263 research outputs found

    Economic analysis of investment and use of farm machinery on beef cattle farms in the dark-fired tobacco area of Tennessee

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    The primary objectives of this study are; (1) to provide information relating to the capacity of certain farm machines and the effects of the farm organization, land and weather upon the use of farm machinery, and (2) to show some of the alternative methods of obtaining the services of farm machinery. The major objective can be stated as follows: To present and evaluate the effect of certain specified changes In land use, with different soil resources, on the total cost of mechanization on beef cattle farms in the dark-fired tobacco area of Middle Tennesse

    A core genome multi-locus sequence typing scheme for Streptococcus uberis: an evolution in typing a genetically diverse pathogen

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    Streptococcus uberis is a globally endemic and poorly controlled cause of bovine mastitis impacting the sustainability of the modern dairy industry. A core genome was derived from 579 newly sequenced S. uberis isolates, along with 305 publicly available genome sequences of S. uberis isolated from 11 countries around the world and used to develop a core genome multi-locus sequence typing (cgMLST) scheme. The S. uberis core genome comprised 1475 genes, and these were used to identify 1447 curated loci that were indexed into the cgMLST scheme. This was able to type 1012 of 1037 (>97  %) isolates used and differentiated the associated sequences into 932 discrete core genome sequence types (cgSTs). Analysis of the phylogenetic relationships of cgSTs revealed no clear clustering of isolates based on metadata such as disease status or year of isolation. Geographical clustering of cgSTs was limited to identification of a UK-centric clade, but cgSTs from UK isolates were also dispersed with those originating from other geographical regions across the entire phylogenetic topology. The cgMLST scheme offers a new tool for the detailed analysis of this globally important pathogen of dairy cattle. Initial analysis has re-emphasized and exemplified the genetically diverse nature of the global population of this opportunistic pathogen

    Dam inactivation in Neisseria meningitidis: prevalence among diverse hyperinvasive lineages

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    BACKGROUND: DNA adenine methyltransferase (Dam) activity is absent in many, but not all, disease isolates of Neisseria meningitidis, as a consequence of the insertion of a restriction endonuclease-encoding gene, the 'dam replacing gene' (drg) at the dam locus. Here, we report the results of a survey to assess the prevalence of drg in a globally representative panel of disease-associated meningococci. RESULTS: Of the known meningococcal hyper-invasive lineages investigated, drg was absent in all representatives of the ST-8 and ST-11 clonal complexes tested, but uniformly present in the representatives of the other hyper-invasive lineages present in the isolate collection (the ST-1, ST-4, ST-5, ST-32 and ST-41/44 clonal complexes). The patterns of sequence diversity observed in drg were consistent with acquisition of this gene from a source organism with a different G+C content, at some time prior to the emergence of present-day meningococcal clonal complexes, followed by spread through the meningococcal population by horizontal genetic exchange. During this spread a number of alleles have arisen by mutation and intragenic recombination. CONCLUSION: These findings are consistent with the idea that possession of the drg gene may contribute to the divergence observed among meningococcal clonal complexes, but does not have a direct mechanistic involvement in virulence

    The domestication of the probiotic bacterium Lactobacillus acidophilus

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    Lactobacillus acidophilus is a Gram-positive lactic acid bacterium that has had widespread historical use in the dairy industry and more recently as a probiotic. Although L. acidophilus has been designated as safe for human consumption, increasing commercial regulation and clinical demands for probiotic validation has resulted in a need to understand its genetic diversity. By drawing on large, well-characterised collections of lactic acid bacteria, we examined L. acidophilus isolates spanning 92 years and including multiple strains in current commercial use. Analysis of the whole genome sequence data set (34 isolate genomes) demonstrated L. acidophilus was a low diversity, monophyletic species with commercial isolates essentially identical at the sequence level. Our results indicate that commercial use has domesticated L. acidophilus with genetically stable, invariant strains being consumed globally by the human population

