1,285 research outputs found

    Coder and Decoder of Block mBnB Principally the 1B2B or Manchester

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    This work presents the coder and decoder of block mBnB of the type 1B2B or Manchester. In the coder 1B2B each block/word of 1 input bit is coded in the block / word of 2 output bits. In the decoder 1B2B happen the inverse, each block of 2 input bits is newly converted in the original block of 1 output bit. The coder injects in the transmission line a number of 1’s exactly equal to the number of 0’s, what guarantees a DC constant component and maximizes the transitions number.  The objective is  to implement the pair coder and decoder 1B2B so that it improves the transmission quality and increases the information security. Keywords: Block codes, Digital systems, Transmission line

    Universidade-Indústria: transferência de tecnologia em engenharia mecânica

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    A inovação nas pequenas e médias empresas industriais do ramo da Engenharia Mecânica é muitas vezes inexistenteou incipiente, podendo ser facilmente incrementada através de um estreito relacionamento e cooperação com asUniversidades e/ou os seus Institutos de Interface. Neste contexto, a Universidade do Porto, através do Departamentode Engenharia Mecânica e Gestão Industrial da Faculdade de Engenharia, fundou em 1986 o INEGI - Instituto deEngenharia Mecânica e Gestão Industrial, com a missão de reforçar a cooperação entre esta Universidade e o meioempresarial. O INEGI participa activamente, há 21 anos, no desenvolvimento da indústria nacional contribuindo comconhecimento e competências distintas na área da Engenharia Mecânica e Gestão Industrial, assumindo a missão de:Contribuir para o aumento da competitividade da indústria nacional através da investigação e desenvolvimento,demonstração, transferência de tecnologia e formação nas áreas de concepção e projecto, materiais, produção,energia, manutenção, gestão industrial e ambiente. Desde a sua criação, o INEGI tem tido um crescimentosustentado, tendo desenvolvido mais de 1300 projectos para organizações públicas e privadas, estando nestemomento numa fase de internacionalização, através do estabelecimento de protocolos e projectos conjuntos cominstituições internacionais.Esta comunicação pretende demonstrar as vantagens que as empresas podem obter, através de uma ligação ásUniversidades e Institutos de Interface, no desenvolvimento de materiais, produtos e processos tecnológicos,permitindo assim aumentar a sua competitividade. As áreas de intervenção dos projectos inovadores aqui focadosabrangem uma grande variedade de temas multidisciplinares, desde as energias renováveis, desenvolvimento deprocessos tecnológicos e sistemas mecânicos, materiais compósitos, prototipagem rápida e tecnologias avançadas deprodução e gestão industrial

    Os inventários de recursos hídricos subterrâneos como ferramenta de suporte à gestão dos recursos hídricos à escala local

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    Nos últimos anos a União Europeia produziu diversa legislação relativa aos recursos hídricos subterrâneos, tendo por base a sua preservação, conservação e gestão eficiente. Portugal transpôs e implementou estas orientações, incorporando assim a questão da proteção das águas subterrâneas no planeamento, nomeadamente à escala municipal.Este trabalho pretende evidenciar a utilidade dos inventários de emergências, bem como a sua relação com a análise de vulnerabilidade preconizada na Lei Portuguesa, constituindo assim, metodologias importantes de suporte à gestão destes importantes recursos, tanto a nível municipal como local.Deste modo, apresentam-se os resultados de um inventário de recursos hídricos subterrâneos realizado na pequena bacia hidrográfica da Ribeira de Sá, localizada no concelho de Castelo de Paiva, em Portugal.Os resultados obtidos nesta área reforçam claramente a importância do conhecimento inicial dos recursos existentes, nomeadamente através da inventariação, para que se definam medidas proteção e gestão adequada

