1,946 research outputs found

    Monitoramento dos processos hidroerosivos superficiais e análises físico-químicas do topo do solo em corte de encosta

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    O presente estudo aborda a relação entre os totais pluviométricos observados no ano de 2016 e o processo de escoamento superficial, por meio do monitoramento de uma estação experimental. Isso se faz importante, pois a área de estudo está inserida em corte de encosta, promovendo alteração e desequilíbrio do comportamento hídrico e desencadeando processos erosivos, e danos ao meio ambiente. A área de estudo está inserida na sub-bacia hidrográfica do rio Maranduba, em Ubatuba/ São Paulo, onde se tem observado o crescente processo de urbanização e ocupação de encostas. A pesquisa teve como objetivo quantificar os totais de perda de solo e água superficialmente e relacionar essas respectivas perdas com a ação da chuva na área de estudo, além de demonstrar através de análises físico-químicas o processo de degradação da mesma

    Recycled polyethylene fibres for structural concrete

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    Modern society demands more sustainable and economical construction elements. One of the available options for manufacturing this type of element is the valorisation of end-of-life waste, such as, for example, the recycling of polymers used in industry. The valorisation of these wastes reduces costs and avoids the pollution generated by their landfill disposal. With the aim of helping to obtain this type of material, this work describes a methodology for recycling polyethylene for the manufacture of fibres that will later be used as reinforcement for structural concrete. These fibres are manufactured using an injection moulding machine. Subsequently, their physical and mechanical properties are measured and compared with those of the material before it is crushed and injected. The aim of this comparison is to evaluate the recycling process and analyse the reduction of the physical-mechanical properties of the recycled polyethylene in the process. Finally, to determine the properties of the fibre concrete, three types of concrete were produced: a control concrete, a reinforced concrete with 2 kg/m³ of fibres, and a reinforced concrete with 4 kg/m³ of fibres. The results show an enhancement of mechanical properties when the fibres are incorporated, particularly the tensile strength; and they also show excellent performance controlling cracking in concrete.This research was funded by the LADICIM (Laboratory of Materials Science and Engineering), Universidad de Cantabria. E.T.S. de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Av./Los Castros 44, 39005 Santander, Spain

    Representatividad de mamíferos amenazados en el Sistema Departamental de Áreas Protegidas (SIDAP) del Quindío, Colombia

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    The main objective of protected areas (PA) is to maintain representative samples of biodiversity. Since biodiversity as a whole is impossible to conserve, threatened species are usually used as substitutes. Under this premise ‚the purpose of this work was to evaluate the representativeness of threatened non-flying mammals in the departmental system of protected areas (SIDAP) of Quindío‚ as well as to identify important areas for their conservation. Records of Leopardus tigrinus ‚Tapirus pinchaque‚ Pudu mephistophiles‚ reTremarctos ornatus ‚Aotus lemurinus‚ Dinomys branickii and Lontra longicaudis were collected and their potential geographic distribution was estimated. The potential distribution of threatened mammals was well represented in SIDAP Quindío (between 48% and 100%) except for L. longicaudis with 15‚42% of its distribution included in PAs ‚which coincides with the low representativeness of the lowlands in the system. As for the eastern and northeastern part of the department, on-site conservation opportunities are barely apparent ‚because the largest area corresponds to the Regional Integrated Management Districts (DRMI) in the municipalities of Salento and Genoa‚ where the management categories are flexible so an adjustment of its category would be suggested. The need to strengthen SIDAP to ensure the conservation of threatened mammal species and increase the representation of ecosystems in this area is evident. In conclusion ‚the declaration of PA in low-lying areas of the department is recommended‚ taking into account the socioeconomic context in the assignment of the conservation and management categories of PAs. On the other hand, in the DRMI of the Quindío river basin and the high Andean moors and forests of the municipality of Genoa, the re-categorization of some areas by more stringent schemes could be considered, especially on state lands with areas of natural coverage.El objetivo principal de las áreas protegidas (AP) es mantener muestras representativas de la biodiversidad. Dado que la biodiversidad en su totalidad es imposible de conservar, usualmente se utilizan especies amenazadas como sustitutas. Bajo esta premisa‚ el propósito del presente trabajo fue evaluarla representatividad de los mamíferos no voladores amenazados en el sistema departamental de áreas protegidas (SIDAP) del Quindío‚ así como identificar áreas importantes para su conservación. Se recopilaron registros de Leopardus tigrinus‚ Tapirus pinchaque‚ Pudu mephistophiles‚Tremarctos ornatus‚ Aotus lemurinus‚ Dinomys branickii y Lontra longicaudis y se estimó su distribución geográfica potencial. La distribución potencial de los mamíferos amenazados estuvo bien representado en el SIDAP Quindío (entre 48% y 100%) excepto para L. longicaudis con el 15‚42%  de su distribución incluida en APs‚ que coincide con la poca representatividad de las tierras bajas en el sistema. En cuanto a la zona oriental y nororiental del departamento las oportunidades de conservación in situ son apenas aparentes‚ porque la mayor área corresponde a los Distritos Regional de Manejo Integrado (DRMI) en los municipios de Salento y Génova‚ donde las categorías de manejo son flexibles por lo que se sugeriría un ajuste de su categoría. Se evidencia la necesidad de fortalecer el SIDAP para procurar la conservación de las especies de mamíferos amenazados y aumentar la representación de los ecosistemas de esta zona. En conclusión‚ se recomienda la declaración de AP en zonas bajas del departamento‚ teniendo en cuenta el contexto socioeconómico en la asignación de las categorías de conservación y manejo de las AP. Por su parte, en los DRMI de la cuenca del río Quindío y de los páramos y bosques altoandinos del municipio de Génova, podría considerarse la recategorización de algunas áreas por esquemas más estrictos, especialmente en tierras estatales con áreas decobertura natural

