231 research outputs found

    Biomechanical Study of the Vestibular System of the Inner Ear Using a Numerical Method

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    The inner ear has two main parts, the cochlea, dedicated to hearing, and the vestibular system, dedicated to balance. Dizziness and vertigo are the main symptoms related to vestibular disorders, which commonly affects older people. In order to eliminate these symptoms a vestibular rehabilitation is performed; this consists in a range of movements of the head, known as maneuvers, performed by a clinical professional. This procedure does not always work as expected. The aim of this work is to contribute to a better understanding on how the vestibular system works. This knowledge will help in the development of new techniques that will facilitate a more efficient rehabilitation. In order to achieve that goal, a three-dimensional numerical model of the vestibular system, containing the fluids which promote the body balance, was constructed. The vestibular components will be discretized using the finite element method and the fluid flow will be analyzed using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics The results obtained with the numerical model of the semicircular canal built to study the rehabilitation process are presented and compared with other authors. The solution achieved is similar with literature.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A computational framework to simulate the endolymph flow due to vestibular rehabilitation maneuvers assessed from accelerometer data

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    Vertiginous symptoms are one of the most common symptoms in the world, therefore investing in new ways and therapies to avoid the sense of insecurity during the vertigo episodes is of great interest. The classical maneuvers used during vestibular rehabilitation consist in moving the head in specific ways, but it is not fully understood why those steps solve the problem. To better understand this mechanism, a three-dimensional computational model of the semicircular ducts of the inner ear was built using the finite element method, with the simulation of the fluid flow being obtained using particle methods. To simulate the exact movements performed during rehabilitation, data from an accelerometer were used as input for the boundary conditions in the model. It is shown that the developed model responds to the input data as expected, and the results successfully show the fluid flow of the endolymph behaving coherently as a function of accelerometer data. Numerical results at specific time steps are compared with the corresponding head movement, and both particle velocity and position follow the pattern that would be expected, confirming that the model is working as expected. The vestibular model built is an important starting point to simulate the classical maneuvers of the vestibular rehabilitation allowing to understand what happens in the endolymph during the rehabilitation process, which ultimately may be used to improve the maneuvers and the quality of life of patients suffering from vertigo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A biomechanical perspective on perineal injuries during childbirth

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    Background and objective: Childbirth trauma is a major health concern that affects millions of women worldwide. Severe degrees of perineal trauma, designated as obstetric anal sphincter injuries (OASIS), and levator ani muscle (LAM) injuries are associated with long-term morbidity. While significant research has been conducted on LAM avulsions, less attention has been given to perineal trauma and OASIS, which affect up to 90% and 11% of vaginal deliveries, respectively. Despite being widely discussed, childbirth trauma remains unpredictable. This work aims to enhance the modeling of the maternal musculature during childbirth, with a particular focus on understanding the mechanisms underlying the often overlooked perineal injuries. Methods: A geometrical model of the pelvic floor muscles (PFM) and perineum (including the perineal body, ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus, superficial and deep transverse perineal muscles) was created. The muscles were characterized by a transversely isotropic visco-hyperelastic constitutive model. Two simulations of vaginal delivery were conducted with the fetus in the vertex presentation and occipito-anterior position, with and without the perineum. Results: The simulation that considered the perineum exhibited higher stresses over an extended area of the PFM, which suggests that including additional structures can impact the obtained results. The maximum stretch of the urogenital hiatus was 2.94 and the maximum stress was 23.86 kPa. The perineal body reached a maximum stretch of 1.95, which was more pronounced near the urogenital hiatus, where perineal tears may occur. The external anal sphincter's transverse diameter decreased by 51% and the maximum principal stresses were observed in the area close to the perineal body, where OASIS can occur. Conclusions: The present study emphasizes the importance of including most structures involved in vaginal delivery in its biomechanical analysis and represents another step further in the understanding of perineal injuries and OASIS. The superior region of the perineal body and its connection to the urogenital hiatus and anal sphincter have been identified as the most critical regions, highly susceptible to injury

