179 research outputs found

    Defining the Most Suitable Site for the Construction of Hotel Using the Multicriteria Analysis : Master's Thesis

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    Prikazana je metodologija izbora lokacije za izgradnju hotela koja se temelji na metodama sustavnog inženjerstva i to na višekriterijalnoj analizi uz korištenje GIS-a (Geografskog informacijskog sustava). Predložena metodologija omogućava cjelovito i sustavno rješavanje problema, pri čemu su u obzir uzeti mnogobrojni elementi. Rezultat je prijedlog lokacije koja predstavlja najbolje kompromisno rješenje u skladu s kriterijima i preferencijama sudionika.The methodology for hotel site selection, based on the systems engineering methods, including multicriteria analysis and GIS, is presented. The proposed methodology enables an integral and systemic resolution of problems with many considered elements. The result is the site proposal that constitutes the best possible compromise solution

    Investigation of formation processes of porous biocompatible materials based on silicon doped and undoped α-calcium-phosphate and hydroxyapatite

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    Poslednjih nekoliko decenija, velika pažnja usmerena je na razvoj biomaterijala koji bi imali potencijal da reparišu ili zamene oštećenenih delova koštanog tkiva, pospeše funkcionisanje postojećeg ili ubrzaju stvaranje novog tkiva. Klinička primenana biomaterijala zavisi pre svega od fizičkih i hemijskih svojstava materijala. U savremene sintetičke biomaterijale se ubrajaju ex vivo ćelijama zasejani skafoldi, in vivo resorbilni koštani cementi, prevlake koje pospešuju stvaranje veze između prirodne kosti i implanta, različite forme implantnih proteza i dr. Bioaktivna keramika na bazi kalcijum-fosfata (hidroksiapatit: HA; α-kalcijum-fosfat: α-TCP; β-kalcijum-fosfata; β-(TCP) zauzima značajno mesto zbog strukturne i hemijske sličnosti sa neorganskom komponentom prirodne kosti. Jedno od najvažniji područja inženjerstva koštanog tkiva pretstavlja dizajniranje i procesiranje skafoldnih materijala po strukturi sličim kostima koji bi omogućili vaskularizaciju i urastanje koštanog tkiva. Tokom prve dekade 21. veka velika pažnja je usmerena na razvoj treće generacije bioaktivnih materijala koji bi stimulisali specifičan ćelijski odgovor. Značajnu grupa biomaterija čine materijali na bazi bioaktivnog stakla koji otpuštanjem jona u rastvoru stimulišu faktore rasta koji na kontrolisan način aktiviraju ćelijske funkcije. Cilj ove teze pretstavlja razvoj skafolda na bazi silicijumom dopiranih α-kalcijum-fosfata i hidroksiapatita za supstituciju i reparaciju koštanog tkiva koji bi kontrolisanim otpuštanjem jona silicijuma i kalcijuma i fosfatnih jona povoljno uticali na adheziju i diferencijaciju ćelija i gensku ekspresiju. U tom cilju sa procesiranje skafolda hidrotermalnim postupkom sintetisane su nedopirane i silicijumom dopirane čestice HA različite morfologije (sferne i vlaknaste). Kao polazna jedinjenja za sintezu stehiometrijskog hidroksiapatita (Ca/P = 1,67) i hidroksiapatita sa odnosom Ca/P = 1,50 korišćeni su Ca(NO3)2•4H2O, (NH4)2HPO4•2H2O, Na2EDTA (poslednje jedinjenje je korišćeno za sintezu sfernih čestica) i urea. Silicijumom dopirani hidroksiapatiti su sintetisani za odnos Ca/P = 1,50 korišćenjem tetraetil-ortosilikata (TEOS) kao izvora silicijumovih jona. Dopiranje silicijumom pri odnosu Ca/P = 1,50 je izvšeno u cilju favorizovanja formiranja silicijumom stabilisanog α-TCP i poboljšanja bioaktivnih svojstava u odnosu na stehiometrijski hidroksiapatit. Uticaj stepena supstitucije silicijumom na morfologiju, faznu transformaciju i bioaktivnost sintetisanih sfernih i vlaknastih čestica, kao i skafolda dobijenih od nedopiranih i silicijumom dopiranih čestica analiziran je rendgenskom difrakcijom (XRD), skenirajućom elektronskom mikroskopijom (SEM), transmisionom elektronskom mikroskopijom (TEM), visokorezolucionom transmisionom elektronskom mikroskopijom (HRTEM), energetskom disperzionom rendgenskom fluorescentnom spektroskopijom (EDXRF), infracrvenom spektroskopijom (IC) i u in vitro testovima u kulturi SaOs2, L929 i MRC-5 ćelija. XRD i EDXRF analiza je pokazala različiti nivo supstitucije silicijumom pri istim uslovima sinteze na sfernim i vlaknastim česticama. Takođe, utvrđeno je da dopiranje silicijumom dovodi do snižavanja temperature fazne transformacije HA u α-TCP. Ovaj efekat je izraženiji kod silicijumom dopiranih čestica HA sferne morfologije...During recent decades, a great attention has been focused on research and development of