    A gene-by-gene population genomics platform: de novo assembly, annotation and genealogical analysis of 108 representative Neisseria meningitidis genomes

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    Background: Highly parallel,‘second generation’ sequencing technologies have rapidly expanded the number of bacterial whole genome sequences available for study, permitting the emergence of the discipline of population genomics. Most of these data are publically available as unassembled short-read sequence files that require extensive processing before they can be used for analysis. The provision of data in a uniform format, which can be easily assessed for quality, linked to provenance and phenotype and used for analysis, is therefore necessary. Results: The performance of de novo short-read assembly followed by automatic annotation using the pubMLST. orgNeisseriadatabase was assessed and evaluated for 108 diverse, representative, and well-characterisedNeisseria meningitidisisolates. High-quality sequences were obtained for >99% of known meningococcal genes among the de novoassembled genomes and four resequenced genomes and less than 1% of reassembled genes had sequence discrepancies or misassembled sequences. A core genome of 1600 loci, present in at least 95% of the population, was determined using the Genome Comparator tool. Genealogical relationships compatible with, but at a higher resolution than, those identified by multilocus sequence typing were obtained with core genome comparisons and ribosomal protein gene analysis which revealed a genomic structure for a number of previously described phenotypes. This unified system for cataloguing Neisseria genetic variation in the genome was implemented and used for multiple analyses and the data are publically available in the PubMLST Neisseria database. Conclusions: The de novo assembly, combined with automated gene-by-gene annotation, generates high quality draft genomes in which the majority of protein-encoding genes are present with high accuracy. The approach catalogues diversity efficiently, permits analyses of a single genome or multiple genome comparisons, and is a practical approach to interpreting WGS data for large bacterial population samples. The method generates novel insights into the biology of the meningococcus and improves our understanding of the whole population structure, not just disease causing lineages.</p

    Changes in serogroup and genotype prevalence among carried meningococci in the United Kingdom during vaccine implementation.

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    BACKGROUND: Herd immunity is important in the effectiveness of conjugate polysaccharide vaccines against encapsulated bacteria. A large multicenter study investigated the effect of meningococcal serogroup C conjugate vaccine introduction on the meningococcal population. METHODS: Carried meningococci in individuals aged 15-19 years attending education establishments were investigated before and for 2 years after vaccine introduction. Isolates were characterized by multilocus sequence typing, serogroup, and capsular region genotype and changes in phenotypes and genotypes assessed. RESULTS: A total of 8462 meningococci were isolated from 47 765 participants (17.7%). Serogroup prevalence was similar over the 3 years, except for decreases of 80% for serogroup C and 40% for serogroup 29E. Clonal complexes were associated with particular serogroups and their relative proportions fluctuated, with 12 statistically significant changes (6 up, 6 down). The reduction of ST-11 complex serogroup C meningococci was probably due to vaccine introduction. Reasons for a decrease in serogroup 29E ST-254 meningococci (from 1.8% to 0.7%) and an increase in serogroup B ST-213 complex meningococci (from 6.7% to 10.6%) were less clear. CONCLUSIONS: Natural fluctuations in carried meningococcal genotypes and phenotypes a can be affected by the use of conjugate vaccines, and not all of these changes are anticipatable in advance of vaccine introduction

    A public database for the new MLST scheme for Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum: surveillance and epidemiology of the causative agent of syphilis

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    Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum is the causative agent of syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease with worldwide prevalence. Several different molecular typing schemes are currently available for this pathogen. To enable population biology studies of the syphilis agent and for epidemiological surveillance at the global scale, a harmonized typing tool needs to be introduced. Recently, we published a new multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) with the potential to significantly enhance the epidemiological data in several aspects (e.g., distinguishing genetically different clades of syphilis, subtyping inside these clades, and finally, distinguishing different subspecies of non-cultivable pathogenic treponemes). In this short report, we introduce the PubMLST database for treponemal DNA data storage and for assignments of allelic profiles and sequencing types. Moreover, we have summarized epidemiological data of all treponemal strains (n = 358) with available DNA sequences in typing loci and found several association between genetic groups and characteristics of patients. This study proposes the establishment of a single MLST of T. p. pallidum and encourages researchers and public health communities to use this PubMLST database as a universal tool for molecular typing studies of the syphilis pathogen

