1,113 research outputs found

    Myofascial urinary frequency syndrome is a novel syndrome of bothersome lower urinary tract symptoms associated with myofascial pelvic floor dysfunction

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    This study describes a novel, distinct phenotype of urinary symptoms named myofascial urinary frequency syndrome (MUFS) present in one-third of individuals presenting with urinary frequency. In addition to a characteristic symptom constellation suggestive of myofascial dysfunction, MUFS subjects exhibit persistency : a persistent feeling of needing to urinate regardless of urine volume. On examination, 97% of MUFS patients demonstrated pelvic floor hypertonicity with either global tenderness or myofascial trigger points, and 92% displayed evidence of impaired muscular relaxation, hallmarks of myofascial dysfunction. To confirm this symptom pattern was attributable to the pelvic floor musculature, we confirmed the presence of persistency in 68 patients with pelvic floor myofascial dysfunction established through comprehensive examination and electromyography and corroborated by improvement with pelvic floor myofascial release. These symptoms distinguish subjects with myofascial dysfunction from subjects with OAB, IC/BPS, and asymptomatic controls, confirming MUFS is a distinct LUTS symptom complex

    Silicification of developing internodes in the perennial scouring rush (Equisetum hyemale var. affine)

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    An electron microprobe (EMP) analysis of silica (SiO2) deposition in the epidermis of developing internodes of the perennial scouring rush (Equisetum hyemale var. affine) indicates that SiO2 is first detected in the stomatal apparatus beginning with internode 3, then the epidermal papillae (internode 8), and finally in radial cell walls of the long epidermal cells (internode 10). This process is initiated in the intercalary growth regions at the bases of the elongating internodes. The deposition of SiO2 in long epidermal cell walls occurs after internodal extension has ceased and should therefore be considered as one of the final stages in internodal differentiation that involves strengthening the cellulosic framework of the cell wall. EMP measurements indicate that SiO2 in stomata is equivalent to 30% of a pure SiO2 standard and that SiO2 in the radial walls of long epidermal cells averages twice that measured on the tangential walls of these same cells. This study supports the view that silicification plays a major role in strengthening the developing perennial scouring rush internodal system and that regulation of this process in this and other species of Equisetum, whose SiO2 deposition patterns are markedly different, deserves further study.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/33924/1/0000191.pd

    Preferences and priorities for relapsed multiple myeloma treatments among patients and caregivers in the United States

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    Introduction/Background: This study aimed to describe patient and caregiver preferences for treatments of relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma (MM). Materials and Methods: A survey including discrete-choice experiment (DCE) and best-worst scaling (BWS) exercises was conducted among US patients with relapsed or refractory MM and their caregivers. The DCE included six attributes with varying levels including progression-free survival (PFS), toxicity, and mode and frequency of administration. In addition, the impact of treatment cost was assessed using a fixed-choice question. The BWS exercise included 18 items (modes and frequency of administration, additional treatment convenience, and toxicity items). The survey was administered online to patients recruited from the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation CoMMpass study (NCT01454297). Results: The final samples consisted of 94 patients and 32 caregivers. Avoiding severe nerve damage was most important to patients, followed by longer PFS. Caregivers considered PFS to be the most important attribute. We estimate that a third or more of patients were cost-sensitive, meaning their treatment preference was altered based on cost implications. Caregivers were not cost-sensitive. The three most bothersome treatment features in the BWS exercise were risk of kidney failure, lowering white blood cell counts, and weakening the immune system. Conclusion: Patients with relapsed or refractory MM and their caregivers consider many factors including efficacy, toxicity, mode/frequency of administration, and cost in their decisions regarding treatment options. The study provides a basis for future Research on patient and caregiver treatment preferences, which could be incorporated into shared decision-making with physicians

    The influence of peat volume change and vegetation on the hydrology of a kettle-hole wetland in Southern Ontario, Canada

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    Links between local hydrology and vegetation type exist in wetlands, yet it is unclear what role peat volume change plays in these interactions. We measured peat volume change and hydraulic conductivity (Kfield) at three contrasting sites located on the quaking vegetation mat of a kettle-hole peatland in southern Ontario. The three sites had visibly different plant communities and were named, according to their dominant vegetation, Sedge (Carex spp.), Typha (Typha angustifolia) and Carr (Cornus stolonifera). Peat was also collected for laboratory studies of peat volume change, vertical (Kv) and horizontal (Kh) hydraulic conductivity and the effect of compression on hydraulic conductivity (Kc).In the field, the water table rose throughout the study period, resulting in swelling of the peat. Peat volume change above the -100 cm layer was 11.2%, 6.0% and 3.8% at the Sedge, Typha, and Carr sites respectively. In laboratory samples, a falling water table caused compression of the peat below the structured surface mat, and relative peat volume change between the sites followed the same pattern as in the field. Kfield, Kv and Kh generally decreased with depth from ca. 10-2 to 10-6 cm s-1. In the surface layers (0 to -50cm) K trended Carr>Typha>Sedge, whereas the reverse trend was observed in deeper peat. Artificial compression affected K only in the uppermost layers (0 to -15cm). The decline in Kc with compression also trended Sedge>Typha>Carr. Differences in peat volume change and K are probably related to differences in vegetation and soil structure, and may be important for maintaining suitable growing conditions within each community

    Systems developmental biology: the use of ontologies in annotating models and in identifying gene function within and across species

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    Systems developmental biology is an approach to the study of embryogenesis that attempts to analyze complex developmental processes through integrating the roles of their molecular, cellular, and tissue participants within a computational framework. This article discusses ways of annotating these participants using standard terms and IDs now available in public ontologies (these are areas of hierarchical knowledge formalized to be computationally accessible) for tissues, cells, and processes. Such annotations bring two types of benefit. The first comes from using standard terms: This allows linkage to other resources that use them (e.g., GXD, the gene-expression [G-E] database for mouse development). The second comes from the annotation procedure itself: This can lead to the identification of common processes that are used in very different and apparently unrelated events, even in other organisms. One implication of this is the potential for identifying the genes underpinning common developmental processes in different tissues through Boolean analysis of their G-E profiles. While it is easiest to do this for single organisms, the approach is extendable to analyzing similar processes in different organisms. Although the full computational infrastructure for such an analysis has yet to be put in place, two examples are briefly considered as illustration. First, the early development of the mouse urogenital system shows how a line of development can be graphically formalized using ontologies. Second, Boolean analysis of the G-E profiles of the mesenchyme-to-epithelium transitions that take place during mouse development suggest Lhx1, Foxc1, and Meox1 as candidate transcription factors for mediating this process

    Advancing Creativity Theory and Research: A Socio-cultural Manifesto

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    This manifesto, discussed by 20 scholars, representing diverse lines of creativity research, marks a conceptual shift within the field. Socio-cultural approaches have made substantial contributions to the concept of creativity over recent decades and today can provide a set of propositions to guide our understanding of past research and to generate new directions of inquiry and practice. These propositions are urgently needed in response to the transition from the Information Society to the Post-Information Society. Through the propositions outlined here, we aim to build common ground and invite the community of creativity researchers and practitioners to reflect up, study, and cultivate creativity as a socio-cultural phenomenon
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