243 research outputs found

    Early Records of Some Mammals from Nebraska

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    Ten species of Recent mammals that formerly occurred in Nebraska have been extirpated there by European man. Surprisingly few specimens of the species concerned are preserved in museum collections. Perusal of a representative segment of the historical literature pertaining to Nebraska has revealed records of occurrence of most of the extirpated species that provide a basis for estimating the former distribution of each in the State

    Distribution and Taxonomy of Mammals of Nebraska

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    Contents Introduction Environment Climate Soils Geology and Physiography Vegetation Effects of Man on The Envmonment Factors Influencing Distribution And Speciation Wisconsin Glaciation And Post-Wisconsin Climates Emigration of Recent Mammals To Nebraska Some Effects of The Environment The Missouri River as a Barrier to Dispersal Geographic Varlatlon and Speciation Mammalian Distributional Areas Summary Treatment and Acknowledgments Checklist (with page references) of Mammals of Nebraska Accounts of Species Introduced Mammals Species of Unverified occurrence Type Localities Literature Cited ● Order MARSUPIALIA-Marsupials ● ● Family DIDELPHIDAE-Opossums ● Didelphis marsupialis virginiana Kerr (Opossum) ● Order INSECTIVORA-Insectivores ● Family SORICIDAE-Shrews ● Sorex cinereus haydeni Baird (Masked Shrew) ● Blarina brevicauda brevicauda (Say) (Short-tailed Shrew) ● Blarina brevicauda carolinensis (Bachman) (Short-tailed Shrew) ● Cryptotis paroa parva (Say) (Least Shrew) ● Family TALPIDAE-Moles ● Scalopus aquaticus caryi Jackson (Eastern Mole) ● Scalopus aquaticus machrinoides Jackson (Eastern Mole) ● Order CHIROPTERA-Bats ● Family VESPERTILIONIDAE-Vespertilionid Bats ● Myotis evotis evotis (H Allen) (Long-eared Myotis) ● Myotis keenii septentnonalis (Trouessart) (Keen\u27s Myotis) ● Myotis lucifugus canssima Thomas (Little Brown Myotis) ● Myotis lucifugus lucifugus (Le Conte) (Little Brown Myotis) ● Myotis subulatus stlbulatus (Say) (Small-footed Myotis) ● Myotis volans interior Miller (Long-legged Myotis) ● Lasionycteris noctivagans (Le Conte) (Silver-haired Bat) , ● Pipistrellus subflavus subf/avus (F Cuvier) (Eastern Pipistrelle) ● Eptesicus fuscus fuscus (Palisot de Beauvois) (Big Brown Bat) ● Eptesicus fuscus pallidus Young (Big Brown Bat) ● LasiUTUS borealis borealis (M tiller) (Red Bat) ● LasionycUTUS cinereus cinereus (Palisot de Beauvois) (Hoary Bat) ● Nycticeius humeralis humeralis (Rafinesque) (Evening Bat) ● Family MOLossIDAE-Free-tailed Bats ● Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana (Saussure) (Brazilian Free-tailed Bat) ● Order LAGOMORPHA-Hares, Rabbits and Pikas ● Family LEPORIDAE-Hares and Rabbits ● Β°Oryctolagus cuniculus (Linnaeus) (European Rabbit) ● SylviZagus