213 research outputs found

    Evaluation and assessment of professional skills in the Final Year Project

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    In this paper, we present a methodology for Final Year Project (FYP) monitoring and assessment that considers the inclusion of the professional skills required in the particular engineering degree. This proper monitoring and clear evaluation framework provides the student with valuable support for the project implementation as well as for improving the quality of the projects, thereby reducing the academic drop-out rate. The proposed methodology has been implemented at the Barcelona School of Informatics at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech. The FYP is structured around three milestones: project definition, project monitoring and project completion. Skills are assigned to each milestone according to the tasks required in that phase, and a list of indicators is defined for each phase. The evaluation criteria for each indicator at each phase are specified in a rubric, and are made public both to students and teachers. Thus, the FYP includes an exhaustive evaluation method distributed throughout the whole project implementation, thereby facilitating project organization for the student as well as providing a clear and homogeneous assessment framework. The methodology for the FYP organization, assessment and evaluation was launched and piloted over two semesters. We believe the experience to be general in the sense that it has been conducted as part of an ICT engineering degree, but may easily be extended to any other engineering degree.Postprint (author’s final draft

    Life Cycle Thinking for the environmental and financial assessment of rice management systems in the Senegal River Valley

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    [EN] Rice is a staple food in Senegal, which however imports more than 70% of the rice consumed annually to meet its domestic demand. Despite governmental efforts to increase rice self-sufficiency, both rice supply and yields remain low. Senegalese farmers face challenges related to irrigation infrastructure and fertiliser access, besides those derived from climate change. This study applies Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) combined with financial Life Cycle Costing (LCC) to evaluate alternative scenarios for rice management in the Senegal River Valley and identify sustainability hotspots and potential improvements. Specifically, rice cultivation in Ross Be & PRIME;thio (Saint Louis, Senegal) is assessed based on the observed agricultural practices during the dry seasons of 2016 and 2017. Two scenarios capturing conventional (CONV) and intensive (INT) practices are compared to two reference scenarios (SAED scenarios) according to the recommendations of the official agricultural advisory service. The INT scenario generates the lowest impacts per kg of paddy rice in seven out of thirteen impact categories, including climate change, freshwater and marine eutrophication, ozone depletion and water scarcity. This is due to the higher yields (7.4 t ha(-1)) relative to CONV (4.8 t ha(-1)) and the two reference SAED scenarios (6.0 t ha(-1)). The two latter scenarios show the lowest values in the remaining categories, although they also generate slightly lower profits than INT (138 euro t(-1) vs. 149 euro t(-1)) due to increased labour costs for additional fertilisation treatments. The results from both LCA and LCC underline the importance of increasing yields to decrease environ -mental impacts and production costs of rice when estimated per kg of product. Well-designed fertiliser application doses and timing and increased mechanisation can deliver further environmental benefits. Additional improvements (e.g. in irrigation, crop rotations, straw management) could be considered to promote the long -term sustainability and profitability of rice production in Senegal. LCA in combination with financial LCC is identified as a decision-support tool for evaluating the sustainability of alternative crop management practices. Life Cycle Thinking can still benefit from experiential learning based on information exchange between farmers, researchers and extension agents to contribute to a sustainable agriculture and ultimately to food security in Africa.Authors acknowledge the Office of Development Cooperation of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (CCD-UPV) for providing funds as part of the project AD1511-UPV. Authors also thank the support of Caritas Spain (especially Vittoria Garoffalo, Soledad Gutierrez, and Pablo Reyero) and Caritas Senegal (especially Alex Tendeng, Andre Diarigne Sene and Michael Diedhiou) for facilitating its implementation.Escobar, N.; Bautista, I.; Peña, N.; Fenollosa Ribera, ML.; Osca Lluch, JM.; Sanjuán Pellicer, MN. (2022). Life Cycle Thinking for the environmental and financial assessment of rice management systems in the Senegal River Valley. Journal of Environmental Management. 310:1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.11472211531

