1,931 research outputs found

    Editorial: ecopsychology: past, present and future

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    Opening paragraph: One of the central tenets of ecopsychology is the articulation and examination of our psychological, including the emotional, relationships with the natural world. The fundamental challenge is to locate the human mind back within the natural world and to understand that this relationship is a reciprocal one (e.g., Boston, 1996; Schroll, 2007; Scull, 2009; Greenway, 2010). However, finding a 'core' language to represent ecopsychology as a unified discipline is problematic, and it might best be seen as a space for thought, language and practical actions that attempt to articulate the human-nature relationship which, thus far, other branches of the social and natural sciences have failed to do

    Money in the twenty-first century.

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    What implications do 21st century monetary innovations bring for holdings of central bank money and standards of value? Emerging technologies such as cybercash, e-cash, and smart cards can be expected to reduce demand for central bank money, but the theoretical framework for monetary policy has not changed. The authors stress three points in this paper: 1) money innovations tend to reduce the demand for central bank money, but it remains to be seen whether the predictability of that demand, and thus the reliability of monetary policy, will decline in the coming century; 2) in principle, monetary authorities can continue to determine the price level as long as final settlement of tax and other obligations takes place using central bank liabilities; and 3) the viability of competing currencies and standards of value is gaining steam as a lively field of research.Money ; Payment systems ; Smart cards

    Lightning induced currents in aircraft wiring using low level injection techniques

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    Various techniques were studied to predict the transient current induced into aircraft wiring bundles as a result of an aircraft lightning strike. A series of aircraft measurements were carried out together with a theoretical analysis using computer modeling. These tests were applied to various aircraft and also to specially constructed cylinders installed within coaxial return conductor systems. Low level swept frequency CW (carrier waves), low level transient and high level transient injection tests were applied to the aircraft and cylinders. Measurements were made to determine the transfer function between the aircraft drive current and the resulting skin currents and currents induced on the internal wiring. The full threat lightning induced transient currents were extrapolated from the low level data using Fourier transform techniques. The aircraft and cylinders used were constructed from both metallic and CFC (carbon fiber composite) materials. The results show the pulse stretching phenomenon which occurs for CFC materials due to the diffusion of the lightning current through carbon fiber materials. Transmission Line Matrix modeling techniques were used to compare theoretical and measured currents

    The year 1970-a "modest" beginning for monetary aggregates

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    Monetary policy - United States

    Runner-up Project: There’s Something Happening Here: American Protest Songs of the Vietnam War

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    Americans have been singing protest songs since the inception of the nation and the idea of protesting through music is as old as music itself. The earliest and most well-known American songs and hymns of protest were patriotic songs like “The Star-Spangled Banner” and the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” that were written during the War of 1812 and the Civil War respectively. The effectiveness of protest songs of the era was limited though, as the only people who heard the song were the people in attendance at the performance. This changed in the late 19th century with the invention of the phonograph. Later versions of the phonograph were called record players and Americans used them to listen to popular music, and in the early 20th century several advancements were made in radio technology, allowing even more Americans the ability to listen to the popular music of the time. By the time that Franklin Roosevelt gave his famous “Fireside Chats”, tens of millions of Americans owned a radio. In 1941, out of 82 million American adults, 54 million tuned in to hear Roosevelts broadcast on the radio. These technological advancements that allowed more Americans to listen to music in their homes made music more popular as a hobby and gave protest songs a larger platform

    Runner-up Reflective Essay: 2019 LHULRA Finalist Jordan Stevens

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    The Guest Room

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    Early Dark Energy in Precision Cosmology

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    The flat ΛCDM model of the Universe has started to falter due to recent and precise observations. A prominent example is the Hubble tension; the Hubble constant, the rate at which the universe is currently expanding, is different depending on the method used to measure it. One of the most promising models to resolve the tension is the axion-like Early Dark Energy (EDE) model. However, all the previous work on EDE models assumed a flat Universe. Since the detection of such a component has a significant impact on our understanding of fundamental physics, we must revisit the assumptions in the flat ΛCDM model. In this paper, we will systematically study the impact of the shape of the Universe on the EDE model in light of state-of-the-art cosmological observations. Our goal is to clarify how the EDE model and the shape of the Universe are simultaneously constrained with these recent datasets

    Where Life and Language Meet: An Interdisciplinary Collection in Context of My Sámi Heritage

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    Where Life and Language Meet is an interdisciplinary project exploring my Sámi heritage through research and the creation of a poetry collection. Following a brief historical background on the Sámi, the project showcases how my original poems are informed by Sámi storytelling practices. The analytical essay also explores how these poems fit into a larger framework of contemporary literature. Overall, this project demonstrates the creation of poetry as not only cultural heritage work but also a showcase for a culture not significantly explored in contemporary Western scholarship

    Constraining the spatial curvature with cosmic expansion history in a cosmological model with a non-standard sound horizon

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    Spatial curvature is one of the most fundamental parameters in our current concordance flat Λ\LambdaCDM model of the Universe. The goal of this work is to investigate how the constraint on the spatial curvature is affected by an assumption on the sound horizon scale. The sound horizon is an essential quantity to use the standard ruler from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAOs). As an example, we study the curvature constraint in an axion-like Early Dark Energy (EDE) model in light of recent cosmological datasets from Planck, the South Pole Telescope (SPT), and the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT), as well as BAO data compiled in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 16. We find that, independent of the CMB datasets, the EDE model parameters are constrained only by the CMB power spectra as precisely and consistently as the flat case in previous work, even with the spatial curvature. We also demonstrate that combining CMB with BAO is extremely powerful to constrain the curvature parameter even with a reduction of the sound-horizon scale in an EDE model, resulting in ΩK=0.0056±0.0031\Omega_K=-0.0056\pm 0.0031 in the case of ACT+BAO after marginalizing over the parameters of the EDE model. This constraint is as competitive as the Planck+BAO result in a Λ\LambdaCDM model, ΩK=0.0001±0.0018\Omega_{K}=-0.0001\pm 0.0018.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, matches the version published in JCAP, Fig. 1 may be a useful summary of the recent measurements of the spatial curvatur