audubonii baileyi (Merriam) (Desert Cottontail) ● Sylvilagus /loridanus mearnsii (J A Allen) (Eastern Cottontail) ● Sylvilagus floridanus similis Nelson (Eastern Cottontail) ● Lepus califomicus meZanotis Mearns (Black-tailed Jackrabbit) ● Lepus townsendii campanius Hollister (White-tailed Jackrabbit) ● Order RODENTIA-Rodents ● Family SCIURIDAE-Squirrels and Allies ● Tamias striatus griseus Mearns (Eastern Chipmunk) ● Eutamias minimus pallidus A Allen) (Least Chipmunk) ● Marmota monax bunkeri Black (Woodchuck) ● Spermophilus franklinii (Sabine) (Franklin\u27s Ground Squirrel) ● Spermophilus richardsonii elegans Kennicott ( Richardson\u27s Ground Squirrel) ● Spermophilus spilosoma obsoletus Kennicott (Spotted Ground Squirrel) ● Spermophilus tridecemlineatus pallidus J A Allen (Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel) ● Spermophilus tridecemlineatus tridecemlineatus (Mitchill) (Thirteenlined ● Ground Squirrel) ● Cynomys ludovicianus ludovicianus (Ord) (Black-tailed Prairie Dog) ● Sciurus carolinensis pennsylvanicus Ord (Gray Squirrel) ● Sciurus niger TU/iventer :E: Geoffroy St-Hilaire (Fox Squirrel) ● Glaucomys volans volans (Linnaeus) (Southern Flying Squirrel) ● Family GEOMYIDAE-Pocket Gophers ● Thomomys talpoides cheyennensis Swenk (Northern Pocket Gopher) ● Thomomys talpoides pierreicolus Swenk (Northern Pocket Gopher) ● Geomys bursarius lutescens Merriam (Plains Pocket Gopher) ● Geomys bursarius majusculus Swenk (Plains Pocket Gopher) ● Family HETEROMYIDAE-Pocket Mice and Kangaroo Rats ● Perognathus fasciatus fasciatus Wied-Neuwied (Olive-backed Pocket Mouse) ● Perognathus fasciatus olivaceogriseus Swenk (Olive-backed Pocket Mouse) ● Perognathus flavescens flavescens Merriam (Plains Pocket Mouse) ● Perognathus flavescens pemiger Osgood (Plains Pocket Mouse) ● Perognathus flavus piperi Goldman (Silky Pocket Mouse) ● Perognathus hispidus paradoxus Merrlam (Hispid Pocket Mouse) ● Perognathus hispidus spilotus Merriam (Hispid Pocket Mouse) ● Dipodomys ordii luteolus (Goldman) (Ord\u27s Kangaroo Rat) ● Dipodomys ordii richardsoni A Allen) (Ord\u27s Kangaroo Rat) ● Family CASTORIDAE-Beavers ● Castor canadensis missouriensis V Bailey (Beaver) ● Family CRIcETIDAE-Native Rats and Mice ● Reithrodontomys megalotis dychei J A Allen (Western Harvest ● Mouse) ● Reithrodontomys montanus albescens Cary (Plains Harvest Mouse) ● Reithrodontomys montanus griseus V Bailey (Plains Harvest Mouse) ● Peromyscus leucopu,s aridulus Osgood (White-f~t~d Mouse) ● Peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis (Fischer) (White-footed Mouse) ● Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii (Hoy and Kennicott) (Deer Mouse) ● Peromyscus maniculatus luteus Osgood (Deer Mouse) ● PerOmYscus maniculatus nebrascensis (Coues) (Deer Mouse) ● Onychomys leucogaster arcticeps Rhoads (Northern Grasshopper Mouse) ● Onychomys leucogaster breviauritus Hollister (Northern