69 research outputs found

    Traffic stream macro and micro analysis in AP-7 turnpike

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    El present treball té com a objectiu principal l’anàlisi tant macroscòpic com microscòpic del flux de trànsit de l’autopista AP-7. Aquest anàlisi que parteix d’una potent base de dades amb registres vehicle a vehicle, pretén demostrar que únicament prenent les definicions generalitzades d’Edie de les diferents variables calculades correctament, els resultats són vàlids. És a dir que, a partir d’una correcte estimació de les diferents variables del trànsit, els errors es minimitzen i les relacions entre variables es compleixen reduïnt-ne notablement la dispersió. Gràcies doncs a aquesta base de dades de 24 hores de registres vehicle a vehicle el càlcul de les diferents variables del tràfic és possible. A més, la informació registrada al diumenge dia 7 de Setembre de 2008 inclou les dades d’una important congestió de forma que tots els estats del trànsit estan contemplats en aquest anàlisi

    Inclusió a la Bolonyesa. Els referents teòrics i metodològics que fonamenten i acompanyen el mètode de Nicola Cuomo: L’emoció de conèixer i el desig d’existir

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    Curs 2013-2014Les següents pàgines tracten buscar sota quins referents teòrics i metodològics es fonamenta el mètode de “l’Emoció de conèixer i el desig d’existir”, un enfocament educatiu de caràcter global creat pel professor de la Universitat de Bolonya Nicola Cuomo. En primera instància, en forma de marc teòric, s’intenta recollir tots aquells postulats que Cuomo ha utilitzat per elaborar aquest mètode, i així el lector pot captar sota quins paradigmes i teories neix. En segon terme, i amb l’objectiu de buscar els punts de contacte i discrepància, es compara tot aquest marc teòric amb els principals arguments de tres referents mundials en educació inclusiva. En tercer lloc, i seguint amb l’objectiu del punt anterior, es compara aquesta base teòrica amb quatre didàctiques específiques, i així, trobar la relació entre les idees de Cuomo i els arguments que defineixen aquestes didàctiques. Com a últim apartat, s’estableixen unes conclusions que intenten definir, justificar i validar els referents teòrics i metodològics de “l’Emoció de conèixer...”, per tal d’evidenciar que el mètode pot ser un referent, un model, una pauta a tenir molt en consideració.The following pages deal with searching the theoretical and methodological references that supports the “l’Emoció de conèixer i el desig d’existir” method, an educational approach of a global view created by Nicola Cuomo, Bologna University professor. First of all, we try to gather all the hypothesis that Cuomo have used to work on this method, in this way the reader can understand under which paradigm and theories born. Secondly, and with the objective of looking for the connection and divergence points, this theoretical context is compared with the main arguments of the inclusive education worldwide models. Thirdly, and following the previous objective, we compare this theoretical basis with four specific didactics to find the connection between the Cuomo ideas and the arguments of this didactics. Finally, we establish the conclusions that try to define, justify and ratify the theoretical and methodological referents of “L’Emoció de conèixer”, to demonstrate that this method could be a pattern to heed

    Traffic stream macro and micro analysis in AP-7 turnpike

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    El present treball té com a objectiu principal l’anàlisi tant macroscòpic com microscòpic del flux de trànsit de l’autopista AP-7. Aquest anàlisi que parteix d’una potent base de dades amb registres vehicle a vehicle, pretén demostrar que únicament prenent les definicions generalitzades d’Edie de les diferents variables calculades correctament, els resultats són vàlids. És a dir que, a partir d’una correcte estimació de les diferents variables del trànsit, els errors es minimitzen i les relacions entre variables es compleixen reduïnt-ne notablement la dispersió. Gràcies doncs a aquesta base de dades de 24 hores de registres vehicle a vehicle el càlcul de les diferents variables del tràfic és possible. A més, la informació registrada al diumenge dia 7 de Setembre de 2008 inclou les dades d’una important congestió de forma que tots els estats del trànsit estan contemplats en aquest anàlisi

    The Acinetobacter baumannii Oxymoron: Commensal Hospital Dweller Turned Pan-Drug-Resistant Menace

