5,418 research outputs found

    The impact of beliefs about mental health problems and coping on outcome in schizophrenia.

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    Background. Using the theoretical framework of the Self Regulation Model (SRM), many studies have demonstrated that beliefs individuals hold about their physical health problems are important in predicting health outcomes. This study tested the SRM in the context of a mental health problem, schizophrenia. Method. One hundred and twenty-four people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia were assessed on measures of symptom severity, beliefs about their mental health problems, coping and appraisal of outcome at two time points, 6 months apart. Results. Using multivariate analyses and controlling for severity of symptoms, beliefs about mental health were found to be significant predictors of outcome. Beliefs about greater negative consequences were the strongest and most consistent predictors of a poorer outcome in both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. Conclusions. These results suggest that the SRM is a promising model for mental health problems and may highlight important areas for development in clinical, and especially psychosocial interventions

    Personality disorder in primary care : factors associated with therapy process and outcome.

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    Assessment and treatment of personality disorder (PD) is a key issue in UK mental health service provision (NIMH report, 2003), but there is limited information on individuals with personality disorder presenting to primary care mental health services. This study investigates the characteristics of PD in individuals receiving cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) following GP referral and its relationship with therapist ratings of treatment process and outcome. One hundred and forty-eight participants completed the Millon Multiaxial Clinical Inventory (MCMI-III: Millon, Davis and Millon, 1997). Therapists completed a measure of therapy process and outcome (TPOQ) on 100 participants. Key therapy and process questions were answered for 60 participants who attended a minimum of five therapy sessions. MCMI-III indicated a rate of PD of 56.4%. Factor analysis of PD scales identified two factors: inward looking/emotionally distanced, and aggressive/acting out. For clinical syndromes (CLS), the factors were general psychopathology and substance abuse. TPOQ had two factors: therapeutic alliance and complexity in therapy. Regression analyses indicated that only those PDs contributing to the inward looking/emotionally distanced scale score were associated with therapeutic alliance problems. Conversely, complexity in therapy was only predicted by general psychopathology and not by personality disorder. This study identified high rates of personality disorder in primary care referrals to a clinical psychology service. It also indicated that relationships between the presence of personality disorder and therapist ratings of treatment difficulties were only associated with certain types of personality disorder. These findings are discussed in relation to service and therapy planning in mental health

    Reducing CO2 Emissions in the Upper Midwest: Technology, Resources, Economics, and Policy

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    We develop scenarios for reducing carbon dioxide emissions from the electricity sector in the upper Midwest (Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, and Manitoba) by 80% relative to 1990 levels. The report has three major components: 1) an inventory of CO2 emissions from all fossil fuel combustion in the region from 1960-2001, subdividing by economic sector and specific electricity generating station; 2) an evaluation of all electricity resources in the region and all technologies for utilizing them, taking into account the overall scale of the resource, technology costs, and other issues that influence the selection of a certain technology; and 3) the development of a simulation model to examine the impact of various factors (policies, prices, technologies, resources) on the regional electricity supply and its emissions from 2005-2055.Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Stem cell patterning and fate in human epidermis

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    AbstractWithin human epidermis there are two types of proliferating keratinocyte: stem cells, which have high proliferative potential, and transit-amplifying cells, which are destined to undergo terminal differentiation after a few rounds of division. We show that, in vivo, stem cells express higher levels of the α2β1, and α3β1 integrins than transit-amplifying cells and that this can be used both to determine the location of stem cells within the epidermis and to isolate them directly from the tissue. The distribution of stem cells and transit-amplifying cells is not random: patches of integrin-bright and integrin-dull cells have a specific location with respect to the epidermal-dermal junction that varies between body sites and that correlates with the distribution of S phase cells. Stem cell patterning can be recreated in culture, in the absence of dermis, and appears to be subject to autoregulation

    Harnessing Information Technology to Inform Patients Facing Routine Decisions: Cancer Screening as a Test Case

