523 research outputs found

    Transaction Costs and Cattle Farmers' Choice of Marketing Channels in North-Central Namibia

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    About 70% of the Namibian population depends on agricultural activities for their livelihood. Moreover, agriculture remains an important sector to Namibia because its national economy is widely dependent on agricultural production. Cattle producers in the Northern Communal Areas (NCAs) have an option to market their cattle via the formal or informal markets. Efforts have been made to encourage producers to market their cattle through the formal market; however, limited improvement has been observed. In this study a number of factors have been analysed to determine its influences on cattle marketing decisions. Factors influencing the marketing decision of whether or not to sell through the formal market are analysed using the Probit model. Factors influencing the proportion of cattle sold through the formal market on condition that a producer uses the formal markets to sell cattle are analysed with the Truncated model. Testing the Tobit model against the alternative of a two-part model is done using Cragg’s model. Empirical results revealed that problems with transport to MeatCo, improved productivity, accessibility to market-related information and access to new information technology, are some factors significantly affecting the decision of whether or not to sell through the formal market. Payment arrangements by MeatCo, animal handling, accessibility to new information technology, age of respondents and lack of access to marketing expertise, are some factors influencing the proportional number of cattle sold through the formal market. The results suggest that substantially more information is obtained by modelling cattle marketing behaviour as a two decision-making instead of a single decision-making framework.Cattle marketing, decision-making, formal markets, transaction costs, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Student perceptions and attitudes about Community Service-Learning in the teacher training curriculum

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    Much of the international research on Community Service-Learning has investigated the benefits, outcomes, and learning experiences of students already engaged in service-learning projects and programmes. As there is scant research on students\' attitudes to and perceptions of Service-Learning, before this learning became integrated into an academic programme, our purpose was to determine teacher training students\' attitudes to, and perceptions of, Community Service-Learning, before integration of such a module into their academic programmes. A quantitative survey, employing a questionnaire as instrument, was used for measuring the attitudes and perceptions of third-year teacher training students (n = ±168) at a research university in South Africa. The Community Service-Learning Attitudes and Perception Scale (CSLAPS), developed specifically for this kind of investigation, was used in the analysis of the data. The findings indicated that students with prior knowledge of and/or participation in a community service project showed greater willingness to enrol for a course/ module in Community Service-Learning, especially if it would add value to their career development, bear credits, and enhance their personal and social development. The findings provided information that would enable academic staff and institutions to design curricula for academic programmes that take account of these attitudes and perceptions and address them positively to enhance the learning experience. Keywords: academic programme; attitudes; citizenship; Community Service-Learning; curricular community engagement; curriculum; perceptions;quantitative study; teacher training South African Journal of Education Vol. 27 (4) 2007: pp. 631-65

    An Investigation of Private Equity Buyout Performance During the 2007-2009 Financial Crisis

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    This paper investigates the net-of-fees performance of North American and European Private Equity Buyout Funds (vintages 2002 – 2007) that invested in the 2007-2009 financial crisis. To evaluate performance this study looks at both absolute return metrics such as Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Total Value to Paid-In (TVPI) and the relative public market equivalent (PME) method conceived by Kaplan and Schoar (2005). This research builds on a 2015 Gianfrate and Loewenthal study by utilizing an updated March 31st, 2018 Preqin Private Equity Cash Flow database to gather date-specific fund-level cash flow data on 249 buyout funds as well as Bloomberg historical return data on ten public equity indices. The present study found a mean buyout IRR of 12% and a TVPI of 1.68, slightly lower than that observed in prior research. However, overall 2002-2007 buyout funds did substantially and consistently outperform their respective public market benchmarks with an average PME, calculated using relevant public benchmarks, of 1.11 for North American buyout funds and 1.10 for European buyout funds. The study also observed a significant downward PME trend on the vintage level between 2002 and 2007 as well as a positive relationship between fund size and performance

    Alcohol Induced Psychotic Disorder: a comparitive study in patients with alcohol dependance, schizophrenia and normal controls