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    During the past few decades Acinetobacter baumannii has evolved from being a commensal dweller of health-care facilities to constitute one of the most annoying pathogens responsible for hospitalary outbreaks and it is currently considered one of the most important nosocomial pathogens. In a prevalence study of infections in intensive care units conducted among 75 countries of the five continents, this microorganism was found to be the fifth most common pathogen. Two main features contribute to the success of A. baumannii: (i) A. baumannii exhibits an outstanding ability to accumulate a great variety of resistance mechanisms acquired by different mechanisms, either mutations or acquisition of genetic elements such as plasmids, integrons, transposons, or resistant islands, making this microorganism multi- or pan-drug-resistant and (ii) The ability to survive in the environment during prolonged periods of time which, combined with its innate resistance to desiccation and disinfectants, makes A. baumannii almost impossible to eradicate from the clinical setting. In addition, its ability to produce biofilm greatly contributes to both persistence and resistance. In this review, the pathogenesis of the infections caused by this microorganism as well as the molecular bases of antibacterial resistance and clinical aspects such as treatment and potential future therapeutic strategies are discussed in depth

    Fossil fishes in the Upper Eocene of the Plana de Vic (Barcelona): New findings and sedimentary significance

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    La Plana de Vic, situada hacia el sector NE de la Cuenca del Ebro, se caracteriza por un espeso apilamiento de materiales marinos que fueron acumulados principalmente durante el Paleógeno. Sobre una discordancia desarrollada sobre el basamento paleozoico se acumularon materiales aluviales distales de granulometría fina (Taneciense) que quedaron recubiertos por una delgada cuña marina (Ilerdiense). Encima existen materiales aluviales distales de granulometría fina que pasan gradualmente a otros de granulometría gruesa, que en su parte superior muestran intercalaciones de areniscas y carbonatos con Nummulites y Assilina (Luteciense). Posteriormente, se depositaron lutitas de offshore que soportaron la progradación de materiales arenosos costeros. En la parte central de la cuenca siguió la acumulación de lutitas (Bartoniense) que a su vez fueron afectadas por progradaciones deltaicas en los sectores meridionales y septentrionales. A techo de algunos cuerpos deltaicos se depositaron litosomas arrecifales carbonatados. Sobre una discontinuidad sedimentaria aparece una acumulación compleja de lutitas, areniscas, evaporitas y carbonatos donde se hallan los nuevos yacimientos de peces fósiles (Priaboniense). Entre los especímenes se han identificado algunos Clupeidos, Percofórmidos y Synodontidos que representan los últimos episodios de la sedimentación marina en la zona durante el EocenoThe Plana de Vic is located towards the NE of the Ebro Basin and is mainly characterized by a thick pile of marine sediments that accumulated along the Palaeogene. Overlying a Palaeozoic basement and a marked unconformity are fine-grained non-marine materials (Thanetian), which are covered by the accumulation of a thin marine wedge (Ilerdian). These marine materials were subsequently overlain by fine- and coarse-grained alluvial deposits. Towards the upper part of these alluvial deposits are sandstones and limestones with Nummulites and Assilina. Thereafter, lutitic materials deposited offshore were covered by the prograding coastal sandy materials. In the central part of the basin the accumulation of offshore lutites continued (Bartonian). These lutites were affected by the southwards and northwards deltaic progradations. Limestonedominated reefs were deposited over the deltaic bodies. On top of the sedimentary unconformity is a complex accumulation of lutites, sandstones, evaporites and limestones (Terminal complex) containing the remains of the fossilized fish (Priabonian). Some specimens of Clupeids, Percoformids and Synodonts represent the last episodes of the Eocene marine sedimentation in the study are

    Virtual reality to teach anatomy

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    Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have been gradually introduced in the curriculum of schools given the benefits they bring to classical education. We present an experiment designed to expose students to a VR session where they can directly inspect 3D models of several human organs by using Virtual Reality systems. Our systems allow the students to see the models directly visualized in 3D and to interact with them as if they were real. The experiment has involved 254 students of a Nursing Degree, enrolled in the Human anatomy and physiology course during 2 years (2 consecutive courses). It includes 10 3D models representing different anatomical structures which have been enhanced with meta-data to help the students understand the structure. In order to evaluate the students' satisfaction facing such a new teaching methodology, the students were asked to fill in a questionnaire with two categories. The first one measured whether or not, the teaching session using VR facilitates the understanding of the structures. The second one measured the student's satisfaction with this VR session. From the results we can see that the items most valuated are the use of the activity as a learning tool, and the satisfaction of the students' expectations. We can therefore conclude that VR session for teaching is a powerful learning tool that helps to understand the anatomical structures.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Control de la salmonelosis porcina mediante la adición de Butirato Sódico encapsulado en la dieta de cerdos de engorde

