4,648 research outputs found

    Ages, metallicities and α\alpha-element enhancement for galaxies in Hickson compact groups

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    Central velocity dispersions and eight line-strength Lick indices have been determined from 1.3A˚{\rm \AA} resolution long-slit spectra of 16 elliptical galaxies in Hickson compact groups. These data were used to determine galaxy properties (ages, metallicities and α\alpha-element enhancements) and allowed a comparison with the parameters determined for a sample of galaxies in lower density environments, studied by Gonz\'alez (1993). The stellar population parameters were derived by comparison to single stellar population models of Thomas et al. (2003) and to a new set of SSP models for the indices Mg2_2, Fe5270 and Fe5335 based on synthetic spetra. These models, based on an update version of the fitting functions presented in Barbuy et al. (2003), are fully described here. Our main results are: (1) the two samples have similar mean values for the metallicities and [α\alpha/Fe] ratios, (2) the majority of the galaxies in compact groups seem to be old (median age of 14 Gyr for eight galaxies for which ages could be derived), in agreement with recent work by Proctor et al. (2004). These findings support two possible scenarios: compact groups are either young systems whose members have recently assembled and had not enough time to experience any merging yet or, instead, they are old systems that have avoided merging since their time of formation.Comment: Accepted for publication in A

    Stellar kinematics for the central spheroid in the Polar Disk Galaxy NGC4650A

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    We have obtained high angular resolution, high signal-to-noise spectra of the Calcium triplet absorption lines on the photometric axes of the stellar spheroid in the polar disk galaxy NGC4650A. Along the major axis, the observed rotation and velocity dispersion measurements show the presence of a kinematically decoupled nucleus, and a flat velocity dispersion profile. The minor axis kinematics is determined for the first time: along this direction some rotation is measured, and the velocity dispersion is nearly constant and slightly increases at larger distances from the center. The new high resolution kinematic data suggest that the stellar component in NGC4650A resembles a nearly-exponential oblate spheroid supported by rotation. The main implications of these results on the previous mass models for NGC4650A are discussed. Moreover, the new kinematic data set constraints on current models for the formation scenarios of Polar Ring Galaxies (PRGs), supporting a slow accretion rather then a secondary strong dissipative event.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Intermittent permeation of cylindrical nanopores by water

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    Molecular Dynamics simulations of water molecules in nanometre sized cylindrical channels connecting two reservoirs show that the permeation of water is very sensitive to the channel radius and to electric polarization of the embedding material. At threshold, the permeation is {\emph{intermittent}} on a nanosecond timescale, and strongly enhanced by the presence of an ion inside the channel, providing a possible mechanism for gating. Confined water remains surprisingly fluid and bulk-like. Its behaviour differs strikingly from that of a reference Lennard-Jones fluid, which tends to contract into a highly layered structure inside the channel.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Abundance Analysis of HE2148-1247, A Star With Extremely Enhanced Neutron Capture Elements

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    Abundances for 27 elements in the very metal poor dwarf star HE2148-1247 are presented, including many of the neutron capture elements. We establish that HE2148-1247 is a very highly s-process enhanced star with anomalously high Eu as well, Eu/H about half Solar, demonstrating the large addition of heavy nuclei at [Fe/H] = -2.3 dex. Ba and La are enhanced by a somewhat larger factor and reach the solar abundance, while Pb significantly exceeds it. Ba/Eu is ten times the solar r-process ratio but much less than that of the s-process, indicating a substantial r-process addition as well. C and N are also very highly enhanced. We have found that HE2148-1247 is a radial velocity variable. The C, N and the s-process element enhancements thus presumably were produced through mass transfer from a former AGB binary companion. The large enhancement of heavy r-nuclides also requires an additional source as this is far above any inventory in the ISM at such low [Fe/H]. We further hypothesize that accretion onto the white dwarf from the envelope of the star caused accretion induced collapse of the white dwarf, forming a neutron star, which then produced heavy r-nuclides and again contaminated its companion. (abridged)Comment: Accepted by the Astrophysical Journal. Companion paper by Qian and Wasserburg follow

    A theory of intense-field dynamic alignment and high harmonic generation from coherently rotating molecules and interpretation of intense-field ultrafast pump-probe experiments

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    A theory of ultra-fast pump-probe experiments proposed by us earlier [F.H.M. Faisal et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 143001 (2007) and F.H.M. Faisal and A. Abdurrouf, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 123005 (2008)] is developed here fully and applied to investigate the phenomena of dynamic alignment and high harmonic generation (HHG) from coherently rotating linear molecules. The theory provides essentially analytical results for the signals that allow us to investigate the simultaneous dependence of the HHG signals on the two externally available control parameters, namely, the relative angle between the polarizations, and the delay-time between the two pulses. It is applied to investigate the characteristics of high harmonic emission from nitrogen and oxygen molecules that have been observed experimentally in a number of laboratories. The results obtained both in the time-domain and in the frequency-domain are compared with the observed characteristics as well as directly with the data and are found to agree remarkably well. In addition we have predicted the existence of a "magic" polarization angle at which all modulations of the harmonic emission from nitrogen molecule changes to a steady emission at the harmonic frequency. Among other things we have also shown a correlation between the existence of the "magic" or critical polarization angles and the symmetry of the active molecular orbitals, that is deemed to be useful in connection with the "inverse problem" of molecular imaging from the HHG data.Comment: 31 pages, 22 figures, and 140 equation