    Nutrition recommendations for patients with pseudohypoparathyroidism

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    Seudohipoparatiroidismo; Hipocalcemia; Balance energéticoPseudohypoparathyroidism; Hypocalcaemia; Energy balanceSeudohipoparatiroïdisme; Hipocalcèmia; Balanç energèticEl seudohipoparatiroidismo (PHP) incluye entidades caracterizadas por la ausencia de respuesta tisular a la acción de la hormona paratiroidea y, en consecuencia, la presencia de hiperfosfatemia e hipocalcemia en grado variable. La obesidad de inicio temprano es una característica de los pacientes con PHP1A. Este artículo plantea la necesidad de establecer unos criterios comunes que orienten el manejo nutricional de estos pacientes. La disminución de su gasto energético implica adaptar el contenido calórico de su alimentación. Reducir el consumo de alimentos ricos en fósforo inorgánico ayuda a manejar la hiperfosfatemia. El consejo nutricional dirigido debe formar parte de la estrategia terapéutica de los niños y adolescentes con PHP, ya que contribuye a modular los desequilibrios en el metabolismo fosfocálcico característicos de estos pacientes.Pseudohypoparathyroidism (PHP) is a spectrum of diseases characterized by insensitivity of target tissues to the action of parathyroid hormone and, consequently, by the presence of hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcaemia of varying severity. Early-onset obesity is a feature of PHP type 1A. This article discusses the need to establish uniform criteria to guide the nutritional management of patients with PHP. A decrease in energy expenditure calls for an adjustment of the energy content of the diet. Reducing the intake of foods rich in inorganic phosphorus helps manage hyperphosphataemia. Targeted nutrition should be part of the treatment plan of children and adolescents with PHP, since it contributes to modulating the calcium and phosphorus metabolism imbalances characteristic of these patients

    Class II HLA in Georgia Caucasus Tbilisi Georgians and their Mediterranean ancestry: The Usko Mediterranean languages

