58 research outputs found

    La mesure du CODB : un index du potentiel de reviviscence bactérienne des eaux

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    La mesure de la matière organique biodégradable dans l'eau est déterminée à partir de tests biologiques qui reposent sur deux concepts.Le premier est basé sur le suivi de la croissance de souches pures ou d'une population bactérienne mixte dans un échantillon d'eau. Le maximum de croissance obtenu est converti en Carbone Organique facilement Assimilable (COA) et exprimé en µg de C eq. acétate/l en tenant compte du rendement de croissance de ces bactéries dans des solutions d'acétate de sodium.Le second repose sur le suivi de la décroissance du Carbone Organique Dissous (COD) dans un échantillon d'eau ensemencé par une flore bactérienne indigène des eaux (flore en suspension ou flore fixée sur des particules de sable). La matière organique biadégradée est exprimée sous forme de Carbone Organique Dissous Biodégradable (CODB).Des essais ont été réalisés sur différents types d'eau (eaux de rivière de la Seine, de l'Oise et de la Marne, eaux en cours de traitement de.potabilisation, eaux distribuées et eaux distillées) afin de mettre en évidence la relation existant entre la mesure du CODB en présence de bactéries fixées sur du sable et le maximum de croissance bactérienne enregistré dans les mêmes échantillons stérilisés puis réensemencés par des souches pures (Pseudomonas fluorescens P17, Pseudomonas fluorescens P17 + Spirillum NOX) ou par un inoculum mixte de bactéries indigènes de l'eau.Les résultats de cette étude mettent en évidence :- une relation entre le CODB et le maximum de croissance (Pseudomonas fluorescens P17) médiocre (r = 0,716 ; n = 28) pour des échantillons d'eau ensemencés par Pseudomonas fluorescens P17 seul (dénombrement en gélose);- une relation entre le CODB et le maximum de croissance (Pseudomonas fluorescens P17) améliorée (r = 0,850, n = 31) pour des échantillons ensemencés simultanément avec un mélange de Pseudomonas fluorescens P17 et Spirillum NOX (dénombrement en gélose);- une relation entre le CODB et le maximum de croissance (Spirillum NOX) très faible (r = 0,264 n = 31; corrélation non significative) pour des échantillons ensemencés simultanément avec un mélange de P17 + NOX (dénombrement en gélose);- le coefficient de corrélation entre le CODB et le COA (Pseudomonas fluorescens P17 + Spirillum NOX) est de 0.769 (n = 31) avec une équivalence de 140 µg de COA (eq. acétate) par mg de CODE lorsque P17 est utilisé isolément et 90 µg de COA (eq. acétate) par mg de CODB lorsque P17 et NOX sont utilisés simultanément;- la relation entre le CODB et le maximum de croissance (flore naturelle mixte) est par contre très satisfaisante (r = 0,943; e = 30) lorsque les dénombrements bactériens sont effectués par microscopie en épifluorescence (coloration à l'acridine orange).Le rendement de croissance est alors de 1,7.109 cellules pour 1 mg de CODB mesuré en présence de sable biologique.En conclusion, la mesure du CODB au moyen de bactéries fixées, originellement décrite pour évaluer l'efficacité des filières de traitement de potabilisation vis-à-vis de l'élimination de la Matière Organique Biodégradable permet aussi de prédire le potentiel de recroissance bactérienne (bactéries indigènes) de différents types d'eau.Some attempts have been made to obtain an assessment of either the easily Assimilable Organic Carbon (AOC) or