698 research outputs found

    Improvement of olive oil quality: Metabolic, biochemical and molecular analysis of squalene biosynthesis in olive

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    The virgin olive oil (VOO) is a natural olive juice of special importance in Mediterranean diet due to both its beneficial effects on human health [1] and its exceptional organoleptic properties. These characteristics are due to the presence of the major components, which are the triacylglycerols, and certain groups of compounds encompassed under the term of minor components. Among the minor compounds of VOO, squalene is a polyunsaturated triterpene which is an intermediate metabolite in the synthesis of steroids and terpenoids [2]. In recent years, special attention has been paid to squalene because of the benefits that its ingestion contributes to health. Squalene is considered a natural antioxidant and has been frequently used as an additive to lipid emulsions and as drug carrier in pharmaceutical and vaccine applications. In addition, clinical studies indicate that as a component of olive oil it also has a preventive effect on breast cancer, possesses tumor-protective and a cardio-protective properties [3]. The richest source of squalene is shark liver oil (60% fresh weight), but because of the care protection of marine species concerns, the production of squalene from shark liver oil has been questioned. For this reason, the extraction of squalene from plant species would be of great interest to have a sustainable source of squalene.In this study, the identification of olive genes with a high degree of similarity with the squalene synthase (SQS) genes of the model plant Arabidopsis was carried out from the olive transcriptome and also through the olive genome, both deposited in GenBank  [4, 5]. From the identified sequences, a pair of specific oligonucleotides for each sequence were designed and used to obtain  the full-length cDNA clones  encoding for olive SQS. In addition, we are analyzing the olive SQS genes expression levels in mesocarp and seed during the olive fruit development and ripening by QPCR. Finally, in order to confirm the functional identity of olive SQS cloned genes, we are going to carry out their  functional expression in the bacteria E. coli followed by the biochemical characterization of the corresponding recombinants enzymes.Therefore, the general objetive of this study is to improve the VOO nutritional and technological quality by increasing the squalene content of olive fruit. To achieve this, we focus on the isolation and characterization of the main genes involved in squalene synthesis in olive mesocarp

    The Kramer sampling theorem revisited

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    The classical Kramer sampling theorem provides a method for obtaining orthogonal sampling formulas. Besides, it has been the cornerstone for a significant mathematical literature on the topic of sampling theorems associated with differential and difference problems. In this work we provide, in an unified way, new and old generalizations of this result corresponding to various different settings; all these generalizations are illustrated with examples. All the different situations along the paper share a basic approach: the functions to be sampled are obtaining by duality in a separable Hilbert space through an -valued kernel K defined on an appropriate domain.This work has been supported by the grant MTM2009–08345 from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICNN).Publicad

    Porous Titanium Cylinders Obtained by the Freeze-Casting Technique: Influence of Process Parameters  on Porosity and Mechanical Behavior

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     The discrepancy between the stiffness of commercially pure titanium and cortical bone  tissue compromises its success as a biomaterial. The use of porous titanium has been widely studied,  however, it is still challenging to obtain materials able to replicate the porous structure of the bones  (content, size, morphology and distribution). In this work, the freeze‐casting technique is used to  manufacture cylinders with elongated porosity, using a home‐made and economical device. The  relationship between the processing parameters (diameter and material of the mold, temperature  gradient), microstructural features and mechanical properties is established and discussed, in terms  of ensuring biomechanical and biofunctional balance. The cylinders have a gradient porosity  suitable for use in dentistry, presenting higher Young’s modulus at the bottom, near the cold spot  and, therefore better mechanical resistance (it would be in contact with a prosthetic crown), while  the opposite side, the hot spot, has bigger, elongated pores and walls.  Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain  grant  MAT2015‐71284‐P  FEDER‐Junta de Andalucía Research  Project (Modeling and implementation of the freeze casting technique: gradients of porosity with a tribomechanical equilibrium and electro‐stimulated cellular behavior).

    Osteoblastoma del sacro. A propósito de dos casos clínicos.

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    El osteoblastoma es un tumor óseo primitivo de frecuente localización en los elementos posteriores de la columna vertebral, aunque raro en el sacro. Se presentan dos osteoblastomas del sacro, con un seguimiento medio de ocho años, tratados mediante resección intralesional que, sin morbilidad, deparó un excelente resultado. El curetaje sería un procedimiento de resección válido en osteoblastomas sacros no agresivos, si bien obliga a un seguimiento prolongado del paciente para vigilar la posibilidad de recidivas locales.Osteoblastoma is a primary neoplasm of bone fre- quently located in the posterior elements of the spine, alt- hough rarely affecting the sacrum. Two cases in this location are reported, with a mean follow-up of eight years, treated with an intralesional resection that, without any morbidity, has provided an excellent result. Curettage should be a valid re- section procedure for nonagressive osteoblastomas of the sacrum, although it makes necessary a long follow-up in or- der to watch over the possibility of a local recurrence

    On Some Sampling-Related Frames in U-Invariant Spaces

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    This paper is concerned with the characterization as frames of some sequences in -invariant spaces of a separable Hilbert space H where U denotes an unitary operator defined on H ; besides, the dual frames having the same form are also found. This general setting includes, in particular, shift-invariant or modulation-invariant subspaces in L2(R) , where these frames are intimately related to the generalized sampling problem. We also deal with some related perturbation problems. In doing so, we need the unitary operator to belong to a continuous group of unitary operators

    Análisis del lanzamiento a canasta en baloncesto en silla de ruedas.