    Structural dynamic updating using a global optimization methodology

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    In this article, we present the application of a global optimization technique, in particular the GlobalSearch command from MatLab®, in the updating of structural dynamic models. For comparative purposes, we evaluate the efficiency of the global method relatively to the local search method previously used in the Finite Element Model Updating program. The Finite Element Model Updating programs are designed with the primary purpose of validating and optimizing structural numerical models. The first step for structural optimization process is to idealize the desired behavior of the dynamic model to develop, or collect experimental data of a physical model considered as the reference model. The process begins with the construction, on a finite element program, of a numerical model with initial physical parameters, preferably close to the reference model parameters. The numerical model is then submitted, through a Finite Element Model Updating program, to a successive parametric updating until improving its dynamic behavior described by their natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping properties, be similar to the dynamic behavior of the reference model. The Sequential Quadratic Programming algorithm was already used in the optimization of the Finite Element Model Updating program, and the obtained solutions showed that it can’t achieve the global optimal value of the objective function. This kind of methods, used for nonlinear constrained optimization problems, have, generally, difficulties to achieve the global optimum, since they are local optimization methods.Centre for Mechanical and Materials Technologies (CT2M) and Algoritmi R&D Centreinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Line Codes for Communication Systems

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    The coder is a generic device where exist a big types diversity. In base digital systems, the coder is a device that codifies the active input position in a number, normally, binary natural. If we have N inputs they are codified with n bits, N=

    Coder and Decoder of Block 3B4B with Auxiliary Channel

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    This work presents the coder and decoder of block 3B4B with auxiliary channel. The coder 3B4B converts an input 3 bits word in an output 4 bits word. It transmits an equal number of 1’s and 0’s to provide a DC constant component. It increases the transitions number, improves the system quality and security. The objective is also to improve the system potentialities with an auxiliary channel to monitor the communication (alarm). The main channel is real, but the auxiliary channel is fictitious. Keywords: Block codes, Digital systems, Transmission line

    A high performance cost-effective digital complex correlator for an X-band polarimetry survey

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    The detailed knowledge of the Milky Way radio emission is important to characterize galactic foregrounds masking extragalactic and cosmological signals. The update of the global sky models describing radio emissions over a very large spectral band requires high sensitivity experiments capable of observing large sky areas with long integration times. Here, we present the design of a new 10 GHz (X-band) polarimeter digital back-end to map the polarization components of the galactic synchrotron radiation field of the Northern Hemisphere sky. The design follows the digital processing trends in radio astronomy and implements a large bandwidth (1 GHz) digital complex cross-correlator to extract the Stokes parameters of the incoming synchrotron radiation field. The hardware constraints cover the implemented VLSI hardware description language code and the preliminary results. The implementation is based on the simultaneous digitized acquisition of the Cartesian components of the two linear receiver polarization channels. The design strategy involves a double data rate acquisition of the ADC interleaved parallel bus, and field programmable gate array device programming at the register transfer mode. The digital core of the back-end is capable of processing 32 Gbps and is built around an Altera field programmable gate array clocked at 250 MHz, 1 GSps analog to digital converters and a clock generator. The control of the field programmable gate array internal signal delays and a convenient use of its phase locked loops provide the timing requirements to achieve the target bandwidths and sensitivity. This solution is convenient for radio astronomy experiments requiring large bandwidth, high functionality, high volume availability and low cost. Of particular interest, this correlator was developed for the Galactic Emission Mapping project and is suitable for large sky area polarization continuum surveys. The solutions may also be adapted to be used at signal processing subsystem levels for large projects like the square kilometer array testbeds

    Coder and Decoder of Block 7B8B Simplified with Auxiliary Channel

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    This work presents the coder and decoder of block 7B8B simplified with auxiliary channel. The coder 7B8B converts an input 7 bits word in an output 8 bits word. It transmits approximately an equal number of 1’s and 0’s to provide a DC constant component. It increases the transitions number, improves the system quality and security. The objective is also to improve the system potentialities with an auxiliary channel to monitor the communication (alarm.) The main channel is real, but the auxiliary channel is fictitious. Keywords: Block Codes, Advanced digital systems, Transmission line

    Caracterización genética de ovinos criollos colombianos

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    ABSTRACT: indigenous breeds are important for poor farmers because of their natural selection against harsh environments and adaptation to regional conditions. However, inbreeding of indigenous sheep populations has increased in Colombia due to indiscriminate cross-breeding with foreign animals and lack of reproductive controls, with subsequent loss in productivity, which poses a great risk for the conservation of valuable genes. Objective: to determine the genetic diversity in Colombian indigenous sheep by using a panel of 10 microsatellite molecular markers. Methods: blood samples from 362 individuals from 43 farms in 11 Colombian provinces were genotyped and analyzed for a panel of 10 microsatellite markers. Results: a total of 134 alleles were found (13.4 alleles/locus on average) with a range of observed and expected heterozygosity of 0.428 to 0.831 and 0.615 to 0.855, respectively, and 0.742 polymorphic information content (PIC). The average Wright F-statistics (FIS ) of the breeds was 0.107, suggesting moderate levels of inbreeding. Colombian sheep showed a low level of genetic differentiation among breeds (FST = 0.054) and STRUCTURE analysis showed complex patterns of admixture in the breeds. Conclusion: overall, Colombian sheep have high genetic variability, which is very important for future conservation programs and genetic improvement.RESUMEN: las razas animales autóctonas son importantes para los agricultores de escasos recursos a causa de su selección natural contra el duro ambiente y su adaptación a condiciones regionales. Sin embargo en Colombia, debido al cruce indiscriminado con razas foráneas y a la falta de control de la reproducción, ha aumentado la consanguinidad en las poblaciones de ovinos criollos y por lo tanto la pérdida en la productividad, lo que supone un gran riesgo para la conservación de genes valiosos. Objetivo: determinar la diversidad genética en razas criollas de ovinos colombianos utilizando análisis por microsatélites. Métodos: se visitaron 43 granjas localizadas en 11 departamentos del país, en las cuales se tomaron muestras de sangre a 362 individuos. Las muestras fueron genotipadas y analizadas para un panel de 10 marcadores microsatélites. Resultados: un total de 134 alelos fueron encontrados (13,4 alelos/locus en promedio), con un rango de heterocigocidad observada y esperada de 0,428 a 0,831 y 0,615 a 0,855, respectivamente, y un contenido de información polimórfica (PIC) promedio de 0,742. El Wright F-statistics (FIS) promedio de las razas evaluadas fue 0,107, lo cual sugiere que las razas tienen niveles moderados de consanguinidad. Las ovejas colombianas presentaron un bajo grado de diferenciación genética entre las distintas razas (FST = 0,054) y el análisis de STRUCTURE mostro complejos patrones de mezcla en las razas estudiadas. Conclusión: en términos generales, las ovejas colombianas presentan una alta variabilidad genética lo cual es muy importante para futuros programas de conservacion y mejoramiento genetico

    Randomized study of aprotinin and DDAVP to reduce postoperative bleeding after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery

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    BACKGROUND: Patients on cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) have an increased susceptibility to postoperative bleeding. Previous reports using desmopressin acetate (DDAVP) for the prevention of postoperative bleeding have given contradictory results, whereas the protease inhibitor aprotinin has been shown to reduce blood loss after this type of surgery. This randomized study was performed to assess the efficacy of DDAVP versus aprotinin in the prevention of bleeding after CPB. METHODS AND RESULTS: One hundred nine of 122 eligible patients were randomized to four different groups: Group A (n = 28) received aprotinin starting with a bolus of 2 x 10(6) KIU followed by a continuous infusion of 0.5 x 10(6) KIU/h until the end of surgery; group B (n = 25) received of DDAVP 0.3 micrograms/kg i.v. on completion of CPB; group C (n = 28) received two doses of DDAVP, the first as in group B and an additional dose 6 hours after surgery; group D (n = 28) received no treatment. There was a marked reduction of postoperative blood loss either at 12 hours (P < .01) or 72 hours (P < .02) in the aprotinin group compared with all other groups, whereas no significant effect was observed in either of the two DDAVP regimens. A significant reduction in the amount of blood used was observed only in the aprotinin group (P < .01). Of the plasma fibrinolytic components assayed, there was a significant reduction of the fibrin degradation product generation in the aprotinin group (P < .001), whereas a significant systemic hyperfibrinolysis was observed in both DDAVP-treated groups and the control group. No side effects related to the study drugs were observed in any patient. CONCLUSIONS: Aprotinin inhibited fibrinolysis; this correlated with a significant reduction of postoperative blood loss and need for blood replacement after CPB. Neither one nor two doses of DDAVP had a beneficial effect. Aprotinin offers a better alternative than DDAVP in the prevention of bleeding after CPB
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