the total amount of Biodegradabte Dissolved Organic Carbon (BDOC) in drinking water.The first approach was developed in several methods.One of these methods consists of seeding pasteurized samples of water with pure cultures of bacteria (Pseudomonas fluorescens P17, P17 + Spirillum NOX). The growth of bacteria is monitored by a spread plate technique. AOC is expressed as equivalent amount of carbon (µg C eq. acetate/l) by using known yield coefficients of these strains in acetate or in oxalate.In the second approach, the BDOC content of water is evaluated by the reduction of Dissolved Organic Carton (DOC) in a water sample incubated up to 30 days with suspended indigenous bacteria or 5-7 days with bacteria fixed on sand-particles.This work was undertaken to determine the existing relationship between values of BDOC recorded by using fixed bacteria on sand and :- the maximum growth of a pure strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens P17. Water samples (60 ml) were pasteurized and inoculated with a subculture of Pseudomonas fluorescens (initial concentration = 500 CFU/ml). The maximum growth M 20 °C ± 1 °C was recorded by a pour plate method in PCA agar alter 3-4 days of incubation.- the maximum growth of strains P17 and NOX inoculated simultaneously in pasteurized water samples (40 ml) (500-1000 CFU/ml for each species). Each maximum growth at 20 °C ± 1 °C after seven, eight and vine days of incubation was recorded (spread plate method on R2A agar) and converted in AOC (growth constants : 4.1 106 CFU per µg C for P17, 1.2 107 CFU per µg C for NOX).- the maximum growth of a mixed indigenous population of bacteria. Water samples (500 ml) were filtered (0,2 µm filter) and reinoculated with one percent of river water. The maximum growth was recorded alter 3-4 days of incubation at 20 °C ± 1 °C by microscopic epifluorescent counts (acridin orange coloration).Comparisons were done with different types of water including river water (Seine, Oise and Marne), partially treated water (conventional treatments), fully treated water, ground water, mineral water and distilled water.The study bas demonstrated :- a pour correlation (r = 0.716; n = 28) between BDOC values and the maximum growth of Pseudomonas fluorescens. This observation can be explained by the limited spectrum of activity and the low affinity of Pseudomonas fluorescens for organic molecules. Under these conditions, the growth yield was 5.9 108 CFU per mg C (BDOC).- a better correlation (r = 0,850; n = 31) between BDOC and the maximum growth of P17 for water samples seeded simultaneously with P17 and NOX. Under these conditions, no correlation (r = 0.264 n = 31) was found between values of BDOC and maximum growth of NOX, demonstrating varying affinities of the NOX strain for ozonation by-products. In spite of this limit, the relation between BDOC and AOC values remained relatively good (r = 0.769; n = 31) with a factor of conversion of 1 mg BDOC for 90 µg C eq. acetate.- a significative correlation (r = 0.943; n = 30) between values of BDOC (fixed bacteria on sand) and the maximum growth of indigenous bacteria by direct microscopic examination epifluorescent counts. The growth yield was then 1,7 109 cells per mg of BDOC.In conclusion, the rapid estimation of BDOC by the technique using indigenous bacteria fixed on sand particles can be considered as a good predictor of the potential bacteria regrowth for different types of water

