30 research outputs found

    Analysis of the current logistics and transport challenges in the context of the changing environment

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    The rapidly changing world determines changes in the business processes. Logistics and transport are the areas facing constant changes. Therefore, an important point is to analyse the current problems of logistics and transport within the context of the changing environment. For many years, the experts of the Dept of Logistics and Transport Management of the Faculty of Transport Engineering from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University have been pursuing research both, in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) in Lithuania and foreign countries. This research has been directed toward improvements to logistics and the entire supply chain in pursuit of economic, social and ecological competitiveness, an increase in the competitiveness and attractiveness of the transport system in the context of sustainable development, the impact of this system on the economic and social welfare of society, an increase in the competitiveness and attractiveness of the transport sector of improving the legal framework and the application of innovative technologies (including IT) in the transport sector aimed at implementing economic and social cohesion goals. The article deals with some of the key issues of the above introduced research

    Corruption in logistic chain and its processes

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    It is universally accepted that the influence of logistic activity on the social and economic development of the global community in XX century was enormous. The importance of advantages offered by wellperformed logistic activity in the economic competitive struggle has increased significantly since logistics has turned from the competitive advantage to the competitive necessity. In Lithuania the economic logistic activities have become most integrated in the international business (transport, forwarding, distribution, etc.) [...]

    The analysis of the commercial sector of Lithuania aviation

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    The article deals with the commercial sector of Lithuanian aviation. It is a constituent part of Lithuanian economy that is open to novelties in the spheres of science and technologies; it does not require much stock and has qualified specialists. This article examines the particularities of the companies that provide transportation service, their interrelationship, the division of traffic flows according to the airlines companies, the routes of the airlines companies and parks for their planes. The data is compared with Latvian national airlines "Air Baltic" and Estonian State Airlines "Estonian Air". Attention is paid to the situation of Lithuanian airports and landing-fields, moreover the rates of Lithuanian, Middle and Eastern Europe airports are being analysed, as well as the demand for aviation specialists in Lithuania in the years 2004-2009

    Realization effects of enforcing the EU regulation on the installation of recording equipment in vehicles

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    Preparing to become a member of the European Union Lithuania will have to keep the requirements of the EU Regulation 3821/85 EEC in road transport. It concerns the installation of recording equipment in the vehicles of international transportation and local passenger and freight transport. According to the EU Regulation recording equipment (tachographs) must not be installed in every vehicle and it will be done step by step. About 38 thousand of vehicles will have operating tachographs and for four years it will require about 8 million Lt of investments per year, but the conditions of work and rest of drivers will be improved and the number of accidents will be decreased. First Published Online: 19 Dec 201

    Europos Sąjungos reglamento registruojančiai įrangai kelių transporte realizavimo pasekmės

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    Preparing to become a member of the European Union Lithuania will have to keep the requirements of the EU Regulation 3821/85 EEC in road transport. It concerns the installation of recording equipment in the vehicles of international transportation and local passenger and freight transport. According to the EU Regulation recording equipment (tachographs) must not be installed in every vehicle and it will be done step by step. About 38 thousand of vehicles will have operating tachographs and for four years it will require about 8 million Lt of investments per year, but the conditions of work and rest of drivers will be improved and the number of accidents will be decreased

    The baltic capital cities for the development of sustainable construction

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    Crisis of the real estate sector resulted in disadvantageous conditions for legal entities operating in the field of construction and implementation of new property development projects. As a result, many such entities started investigating their options to offer construction services and products to more economically attractive foreign markets. This necessitates the need to assess the effectiveness of investments into new markets, considering the current developmental trends of the construction sector, which are related to implementation of sustainable construction projects. Close cooperation of Baltic States at the national level and joint activities of several construction market participants predetermine the necessity to assess biggest cities of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia being the potential market of construction sector to be selected as a target segment of efficient development of construction needs.These are the reasons behind the creation of a typical calculation model, which could be adapted for an effective and uncomplicated assessment of investment rationale in new markets while ensuring the adherence to principles of sustainable development. Assessment of potential capabilities of a construction sector of three Baltic capitals (Vilnius, Riga, Tallinn) could provide the opportunity to direct capital and investments of construction market participants in the wore efficient way and create the highest added value for the economy, residents and development of sustainable environments. Identification of project implementation area is a key factor in determining directions of the activity performed by private investors, performed in order to assess the opportunity of efficient realisation of construction project proposed for implementation with particular environment. A multiple-criteria task is formulated, which aims to determine the rank of priorities among cities of the Baltic states; and multi-criteria methods MOORA and MULTIMOORA are used for decision-making

