315 research outputs found

    Hydration of clinker phases in alkaline conditions

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    This research is focused on the individual behaviour of calcium silicates (C3S and C2S) and tricalcium aluminate (C3A) when hydrated with water, but in the presence of 4 wt% Na2SO4. Two- and 28‑day mechanical strength of pastes were determined and the reaction products were identified by means of XRD, SEM/EDX and 29Si and 27 Al MAS NMR. Analysis of C3A revealed that hydration was favoured in the presence of Na2SO4. This salt governed hydration kinetics while providing the alkalinity required to induce the joint precipitation of carbonated and calcium sulfoaluminate hydrate reaction product, both observed to contribute to the mechanical strength of the resulting material. In both silicates (C3S and C2S), the findings showed that the presence of Na2SO4 stimulated mechanical strength development. The synergy among all chemical reactions taking place during the hydration of these calcium silicates favoured a substantial rise in the alkalinity of the pastes formed. In addition, the anion SO42- induced the precipitation of cementitious gels with a high percentage of Q2 units, which leads to a significant increase in the mechanical strength of the materials at 28 day

    DNA barcoding allows identifcation of undescribed crab megalopas from the open sea

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    Megalopas of 15 brachyuran crab species collected in the open sea plankton, and unknown until now, were identified using DNA barcodes (COI and 16S rRNA). Specimens belonging to the families Portunidae, Pseudorhombilidae and Xanthidae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura), and corresponding to the species Achelous floridanus, Arenaeus mexicanus, Callinectes amnicola, C. arcuatus, C. ornatus, C. toxones, Charybdis (Charybdis) hellerii, Portunus hastatus, Thalamita admete, Scopolius nuttingi, Etisus odhneri, Liomera cinctimanus, Neoliomera cerasinus, Pseudoliomera variolosa, and Williamstimpsonia stimpsoni, are described and illustrated, and compared with other congeneric species previously described. We also provide a new geographical record for N. cerasinus and the most remarkable features for each species.En prens

    Large wood in rivers and its Influence on flood hazard

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    In terms of flood hazard, the presence of large wood (logs, trees, branches and roots) in rivers may aggravate the consequences of flood events. This material may affect infrastructures such as bridges, weirs, etc., especially those intersecting forested mountain rivers. Until recently, a widely accepted practice was to systematically remove wood debris from river channels as a preventive measure. However, studies have shown that this practice may be useless as the material is transported and deposited after each flood and may even not benefit the long term natural balance of the river ecosystem. Therefore, the presence of this woody material in rivers must be managed and included in flood hazard and risk analysis. In this paper we present a comprehensive methodological approach to study the role of large wood in rivers, with a focus on flood hazard. First, to understand the dynamics of wood recruitment, the contributing areas delivering wood to the streams have to be delineated and the recruitment mechanisms studied. Thus, an estimate can be obtained of the potential volume of deliverable wood. To analyse wood transport we present a numerical model, which allows simulates the behaviour of individual pieces of wood together with hydrodynamics. Finally, we analyse the impact of wood on the magnitude of flood events (in terms of water level, flow velocity or flooded areas), using as an example a flood which occurred in December 1997 in the Sierra de Gredos. The results allowed us to reproduce the wood deposit patterns during the event and to reconstruct the bridge blockage. This caused the upstream water level to rise by up to 2 meters and reduced the flow velocity, which favoured debris and sediment deposits. Consequently, the effects of flooding were equivalent to those of a greater magnitude event. This increase in the flood hazard has been numerically quantified.Postprint (published version

    Electric Field Control of Soliton Motion and Stacking in Trilayer Graphene

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    The crystal structure of a material plays an important role in determining its electronic properties. Changing from one crystal structure to another involves a phase transition which is usually controlled by a state variable such as temperature or pressure. In the case of trilayer graphene, there are two common stacking configurations (Bernal and rhombohedral) which exhibit very different electronic properties. In graphene flakes with both stacking configurations, the region between them consists of a localized strain soliton where the carbon atoms of one graphene layer shift by the carbon-carbon bond distance. Here we show the ability to move this strain soliton with a perpendicular electric field and hence control the stacking configuration of trilayer graphene with only an external voltage. Moreover, we find that the free energy difference between the two stacking configurations scales quadratically with electric field, and thus rhombohedral stacking is favored as the electric field increases. This ability to control the stacking order in graphene opens the way to novel devices which combine structural and electrical properties

    Immunocytochemical evidence for growth hormone-releasing hormone in the tanycytes of the median eminence of the rat

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    The current study was performed to analyse the potential existence and structure of a GHRH-transporting tuberoinfundibular system in the rat median eminence. The immunocytochemical analysis using anti-GHRH revealed an intense immunoreaction in the ependimary cells, tanycytes, at the level of the floor of the infundibular recess forming part of the median eminence. The basal processes of these cells course towards the external layer of the median eminence and reach the growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) fibres of the tuberoinfundibular tract and this reaction was increased after intraventricular treatment with colchicine. Thus, these observations suggest the existence of a second or alternative cerebrospinal fluid-mediated route of GHRH transport to the median eminence and implicate the involvement of tanycytes in the regulation of this novel transport system

    Larval development of the pea crab Afropinnotheres monodi Manning, 1993 (Decapoda, Pinnotheridae) using plankton-collected and laboratory-reared specimens: effects of temperature

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    The aim of this study was to assess the effect of temperature on the survival and duration of larval development in the African pea crab Afropinnotheres monodi, as well as to describe its larval stages. We studied larvae reared in the laboratory and also specimens collected from plankton from the Gulf of Cádiz at two different temperatures. According to the results of this study, larval development of A. monodi involves four zoea stages and one megalopa and lasts around 25 days at 25°C, and longer than 40 days at 19°C. Such a temperature-related duration of this dispersive phase may be causing a higher recruitment to parental populations during the summer, but a higher dispersal to new locations during the rest of the year, a seasonal pattern of dispersion which could favour the successful expansion of this non-native species into European waters. The identification of both larval phases from plankton samples and adult specimens was carried out using morphological characters and molecular techniques. Both the 16S mtDNA sequences of this species, now available in GenBank, and the larval descriptions provided by this study could help to establish an early alert for the detection of this African species in its northward expansion