3 research outputs found

    O Tempo do Processo e o Processo Eletrônico

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     The increasingly important role of the electronic process as technical means of adjudication must be understood from the dimension related to the process time and its forms of action. From the analysis of the process steps, we can understand how the principles of the speed and effectiveness are or not affected by the virtualization of procedural acts, especially taking into account the innovations of the draft of the new Civil Procedure Code. Apart from this, one cannot ignore the economic bias imposed by temporal compression and by the demands of immediacy of adjudication, significantly affecting the quality of the process time.O papel cada vez mais destacado que assume o processo eletrônico como meio técnico de prestação jurisdicional deve ser compreendido a partir da dimensão relacionada ao tempo do processo e das suas formas de atuação. A partir da análise das linhas temporais do processo, é possível entender o quanto os postulados da celeridade e da efetividade são ou não atingidos pela virtualização dos atos processuais, em especial levando-se em conta as inovações do projeto do novo Código de Processo Civil. A par disso, não se pode ignorar o viés econômico imposto pela compressão temporal e pelas exigências da instantaneidade da prestação jurisdicional, afetando de modo significativo o tempo qualitativo do processo

    The Process Time and Electronic Process

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    The increasingly important role of the electronic process as technical means of adjudication must be understood from the dimension related to the process time and its forms of action. From the analysis of the process steps, we can understand how the principles of the speed and effectiveness are or not affected by the virtualization of procedural acts, especially taking into account the innovations of the draft of the new Civil Procedure Code. Apart from this, one cannot ignore the economic bias imposed by temporal compression and by the demands of immediacy of adjudication, significantly affecting the quality of the process time