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    Thesis(DMed (Psychiatry))-- University of Stellenbosch, 2007.Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder (also known as alcohol hallucinosis) is a complication of alcohol abuse that requires clinical differentiation from alcohol withdrawal delirium and schizophrenia. Although extensively described, few studies utilized standardized research instruments and brain-imaging has thus far been limited to case reports. The aim of this study was to prospectively compare four population groups (ie. patients with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder, schizophrenia, uncomplicated alcohol dependence and a healthy volunteer group) according to demographic, psychopathological and brainimaging variables utilizing (i) rating scales and (ii) single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). The third component of the study was designed to investigate the (iii) effect of anti-psychotic treatment on the psychopathology and regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) before and after six weeks of treatment with haloperidol. Effort was made to ensure exclusion of comorbid medical disorders, including substance abuse. The study provides further supportive evidence that alcohol-induced psychotic disorder can be distinguished from schizophrenia. Statistically significant differences in rCBF were demonstrated between the alcohol-induced psychotic disorder and other groups. Changes in frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital, thalamic and cerebellar rCBF showed statistically significant negative correlations with post-treatment improvement on psychopathological variables and imply dysfunction of these areas in alcohol-induced psychotic disorder. The study was unable to distinguish between pharmacological effects and improvement acccomplished by abstinence from alcohol.Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch Universit

    Occurrence and possible role of endophytic fungi associated with seed pods of Colophospermum mopane (Fabaceae) in Botswana

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    AbstractEndophytic fungi were isolated from different aged surface sterilised pods of Colophospermum mopane and succession patterns were investigated. Lignocellulolytic enzyme assays as well as histological and fine structural studies were used to investigate if succession was related to different lignocellulolytic abilities of the fungi. Representatives of the common genera (Alternaria, Phoma and Phomopsis) were qualitatively tested for lignocellulolytic enzyme activity. Samples of endophyte infected and uninfected pod pericarps were fixed and sectioned for light microscopy and TEM. Samples were also viewed with SEM. A fungal succession was evident as pods aged, and detached from the tree. Strains of all three genera demonstrated lignocellulolytic abilities. Microscopy studies suggested that Phoma was only capable of utilising moderately lignified mesophyll cells whereas Phomopsis and Alternaria could degrade heavily lignified fibres. This could explain the pattern of succession observed: Phoma colonised younger pods where more unlignified resources were available, whereas Phomopsis and Alternaria colonised older pods, thus making use of the remaining lignified resources. Changes in endophyte abundance and diversity are related to the age and degree of decay of the pods, and determined by the lignocellulolytic abilities of the fungi. The potential role of these endophytes is discussed

    Safety issues relating to paraffin usage in Eshane, Kwazulu-Natal

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    This study describes results of a household survey conducted in Eshane in the rural Kwazulu-Natal Midlands in April 2002, including baseline sociodemographic, energy usage, paraffin-related injury and safety knowledge information. A total of 404 interviews were conducted in five villages that fell within a 10-kilometre radius of the proposed Eshane integrated Energy Centre. Paraffin usage was high (86.6%) and there were no significant differences between electrified and non-electrified villages. Paraffin ingestion by children and paraffin-related fires were reported in 3.6% and 6.3% of households respectively. The majority of respondents had heard safety messages, but message retention was only demonstrated for messages relating to fires, and not ingestion. It seems that safety education may have a role to play in the prevention and response to paraffin-related fires, but that child-resistant packaging may be the only viable intervention for the reduction of ingestion among children

    Risk factors for teenage pregnancy among sexually active black adolescents in Cape Town. A case control study.

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    MOTIVATION: Teenage pregnancy is an important health and social problem in South Africa. So far research on adolescent sexual activity has been almost exclusively descriptive; as a result there is considerable knowledge about practices of adolescents in general and outcomes of their pregnancies, but very limited understanding of factors that place particular adolescents at increased risk of teenage pregnancy. Without this understanding, our ability to intervene effectively to reduce teenage pregnancy rates is limited. OBJECTIVE: To undertake an exploratory study to investigate risk factors for teenage pregnancy among sexually active adolescents in an urban and peri-urban context. METHODS: The study used a matched case-control design, with 191 cases and 353 age-matched controls from the same school or neighbourhood. Subjects were under 19 years of age and were recruited from township areas of Cape Town. A structured questionnaire was used to obtain information on socio-economic factors, contraceptive knowledge and use, and sexual behaviour. Conditional logistical regression was used to analyse the relationship between teenage pregnancy and the factors investigated. RESULTS: Teenage pregnancy was found to be most strongly associated with having frequent sex (risk ratio (RR) 30.81) without reliable contraceptive protection (RR 24.35), forced sexual initiation (RR 14.42), not owning a television set (RR 10.33), larger household size (RR 2.44), not living in a brick house (RR 5.09), not living with the biological father (RR 3.26), talking openly about sex with a boyfriend (RR 4.72), and perceiving most friends to be pregnant (RR 4.38). CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest associations between the promotion of sexual health among adolescents and broader social development and promotion of gender equality. Although further research is needed, it is likely that important foci for short-term strategies should include developing assertiveness, enhancing decision-making competence, and promoting contraception and condoms as part of comprehensive sexual and reproductive health educational interventions