Grasshopper Mouse) ● Sigmodon hispidus texianus (Audubon and Bachman) (Hispid Cotton Rat) ● Neotoma cinerea rupicola J A Allen (Bushy-tailed Woodrat) ● Neotoma floridana baileyi Merriam (Eastern Woodrat) ● Neotoma floridana campestris J A Allen (Eastern Woodrat) ● Synaptomys cooperi gossii (Coues) (Southern-Bog Lemming) ● Synaptomys cooperi relictus Jones (Southern Bog Lemming) ● Jrficrotus ochrogaster haydenii (Baird) (Prairie Vole) ● Microtus ochrogaster ochrogaster (Wagner) (Prairie Vole) ● Microtus pennsylvanicus finitus Anderson (Meadow Vole) ● Microtus pennsylvanicus pennsylvanicus (Ord) (Meadow Vole) ● Microtus pinetorum nemoralis V Bailey (Woodland Vole) ● Ondatra zibethicus cinnamominus (Hollister) (Muskrat) ● *Family MURIDAE-Old World Rats and Mice ● *Mus musculus Linnaeus (House Mouse) ● *Rattus floroegicus (Berkenhout) (Norway Rat) ● Family ZAPODIDAE-Jumping Mice ● Zapus hudsonius pallidus Cockrum and Baker (Meadow Jumping Mouse) ● *Family CAPROMYIDAE-Nutria and Allies ● *Myocastor coypus (Molina) (Nutria or Coypu) ● Family ERETlDZoNTIDAE-Porcupines ● Erethizon dorsatum bruneri Swenk (Porcupine) ● Order CARNIVORA-Carnivores ● Family CANIDAE-Coyote, Wolves and Foxes ● Canis latrans latrans Say (Coyote) ● Canis lupus nubilus Say (Gray Wolf) ● Vulpes velox velox (Say) (Swift Fox) ● Vulpes wIpes regalis Merriam (Red Fox) ● Urof!Yon cinereoargenteus ocythous Bangs (Gray Fox) ● Family URSIDAE-Bears ● Ursus americanus americanus Pallas (Black Bear) ● Ursus horribilis horribilis Ord (Grizzly Bear) ● Family PROCyoNIDAE-Raccoon and Allies ● Procyon lotor hirtus Nelson and Goldman (Raccoon) ● Family MusTELIDAE-Weasels, Skunks and Allies ● Mustela frenata longicauda Bonaparte (Long-tailed Weasel) ● Mustela frenata primulina Jackson (Long-tailed Weasel) ● Mustela frenata spadix (Bangs) (Long-tailed Weasel) ● Mustela nigripes (Audubon and Bachman) (Black-footed Ferret) ● Mustela nivalis cainpeStris Jackson (Least Weasel) ● M ustela vison letifera Hollister (Mink) ● Gulo luscus luscus (Linnaeus) (Wolverine) ● Taxidea taxus taxus (Schreber) (Badger) ● Spilogale putorius interrupta (Rafinesque) (Spotted Skunk) ● Mephitis mephitis hudsonica Richardson (Striped Skunk) ● Lutra canadensis interior Swenk (Otter) ● Family FELIDAE-Cats ● Felis concolor hippolestes Merriam (Mountain Lion) ● Lynx canadensis canadensis Kerr (Lynx) ● Lynx rufus rufus (Schreber) (Bobcat) ● Order ARTIODACTYLA-Even-toed Ungulates ● Family CERvIDAE-Wapiti, Deer and Allies ● Cerous canadensis canadensis Erxleben (Wapiti) ● Odocoileus hemionus hemionus (Rafinesque) (Mule Deer) ● Odocoileus virginianus macrourus (Rafinesque) (White-tailed Deer) ● *Dama dama (Linnaeus) (Fallow Deer) ● Family ANnLocAPRIDAE-Pronghorn ● Antilocapra americana americana (Ord) (Pronghorn) ● Family BovIDAE-Bovids ● Bison bison bison (Linnaeus) (Bison) ● Ovis canadensis auduboni Merriam (Mountain Sheep) *= introduced specie