    Sélection de clones résistants appartenant aux genres Kiebsiella, Serratia et Pseudomonas afin de suivre leur implantation dans un biofiltre

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    Des souches appartenant aux espèces : Klebsiella oxytoca, Serratia marcescens et Pseudomonas putida, isolées d'un biofiltre utilisé pour le traitement d'effluents urbains ont été choisies parmi une centaine d'autres pour être réimplantées dans un réacteur du même type. Dans le but de suivre leur fixation en réacteur ouvert, une méthode spécifique de sélection a été développée. Des clones de ces souches résistant naturellement à des antibiotiques (rifampicine, streptomycine, acide nalidixique) et à des substrats suicides (chlorate, bromoacétate, fluorouracile) ont été recherchés. Cette sélection a permis d'obtenir des clones de Klebsiella et de Serratia résistants à 2 g/l de streptomycine, 1 g/l de rifampicine et à 2 g/l de chlorate ainsi que des clones de Pseudomonas résistants à 0,5 g/l d'acide nalidixique et à 2 g/l de bromoacétate ou à 40 mgll de fluorouracile.Les clones résistants dont les caractéristiques de croissance et les activités enzymatiques sont identiques à celles de la souche sauvage et dont la stabilité génétique a été maintenue après de nombreux repiquages ont été retenus. Afin de valider notre méthode de reconnaissance, une numération de la flore indigène d'un effluent urbain a été réalisée sur les milieux spécifiques des clones résistants : seule une faible proportion de cette flore, à savoir 0,02 % est capable de s'y développer. Des essais préliminaires d'ensemencement du biofiltre avec les souches sélectionnées ont été réalisés, ils montrent que celles-ci s'implantent puisqu'elles sont retrouvées sur les grains de matériau de garnissage et que chacune d'elle représente 1 % de la flore totale.Comparison with free tell system, fixed process applied for biological wastewater treatment have been shown to offer numerous advantages. The Biocarbone process, an aerobic down flow immersed bed reactor (ODA patent n° 78-30246), has been selected for many industrial and municipal wastewater treatment facilities.From this type of aerobic fixed-bed reactor, made of expanded schist as a granular support and fed with clarified domestic wastewater, eigthy-eigth strains were isolated (ZINEBI et al., 1992). Three of the bacterial strains were chosen for their abilities to express high levels of glucidolytic, proteolytic or lipolytic activities and to grow on the granular support as microcolonies which developed into a film of organisms over the whole surface.Our objective was to initiate biofilm formation by feeding the clean support with thon selected strains named : Klebsiella oxytoca, 501; Serratia marcescens, 532 and Pseudomonas putida, 601. In order to follow attachment kinetics of these selected strains of this biofilter, and to verify their perenity within the biofilm in non sterile conditions (mixed with indigeneous flora from the influent), a specific labelling method was required.As antibiotic-resistant mutants are easily isolated and the resistances can often serve as convenient genetic markers for use in characterizing bacterial strains, a direct selection of tells acquiring resistance to various antibiotics (ampicillin, streptomycin, nalidixic acid and rifampicin) bas been performed. Selected antibiotic-resistant strains were further incubated in presence of growth inhibitors or suicide substrates in order to select again spontaneous arising mutants well characterized by two distinct markers. From the two bacteria belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family, mutants having lost the nitrate reductase have been isolated under anaerobic growth conditions in the presence of chlorate. In the case of Pseudomonas strain, mutants resistant towards substrate halogen analogues were obtained.Colonies resistant to antibiotics and resistant to lethal substrates were isolated : thus, colonies of Klebsiella resistant to streptomycin at 2 g/l, to rifampicin al 1 g/l and chlorate al 2 g/l ; colonies of Serratia resistant to streptomycin at 2 g/l or to rifampicine at 1 g/l and chlorate at 2 g/l and colonies of Pseudomonas resistant to nalidixic acid at 0.5 g/l and to bromoacetate at 2 g/l or to fluorouracil at 40 mg/l, were obtained. We have selected : trains showing the same doubling time as well as the same final population titan the parental strains when growths were performed with or without the markers. The three strains retained were : Klebsiellaoxytoca, 501 R1S2Cl2 which grew on the Mac Conkey medium added with 1 g/l of rifampicin, 2 g/l at streptomycin and 2 g/l of chlorate; Serratia marcescens, 532 S2Cl2 (on Mac Conkey plus 2 g/l of streptomycin and 2 g/l of chlorate) and Pseudomonas putida, 601 NB2 (on King plus 0,5 g/l of nalidixic acid and 2 g/l of bromoacetate). These specific media for the detection of selectionned clones were selective toward a fixed indigenous flora since only 0,02 % of total heterotrophic population can grow.A column filled with grains of « Biodagen » either colonized by natural, microbial populations or with clean grains of « Biodagen » was fed with a population of the : train Klebsiella 501 R1S2Cl2. The strain colonized virgin « Biodagen » and maintained population of 4.106 CFU per grain for 9 days with new material and 105 CFU for 7 days with precolonized material.Experiment with a mixed population resulting from the three identified microbial species have been conducted with clean grains of « Biodagen », a whole population of 107 CFU per grain was obtained after two days and each identified strain corresponded to 1 % of the entire bacterial population. The relative concentrations of the three : trains did not decrease feeding the column with a mixture of the three : trains and of wastewater but slightly decreased when the column was fed with wastewater only