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    PURPOSE Technology could transform routine decision making by anticipating patients’ information needs, assessing where patients are with decisions and preferences, personalizing educational experiences, facilitating patient-clinician information exchange, and supporting follow-up. This study evaluated whether patients and clinicians will use such a decision module and its impact on care, using 3 cancer screening decisions as test cases. METHODS Twelve practices with 55,453 patients using a patient portal participated in this prospective observational cohort study. Participation was open to patients who might face a cancer screening decision: women aged 40 to 49 who had not had a mammogram in 2 years, men aged 55 to 69 who had not had a prostate-specific antigen test in 2 years, and adults aged 50 to 74 overdue for colorectal cancer screening. Data sources included module responses, electronic health record data, and a postencounter survey. RESULTS In 1 year, one-fifth of the portal users (11,458 patients) faced a potential cancer screening decision. Among these patients, 20.6% started and 7.9% completed the decision module. Fully 47.2% of module completers shared responses with their clinician. After their next office visit, 57.8% of those surveyed thought their clinician had seen their responses, and many reported the module made their appointment more productive (40.7%), helped engage them in the decision (47.7%), broadened their knowledge (48.1%), and improved communication (37.5%). CONCLUSIONS Many patients face decisions that can be anticipated and proactively facilitated through technology. Although use of technology has the potential to make visits more efficient and effective, cultural, workflow, and technical changes are needed before it could be widely disseminated

    New approaches and algorithms for the analysis of vertical refractivity profile below 1 KM in a subtropical region

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    YesIn this paper, 17 years of high resolution surface and radiosonde meteorological data from 1997-2013 for the subtropical Gulf region are analysed. Relationships between the upper air refractivity, Nh, and vertical refractivity gradient, ΔN, in the low troposphere and the commonly available data of surface refractivity, Ns are investigated. A new approach is discussed to estimate Nh and ΔN from the analysis of the dry and wet components of Ns, which gives better results for certain cases. Results are compared with those obtained from existing linear and exponential models in the literature. The investigation focusses on three layer heights at 65 m, 100 m and 1 km above ground level. Correlation between the components of Ns with both Nh and ΔN are studied for each atmospheric layer. Where high correlations were found, empirical models are derived from best-fitting curves

    Transitions of protein traffic from cardiac ER to junctional SR

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    The junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum (jSR) is an important and unique ER subdomain in the adult myocyte that concentrates resident proteins to regulate Ca(2+) release. To investigate cellular mechanisms for sorting and trafficking proteins to jSR, we overexpressed canine forms of junctin (JCT) or triadin (TRD) in adult rat cardiomyocytes. Protein accumulation over time was visualized by confocal fluorescence microscopy using species-specific antibodies. Newly synthesized JCTdog and TRDdog appeared by 12-24h as bright fluorescent puncta close to the nuclear surface, decreasing in intensity with increasing radial distance. With increasing time (24-48h), fluorescent puncta appeared at further radial distances from the nuclear surface, eventually populating jSR similar to steady-state patterns. CSQ2-DsRed, a form of CSQ that polymerizes ectopically in rough ER, prevented anterograde traffic of newly made TRDdog and JCTdog, demonstrating common pathways of intracellular trafficking as well as in situ binding to CSQ2 in juxtanuclear rough ER. Reversal of CSQ-DsRed interactions occurred when a form of TRDdog was used in which CSQ2-binding sites are removed ((del)TRD). With increasing levels of expression, CSQ2-DsRed revealed a novel smooth ER network that surrounds nuclei and connects the nuclear axis. TRDdog was retained in smooth ER by binding to CSQ2-DsRed, but escaped to populate jSR puncta. TRDdog and (del)TRD were therefore able to elucidate areas of ER-SR transition. High levels of CSQ2-DsRed in the ER led to loss of jSR puncta labeling, suggesting a plasticity of ER-SR transition sites. We propose a model of ER and SR protein traffic along microtubules, with prominent transverse/radial ER trafficking of JCT and TRD along Z-lines to populate jSR, and an abundant longitudinal/axial smooth ER between and encircling myonuclei, from which jSR proteins traffic