    Magnetic and electronic structures of superconducting RuSr2_2GdCu2_2O8_8

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    The coexistence of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in RuSr2_2GdCu2_2O8_8 was reported both from experiments (by Tallon et. al.) and first-principles calculations (by Pickett et. al.). Here we report that our first-principles full-potential linearized augmented plane wave (FLAPW) calculations, employing the precise crystal structure with structural distortions (i.e., RuO6_6 rotations) determined by neutron diffraction, demonstrate that antiferromagnetic ordering of the Ru moments is energetically favored over the previously proposed ferromagnetic ordering. Our results are consistent with recently performed magnetic neutron diffraction experiments (Lynn et. al). Ru t2gt_{2g} states, which are responsible for the magnetism, have only a very small interaction with Cu ege_g states, which results in a small exchange splitting of these states. The Fermi surface, characterized by strongly hybridized dpσdp\sigma orbitals, has nesting features similar to those in the two-dimensional high TcT_c cuprate superconductors.Comment: 6 pages,6 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Effects of Ellipticity and Shear on Gravitational Lens Statistics

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    We study the effects of ellipticity in lens galaxies and external tidal shear from neighboring objects on the statistics of strong gravitational lenses. For isothermal lens galaxies normalized so that the Einstein radius is independent of ellipticity and shear, ellipticity {\it reduces} the lensing cross section slightly, and shear leaves it unchanged. Ellipticity and shear can significantly enhance the magnification bias, but only if the luminosity function of background sources is steep. Realistic distributions of ellipticity and shear {\it lower} the total optical depth by a few percent for most source luminosity functions, and increase the optical depth only for steep luminosity functions. The boost in the optical depth is noticeable (>5%) only for surveys limited to the brightest quasars (L/L_* > 10). Ellipticity and shear broaden the distribution of lens image separations but do not affect the mean. Ellipticity and shear naturally increase the abundance of quadruple lenses relative to double lenses, especially for steep source luminosity functions, but the effect is not enough (by itself) to explain the observed quadruple-to-double ratio. With such small changes to the optical depth and image separation distribution, ellipticity and shear have a small effect on cosmological constraints from lens statistics: neglecting the two leads to biases of just Delta Omega_M = 0.00 \pm 0.01 and Delta Omega_Lambda = -0.02 \pm 0.01 (where the errorbars represent statistical uncertainties in our calculations).Comment: Optical depth normalization discussed. Matches the published versio

    Generalization of Classical Statistical Mechanics to Quantum Mechanics and Stable Property of Condensed Matter

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    Classical statistical average values are generally generalized to average values of quantum mechanics, it is discovered that quantum mechanics is direct generalization of classical statistical mechanics, and we generally deduce both a new general continuous eigenvalue equation and a general discrete eigenvalue equation in quantum mechanics, and discover that a eigenvalue of quantum mechanics is just an extreme value of an operator in possibility distribution, the eigenvalue f is just classical observable quantity. A general classical statistical uncertain relation is further given, the general classical statistical uncertain relation is generally generalized to quantum uncertainty principle, the two lost conditions in classical uncertain relation and quantum uncertainty principle, respectively, are found. We generally expound the relations among uncertainty principle, singularity and condensed matter stability, discover that quantum uncertainty principle prevents from the appearance of singularity of the electromagnetic potential between nucleus and electrons, and give the failure conditions of quantum uncertainty principle. Finally, we discover that the classical limit of quantum mechanics is classical statistical mechanics, the classical statistical mechanics may further be degenerated to classical mechanics, and we discover that only saying that the classical limit of quantum mechanics is classical mechanics is mistake. As application examples, we deduce both Shrodinger equation and state superposition principle, deduce that there exist decoherent factor from a general mathematical representation of state superposition principle, and the consistent difficulty between statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics and determinant property of classical mechanics is overcome.Comment: 10 page

    Two Galaxy Clusters: A3565 and A3560

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    We report 102 new redshifts and magnitudes for a sample of galaxies to RF ~ 15.5 mag in a 2.17 deg x 2.17 deg region centered on the galaxy IC 4296, the most luminous member of the A3565 cluster. Up to the limiting magnitude we find 29 cluster members, and measure a velocity dispersion of 228 km/s. The estimated total mass for this system is ~ 3.0 x h**-1 10**13 Msun (where h = H0/100 km/s/Mpc), and its dynamical properties are quite typical of poor clusters presenting X-ray emission. We also find that galaxies with absorption lines are more concentrated towards the center of the cluster, while systems with emission lines are mainly located in the outer parts. The small velocity dispersion of the cluster, coupled to the known presence of an interacting pair of galaxies, and the large extent of the brightest cluster galaxy, could indicate that galaxy formation through mergers may still be underway in this system. The surveyed region also contains galaxies belonging to the Shapley Concentration cluster A3560. Within 30 arc min of the cluster center, we detect 32 galaxies, for which we measure a velocity dispersion of 588 km/s and a mass of ~2 x h**-1 10**14 Msun. However, because our sample is restricted to galaxies brighter than M*, these values should be considered only as rough estimates.Comment: 33 pages, including 6 tables and 9 postscript figures. Uses AAS Latex macros. Postscript file and ASCII versions of Tables 4 and 6 are available at http://www.dan.on.br/other_surveys/a3565.html. Scheduled for September 1999 issue of The Astronomical Journa
