29 research outputs found

    Kolningsgropar och härdar : aktuella arkeologiska undersökningar av samisk historia i Hälsingland

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    Undersökningarna av en anläggning beskriven som en kåtalämning på Kåtudden vid Järvsjön i Söderala socken kunde visa att det rörde sig om en kolningsgrop från förromersk järnålder. Anläggningen kan sannolikt inte knytas till den samiska historien. Våra arkiv-, litteratur- och fältarbeten har visat på en mångfald belägg för samisk historia runt om i Gästrikland och Hälsingland från medeltiden till idag. Just anläggningarna i Söderala socken visade sig dock inte vara spår av samiska bosättningar. Sökandet fortsätter och de närmaste åren kommer att föra med sig ytterligare fördjupad kunskap om den långa och komplexa samiska historien i Mellansverige. Undersökningarna genomfördes inom ramen för projektet ”Det delade landet: Samisk historia och mångkulturalitet före det moderna”, bekostat av Riksantikvarieämbetets FoU-medel

    Kolningsgropar och härdar : aktuella arkeologiska undersökningar av samisk historia i Hälsingland

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    Undersökningarna av en anläggning beskriven som en kåtalämning på Kåtudden vid Järvsjön i Söderala socken kunde visa att det rörde sig om en kolningsgrop från förromersk järnålder. Anläggningen kan sannolikt inte knytas till den samiska historien. Våra arkiv-, litteratur- och fältarbeten har visat på en mångfald belägg för samisk historia runt om i Gästrikland och Hälsingland från medeltiden till idag. Just anläggningarna i Söderala socken visade sig dock inte vara spår av samiska bosättningar. Sökandet fortsätter och de närmaste åren kommer att föra med sig ytterligare fördjupad kunskap om den långa och komplexa samiska historien i Mellansverige. Undersökningarna genomfördes inom ramen för projektet ”Det delade landet: Samisk historia och mångkulturalitet före det moderna”, bekostat av Riksantikvarieämbetets FoU-medel

    Cost-effectiveness of screening women for abdominal aortic aneurysm

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    BackgroundWomen are usually not considered for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening because of their lower prevalence of disease. This position may, however, be questioned given the higher risk of rupture and the longer life expectancy among women. The purpose of this study was to assess the cost-effectiveness of screening 65-year-old women for AAA.MethodsA systematic review of the literature was conducted to obtain data of importance to evaluate the effectiveness of screening women for AAA. Data were entered into a Markov simulation cohort model.ResultsThe review suggested some main assumptions for women with AAA. Prevalence is 1.1%. In 6.8%, the AAA is of a size that merits surgery, and the patients are fit for a procedure. For patients with an AAA, the yearly risk for elective surgery and the rupture incidence was 3.1% and 2.4%, respectively, in the invited group and 1.1% and 5.7% in the noninvited group. The operative mortality for elective surgery was 3.5%, and the total mortality for ruptured AAA was 86.3%. The long-term mortality for AAA patients was 3.6 times higher than for an age-matched healthy population. Screening reduced the AAA rupture incidence by 33% and the AAA-related death rate by 35%. The cost per life year gained was estimated at $5911.ConclusionThe incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was similar to that found for screening men, which reflects the fact that the lower AAA prevalence in women is balanced by a higher rupture rate. Screening women for AAA may be cost-effective, and future evaluations on screening for AAA should include women

    Coeliac disease-specific tissue transglutaminase autoantibodies are associated with osteoporosis and related fractures in middle-aged women

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    Objective. To investigate whether the serological marker for coeliac disease, tissue transglutaminase autoantibody (tTGAb), is associated with decreased bone mass density (BMD) and increased frequency of fractures in middle-aged women screened for osteoporosis. Material and methods. The study comprised 6480 women (mean age 56 years, range 50-64) who answered a number of questionnaires and who underwent dual X-ray absorptiometry of the wrist bone. Serum samples were analysed for tTGAb using radioligand binding assays. A tTGAb level of 4 U/ml was used to determine a positive value and a level of 17 U/ml was used as an alternative discrimination of high levels. Results. A tTGAb level 4 U/ml was found among 90/6480 (1.4%) women and correlated with lower BMD (multiple linear regression coefficient -382.1; 95% CI = - 673.6-90.7, p=0.011) and with fracture frequency (r=0.18, p=0.023). The 59 women with tTGAb levels 17 U/ml had a lower BMD (0.410.08 g/cm2 versus 0.440.08 g/cm2, p=0.001) and a lower T-score (-1.401.28 versus -0.901.40, p=0.003) as well as a higher prevalence of osteoporosis (13.4% versus 6.5%, p=0.008) compared with the remaining 6421 women with tTGAb levels 17 U/ml. Furthermore, fracture frequency was more pronounced in women with tTGAb levels 17 U/ml, among whom 19/59 (32.2%) had fractures during the study period compared with 1204/6421 (18.8%) among women with tTGAb levels 17 U/ml (p=0.009). Conclusions. High levels of tTGAb indicating coeliac disease are associated with lower BMD and higher fracture frequency in women between 50 and 64 years of age. Osteometry is therefore warranted in middle-aged women detected with tTGAb

    Härdar och husgrunder : Arkeologi i det samiska kulturlandskapet i Syd- och Mellansverige

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    Hearths and House foundations: Archaeology in the Sámi cultural landscape of southern andmiddle Sweden: This paper deals with the physical traces of Sámi past in southern andcentral Sweden. From the Norse sagas, and from archaeological sources, there is a mani-fold of evidence of Sámi–Norse interaction and of Sámi presence, and habitation in cen-tral and southern Scandinavia from the Late Iron Age to the Middle Ages. From the earlymodern period there are diverse written sources addressing Sámi habitation in southernScandinavia, and from the 18th century we know of the so-called sockenlappsystemet,an ethnically based, indenture service employing Sámi people. To what degree these earlymodern Sámi kept, and developed traditional practices, has until recently been largelyunknown. Through a combination of sources and methods, from archival studies to fieldsurveys, and excavations, this paper proposes that a strong and continuous developmentof Sámi traditions and practices, though the use of landscape and material culture is vi-sible well into the end of the 19th centur

    Härdar och husgrunder : Arkeologi i det samiska kulturlandskapet i Syd- och Mellansverige

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    Hearths and House foundations: Archaeology in the Sámi cultural landscape of southern andmiddle Sweden: This paper deals with the physical traces of Sámi past in southern andcentral Sweden. From the Norse sagas, and from archaeological sources, there is a mani-fold of evidence of Sámi–Norse interaction and of Sámi presence, and habitation in cen-tral and southern Scandinavia from the Late Iron Age to the Middle Ages. From the earlymodern period there are diverse written sources addressing Sámi habitation in southernScandinavia, and from the 18th century we know of the so-called sockenlappsystemet,an ethnically based, indenture service employing Sámi people. To what degree these earlymodern Sámi kept, and developed traditional practices, has until recently been largelyunknown. Through a combination of sources and methods, from archival studies to fieldsurveys, and excavations, this paper proposes that a strong and continuous developmentof Sámi traditions and practices, though the use of landscape and material culture is vi-sible well into the end of the 19th centur

    Retirement and postretirement issues

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    Thrombolysis is a common treatment for acute leg ischaemia. The purpose of this study was to evaluate different thrombolytic treatment strategies, and risk factors for complications