    Distribution and Taxonomy of Mammals of Nebraska

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    Contents Introduction Environment Climate Soils Geology and Physiography Vegetation Effects of Man on The Envmonment Factors Influencing Distribution And Speciation Wisconsin Glaciation And Post-Wisconsin Climates Emigration of Recent Mammals To Nebraska Some Effects of The Environment The Missouri River as a Barrier to Dispersal Geographic Varlatlon and Speciation Mammalian Distributional Areas Summary Treatment and Acknowledgments Checklist (with page references) of Mammals of Nebraska Accounts of Species Introduced Mammals Species of Unverified occurrence Type Localities Literature Cited ● Order MARSUPIALIA-Marsupials ● ● Family DIDELPHIDAE-Opossums ● Didelphis marsupialis virginiana Kerr (Opossum) ● Order INSECTIVORA-Insectivores ● Family SORICIDAE-Shrews ● Sorex cinereus haydeni Baird (Masked Shrew) ● Blarina brevicauda brevicauda (Say) (Short-tailed Shrew) ● Blarina brevicauda carolinensis (Bachman) (Short-tailed Shrew) ● Cryptotis paroa parva (Say) (Least Shrew) ● Family TALPIDAE-Moles ● Scalopus aquaticus caryi Jackson (Eastern Mole) ● Scalopus aquaticus machrinoides Jackson (Eastern Mole) ● Order CHIROPTERA-Bats ● Family VESPERTILIONIDAE-Vespertilionid Bats ● Myotis evotis evotis (H Allen) (Long-eared Myotis) ● Myotis keenii septentnonalis (Trouessart) (Keen\u27s Myotis) ● Myotis lucifugus canssima Thomas (Little Brown Myotis) ● Myotis lucifugus lucifugus (Le Conte) (Little Brown Myotis) ● Myotis subulatus stlbulatus (Say) (Small-footed Myotis) ● Myotis volans interior Miller (Long-legged Myotis) ● Lasionycteris noctivagans (Le Conte) (Silver-haired Bat) , ● Pipistrellus subflavus subf/avus (F Cuvier) (Eastern Pipistrelle) ● Eptesicus fuscus fuscus (Palisot de Beauvois) (Big Brown Bat) ● Eptesicus fuscus pallidus Young (Big Brown Bat) ● LasiUTUS borealis borealis (M tiller) (Red Bat) ● LasionycUTUS cinereus cinereus (Palisot de Beauvois) (Hoary Bat) ● Nycticeius humeralis humeralis (Rafinesque) (Evening Bat) ● Family MOLossIDAE-Free-tailed Bats ● Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana (Saussure) (Brazilian Free-tailed Bat) ● Order LAGOMORPHA-Hares, Rabbits and Pikas ● Family LEPORIDAE-Hares and Rabbits ● Β°Oryctolagus cuniculus (Linnaeus) (European Rabbit) ● SylviZagus audubonii baileyi (Merriam) (Desert Cottontail) ● Sylvilagus /loridanus mearnsii (J A Allen) (Eastern Cottontail) ● Sylvilagus floridanus similis Nelson (Eastern Cottontail) ● Lepus califomicus meZanotis Mearns (Black-tailed Jackrabbit) ● Lepus townsendii campanius Hollister (White-tailed Jackrabbit) ● Order RODENTIA-Rodents ● Family SCIURIDAE-Squirrels and Allies ● Tamias striatus griseus Mearns (Eastern Chipmunk) ● Eutamias minimus pallidus A Allen) (Least Chipmunk) ● Marmota monax bunkeri Black (Woodchuck) ● Spermophilus franklinii (Sabine) (Franklin\u27s Ground Squirrel) ● Spermophilus richardsonii elegans Kennicott ( Richardson\u27s Ground Squirrel) ● Spermophilus spilosoma obsoletus Kennicott (Spotted Ground Squirrel) ● Spermophilus tridecemlineatus pallidus J A Allen (Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel) ● Spermophilus tridecemlineatus tridecemlineatus (Mitchill) (Thirteenlined ● Ground Squirrel) ● Cynomys ludovicianus ludovicianus (Ord) (Black-tailed Prairie Dog) ● Sciurus carolinensis pennsylvanicus Ord (Gray Squirrel) ● Sciurus niger TU/iventer :E: Geoffroy St-Hilaire (Fox Squirrel) ● Glaucomys volans volans (Linnaeus) (Southern Flying Squirrel) ● Family GEOMYIDAE-Pocket Gophers ● Thomomys talpoides cheyennensis Swenk (Northern Pocket Gopher) ● Thomomys talpoides pierreicolus Swenk (Northern Pocket Gopher) ● Geomys bursarius lutescens Merriam (Plains Pocket Gopher) ● Geomys bursarius majusculus Swenk (Plains Pocket Gopher) ● Family HETEROMYIDAE-Pocket Mice and Kangaroo Rats ● Perognathus fasciatus fasciatus Wied-Neuwied (Olive-backed Pocket Mouse) ● Perognathus fasciatus olivaceogriseus Swenk (Olive-backed Pocket Mouse) ● Perognathus flavescens flavescens Merriam (Plains Pocket