    Ranking of priorities among the baltic capital cities for the development of sustainable construction

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    Crisis of the real estate sector resulted in disadvantageous conditions for legal entities operating in the fi eld of construction and implementation of new property development projects. As a result, many such entities started investigating their options to offer construction services and products to more economically attractive foreign markets. This necessitates the need to assess the effectiveness of investments into new markets, considering the current developmental trends of the construction sector, which are related to implementation of sustainable construction projects. Close cooperation of Baltic States at the national level and joint activities of several construction market participants predetermine the necessity to assess biggest cities of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia being the potential market of construction sector to be selected as a target segment of effi cient development of construction needs.These are the reasons behind the creation of a typical calculation model, which could be adapted for an effective and uncomplicated assessment of investment rationale in new markets while ensuring the adherence to principles of sustainable development. Assessment of potential capabilities of a construction sector of three Baltic capitals (Vilnius, Riga, Tallinn) could provide the opportunity to direct capital and investments of construction market participants in the wore effi cient way and create the highest added value for the economy, residents and development of sustainable environments. Identifi cation of project implementation area is a key factor in determining directions of the activity performed by private investors, performed in order to assess the opportunity of effi cient realisation of construction project proposed for implementation with particular environment. A multiple-criteria task is formulated, which aims to determine the rank of priorities among cities of the Baltic states; and multi-criteria methods MOORA and MULTIMOORA are used for decision-making

    Piktžolių naikinimas vandens garais

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Didelės koncentracijos biobutanolio mišinio įtaka dyzelinio variklio galios, ekonominėms ir ekologinėms charakteristikoms

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    Senkant iškastinės kilmės energijos šaltiniams ieškoma jiems alternatyvų. Viena iš jų tai atsinaujinantys energijos šaltiniai – biodegalai. Kaip ir dauguma naujovių, biodegalai dar tik skinasi kelią, užimdami deramą vietą tiek tyrimų, tiek gamybos tiek praktinio naudojimo srityse. Tačiau kaskart vis griežtėjantys ne tik aplinkosauginiai reikalavimai, bet ir politiniai Europos Tarybos nutarimai ir beveik nepaliaujamai kylančios energijos išteklių kainos vis labiau skatina tirti ir analizuoti biodegalų panaudojimo galimybes. Straipsnyje aprašomos biodyzelino ir biobutanolio mišinių panaudojimo galimybės dyzeliniame varik-lyje. Apžvelgti eksperimentiniai darbai. Pasirinktos degalų kombinacijos yra šios: 60 % biodyzelino ir 40 % biobutanolio mišinys; 50 % biodyzelino ir 50 % biobutanolio mišinys; 40% biodyzelino ir 60 % biobutanolio mišinys. Bandymo rezultatai rodo, kad, didėjant biobutanolio kiekiui mišinyje, variklio efektyvioji galia mažėja iki 14,5 %, valandinės de-galų sąnaudos auga iki 12 %, o suminė azoto oksidų ir kietųjų dalelių emisija nežymiai didėja. Straipsnyje pateikti minėtų mišinių panaudojimo vidaus degimo variklyje skaitinio modeliavimo rezultatai. Jie yra palyginti su eksperimentu. Modeliavimo procesui panaudota Maskvos valstybinio N. E. Baumano technikos universiteto sukurtas virtualus modelis (modeliavimo programa „Diesel RK NET“ V4.1.3.171 versijos)

    The research on competitiveness of road transport enterprises: Lithuanian case

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    In the paper, various opinions of Lithuanian and foreign authors of scientific publications are reviewed and the criteria for assessing competitiveness of road transport are discussed upon. On assessment of competitiveness of services provided by Lithuanian road transport enterprises, not only technical options are taken into account. It is proposed to assess competitiveness of enterprises upon taking into consideration the total set of services provided as well as their quality and the marketing level of the enterprise. In the paper, the factors impacting competitiveness of road transport are discussed upon and the research works required for objective assessment of competitiveness of road transport are foreseen. A model for assessing competitiveness of road transport enterprises realized by the authors is provided. In the end of the paper, conclusions and recommendations are provided