 0.6055), urban population (rS = −0.6316), and deliveries at health facilities (rS = −0.6454). Conclusions: Country-level estimated stillbirth rates in Latin America varied widely in 2015. The trend and magnitude of reduction in stillbirth rates between 2000 and 2015 was similar to the world average. Socio-economic and health coverage indicators were correlated to stillbirth rates in Latin America. Tweetable abstract: Stillbirth rates decreased in Latin America but remain relatively high, with wide variations among countries.Fil: Pingray, María Verónica. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Althabe, Fernando. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Vazquez, Paula. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Correa, Malena. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; Argentina. University of Tulane; Estados UnidosFil: Pajuelo, Mónica. University Johns Hopkins; Estados UnidosFil: Belizan, Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; Argentin

    Complete Polarization Control in Multimode Fibers with Polarization and Mode Coupling

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    Multimode optical fibers have seen increasing applications in communication, imaging, high-power lasers and amplifiers. However, inherent imperfections and environmental perturbations cause random polarization and mode mixing, making the output polarization states very different from the input one. This poses a serious issue for employing polarization sensitive techniques to control light-matter interactions or nonlinear optical processes at the distal end of a fiber probe. Here we demonstrate a complete control of polarization states for all output channels by only manipulating the spatial wavefront of a laser beam into the fiber. Arbitrary polarization states for individual output channels are generated by wavefront shaping without constraint on input polarizations. The strong coupling between spatial and polarization degrees of freedom in a multimode fiber enables full polarization control with spatial degrees of freedom alone, transforming a multimode fiber to a highly-efficient reconfigurable matrix of waveplates

    The Dilemma of the Open Gingival Embrasure Between Maxillary Central Incisors

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    Aim: The aim of this report is to present the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment planning strategy in the presence of an open gingival embrasure between the maxillary central incisors. Background: The open gingival embrasure or “black triangle” is a visible triangular space in the cervical region of the maxillary incisors. It appears when the gingival papilla does not completely fill in the interdental space. The space may occur due to: (1) disease or surgery with periodontal attachment loss resulting in gingival recession; (2) severely malaligned maxillary incisors; (3) divergent roots; or (4) triangular-shaped crowns associated with or without periodontal problems and alveolar bone resorptions. Report: The post-treatment prevalence in adult orthodontic patients is estimated to be around 40% compromising the esthetic result. Conclusion: Several methods of managing patients with open gingival embrasure exist, but the interdisciplinary aspects of treatment must be emphasized to achieve the best possible result. The orthodontist can play a significant role in helping to manage these cases

    Temor y fascinación. El veneno en la imaginación urbana. Chile, 1880-1920

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    During the second half of the 19th century, the increased circulation of goodsand manufactures, most of them derived from new productive processes, contributed topicture poison as a dormant risk of the material world in early modernity. This studyexplores poison embedded in those things and focusses on the fear and attraction theyinspired in Chilean urban society. Specifically, is reviews poison and its main featuresin the context of consumer society, considering the connexions poison contributed toestablish between justice and science, through judicial institutions and toxicologicalexpertise. From a broader perspective, this study aims to explore the status of materialculture, its relationship with scientific practice, and the role of latter one in its meanings.Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX el aumento en la circulación de manufacturas, muchas de ellas derivadas de nuevos procesos productivos, contribuyó a visibilizar a los venenos como riesgos latentes del mundo material de la temprana modernidad. Este trabajo estudia el veneno, encarnado en dichos objetos, considerando el temor y la fascinación que su presencia provocó en la sociedad chilena urbana y los vínculos que este generó entre la justicia y la ciencia. En términos más específicos, el artículo revisa su presencia y características, en el contexto de la sociedad de consumo, y desde el cruce que establece con sus usuarios, con las instituciones judiciales y con la pericia toxicológica, orientada a comprender y conocer su identidad. Desde una perspectiva más amplia, este estudio, se propone reflexionar en torno al estatuto de la cultura material en el quehacer científico y en su significación lega y experta