    Genetic, molecular and cellular approaches to the analysis of maize embryo development

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    The development of embryo structures in plants is essential for the formation of the adult plant organs. In cereals, this process has distinct features which have attracted attention from different points of view. Differential gene expression analyses have been used in order to identify genes useful as molecular markers of certain physiological, molecular or developmental processes. Several maize mutants affected in embryo development have been isolated, but only a fraction of them have been characterized at the molecular level. Molecular markers can be useful in the characterization of embryo defective mutants. Here, we describe the different techniques used in the identification of molecular marker genes for embryo development. We describe in more detail some groups of genes coding for cell wall proteins. We also describe the application of these molecular markers in the characterization of some embryo mutants

    Frequency and clinical impact of CDKN2A/ARF/CDKN2B gene deletions as assessed by in-depth genetic analyses in adult T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    © The Author(s).Recurrent deletions of the CDKN2A/ARF/CDKN2B genes encoded at chromosome 9p21 have been described in both pediatric and adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), but their prognostic value remains controversial, with limited data on adult T-ALL. Here, we investigated the presence of homozygous and heterozygous deletions of the CDKN2A/ARF and CDKN2B genes in 64 adult T-ALL patients enrolled in two consecutive trials from the Spanish PETHEMA group. Alterations in CDKN2A/ARF/CDKN2B were detected in 35/64 patients (55%). Most of them consisted of 9p21 losses involving homozygous deletions of the CDKNA/ARF gene (26/64), as confirmed by single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays and interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (iFISH). Deletions involving the CDKN2A/ARF/CDKN2B locus correlated with a higher frequency of cortical T cell phenotype and a better clearance of minimal residual disease (MRD) after induction therapy. Moreover, the combination of an altered copy-number-value (CNV) involving the CDKN2A/ARF/CDKN2B gene locus and undetectable MRD (≤ 0.01%) values allowed the identification of a subset of T-ALL with better overall survival in the absence of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.This project was supported by the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer, AECC (project ref.: GC16173697BIGA), by CERCA Program/Generalitat de Catalunya, the Catalan Government: 2014-SGR225 (GRE), Obra Social “La Caixa” and by Celgene Spain. E. Genescà is the recipient of agrant from the Spanish Health Ministry (ISCIII, CA12/00468) and an unrestricted grant from Gilead.A. Gonzalez-Perez is supported by a Ramon y Cajal fellowship (RYC-2013-14554) of the Educational Ministry (Madrid, Spain). This work was also partially supported by FEDER funds from the ISCIII (PT13/0010/0026, CIBERONC (CB16/12/00284 and CB16/12/00400), Madrid, Spain)

    Students' perception on learning methods in engineering disciplines

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    This article is (c) Emerald Group Publishing and permission has been granted for this version to appear here (please insert the web address here). Emerald does not grant permission for this article to be further copied/distributed or hosted elsewhere without the express permission from Emerald Group Publishing Limited.[EN] Purpose - This study explores the preferences for learning methods among the students of seven engineering disciplines in a Spanish technical university. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the students' views and from them contribute to the knowledge of the effectiveness of learning methodologies. Design/methodology/approach - An online anonymous questionnaire survey was adopted to collect students' perceptions. Seven learning methods were compared in seven engineering degrees. The authors sampled 1660 students, and 426 completed responses were analysed. In addition to a descriptive analysis of the results, a multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) was performed using R data processing software. Findings - It was found that project-based learning and problem-based learning were perceived as the more effective ones. MCA identified response patterns between the preference and the efficiency of learning methods showing that students can be classified into two groups according to their preferred level of activeness in learning. Research limitations/implications - The study focusses on a single technical university and not all engineering degrees could be sampled. However, five different engineering fields were studied and no significant differences among them were found. Practical implications - The results add up to the known literature showing that students have different learning needs and consequently they perceive some methods as more effective. Instructors can use this information to strengthen their learning activities. Results also suggest that students can be classified into two groups in relation to their level of activeness in learning. This can also help to enhance general student motivation if two paths with different levels of activeness are planned. Originality/value - No previous studies have compared several learning methods in different engineering fields. Thus, this study contributes to fill this gap and contributes to the body of evidence around learning methodologies from the perspective of students.Vidal Rodriguez, B.; Fenollosa Ribera, ML.; Ribal, J.; Sanchis Kilders, P.; García-Rupérez, J.; Bes-Piá, M.; Blasco-Tamarit, E.... (2022). Students' perception on learning methods in engineering disciplines. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education. 14(3):946-957. https://doi.org/10.1108/JARHE-01-2021-0041S94695714