    Safety issues relating to paraffin usage in Eshane, Kwazulu-Natal

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    This study describes results of a household survey conducted in Eshane in the rural Kwazulu-Natal Midlands in April 2002, including baseline sociodemographic, energy usage, paraffin-related injury and safety knowledge information. A total of 404 interviews were conducted in five villages that fell within a 10-kilometre radius of the proposed Eshane integrated Energy Centre. Paraffin usage was high (86.6%) and there were no significant differences between electrified and non-electrified villages. Paraffin ingestion by children and paraffin-related fires were reported in 3.6% and 6.3% of households respectively. The majority of respondents had heard safety messages, but message retention was only demonstrated for messages relating to fires, and not ingestion. It seems that safety education may have a role to play in the prevention and response to paraffin-related fires, but that child-resistant packaging may be the only viable intervention for the reduction of ingestion among children

    Maternal mental health and infant neurodevelopment at 6 months in a low-income South African cohort

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    Maternal mental health disorders and the adverse consequences for infant neurodevelopment have received substantial research attention in high-income countries over the past five decades. In Africa, where relatively little work has been done on this topic, researchers have largely focused on infant physical health outcomes. This longitudinal study investigated the neurodevelopment of infants at 6 months post-term with exposure to mothers with a clinical diagnosis of persistent mental health disorders residing in low-income communities in Cape Town, South Africa. Adjusted models revealed no significant differences on the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (BSID-III) domains (cognitive, motor, language, socio-emotional, and adaptive behavior) between infants exposed to maternal mental health disorders (n = 62) and the comparison group (n = 35) at 3 and 6 months. Subgroup analyses found no significant differences on the BSID-III domains between infants with exposure to mood disorders (n = 31), as well as infants with exposure to comorbid (i.e., a combination of two or three) mental health disorders (n = 14) and the comparison group. However, infants with exposure to psychotic disorders (n = 14) scored significantly lower on the cognitive and the motor domains and the fine motor subscale. These novel data provide an important contribution to the scientific literature especially in the field of maternal psychotic disorders in Africa

    Prevalence of a postoperative troponin leak in patients with cardiac risk factors undergoing knee and hip arthroplasty in a South African population

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    Background. Patients undergoing arthroplasty may have comorbidities that put them at risk of myocardial injury after non-cardiac surgery (MINS). MINS, a new clinical concept that has a different pathophysiology from conventional myocardial infarction, is related to a supply-demand mismatch ischaemia in the perioperative setting. MINS is often a silent event, and the diagnosis relies on cardiac biomarker testing such as troponin T. The incidence is estimated at 40%, with a fourfold increase in morbidity and mortality risk 1 year post surgery.Objectives. To determine the prevalence of postoperative troponin leak in a single-centre arthroplasty unit in patients with various cardiac risk factors undergoing hip or knee arthroplasty and investigate the differences in troponin T levels between comorbidities and different types of arthroplasty, i.e. total hip replacement (THR), total knee replacement (TKR) and neck of femur (NoF) fracture hip replacement.Methods. A prospective, cross-sectional study of patients with one or more cardiac risk factors undergoing replacement surgery was conducted from October 2017 to April 2018. Troponin levels of all included patients were recorded on days 1 and 3 post surgery using a high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T assay (Roche hs-cTnT). A level of >15 ng/L is considered abnormal and termed a positive troponin leak, while >100 ng/L is considered suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS).Results. One hundred and sixty patients (n=66 THR, n=55 NoF hip replacement, n=39 TKR) were included. Sixty-eight patients (42%) had a positive troponin leak, and in 6 of these cases ACS was suspected. The highest prevalence of troponin leak was recorded in patients undergoing NoF hip replacement (62%), followed by TKR (46%) and then THR (24%). Sixty-two patients (38%) had positive troponin levels on day 1 and 53 patients (33%) had positive levels on day 3. Important patient cardiac risk factors were identified in the presence of a positive troponin leak, with ischaemic heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, renal disease, age >65 years and atrial fibrillation being statistically most likely.Conclusions. Postoperative troponin surveillance is an inexpensive and reliable way to identify patients at risk of MINS and subsequently enhance early detection, medical optimisation and referral strategies. Simple interventions may improve outcomes and contribute to lower ACS rates and the timeous prevention of other complications. The prevalence of MINS in orthopaedic-specific patients in South Africa (SA) and other resource-constrained developing countries is unknown. Our finding of 42% positive troponin leaks raises awareness of this issue, and we recommend routine postoperative troponin surveillance for all arthroplasty units in SA.
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