190 research outputs found

    Autoconcepto en educación física para mejorar la salud escolar pospandemia

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    Self-concept is one of the key aspects of personality development. It is relevant because it affects how a person sees him/herself and how he/she relates to others. During adolescence, self-perception tends to be highly variable due to the inherent changes of this stage, being a critical period in which to foster a healthy and confident personality. Add to this the critical circumstances experienced during the pandemic and it becomes a bombshell. Physical education classes, can promote the self-concept and improve school health. The aim of the study was to analyse self-concept in Spanish adolescents of physical education by sex, school location, age, educational level and body mass index (BMI) after the pandemic. A crosssectional study of 961 students’ physical education classes in public schools in Extremadura (Spain) was obtained and administered the Self-Concept Questionnaire version 5 (AF-5). The results showed that there is an association between AF-5 and sex, where adolescent girls have lower self-concept; there is a slight inverse relationship between AF-5 with age and BMI and there is no significant association between AF-5 and school location. In conclusion, knowing the relevant factors of self-concept after covid allows the educational community to implement tools for the optimal development of self-concept in Physical Education students, thus performance of adolescents.El autoconcepto es uno de los aspectos clave del desarrollo de la personalidad. Es relevante porque afecta cómo una persona se ve a sí misma y cómo se relaciona con los demás. Durante la adolescencia la autopercepción suele ser muy variable debido a los cambios inherentes a esta etapa, siendo un periodo crítico para fomentar una personalidad sana y segura. Si a esto le sumamos las circunstancias críticas vividas durante la pandemia, se convierte en un bombazo. Las clases de educación física, pueden favorecer el autoconcepto y mejorar la salud escolar. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar el autoconcepto en adolescentes españoles de educación física según sexo, localización escolar, edad, nivel educativo e índice de masa corporal (IMC) tras la pandemia. Se realizó un estudio transversal de 961 alumnos de clases de educación física de colegios públicos de Extremadura (España), a los que se les aplicó el Cuestionario de Autoconcepto versión 5 (AF-5). Los resultados mostraron que existe asociación entre AF-5 y el sexo, donde las adolescentes tienen un menor autoconcepto; existe una ligera relación inversa entre AF-5 con la edad y el IMC y no existe una asociación significativa entre AF-5 y la ubicación de la escuela. En conclusión, conocer los factores relevantes del autoconcepto post covid permite a la comunidad educativa implementar herramientas para el óptimo desarrollo del autoconcepto en los estudiantes de Educación Física y con ello del desempeño de los adolescentes

    Variación en la Autoeficacia Motriz Percibida por Alumnos Españoles a lo largo de las distintas etapas educativas

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    Motor self-efficacy is the ability to cope with obstacles, to control them and to solve them in the best possible way. It is closely related to performance in physical education and student health. The aim of this study is to measure the performance of motor self-efficacy in Physical Education in students aged 10 to 18 years, analyzing the differences between students according to their educational level and age. A total of 946 students responded to five socio-demographic questions, in addition to the Motor Self-Efficacy Scale validated in Spanish. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to determine the assumption of normality, but since this assumption was not met, non-parametric tests were used. In this sense, the Motor Self-Efficacy Scale score and the differences between the different instructional cycles were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test. In addition, a pairwise comparison was performed as part of a post hoc study to examine the differences between the different groups. The relationship between the mean scale score and the variable age was investigated using Spearman's Rho test. Subsequently, the relationship between motor self-efficacy and participants' height, weight and BMI was examined using the direct stepwise regression test. Finally, Cronbach's alpha was used to assess the reliability of the instrument. Significant statistical differences were observed between educational levels and their relationship with BMI, height and weight, highlighting the importance of motor self-efficacy at different stages. Therefore, it would be interesting to introduce educational methodologies that promote active models and improve students' motor self-efficacyLa autoeficacia motriz es la capacidad para hacer frente a los obstáculos, controlarlos y resolverlos de la mejor manera posible. Está estrechamente relacionada con el rendimiento en educación física y la salud de los alumnos. El objetivo de este estudio es medir el rendimiento de la autoeficacia motriz en Educación Física en alumnos de 10 a 18 años, analizando las diferencias según su nivel educativo y la edad. Un total de 946 estudiantes respondieron a cinco preguntas sociodemográficas, además de la Escala de Autoeficacia Motriz, validada en español. Se utilizó el test de Kolmogorov-Smirnov para determinar el supuesto de normalidad, pero como este supuesto no se cumplía se utilizaron pruebas no paramétricas. En este sentido, la puntuación de la autoeficacia motriz y las diferencias entre los distintos ciclos educativos se analizaron mediante la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis. Además, se realizó una comparación por pares como parte de un estudio post hoc para examinar las diferencias entre los distintos grupos. La relación entre la puntuación media de la escala y la variable edad se investigó mediante la prueba Rho de Spearman. Posteriormente la relación entre la autoeficacia motriz y la altura, el peso e IMC a través de la regresión directa por pasos. Por último, se utilizó el alfa de Cronbach para evaluar la fiabilidad del instrumento. Se observaron diferencias estadísticas significativas en diferencias estadísticas significativas entre los niveles educativos y su relación con el IMC, la altura y el peso, destacando la importancia de la autoeficacia motriz en las diferentes etapas. Por lo tanto, sería interesante introducir metodologías educativas que promuevan modelos y mejoren la autoeficacia motriz de los alumno