    A randomized trial of the discontinuation of primary and secondary prophylaxis against Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia after highly active antiretroviral therapy in patients with HIV infection

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    Background: Prophylaxis against Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia is indicated in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection who have less than 200 CD4 cells per cubic millimeter and in those with a history of P. carinii pneumonia. However, it is not clear whether prophylaxis can be safely discontinued after CD4 cell counts increase in response to highly active antiretroviral therapy. Methods: We conducted a randomized trial of the discontinuation of primary or secondary prophylaxis against P. carinii pneumonia in HIV-infected patients with a sustained response to antiretroviral therapy, defined by a CD4 cell count of 200 or more per cubic millimeter and a plasma HIV type 1 (HIV-1) RNA level of less than 5000 copies per milliliter for at least three months. Prophylactic treatment was restarted if the CD4 cell count declined to less than 200 per cubic millimeter. Results: The 474 patients receiving primary prophylaxis had a median CD4 cell count at entry of 342 per cubic millimeter, and 38 percent had detectable HIV-1 RNA. After a median follow-up period of 20 months (388 person-years), there had been no episodes of P. carinii pneumonia in the 240 patients who discontinued prophylaxis (95 percent confidence interval, 0 to 0.85 episode per 100 person-years). For the 113 patients receiving secondary prophylaxis, the median CD4 cell count at entry was 355 per cubic millimeter, and 24 percent had detectable HIV-1 RNA. After a median follow-up period of 12 months (65 person-years), there had been no episodes of P. carinii pneumonia in the 60 patients who discontinued prophylaxis (95 percent confidence interval, 0 to 4.57 episodes per 100 person-years). Conclusions: In HIV-infected patients receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy, primary and secondary prophylaxis against P. carinii pneumonia can be safely discontinued after the CD4 cell count has increased to 200 or more per cubic millimeter for more than three months

    Mutations in TP53 and JAK2 are independent prognostic biomarkers in B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

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    [EN]Background: In B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (B-ALL), the identification of additional genetic alterations associated with poor prognosis is still of importance. We determined the frequency and prognostic impact of somatic mutations in children and adult cases with B-ALL treated with Spanish PETHEMA and SEHOP protocols. Methods: Mutational status of hotspot regions of TP53, JAK2, PAX5, LEF1, CRLF2 and IL7R genes was determined by next-generation deep sequencing in 340 B-ALL patients (211 children and 129 adults). The associations between mutation status and clinicopathological features at the time of diagnosis, treatment outcome and survival were assessed. Univariate and multivariate survival analyses were performed to identify independent prognostic factors associated with overall survival (OS), event-free survival (EFS) and relapse rate (RR). Results: A mutation rate of 12.4% was identified. The frequency of adult mutations was higher (20.2% vs 7.6%, P=0.001). TP53 was the most frequently mutated gene (4.1%), followed by JAK2 (3.8%), CRLF2 (2.9%), PAX5 (2.4%), LEF1 (0.6%) and IL7R (0.3%). All mutations were observed in B-ALL without ETV6-RUNX1 (P=0.047) or BCR-ABL1 fusions (P<0.0001). In children, TP53mut was associated with lower OS (5-year OS: 50% vs 86%, P=0.002) and EFS rates (5-year EFS: 50% vs 78.3%, P=0.009) and higher RR (5-year RR: 33.3% vs 18.6% P=0.037), and was independently associated with higher RR (hazard ratio (HR)=4.5; P=0.04). In adults, TP53mut was associated with a lower OS (5-year OS: 0% vs 43.3%, P=0.019) and a higher RR (5-year RR: 100% vs 61.4%, P=0.029), whereas JAK2mut was associated with a lower EFS (5-year EFS: 0% vs 30.6%, P=0.035) and a higher RR (5-year RR: 100% vs 60.4%, P=0.002). TP53mut was an independent risk factor for shorter OS (HR=2.3; P=0.035) and, together with JAK2mut, also were independent markers of poor prognosis for RR (TP53mut: HR=5.9; P=0.027 and JAK2mut: HR=5.6; P=0.036). Conclusions: TP53mut and JAK2mut are potential biomarkers associated with poor prognosis in B-ALL patients.European Commision (EC). Funding FP7/SP1/HEALTH. Project Code: 30624