    Boxicity of graphs on surfaces

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    The boxicity of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is the least integer kk for which there exist kk interval graphs Gi=(V,Ei)G_i=(V,E_i), 1ik1 \le i \le k, such that E=E1...EkE=E_1 \cap ... \cap E_k. Scheinerman proved in 1984 that outerplanar graphs have boxicity at most two and Thomassen proved in 1986 that planar graphs have boxicity at most three. In this note we prove that the boxicity of toroidal graphs is at most 7, and that the boxicity of graphs embeddable in a surface Σ\Sigma of genus gg is at most 5g+35g+3. This result yields improved bounds on the dimension of the adjacency poset of graphs on surfaces.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Hitting all Maximal Independent Sets of a Bipartite Graph

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    We prove that given a bipartite graph G with vertex set V and an integer k, deciding whether there exists a subset of V of size k hitting all maximal independent sets of G is complete for the class Sigma_2^P.Comment: v3: minor chang

    Trees with Given Stability Number and Minimum Number of Stable Sets

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    We study the structure of trees minimizing their number of stable sets for given order nn and stability number α\alpha. Our main result is that the edges of a non-trivial extremal tree can be partitioned into nαn-\alpha stars, each of size n1nα\lceil \frac{n-1}{n-\alpha} \rceil or n1nα\lfloor \frac{n-1}{n-\alpha}\rfloor, so that every vertex is included in at most two distinct stars, and the centers of these stars form a stable set of the tree.Comment: v2: Referees' comments incorporate

    Irreducible triangulations of surfaces with boundary

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    A triangulation of a surface is irreducible if no edge can be contracted to produce a triangulation of the same surface. In this paper, we investigate irreducible triangulations of surfaces with boundary. We prove that the number of vertices of an irreducible triangulation of a (possibly non-orientable) surface of genus g>=0 with b>=0 boundaries is O(g+b). So far, the result was known only for surfaces without boundary (b=0). While our technique yields a worse constant in the O(.) notation, the present proof is elementary, and simpler than the previous ones in the case of surfaces without boundary

    Circulating adrenomedullin estimates survival and reversibility of organ failure in sepsis: the prospective observational multinational Adrenomedullin and Outcome in Sepsis and Septic Shock-1 (AdrenOSS-1) study

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    Background: Adrenomedullin (ADM) regulates vascular tone and endothelial permeability during sepsis. Levels of circulating biologically active ADM (bio-ADM) show an inverse relationship with blood pressure and a direct relationship with vasopressor requirement. In the present prospective observational multinational Adrenomedullin and Outcome in Sepsis and Septic Shock 1 (, AdrenOSS-1) study, we assessed relationships between circulating bio-ADM during the initial intensive care unit (ICU) stay and short-term outcome in order to eventually design a biomarker-guided randomized controlled trial. Methods: AdrenOSS-1 was a prospective observational multinational study. The primary outcome was 28-day mortality. Secondary outcomes included organ failure as defined by Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score, organ support with focus on vasopressor/inotropic use, and need for renal replacement therapy. AdrenOSS-1 included 583 patients admitted to the ICU with sepsis or septic shock. Results: Circulating bio-ADM levels were measured upon admission and at day 2. Median bio-ADM concentration upon admission was 80.5 pg/ml [IQR 41.5-148.1 pg/ml]. Initial SOFA score was 7 [IQR 5-10], and 28-day mortality was 22%. We found marked associations between bio-ADM upon admission and 28-day mortality (unadjusted standardized HR 2.3 [CI 1.9-2.9]; adjusted HR 1.6 [CI 1.1-2.5]) and between bio-ADM levels and SOFA score (p < 0.0001). Need of vasopressor/inotrope, renal replacement therapy, and positive fluid balance were more prevalent in patients with a bio-ADM > 70 pg/ml upon admission than in those with bio-ADM ≤ 70 pg/ml. In patients with bio-ADM > 70 pg/ml upon admission, decrease in bio-ADM below 70 pg/ml at day 2 was associated with recovery of organ function at day 7 and better 28-day outcome (9.5% mortality). By contrast, persistently elevated bio-ADM at day 2 was associated with prolonged organ dysfunction and high 28-day mortality (38.1% mortality, HR 4.9, 95% CI 2.5-9.8). Conclusions: AdrenOSS-1 shows that early levels and rapid changes in bio-ADM estimate short-term outcome in sepsis and septic shock. These data are the backbone of the design of the biomarker-guided AdrenOSS-2 trial. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02393781. Registered on March 19, 2015