    Study of the effect of friction between the ossicles of the middle ear

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    The human ear is a complex biomechanical system and is divided by three parts: outer, middle and inner ear. The middle ear is formed by three ossicles (malleus, incus and stapes), ligaments, muscles and tendons, that amplify the sound, sending the sound waves to the inner ear. In this work, a finite element modelling of the middle ear and ligaments was made. The connection between ossicles was achieved using contact formulation. The modelling of ligaments was based in a hyperelastic model. Studies based in the displacement field of the eardrum and footplate were made, as well as the rotation of the footplate. The stress field in the ligaments to the exterior of the ossicular chain was still analyzed. These studies were done for different friction rates, between the ossicles, and for different acoustic pressure values applied in the eardrum. We can conclude that the connection between the ossicles may be assigned by contact formulation including friction. For simulation proposes, we can assume a quasi-rigid connection between ossicles.Peer Reviewe


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    The Pelvic Floor (PF) is a set of soft parts that close the pelvis. Its function is related with the support and suspension of the pelvic organs maintaining urinary and fecal continence. When the pelvic floor muscles (PFM) are not strengthened, pelvic dysfunctions may appear. The strengthening exercises are performed through contraction of the PF, which are the basis of physiotherapy treatment. The aim of this study is to build the pelvic floor muscle, through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and simulate through the finite element method the contraction in an athlete that practices synchronized swimming. The present work shows a methodology that can be applied in the pelvic floor biomechanics

    Development of shear locking-free shell elements using an enhanced assumed strain formulation

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    The degenerated approach for shell elements of Ahmad and co-workers is revisited in this paper. To avoid transverse shear locking effects in four-node bilinear elements, an alternative formulation based on the enhanced assumed strain (EAS) method of Simo and Rifai is proposed directed towards the transverse shear terms of the strain field. In the first part of the work the analysis of the null transverse shear strain subspace for the degenerated element and also for the selective reduced integration (SRI) and assumed natural strain (ANS) formulations is carried out. Locking effects are then justified by the inability of the null transverse shear strain subspace, implicitly defined by a given finite element, to properly reproduce the required displacement patterns. Illustrating the proposed approach, a remarkably simple single-element test is described where ANS formulation fails to converge to the correct results, being characterized by the same performance as the degenerated shell element. The adequate enhancement of the null transverse shear strain subspace is provided by the EAS method, enforcing Kirchhoff hypothesis for low thickness values and leading to a framework for the development of shear-locking-free shell elements. Numerical linear elastic tests show improved results obtained with the proposed formulation. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley Sons, Ltd

    Total ossicular replacement prosthesis of the middle ear: a biomechanical analysis

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    The main goal of the present study is to analyze and characterize the behavior of the middle ear, when a total ossicular replacement prosthesis (TORP) is used in the ossicular chain, in order to troubleshoot conductive hearing loss. Using a finite element model (FEM), a dynamic study of the middle ear was made. The displacement values were obtained at the umbo and stapes footplate, for a sound pressure level of 80 dB sound pressure level (SPL) applied at the tympanic membrane, when a cartilage in membrane-prosthesis interface of different diameters and thicknesses was used. The results were compared with the healthy middle ear model. The usage of this model aims to achieve a set of techniques that promotes the best possible performance of prosthesis in the middle ear. The present study allows to conclude that the rehabilitation of the middle ear with TORP can lead to the best results when used with 4 mm diameter cartilages, with a thin thickness of 0.3 mm.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Quadrilateral elements for the solution of elasto-plastic finite strain problems

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    In this paper two plane strain quadrilateral elements with two and four variables, are proposed. These elements are applied to the analysis of finite strain elasto-plastic problems. The elements are based on the enhanced strain and B-bar methodologies and possess a stabilizing term. The pressure and dilatation fields are assumed to be constant in each element's domain and the deformation gradient is enriched with additional variables, as in the enhanced strain methodology. The formulation is deduced from a four-field functional, based on the imposition of two constraints: annulment of the enhanced part of the deformation gradient and the relation between the assumed dilatation and the deformation gradient determinant. The discretized form of equilibrium is presented, and the analytical linearization is deduced, to ensure the asymptotically quadratic rate of convergence in the Newton-Raphson method. The proposed formulation for the enhanced terms is carried out in the isoparametric domain and does not need the usually adopted procedure of evaluating the Jacobian matrix in the centre of the element. The elements are very effective for the particular class of problems analysed and do not present any locking or instability tendencies, as illustrated by various representative examples. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd