16 research outputs found

    Early Nutrition and Later Excess Adiposity during Childhood: A Narrative Review

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    Background: Studies on childhood obesity mainly focus on the genetic component and on the lifestyle that may be associated with the development of obesity. However, the study of perinatal factors in their programming effect toward future obesity in children or adults is somewhat more recent, and there are still mechanisms to be disentangled. Summary: In this narrative review, a comprehensive route based on the influence of some early factors in life in the contribution to later obesity development is presented. Maternal pre-pregnancy BMI and gestational weight gain have been pointed out as independent determinants of infant later adiposity. Lifestyle interventions could have an impact on pregnant mothers through epigenetic mechanisms capable of redirecting the genetic expression of their children toward a future healthy weight and body composition and dietary-related microbiome modifications in mothers and newborns might also be related. After birth, infant feeding during the first months of life is directly associated with its body composition and nutritional status. From this point of view, all the expert committees in the world are committed to promote exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months of age and to continue at least until the first year of life together with complementary feeding based on healthy dietary patterns such as Mediterranean Diet

    Pasados y presente. Estudios para el profesor Ricardo García Cárcel

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    Ricardo García Cárcel (Requena, 1948) estudió Historia en Valencia bajo el magisterio de Joan Reglà, con quien formó parte del primer profesorado de historia moderna en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. En esta universidad, desde hace prácticamente cincuenta años, ha desarrollado una extraordinaria labor docente y de investigación marcada por un sagaz instinto histórico, que le ha convertido en pionero de casi todo lo que ha estudiado: las Germanías, la historia de la Cataluña moderna, la Inquisición, las culturas del Siglo de Oro, la Leyenda Negra, Felipe II, Felipe V, Austrias y Borbones, la guerra de la Independencia, la historia cultural, los mitos de la historia de España... Muy pocos tienen su capacidad para reflexionar, ordenar, analizar, conceptualizar y proponer una visión amplia y llena de matices sobre el pasado y las interpretaciones historiográficas. A su laboriosidad inimitable se añade una dedicación sin límites en el asesoramiento de alumnos e investigadores e impulsando revistas, dosieres, seminarios o publicaciones colectivas. Una mínima correspondencia a su generosidad lo constituye este volumen a manera de ineludible agradecimiento

    Influencia del sobrepeso y la obesidad en la transferencia placentaria de ácidos grasos en gestantes con diabetes gestacional.

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    PALABRAS CLAVE: Diabetes gestacional, ácidos grasos poliinsaturados, transferencia placentaria, obesidad. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la influencia del sobrepeso y obesidad en las gestantes con diabetes gestacional, en su perfil de ácidos grasos en suero materno y en el aporte transplacentario al feto, comparándolo con gestantes normopeso con y sin diabetes gestacional. El sobrepeso y la obesidad en gestantes con DMG no modificó la concentración total de ácidos grasos o sus porcentajes, en suero materno ni en el tejido placentario. Sin embargo, en suero de vena umbilical la DMG con o sin obesidad disminuyó la concentración total de ácidos grasos fetales y los porcentajes de los ácidos grasos esenciales y condicionalmente esenciales. Como conclusión podemos afirmar que la diabetes gestacional con o sin obesidad disminuye los niveles de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados en sangre de cordón, lo cual puede ser debido a una alteración en el transporte placentario de estos nutrientes. KEY WORDS: Gestational diabetes mellitus, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, placental transfer, obesity. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of overweight and obesity in pregnant women with gestational diabetes in their fatty acid profile in maternal serum and fetal transplacental intake, compared with normal weight pregnant women with and without gestational diabetes Overweight and obesity in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus did not alter the total concentration of fatty acids or their percentage in maternal serum or placental tissue. However, in the umbilical vein serum with or without obesity gestational diabetes mellitus decreased total fatty acid concentration and the percentage of fetal essential fatty acids and conditionally essential. We can affirm that gestational diabetes mellitus, with or without overweight or obesity, reduces polyunsaturated fatty acids levels in cord blood, which might be due to impaired placental transport of these nutrients

    Enhanced Timeliness and Co-Administration of Meningitis B Vaccination in Children: Impact of Funding in Valencian Community, Spain

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    Public funding of vaccines may enhance vaccination rates, co-administration, and timeliness. The impacts of including the serogroup B meningococcus vaccine (MenB) into the national immunisation schedule on vaccination rates, co-administration rates, and timeliness were assessed using a population-based pre-funding (2022) and post-funding (2023) study design. MenB vaccination rates improved after funding and were in line with previously funded vaccines. Co-administration rates also increased significantly. Timely administration increased, protecting children at an early age. Public funding has a positive impact on vaccine accessibility and early protection. Consistent population characteristics highlight the role of funding

    Qualitative and Quantitative Comparison of Plasma Exosomes from Neonates and Adults

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    Exosomes are extracellular vesicles that contain nucleic acids, lipids and metabolites, and play a critical role in health and disease as mediators of intercellular communication. The majority of extracellular vesicles in the blood are platelet-derived. Compared to adults, neonatal platelets are hyporeactive and show impaired granule release, associated with defects in Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion Attachment protein REceptor (SNARE) proteins. Since these proteins participate in biogenesis of exosomes, we investigated the potential differences between newborn and adult plasma-derived exosomes. Plasma-derived exosomes were isolated by ultracentrifugation of umbilical cord blood from full-term neonates or peripheral blood from adults. Exosome characterization included size determination by transmission electron microscopy and quantitative proteomic analysis. Plasma-derived exosomes from neonates were significantly smaller and contained 65% less protein than those from adults. Remarkably, 131 proteins were found to be differentially expressed, 83 overexpressed and 48 underexpressed in neonatal (vs. adult) exosomes. Whereas the upregulated proteins in plasma exosomes from neonates are associated with platelet activation, coagulation and granule secretion, most of the underexpressed proteins are immunoglobulins. This is the first study showing that exosome size and content change with age. Our findings may contribute to elucidating the potential “developmental hemostatic mismatch risk” associated with transfusions containing plasma exosomes from adults

    Sedation with Propofol plus Paracetamol in External Cephalic Version: An Observational Study

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    Although the influence of neuraxial anesthesia or sedation with remifentanil in external cephalic version (ECV) is widely known, ECV results using propofol have not been previously analyzed. This study aimed to evaluate ECV outcomes when propofol was used. An observational analysis of ECV was performed between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2020. ECV was accomplished with tocolysis and propofol. One hundred and thirty-one pregnant women were recruited. The propofol mean dose was 156.1 mg (SD 6.1). A cephalic presentation was achieved in 61.1% (80/131) of the pregnant women. In total, 56.7% (38/67) of pregnant women with cephalic presentation at labor had a spontaneous delivery, 26.9% (18/67) had an operative delivery, and an intrapartum urgent cesarean section was performed in 16.4% (11/67). In total, 46 pregnant women (35.9%) were scheduled for an elective cesarean section due to non-cephalic presentation. The emergency cesarean section rate during the following 24 h was 10.7% (14/131). A major ECV complication arose in 15 cases (11.5%). ECV outcomes when propofol was used seems to be similar to those with other anesthetic adjunct, so sedation with propofol could be an adequate option for ECV. More studies are needed to compare its effectiveness with neuraxial techniques

    Child Head Circumference and Placental MFSD2a Expression Are Associated to the Level of MFSD2a in Maternal Blood During Pregnancy

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    ©. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by /4.0/ This document is the Published Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in [Frontiers in Endocrinology]. To access the final edited and published work see[10.3389/fendo.2020.00038