Mouse) ● Perognathus flavescens pemiger Osgood (Plains Pocket Mouse) ● Perognathus flavus piperi Goldman (Silky Pocket Mouse) ● Perognathus hispidus paradoxus Merrlam (Hispid Pocket Mouse) ● Perognathus hispidus spilotus Merriam (Hispid Pocket Mouse) ● Dipodomys ordii luteolus (Goldman) (Ord\u27s Kangaroo Rat) ● Dipodomys ordii richardsoni A Allen) (Ord\u27s Kangaroo Rat) ● Family CASTORIDAE-Beavers ● Castor canadensis missouriensis V Bailey (Beaver) ● Family CRIcETIDAE-Native Rats and Mice ● Reithrodontomys megalotis dychei J A Allen (Western Harvest ● Mouse) ● Reithrodontomys montanus albescens Cary (Plains Harvest Mouse) ● Reithrodontomys montanus griseus V Bailey (Plains Harvest Mouse) ● Peromyscus leucopu,s aridulus Osgood (White-f~t~d Mouse) ● Peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis (Fischer) (White-footed Mouse) ● Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii (Hoy and Kennicott) (Deer Mouse) ● Peromyscus maniculatus luteus Osgood (Deer Mouse) ● PerOmYscus maniculatus nebrascensis (Coues) (Deer Mouse) ● Onychomys leucogaster arcticeps Rhoads (Northern Grasshopper Mouse) ● Onychomys leucogaster breviauritus Hollister (Northern Grasshopper Mouse) ● Sigmodon hispidus texianus (Audubon and Bachman) (Hispid Cotton Rat) ● Neotoma cinerea rupicola J A Allen (Bushy-tailed Woodrat) ● Neotoma floridana baileyi Merriam (Eastern Woodrat) ● Neotoma floridana campestris J A Allen (Eastern Woodrat) ● Synaptomys cooperi gossii (Coues) (Southern-Bog Lemming) ● Synaptomys cooperi relictus Jones (Southern Bog Lemming) ● Jrficrotus ochrogaster haydenii (Baird) (Prairie Vole) ● Microtus ochrogaster ochrogaster (Wagner) (Prairie Vole) ● Microtus pennsylvanicus finitus Anderson (Meadow Vole) ● Microtus pennsylvanicus pennsylvanicus (Ord) (Meadow Vole) ● Microtus pinetorum nemoralis V Bailey (Woodland Vole) ● Ondatra zibethicus cinnamominus (Hollister) (Muskrat) ● *Family MURIDAE-Old World Rats and Mice ● *Mus musculus Linnaeus (House Mouse) ● *Rattus floroegicus (Berkenhout) (Norway Rat) ● Family ZAPODIDAE-Jumping Mice ● Zapus hudsonius pallidus Cockrum and Baker (Meadow Jumping Mouse) ● *Family CAPROMYIDAE-Nutria and Allies ● *Myocastor coypus (Molina) (Nutria or Coypu) ● Family ERETlDZoNTIDAE-Porcupines ● Erethizon dorsatum bruneri Swenk (Porcupine) ● Order CARNIVORA-Carnivores ● Family CANIDAE-Coyote, Wolves and Foxes ● Canis latrans latrans Say (Coyote) ● Canis lupus nubilus Say (Gray Wolf) ● Vulpes velox velox (Say) (Swift Fox) ● Vulpes wIpes regalis Merriam (Red Fox) ● Urof!Yon cinereoargenteus ocythous Bangs (Gray Fox) ● Family URSIDAE-Bears ● Ursus americanus americanus Pallas (Black Bear) ● Ursus horribilis horribilis Ord (Grizzly Bear) ● Family PROCyoNIDAE-Raccoon and Allies ● Procyon lotor hirtus Nelson and Goldman (Raccoon) ● Family MusTELIDAE-Weasels, Skunks and Allies ● Mustela frenata longicauda Bonaparte (Long-tailed Weasel) ● Mustela frenata primulina Jackson (Long-tailed Weasel) ● Mustela frenata spadix (Bangs) (Long-tailed Weasel) ● Mustela nigripes (Audubon and Bachman) (Black-footed Ferret) ● Mustela nivalis cainpeStris Jackson (Least Weasel) ● M ustela vison letifera Hollister (Mink) ● Gulo luscus luscus (Linnaeus) (Wolverine) ● Taxidea taxus taxus (Schreber) (Badger) ● Spilogale putorius interrupta (Rafinesque) (Spotted Skunk) ● Mephitis mephitis hudsonica Richardson (Striped Skunk) ● Lutra canadensis interior Swenk (Otter) ● Family FELIDAE-Cats ● Felis concolor hippolestes Merriam (Mountain Lion) ● Lynx canadensis canadensis Kerr (Lynx) ● Lynx rufus rufus (Schreber) (Bobcat) ● Order ARTIODACTYLA-Even-toed Ungulates ● Family CERvIDAE-Wapiti, Deer and Allies ● Cerous canadensis canadensis Erxleben (Wapiti) ● Odocoileus hemionus hemionus (Rafinesque) (Mule Deer) ● Odocoileus virginianus macrourus (Rafinesque) (White-tailed Deer) ● *Dama dama (Linnaeus) (Fallow Deer) ● Family ANnLocAPRIDAE-Pronghorn ● Antilocapra americana americana (Ord) (Pronghorn) ● Family BovIDAE-Bovids ● Bison bison bison (Linnaeus) (Bison) ● Ovis canadensis auduboni Merriam (Mountain Sheep) *= introduced specie