    Faster maturation of selective attention in musically trained children and adolescents : Converging behavioral and event-related potential evidence

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    Previous work suggests that musical training in childhood is associated with enhanced executive functions. However, it is unknown whether this advantage extends to selective attention-another central aspect of executive control. We recorded a well-established event-related potential (ERP) marker of distraction, the P3a, during an audio-visual task to investigate the maturation of selective attention in musically trained children and adolescents aged 10-17 years and a control group of untrained peers. The task required categorization of visual stimuli, while a sequence of standard sounds and distracting novel sounds were presented in the background. The music group outperformed the control group in the categorization task and the younger children in the music group showed a smaller P3a to the distracting novel sounds than their peers in the control group. Also, a negative response elicited by the novel sounds in the N1/MMN time range (similar to 150-200 ms) was smaller in the music group. These results indicate that the music group was less easily distracted by the task-irrelevant sound stimulation and gated the neural processing of the novel sounds more efficiently than the control group. Furthermore, we replicated our previous finding that, relative to the control group, the musically trained children and adolescents performed faster in standardized tests for inhibition and set shifting. These results provide novel converging behavioral and electrophysiological evidence from a cross-modal paradigm for accelerated maturation of selective attention in musically trained children and adolescents and corroborate the association between musical training and enhanced inhibition and set shifting.Peer reviewe

    Risque microbiologique lié à l’exploitation des ressources en eau souterraine : pratiques d’évaluation et de maîtrise

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    Controlled Language (CL) for Ontology Editing tools offer an attractive alternative for naive users wishing to create ontologies, but they are still required to spend time learning the correct syntactic structures and vocabulary in order to use the Controlled Language properly. This paper extends previous work (CLOnE) which uses standard NLP tools to process the language and manipulate an ontology. Here we also generate text in the CL from an existing ontology using template-based (or shallow) Natural Language Generation (NLG). The text generator and the CLOnE authoring process combine to form a RoundTrip Ontology Authoring environment: one can start with an existing imported ontology or one originally produced using CLOnE, (re)produce the Controlled Language, modify or edit the text as required and then turn the text back into the ontology in the CLOnE environment. Building on previous methodology we undertook an evaluation, comparing the RoundTrip Ontology Authoring process with a well-known ontology editor; where previous work required a CL reference manual with several examples in order to use the controlled language, the use of NLG reduces this learning curve for users and improves on existing results for basic ontology editing tasks

    Risque microbiologique lié à l’exploitation des ressources en eau souterraine : pratiques d’évaluation et de maîtrise

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    Controlled Language (CL) for Ontology Editing tools offer an attractive alternative for naive users wishing to create ontologies, but they are still required to spend time learning the correct syntactic structures and vocabulary in order to use the Controlled Language properly. This paper extends previous work (CLOnE) which uses standard NLP tools to process the language and manipulate an ontology. Here we also generate text in the CL from an existing ontology using template-based (or shallow) Natural Language Generation (NLG). The text generator and the CLOnE authoring process combine to form a RoundTrip Ontology Authoring environment: one can start with an existing imported ontology or one originally produced using CLOnE, (re)produce the Controlled Language, modify or edit the text as required and then turn the text back into the ontology in the CLOnE environment. Building on previous methodology we undertook an evaluation, comparing the RoundTrip Ontology Authoring process with a well-known ontology editor; where previous work required a CL reference manual with several examples in order to use the controlled language, the use of NLG reduces this learning curve for users and improves on existing results for basic ontology editing tasks