    Epidemiological characteristics and predictors of late presentation of HIV infection in Barcelona (Spain) during the period 2001-2009

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Early diagnosis of HIV infection can prevent morbidity and mortality as well as reduce HIV transmission. The aim of the present study was to assess prevalence, describe trends and identify factors associated with late presentation of HIV infection in Barcelona (Spain) during the period 2001-09.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Demographic and epidemiological characteristics of cases reported to the Barcelona HIV surveillance system were analysed. Late presentation was defined for individuals with a CD4 count below 350 cells/ml upon HIV diagnosis or diagnosis of AIDS within 3 months of HIV diagnosis. Multivariate logistic regression were used to identify predictors of late presentation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 2,938 newly diagnosed HIV-infected individuals, 2,507 (85,3%) had either a CD4 cell count or an AIDS diagnosis available. A total of 1,139 (55.6%) of the 2,507 studied cases over these nine years were late presenters varying from 48% among men who have sex with men to 70% among heterosexual men. The proportion of late presentation was 62.7% in 2001-2003, 51.9% in 2004-2005, 52.6% in 2006-2007 and 52.1% in 2008-2009. A decrease over time only was observed between 2001-2003 and 2004-2005 (p = 0.001) but remained constant thereafter (p = 0.9). Independent risk factors for late presentation were older age at diagnosis (p < 0.0001), use of injected drugs by men (p < 0.0001), being a heterosexual men (p < 0.0001), and being born in South America (p < 0.0001) or sub-Saharan Africa (p = 0.002).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Late presentation of HIV is still too frequent in all transmission groups in spite of a strong commitment with HIV prevention in our city. It is necessary to develop interventions that increase HIV testing and facilitate earlier entry into HIV care.</p

    Prolonged survival of patients with angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma after high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation: the GELTAMO experience

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    Abstract OBJECTIVES: Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AIL) is a rare lymphoma with a poor prognosis and no standard treatment. Here, we report our experiences with 19 patients treated with high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation (HDC/ASCT) within the GELTAMO co-operative group between 1992 and 2004. METHODS: The median age at transplantation was 46 yr. Fifteen patients underwent the procedure as front-line therapy and four patients as salvage therapy. Most patients received peripheral stem cells (90%) coupled with BEAM or BEAC as conditioning regimen (79%). RESULTS: A 79% of patients achieved complete response, 5% partial response and 16% failed the procedure. After a median follow-up of 25 months, eight patients died (seven of progressive disease and secondary neoplasia), while actuarial overall survival and progression-free survival at 3 yr was 60% and 55%. Prognostic factors associated with a poor outcome included bone marrow involvement, transplantation in refractory disease state, attributing more than one factor of the age-adjusted-International Prognostic Index, Pretransplant peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL) Score or Prognostic Index for PTCL. CONCLUSIONS: More than half of the patients with AIL that display unfavourable prognostic factors at diagnosis or relapse would be expected to be alive and disease-free after 3 yr when treated with HDC/ASCT. Patients who are transplanted in a refractory disease state do not benefit from this procedure