    Classification of Bats

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    In the 10th edition of Systema Naturae, published in 1758 and the starting point of the binomial system of nomenclature currently employed in zoology, Linnaeus recognized seven species of bats, which he placed in a single genus (Vespertilio) and grouped with the primates and dermopterans. All of Linnaeus\u27s seven species are recognized today, but as they now are classified each represents a distinctive genus, and the genera are arranged taxonomically in five different families of two suborders. In contrast to Linnaeus\u27s scheme, the present classification of bats (long ago placed in a distinct order, Chiroptera) lists 847 Recent species, belonging to 169 Recent genera, 15 families (at least three other families are known only as fossils), and two suborders (see Table 1). Much work remains in elucidating the relationships of bats, even at the higher taxonomic levels. In the plethora of publications that have appeared in recent years on the distribution and systematics of bat genera and species, the trend has been to reduce the number of recognized taxa at these levels, even though some new species, and occasionally a new genus, are named annually. Several of the subsequent papers in this symposium touch on problems relating to classification

    Sciurus richmondi

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    Sciurus richmondi Nelson, 1898 Richmond\u27s Squirrel Sciurus richmondi Nelson, 1898:146. Type locality Escondido River, 50 mi. above Bluefields, Nicaragua (Nelson, 1899:100). CONTEXT AND CONTENT Order Rodentia, Family Sciuridae. The genus Sciurus is widely distributed in both the Old and New worlds. S. richmondi is a monotypic species closely related to S. granatensis; both species are members of the subgenus Guerlinguetus

    Records of Bats from Western North Dakota

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    From June 16 to 19 and again from June 24 to 29, 1965, a field party from the Museum of Natural History of The University of Kansas collected mammals along the Little Missouri River at a place 1 mi. S and 1 mi. W Medora, Billings Co., North Dakota. Among the specimens collected were representatives of five kinds of bats, including one species unreported from North Dakota, a subspecies unrecorded from there, and two species known previously from the state by a single specimen each

    A New Subspecies of the Fringe-Tailed Bat, \u3ci\u3eMyotis thysanodes\u3c/i\u3e, from the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming

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    A new subspecies of Myotis thysanodes, possibly representing a disjunct population, is described from the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming. The new race is compared with M. t. thysanodes and also with Myotis evotis evotis, which it superficially resembles

    \u3ci\u3eArdops nichollsi\u3c/i\u3e

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    Order Chiroptera, Family Phyllostomatidae, Subfamily Stenoderminae. The genus Ardops is monotypic (Jones and Schwartz, 1967) as treated below

    Chiropteran Systematics

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    With few exceptions, the systematic arrangement of bats above the level of species and genera was erected on the basis of classical studies of structure of the bony skeleton (principally the wing, shoulder girdle, sternum, and cranium), and to a lesser extent on development and structure of the teeth (see especially Dobson, 1878, and Miller, 1907). At the generic and specific levels of classification, external and cranial features have been stressed as well as dental structure and dental formulae. In recent years, with the development of the so-called bio-systematic approach to studies of relationships among animals and plants, new techniques such as serological investigations, analyses of karyotypes, comparison of ecto-and endoparasitic faunas, and investigations of a variety of specialized morphological structures of both the soft and hard anatomy have added considerably to our understanding of chiropteran systematics and phylogeny, but much yet remains to be learned. The number of published studies relating to systematics of bats has annually increased at a rapid rate over the past several decades. This has resulted from greater opportunities for field and laboratory studies than in the past and a concomitant increase in number of investigators, and also because of new and better methods of acquiring specimens (mist nets and sophisticated bat traps, for example). It may be expected that the study of chiropteran systematics will reach an even greater level of growth in the decades immediately ahead. In the sections that follow, our aim has been to allude to problems at several levels of bat classification, by way of example, and to mention ways in which some of the newer techniques have aided in the solution of certain systematic problems. Each of the other papers in this symposium will raise additional cogent points relevant to a better understanding of the classification and systematics of bats

    Neotoma phenax

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    Neotoma phenax (Merriam, 1903) Sonoran Woodra
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