    Preliminary Study of the Psychometric Properties of a Questionnaire to Assess Spanish Canoeists’ Perceptions of the Sport System’s Capacity for Talent Development in Women’s Canoeing

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    Given the importance of sport at a global level, the competitiveness of sport systems is a determining factor in attracting resources from different sectors. Competitiveness is largely measured by the athletes’ level. Therefore, the production of competitive talent is an aspect that occupies the managers of different sports systems. This study analyzed the factor structure and reliability of a questionnaire for the evaluation of the perceptions of actors of a sport (canoeing) on the ability of the national system to produce talent in one of its modalities recently incorporated in the Olympic Games (OG) of Tokyo 2021. The sample consisted of 167 individuals linked to Spanish canoeing, who responded to the questionnaire “Evaluation of the current position in canoeing-sport with regard to talent” of the International Canoe Federation (ICF). Exploratory, confirmatory and reliability factor analyses were performed. The results showed a one-dimensional factor structure composed of seven items, with good and excellent goodness-of-fit values and high reliability (McDonald’s Omega = 0.82). Thus, the ICF questionnaire can be considered a quick and easy to apply tool to analyze the perceptions about the development of talent in canoeing in order to take actions for the recruitment, promotion and development of talent. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Análisis del impacto económico y percepción de los usuarios de barranquismo en Extremadura. Un enfoque de género

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    Adventure tourism has experienced significant growth in recent years and offers benefits to both rural communities and environmental conservation. Therefore, this study aims to characterize the profile, estimated expenditure, perception of economic impact, and satisfaction of adventure tourists visiting Valle del Jerte in Extremadura, Spain, for canyoning activities. Possible differences generated by the gender of tourists on these issues were analyzed. The sample included 673 tourists who practiced canyoning in Valle del Jerte. Statistical tests were used to analyze gender differences in variables such as means of transport used, intention to spend, type of expenditure, and need for public investment. Significant differences were found in the gender of the participants, with men having the highest expenditures. These findings are relevant for public and private organizations as well as for the local community, as they allow them to offer more adequate services to tourists who carry out these activities and attract more visitors.El turismo de aventura ha experimentado un gran crecimiento en los últimos años y ofrece beneficios tanto para las comunidades rurales como para la conservación del entorno, por lo que este trabajo tiene como objetivo caracterizar el perfil, el gasto estimado, la percepción del impacto económico y la satisfacción de los turistas de aventura que visitan el Valle del Jerte en Extremadura, España, para realizar actividades de barranquismo. Se analizan las posibles diferencias generadas por el género del turista en estas cuestiones. La muestra incluyó a 673 turistas que practicaron barranquismo en el Valle del Jerte. Se utilizaron pruebas estadísticas para analizar las diferencias de género en variables como el medio de transporte utilizado, la intención de gasto, el tipo de gasto y la necesidad de inversión pública. Se encontraron diferencias significativas referidas al género de los participantes, siendo los hombres los que más gastos tienen. Estos hallazgos son relevantes para organizaciones públicas y privadas, así como para la comunidad local, ya que les permite ofrecer servicios más adecuados a los turistas que realizan estas actividades y atraer a más visitantes

    Raiders of the Olympic Values: Perception of the Development of Women’s Canoeing in Spain for Tokyo 2021