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    En los países industrializados la salmonelosis es una de las enfermedades de transmisión alimentaria de mayor incidencia, siendo en la UE la segunda enfermedad de carácter zoonótico más diagnosticada. La tendencia general al aumento en el número de casos de salmonelosis producidos por S. Typhimurium, asociada sobre todo con el cerdo (susceptible a la infección y actuando generalmente como reservorio asintomático), ha hecho que sea considerado la segunda fuente más importante de salmonelosis humana en Europa. La salmonelosis porcina es por lo tanto un problema de Salud Pública que los productores deben controlar, y actividades como determinadas prácticas de alimentación en origen (uso de acidificantes, prebióticos, probióticos, etc.), pueden ayudar a reducir el riesgo de infección una vez que los animales entran en contacto con el agente patógeno. El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar si el butirato sódico encapsulado puede ser eficaz en la prevención de la salmonelosis porcina tras su administración en el pienso de los cerdos de cebo. Para ello administramos GUSTOR BP70 (NOREL S.A., Madrid) a un grupo de 50 cerdos de una nave de engorde de 100 individuos a lo largo de su estancia en el cebadero. Para comprobar su efectividad efectuamos cuatro análisis microbiológicos utilizando heces como muestra (días 30, 60, 90 tras la entrada al cebo y en el sacrificio), uno utilizando los linfonodos mesentéricos (extraídos al sacrificio) y cuatro muestreos serológicos mediante un ELISA indirecto, estableciendo como punto de corte positivo los animales que presentaron un porcentaje de densidad óptica ≥40%. Los resultados se compararon con los de los otros 50 cerdos de la nave que actuaron como controles. Analizando los datos obtenidos mediante un análisis de Chi-cuadrado y mediante un modelo mixto de medidas repetidas, observamos que el producto utilizado podría resultar efectivo para el control de Salmonella en cerdos de engorde, reduciendo la excreción y exposición de la bacteria. Sin embargo, los resultados no permitieron demostrar su eficacia para reducir la prevalencia general de la infección a su llegada al matadero

    Nondestructive multlple breakdown events in very thin SI02 films

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    Several breakdown events and multilevel current fluctuations have been observed when ultrathin SiO2 films are subjected to constant-voltage stresses. These breakdown events are sometimes reversible, and consist in a local change of conduction mechanism. This reversibility shows that no catastrophic thermal effects occur, and that the breakdown is only a local switching between two oxide conduction states of very different conductivities

    Sequence-activity relationship, and mechanism of action of mastoparan analogues against extended-drug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii

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    The treatment of some infectious diseases can currently be very challenging since the spread of multi-, extended- or pan-resistant bacteria has considerably increased over time. On the other hand, the number of new antibiotics approved by the FDA has decreased drastically over the last 30 years. The main objective of this study was to investigate the activity of wasp peptides, specifically mastoparan and some of its derivatives against extended-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii. We optimized the stability of mastoparan in human serum since the specie obtained after the action of the enzymes present in human serum is not active. Thus, 10 derivatives of mastoparan were synthetized. Mastoparan analogues (guanidilated at the N-terminal, enantiomeric version and mastoparan with an extra positive charge at the C-terminal) showed the same activity against Acinetobacter baumannii as the original peptide (2.7 muM) and maintained their stability to more than 24 h in the presence of human serum compared to the original compound. The mechanism of action of all the peptides was carried out using a leakage assay. It was shown that mastoparan and the abovementioned analogues were those that released more carboxyfluorescein. In addition, the effect of mastoparan and its enantiomer against A. baumannii was studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). These results suggested that several analogues of mastoparan could be good candidates in the battle against highly resistant A. baumannii infections since they showed good activity and high stability