    Phylogenomics of Acinetobacter species and analysis of antimicrobial resistance genes

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    Introduction: Non-baumannii Acinetobacter species are increasingly isolated in the clinical setting and the environment. The aim of the present study was to analyze a genome database of 837 Acinetobacter spp. isolates, which included 798 non-baumannii Acinetobacter genomes, in order to define the concordance of classification and discriminatory power of 7-gene MLST, 53-gene MLST, and single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) phylogenies. Methods: Phylogenies were performed on Pasteur Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST) or ribosomal Multilocus Sequence Typing (rMLST) concatenated alleles, or SNPs extracted from core genome alignment. Results: The Pasteur MLST scheme was able to identify and genotype 72 species in the Acinetobacter genus, with classification results concordant with the ribosomal MLST scheme. The discriminatory power and genotyping reliability of the Pasteur MLST scheme were assessed in comparison to genome-wide SNP phylogeny on 535 non-baumannii Acinetobacter genomes assigned to Acinetobacter pittii, Acinetobacter nosocomialis, Acinetobacter seifertii, and Acinetobacter lactucae (heterotypic synonym of Acinetobacter dijkshoorniae), which were the most clinically relevant non-baumannii species of the A. baumannii group. The Pasteur MLST and SNP phylogenies were congruent at Robinson-Fould and Matching cluster tests and grouped genomes into four and three clusters in A. pittii, respectively, and one each in A. seifertii. Furthermore, A. lactucae genomes were grouped into one cluster within A. pittii genomes. The SNP phylogeny of A. nosocomialis genomes showed a heterogeneous population and did not correspond to the Pasteur MLST phylogeny, which identified two recombinant clusters. The antimicrobial resistance genes belonging to at least three different antimicrobial classes were identified in 91 isolates assigned to 17 distinct species in the Acinetobacter genus. Moreover, the presence of a class D oxacillinase, which is a naturally occurring enzyme in several Acinetobacter species, was found in 503 isolates assigned to 35 Acinetobacter species. Conclusion: In conclusion, Pasteur MLST phylogeny of non-baumannii Acinetobacter isolates coupled with in silico detection of antimicrobial resistance makes it important to study the population structure and epidemiology of Acinetobacter spp. isolates

    There are three major Neisseria gonorrhoeae β-lactamase plasmid variants which are associated with specific lineages and carry distinct TEM alleles

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    Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a significant threat to global health with an estimated incidence of over 80 million cases each year and high levels of antimicrobial resistance. The gonococcal β-lactamase plasmid, pbla, carries the TEM β-lactamase, which requires only one or two amino acid changes to become an extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL); this would render last resort treatments for gonorrhoea ineffective. Although pbla is not mobile, it can be transferred by the conjugative plasmid, pConj, found in N. gonorrhoeae. Seven variants of pbla have been described previously, but little is known about their frequency or distribution in the gonococcal population. We characterised sequences of pbla variants and devised a typing scheme, Ng_pblaST that allows their identification from whole genome short-read sequences. We implemented Ng_pblaST to assess the distribution of pbla variants in 15 532 gonococcal isolates. This demonstrated that only three pbla variants commonly circulate in gonococci, which together account for >99 % of sequences. The pbla variants carry different TEM alleles and are prevalent in distinct gonococcal lineages. Analysis of 2758 pbla-containing isolates revealed the co-occurrence of pbla with certain pConj types, indicating co-operativity between pbla and pConj variants in the spread of plasmid-mediated AMR in N. gonorrhoeae. Understanding the variation and distribution of pbla is essential for monitoring and predicting the spread of plasmid-mediated β-lactam resistance in N. gonorrhoeae