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    Although canoeing is one of the oldest sports in the Olympic program, it was not until the Tokyo Olympics in 2021 that women’s canoeing was first included in the competition. This fact has posed a challenge to the initiation and technification systems of countries in order to obtain competitive results, particularly in Spain, as it is one of the sports that contributed the most medals to the Olympic medal tally. The aim of this study was to evaluate the promotion and development of talent in women’s canoeing in Spain for its first-ever Olympic participation. For this purpose, an analytical survey (n = 167) was carried out, the answers to which were contrasted by gender and modality practiced. The results showed a positive evaluation of the current position in flatwater female canoeing regarding talent that is consistent with the competitive results achieved. Additionally, we found that the gender of the respondents influences their perception of the age of sport initiation and the suitability of the progression in the competition systems for the promotion of women’s canoeing in Spain. Therefore, the results of the questionnaire will facilitate a quick diagnosis of critical aspects by sport managers, allowing them to take corrective actions in time for the development of female canoeists and, at the same time, to promote future studies that delve deeper into these topics

    Validación de una escala sobre las percepciones del impacto socioeconómico del turismo deportivo de naturaleza

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    The impact that tourists have on the destination community modifies their behavior and can be a key factor guiding both their perceptions and their intention to revisit the destination. However, the perceptions of tourists have been little analyzed in the scientific literature. The objective of this study is to explore the psychometric properties and validity of a questionnaire aimed at assessing tourists’ perceptions of the socioeconomic impact of sports activities in the natural environment. The sample consisted of 1184 sports tourists who traveled to the Valle del Jerte (Extremadura, Spain). Both an exploratory factor analysis and a confirmatory factor analysis were carried out, as well as an analysis of the reliability of the instrument. The results showed a final structure of 8 items divided into two factors with satisfactory reliability values and indicators of the goodness of fit. Therefore, this research provides a quick, free and easy-to-use tool to assess the perceptions of sports tourists about the socio-economic impact generated by the activities they practice.El impacto que los turistas tienen en la comunidad del destino modifica su comportamiento y puede ser un factor clave que guíe tanto sus percepciones como su intención de volver a visitar el destino. Sin embargo, las percepciones de los turistas han sido poco analizadas en la literatura científica. El objetivo de este estudio es explorar las propiedades psicométricas y la validez de un cuestionario destinado a evaluar las percepciones de los turistas sobre el impacto socioeconómico de las actividades deportivas en el medio natural. La muestra estuvo formada por 1184 turistas deportivos que viajaron al Valle del Jerte (Extremadura, España). Se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio y un análisis factorial confirmatorio, así como un análisis de fiabilidad del instrumento. Los resultados mostraron una estructura final de 8 ítems divididos en dos factores con satisfactorios valores de fiabilidad e indicadores de la bondad del ajuste. Por lo tanto, esta investigación proporciona una herramienta rápida, gratuita y fácil de usar para evaluar las percepciones de los turistas deportivos sobre el impacto socioeconómico generado por las actividades que practican

    Fiabilidad de una escala para mejorar las actitudes hacia la inclusión de estudiantes con discapacidad en Educación Física

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    The right to inclusive education is one that has drawn the attention of public organizations, scholars, and academics world-wide. Students' beliefs and perceptions are a fundamental axis to know the state of the classrooms based on this ethical principle, allowing teaching professionals to promote improvement strategies and programs. This study aims to explore the reliability and factorial structure of the questionnaire "The Attitudes towards Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Physical Education" (AISDPE) in students belonging to the secondary and baccalaureate educational stages. The sample consisted in 889 students who participated 2 times a week in physical education classes. Reliability tests, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were done. Then, a factor structure with two dimension (cognitive perception and predisposition to action) and 15 items was extracted, showing excellent values for the various selected goodness-of-fit indices. Additionally, a good reliability (Cronbach's Alpha = 0.77–0.79) was attained. The AISDPE might therefore be regarded as a credible and trustworthy measure to examine physical education pupils’ assessments of their attitudes towards inclusive instruction in order to improve social well-being and school health in the classroom.El derecho a la educación inclusiva es un tema que ha llamado la atención de organizaciones públicas, académicos y estudiosos de todo el mundo. Las creencias y percepciones de los alumnos son un eje fundamental para conocer el estado de las aulas en base a este principio ético, permitiendo a los profesionales de la enseñanza promover estrategias y programas de mejora. Este estudio tiene como objetivo explorar la fiabilidad y estructura factorial del cuestionario «Actitudes hacia la Inclusión de Alumnos con Discapacidad en Educación Física» (AISDPE) en alumnos pertenecientes a las etapas educativas de secundaria y bachillerato. La muestra consistió en 889 estudiantes que participaban 2 veces por semana en clases de educación física. Se realizaron pruebas de fiabilidad, análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio. Se extrajo una estructura factorial con dos dimensiones (percepción cognitiva y predisposición a la acción) y 15 ítems, mostrando excelentes valores para los distintos índices de bondad de ajuste seleccionados. Además, se alcanzó una buena fiabilidad (alfa de Cronbach = 0,77-0,79). Por tanto, el AISDPE podría considerarse una medida creíble y fiable para examinar las valoraciones de los alumnos de educación física sobre sus actitudes hacia la instrucción inclusiva con el fin de mejorar elbienestar social y la salud escolar en el aula.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Condición física y autoconcepto en estudiantes de diferentes edades en Extremadura (España)