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue desarrollar una revisión sistemática sobre el lanzamiento en Baloncesto en Silla de Ruedas. Para la búsqueda de los documentos, se utilizaron las siguientes palabras clave: “Basketball”, “Wheelchair” y “Shooting”. Las bases de datos empleadas fueron Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed y SPORTDiscus, incluyendo todos los manuscritos publicados hasta enero de 2023, garantizando así los documentos más recientes. Para la búsqueda, se establecieron una serie criterios de inclusión: i) Seleccionar cualquier tipo de documento científico, ii) Incluir aquellos documentos que analicen el lanzamiento en BSR, y, su incidencia en el rendimiento (mínimo 50 palabras), iii) Estar escrito en inglés, español o portugués, y, por último, iv) Estar disponible a texto completo o disponer del resumen, obteniéndose un número final de veinte documentos manuscritos. Los manuscritos seleccionados se caracterizan por ser Estudios empíricos con una metodología cuantitativa. Como conclusión, parece que el lanzamiento es uno de los principales indicadores de rendimiento en Baloncesto en Silla de Ruedas, pero no se ha investigado la influencia de la Clasificación Funcional en la efectividad y el Tipo de lanzamientos, lo que permitiría conocer y analizar el rendimiento de los jugadores en función de su capacidad motriz.post-print258 K

    Detoxification of azo dyes by a novel pH-versatile, salt-resistant laccase from Streptomyces ipomoea

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    A newly identified extracellular laccase produced by Streptomyces ipomoea CECT 3341 (SilA) was cloned and overexpressed, and its physicochemical characteristics assessed together with its capability to decolorize and detoxify an azotype dye. Molecular analysis of the deduced sequence revealed that SilA contains a TAT-type signal peptide at the N-terminus and only two cupredoxine domains; this is consistent with reports describing two other Streptomyces laccases but contrasts with most laccases, which contain three cupredoxine domains. The heterologous expression and purification of SilA revealed that the homodimer is the only active form of the enzyme. Its stability at high pH and temperature, together with its resistance to high concentrations of NaCl and to typical laccase inhibitors such as sodium azide confirmed the unique properties of this novel laccase. The range of substrates that SilA is able to oxidize was found to be pH-dependent; at alkaline pH, SilA oxidized a wide range of phenolic compounds, including the syringyl and guayacil moieties derived from lignin. The oxidative potential of this enzyme to use phenolic compounds as natural redox mediators was shown through the coordinated action of SilA and acetosyringone (as mediator), which resulted in the complete detoxification of the azo-type dye Orange II.This work was financially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science (CICYT Project CTQ2004-0344/PPQ to MEA and BFU 2006-00972/BMC to JMD). We thank the Autonomous Government of Madrid and the University of Alcalá for the fellowship awarded to R.M

    Estado actual del balonmano para personas con discapacidad. Revisión sistemática.

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    El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo desarrollar una revisión sistemática exploratoria estructurada, basada en los resultados encontrados en torno a los términos “Balonmano” y “Discapacidad”. Para llevar a cabo la búsqueda de los documentos, se emplearon las siguientes palabras clave: “Handball” y “Disability”. Los documentos fueron buscados en las bases de datos Scopus y Web of Science, obteniendo un número final de 6 documentos válidos para llevar a cabo la revisión, siendo estos publicados previamente a septiembre de 2021. Con el objetivo de ajustar la búsqueda al objeto de estudio, se establecieron una serie de criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Como resultados concluyentes, se observa como los estudios más repetidos son Estudios Empíricos con Metodología Cualitativa en los cuales se llevan a cabo estudios del rendimiento de jugadores de Balonmano en Silla de Ruedas. En conclusión, los documentos sobre el balonmano para personas con discapacidad muestran que el Balonmano en Silla de Ruedas puede ser beneficioso en la mejora de la calidad de vida, la funcionalidad, la independencia y la adquisición de estilos de vida saludables.post-print190 K

    A simple and economical device to process Ti cylinders with elongated porosity by freeze-casting techniques: design and manufacturing [Póster]

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    Design, manufacture and validation of a simple and economic device that allows producing Ti cylinders with directed porosity applying the freeze-casting technique, and the study of the influence on the internal structure of the Ti porous samples when different materials are used for the vessel (alumina or Teflon).Junta de Andalucía (Spain) Grant No. P12-TEP-1401Ministry of Economy and Innovation of Spain project MAT2015-71284-