148 research outputs found

    Análisis del impacto que genera el modelo de control actual en el cumplimiento de los objetivos de la facultad de ciencias administrativas y comerciales de la Universidad Estatal de Milagro.

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    Uno de los cambios más significativos en la Instituciones de Educación Superior del Ecuador, es la evaluación, acreditación y aseguramiento de la calidad de la educación; lo cual ha sido un tema inherente de investigación en el presente trabajo, el mismo que se tomó como referencia de estudio a la Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Comerciales de la Universidad Estatal de Milagro donde se manifiesta la razón de ser de la Facultad y las carreras que ofrece. Además de determinar la problemática en sus diferentes áreas, se mencionan los objetivos de éste estudio al igual que se explica el marco teórico que sustenta la investigación. Posterior, se hizo un análisis minucioso de la situación actual de la Facultad, empezando con un análisis comparativo, evaluación, tendencias y perspectivas; para luego establecer los resultados esperados con el desarrollo de la investigación y consecuentemente con la verificación de las hipótesis planteadas. Para ello, se desarrolla la propuesta donde se diseñó un mapa estratégico para la Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Comerciales, que nos permita mejorar los procesos operativos de manera eficiente. Finalmente, se realizó un estudio de factibilidad que tiene la aplicación de un modelo de control en el cumplimiento de los objetivos de la Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Comerciales de la Universidad Estatal de Milagro, para así determinar no solo el beneficio que obtendrá la Facultad como tal sino también el beneficio que obtendrá la comunidad universitaria. Destacando las conclusiones del presente estudio con el interés de que las autoridades pertinentes decidan si les conviene o no aplicar lo propuesto; y se hacen algunas recomendaciones que como base tendrán la mejora continua de los procesos que se desarrollan en la Facultad

    Radioactive impact in sediments from an estuarine system affected by industrial wastes releases

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    A big fertilizer industrial complex and a vast extension of phosphogypsum piles (12 km2), sited in the estuary formed by the Odiel and Tinto river mouths (southwest of Spain), are producing an unambiguous radioactive impact in their surrounding aquatic environment through radionuclides from the U-series. The levels and distribution of radionuclides in sediments from this estuarine system have been determined. The analyses of radionuclide concentrations and activity ratios have provided us with an interesting information to evaluate the extension, degree and routes of the radioactive impact, as well as for the knowledge of the different pathways followed for the radioactive contamination to disturb this natural system. The obtained results indicate that the main pathway of radioactive contamination of the estuary is through the dissolution in its waters of the radionuclides released by the industrial activities and their later fixation on the particulate materials. Tidal activity also plays an important role in the transport and homogenization along the estuary of the radioactivity released from the fertilizer plants. D 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.Junta de Andalucia (España) project 1FD97-0900-C02-02 (AMB

    Institutions and business customer experience: the role of interfunctional coordination and service co-design.

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    This paper contributes to a better understanding of the complex phenomenon of institutions and the moderation of the main antecedents of business customer experience. Following a combination of literature review and three fieldworks, the main antecedents of business customer experience have emerged: interfunctional coordination, customer engagement and participation in the co-design of services. The role of institutions (level of formalisation) has also been considered as a possible moderator. Consequently, a conceptual framework has been developed which includes seven research propositions. The first four research propositions are related to the main elements of the model and suggest new relationships among constructs. The other three research propositions are suggested and empirically examined using Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis to find causal configurations and to identify pathways that lead to business customer experience. Necessity and sufficiency of conditions that lead to a positive business customer experience are discussed for both scenarios of high and low formalisation of institutions

    Tillage effects on weed seed bank with wheat monoculture and rotational

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    El banco de semillas de malas hierbas presente en el suelo es una demostración de la existencia de una comunidad de malas hierbas y está vinculado a las fases de crecimiento de un ecosistema. Las prácticas agronómicas pueden ocasionar cambios en el banco de semillas de los suelos agrícolas. Nuestro objetivo fue comparar la influencia del laboreo de conservación (mínimo laboreo y siembra directa) frente al laboreo convencional, sobre la densidad y riqueza específica del banco de semillas persistente de un suelo agrícola, en parcelas con dos sistemas de cultivo: monocultivo y rotación de trigo de invierno. Se tomaron muestras de suelo en parcelas con los tres sistemas de laboreo, a 3 profundidades: 0-7 cm, 7-15 cm y 15-30 cm. Los resultados obtenidos en este estudio mostraron que el efecto acumulativo del laboreo en parcelas con trigo en monocultivo no tuvo efectos en la densidad de semillas, aunque sí en su distribución, cuantificadas mayoritariamente a mayor profundidad (P3). Por otro lado, se observó una clara influencia del laboreo y la profundidad en la densidad y riqueza específica del banco de semillas de tipo persistente del suelo, en las parcelas con rotación de trigo. Nuestros resultados confirman que una variedad de cultivos puede ir asociada a una mayor variedad de especies de malas hierbas presentes en el banco de semillas del suelo.The weed seedbank into the soil is a demonstration of the existence of a weed community and it is linked to ecosystem growth phases. Agronomic practices can cause changes in the seed bank of agricultural soils. Our objective was to compare the influence of conservation tillage (mínimum tillage and direct seeding) with conventional tillage on weed seed density and species richness of persistent seedbank, with two cropping systems: wheat monoculture and wheat rotation. Soil samples were taken in plots with three tillage systems, at 3 depths: P1 (0-7 cm), P2 (7-15cm) and P3 (15-30 cm). The results of this study showed that cumulative effects of tillage systems, in wheat monoculture plots, had no effect on seed density, and the seed species were concentrated in deepest section of soil (P3). On the other hand, we observed a clear influence of tillage and depth on weed density and species richness of the persistent weed seed bank in wheat rotation plots. Our results confirm that a variety of crops could be associated to a variety of weed species present into soil seedbank