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    Georgia (or Sakartvelo in its own language) is a South Caucasus Mts. country with its easternmost part is enigmatically named Iberia, like the Iberian Peninsula, which may refer to rivers “Kura” and “Ebro” or their valleys respectively. Most of their inhabitants speak Georgian which is included within Dene-Caucasian group and Usko-Mediterranean subgroup of languages. The latter includes Basque, Berber, ancient Iberian-Tartessian, Etruscan, Hittite, Minoan Lineal A and others. In the present paper, HLA class II -DRB1 and -DQB1 alleles has been studied and extended haplotypes calculated. Most frequent haplotypes are also of Mediterranean origin (i. e.: (A*02-B*51)-DRB1*11:01-DQB1*03:01, (A*02-B*51)-DRB1*13:01-DQB1*06:03, or (A*24-B*35)-DRB1*01:01-DQB1*05:01) and DA genetic distances show that closest world populations to Georgians are Mediterraneans. Georgians also show common extended haplotypes ((A*02-B*51)-DRB1*11:01-DQB1*03:01, (A*02-B*13)-DRB1*07:01-DQB1*02:01 and (A*03-B*35)-DRB1*11:01-DQB1*03:01) with Svan people, a secluded population in North Georgia mountains. We can conclude that Georgians belong to a very old Mediterranean substratum according to both linguistics (Usko Mediterranean languages) and HLA genetics

    Hospital-based proton therapy implementation during the COVID pandemic: early clinical and research experience in a European academic institution

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    Introduction A rapid deploy of unexpected early impact of the COVID pandemic in Spain was described in 2020. Oncology practice was revised to facilitate decision-making regarding multimodal therapy for prevalent cancer types amenable to multidisciplinary treatment in which the radiotherapy component searched more efcient options in the setting of the COVID-19 pandemic, minimizing the risks to patients whilst aiming to guarantee cancer outcomes. Methods A novel Proton Beam Therapy (PBT), Unit activity was analyzed in the period of March 2020 to March 2021. Institutional urgent, strict and mandatory clinical care standards for early diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 infection were stablished in the hospital following national health-authorities’ recommendations. The temporary trends of patients care and research projects proposals were registered. Results 3 out of 14 members of the professional staf involved in the PBR intra-hospital process had a positive test for COVID infection. Also, 4 out of 100 patients had positive tests before initiating PBT, and 7 out of 100 developed positive tests along the weekly mandatory special checkup performed during PBT to all patients. An update of clinical performance at the PBT Unit at CUN Madrid in the initial 500 patients treated with PBT in the period from March 2020 to November 2022 registers a distribution of 131 (26%) pediatric patients, 63 (12%) head and neck cancer and central nervous system neoplasms and 123 (24%) re-irradiation indications. In November 2022, the activity reached a plateau in terms of patients under treatment and the impact of COVID pandemic became sporadic and controlled by minor medical actions. At present, the clinical data are consistent with an academic practice prospectively (NCT05151952). Research projects and scientifc production was adapted to the pandemic evolution and its infuence upon professional time availability. Seven research projects based in public funding were activated in this period and preliminary data on molecular imaging guided proton therapy in brain tumors and post-irradiation patterns of blood biomarkers are reported. Conclusions Hospital-based PBT in European academic institutions was impacted by COVID-19 pandemic, although clinical and research activities were developed and sustained. In the post-pandemic era, the benefts of online learning will shape the future of proton therapy education

    Study protocol and rationale of the “Cogniaction project” a cross-sectional and randomized controlled trial about physical activity, brain health, cognition, and educational achievement in schoolchildren

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    Background: Education and health are crucial topics for public policies as both largely determine the future wellbeing of the society. Currently, several studies recognize that physical activity (PA) benefits brain health in children. However, most of these studies have not been carried out in developing countries or lack the transference into the education field. The Cogni-Action Project is divided into two stages, a cross-sectional study and a crossover-randomized trial. The aim of the first part is to establish the associations of PA, sedentarism, and physical fitness with brain structure and function, cognitive performance and academic achievement in Chilean schoolchildren (10–13 years-old). The aim of the second part is to determinate the acute effects of three PA protocols on neuroelectric indices during a working memory and a reading task. Methods: PA and sedentarism will be self-reported and objectively-assessed with accelerometers in a representative subsample, whilst physical fitness will be evaluated through the ALPHA fitness test battery. Brain structure and function will be assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in a randomized subsample. Cognitive performance will be assessed through the NeuroCognitive Performance Test, and academic achievement by school grades. In the second part 32 adolescents (12–13 year-old) will be cross-over randomized to these condition (i) “Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training” (MICT), (ii) “Cooperative High-Intensity Interval Training” (C-HIIT), and (iii) Sedentary condition. Neuroelectric indices will be measures by electroencephalogram (EEG) and eye-tracking, working memory by n-back task and reading comprehension by a reading task