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    Self-concept can be defined as the set of beliefs a person has about himself/herself, encompassing his/her personality and multiple dimensions. These dimensions study the perception of social and family relationships, emotional management, academic performance, and motor skills, establishing an important concept in the development of children and adolescents. On the other hand, physical fitness is a very important health parameter that encompasses both physical and psychological health. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the correlations between these two variables according to educational stage and sex. Kolmogorov-Smirnov was used to determine the normality of the data, Spearman's Rho test was applied for the correlational analysis of the dimensions of both tools (Self-concept scale AF-5 and Visual Analogical Scale of Physical Fitness Perception for Adolescents (VAS PFA, and a prediction model was also performed with the most relevant variables in students from 10 to 18 years old. The results showed high correlations between the physical dimensions and physical fitness, encompassing general, strength, and endurance as the educational stages progressed (<0.001). The overall development of school-aged children is of great interest because a positive self-concept can be influenced by physical well-being and optimal skills. In addition, children who have a positive self-concept are likely to be motivated to engage in sports and physical activities, which improves their physical health. Therefore, the health and education community could promote this through interventions in and out of the classroom for the best possible mental health.Departamento de Educación Física, Música y Artes Plástica

    Association between the importance of Physical Education and physical-social anxiety in Spain

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    [Resumen] La ansiedad físico social (AFS) es un trastorno cada vez más frecuente en la adolescencia que perjudica la salud mental. A su vez, la Educación Física (EF) puede desempeñar un papel importante en la reducción de la AFS al proporcionar a los estudiantes un entorno donde puedan participar en actividad física, mejorar su concepto físico, desarrollar habilidades sociales y optimizar su bienestar. El objetivo esconocer si existe relación entre la importancia que las personas le asignan a la EF y su nivel de AFS en estudiantes de EF en España. Para ello, estudiantes de EF españoles entre 12-14 años fueron encuestados a través de la Escala de AFS (SPAS-7) y la escala unifactorial para la valoración de la importancia de la EF. Los resultados mostraron que la correlación entre ambas variables es inversa y significativa (p<0,01), siendo más evidente en chicas que en chicos. La ansiedad físico-social de adolescentes españoles disminuye conforme aumenta la importancia atribuida a la EF, sobre todo en chicas. Sería relevante concienciar a la población de la importancia de la EF sobre la AFS en la adolescencia para contribuir a la mejora de la salud mental.[Abstract] Physical-social anxiety (PSA) is an increasingly common disorder in adolescence that is detrimental to mental health. In turn, Physical Education (PE) can play an important role in reducing PSA by providing students with an environment where they can participate in physical activity, improve their physical self-esteem, develop social skills and optimize their well-being. The objective was to find out if there is a relationship between the importance that people assign to PE and their level of PSA in PE students in Spain. To do this, Spanish PE students between 12-14 years old were surveyed using the PSA Scale (SPAS-7) and the unifactorial scale for the assessment of the importance of PE. The results showed that the correlation between both variables is inverse and significant (p<0.01), being more evident in girls than in boys. The physical-social anxiety of Spanish adolescents decreases as the importance attributed to PE increases, especially in girls. It would be important to raise awareness among the population about the importance of physical activity over physical activity in adolescence to contribute to improving mental health