    The Competitive Ability of Weed Community with Selected Crucifer Oilseed Crops

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    Dedicated production of energy crops on agricultural land is expected to be a crucial source of biomass to be exploited in order to achieve the renewable energy targets in the European Union. Vegetable oils are the main source for the production of biofuel; therefore, an alternative is to use oils from non-food oilseed crops. Oilseed crops examples include rapeseed, crambe and camelina

    Systematic Simplified Simulation Methodology for Deep Energy Retrofitting Towards Nze Targets Using Life Cycle Energy Assessment

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    The reduction of energy consumption in the residential sector presents substantial potential through the implementation of energy e ciency improvement measures. Current trends involve the use of simulation tools which obtain the buildings’ energy performance to support the development of possible solutions to help reduce energy consumption. However, simulation tools demand considerable amounts of data regarding the buildings’ geometry, construction, and frequency of use. Additionally, the measured values tend to be di erent from the estimated values obtained with the use of energy simulation programs, an issue known as the ‘performance gap’. The proposed methodology provides a solution for both of the aforementioned problems, since the amount of data needed is considerably reduced and the results are calibrated using measured values. This new approach allows to find an optimal retrofitting project by life cycle energy assessment, in terms of cost and energy savings, for individual buildings as well as several blocks of buildings. Furthermore, the potential for implementation of the methodology is proven by obtaining a comprehensive energy rehabilitation plan for a residential building. The developed methodology provides highly accurate estimates of energy savings, directly linked to the buildings’ real energy needs, reducing the di erence between the consumption measured and the predictions

    The competitive ability of weed communities in selected crucifer oilseed crops under different water and nitrogen

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    Durante los años 2012 y 2013, se llevó a cabo un experimento en el centro de la península cuyo objetivo fue el estudio de la flora arvense en 3 especies de “Brassica” (“B. carinata”, “B. juncea” y “B. nigra”). Las malas hierbas se evaluaron con 2 niveles de riego, con y sin aporte de agua, y con tres dosis de fertilización diferentes: 0, 75 y 150 kg N ha-1. El establecimiento del cultivo de las tres especies de “Brassica” varió en función del año. Las escasas lluvias de 2012 redujeron la densidad y biomasa de la flora arvense en comparación con el año 2013 en el que la pluviometría fue mayor. Los resultados sugieren que la especie “B. nigra” no estaba bien adaptada a nuestras condiciones climáticas continentales, mostrando un rendimiento más bajo que el resto de los cultivares. Por otro lado, la infestación de malas hierbas fue menor en todas las parcelas donde se cultivaba “B. carinata”.A field study was undertaken to examine the interaction and relationships between weeds and three “Brassica” species (“B. carinata”, “B. juncea” and “B. nigra”) grown in 2012 and 2013. We evaluated the weed density, fresh and dry biomass of weeds with 2 water regimes: with and without irrigation, and three different doses of fertilization: 0, 75 and 150 kg N ha-1. Crop establishment of “Brassica” species varied significantly each year. Lower rainfall in 2012 led to lower density, fresh and dry biomass of weeds compared to 2013. The results confirmed that “B. nigra” was not well adapted to our continental climatic conditions, and thus the yield was lower than the other cultivars. The lowest weed infestation occurred in plots where “B. carinata” was grown in all cases

    On pp-Frobenius of affine semigroups

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    The aim of this paper is to study the pp-Frobenius vector of affine semigroups SNqS\subset \mathbb N^q; that is, the maximum element, with respect to a graded monomial order, with at most pp factorizations in SS. We produce several algorithms to compute these vectors. Finally, we study how the pp-Frobenius vectors behave when considering gluings of SS with Nq\mathbb N^q

    Occupational, Public and Environmental Radiological Impact Caused by the Phosphoric Acid Industry: The Case of Huelva (Spain)

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    The production of phosphate fertilizers usually uses as raw material sedimentary phosphate rock, which contains enhanced concentrations from U‐series radionuclides about 10–100 times higher than unperturbed soils. This fact implies the need for evaluating the radiological implications of this activity. In our case, the study has been performed in a large fertilizer industrial complex located at Huelva town (SW of Spain), where sedimentary phosphate rock has been processed since 1965 to 2010, generating annually an average of about 2.5 million tons of a by‐product called phosphogypsum (PG), which has been stored in big stacks 1 km away from Huelva city, covering 1000 ha. The fluxes of the radionuclides of interest along the production process and the effective doses received by the workers have been determined. In addition, the radioecological impact associated to the waste management strategy followed has been evaluated