biomaterials that are exploited to replace missing body structures, to enhance functions of existing ones or promote the new tissue formation. The clinical success outcome of biomaterial used in tissue engineering applications depends critically upon physical and chemical properties of tested materials. The synthetic materials, capable of supporting the natural process of bone re-modeling, include the ex vivo generation of cell-scaffold complexes, in vivo resorbable bone cements, coatings that enhance the bonding between natural bone and implant, various forms of implantable prostheses, bone-repair agents etc. Synthetic bioactive ceramics such as certain forms of calcium-phosphate (hydroxyapatite: HA; α-tricalcium phosphate: α-TCP; β-tricalcium phosphate: β-TCP) and combinations of them have been widely studied due to their structural and chemical similarity with the inorganic components of natural bone. One of the most important stages of bone tissue engineering is to design and process scaffold materials aiming to, as high as possible, the in-growth of blood vessels, and to guide the growth of bone in a natural manner mimicking the structure of human compact bone. During the first decade of the twenty-first century third-generation of biomaterials has been designed to stimulate specific cellular responses at the level of molecular biology. Certain formulations of bioactive materials such as bioactive glasses release chemicals in the form of ionic dissolution products, or governing macromolecular growth factors, which at controlled rates, activate the cell functions. The goal of the thesis was to develop three-dimensional scaffolds based on silicon doped HA/α-TCP specifically designed for application in bone tissue engineering where, through controlled release rate of Si, Ca and P, one assure optimal influence at the biological response of material and invoke enhanced cell adhesion, differentiation and gene expression. Therefore, for scaffolds preparations silicon doped and un-doped HA particles were synthesized having different morphologies (spherical and whisker-like) using hydrothermal method. Appropriate quantities of the reactants Ca(NO3)2•4H2O, (NH4)2HPO4•2H2O, Na2EDTA (the last one being used for synthesis of spherical-like particles) and urea were used to prepare stoichiometric hydroxyapatite (Ca/P = 1.67) and hydroxyapatite of Ca/P molar ratio that approaches 1.50. The silicon-substituted apatites were prepared using a Ca/P molar ratio approaching 1.50 by adding two different quantities of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) as the source of silicon ions. Lower Ca/P ratio and doping with silicon were used in order to enhance formation of silicon-stabilized α-TCP and improve the bioactivity when compared to pure hydroxyapatite. The influence of silicon substitution level in spherical-and whisker-like particles on the morphology, phase transformations and bioactivity of the obtained powders and scaffolds based on these particles was investigated by x-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (EDXRF), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and in in vitro test performed on SaOs2, L929 and MRC-5 cells. The investigations showed different degree of silicon substitution under the same synthesis conditions on spherical- and whisker-like particles revealed by XRD and EDXRF analyses, where higher content of added silicon enhanced phase transformation from HA to a-TCP at lower temperatures. These transformations are more pronounced on spherical particles..

    Defining the Most Suitable Site for the Construction of Hotel Using the Multicriteria Analysis : Master's Thesis

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    Prikazana je metodologija izbora lokacije za izgradnju hotela koja se temelji na metodama sustavnog inženjerstva i to na višekriterijalnoj analizi uz korištenje GIS-a (Geografskog informacijskog sustava). Predložena metodologija omogućava cjelovito i sustavno rješavanje problema, pri čemu su u obzir uzeti mnogobrojni elementi. Rezultat je prijedlog lokacije koja predstavlja najbolje kompromisno rješenje u skladu s kriterijima i preferencijama sudionika.The methodology for hotel site selection, based on the systems engineering methods, including multicriteria analysis and GIS, is presented. The proposed methodology enables an integral and systemic resolution of problems with many considered elements. The result is the site proposal that constitutes the best possible compromise solution

    Prihvatljivost i efikasnost RB meki mamak formulacije u kontroli kućnog miša i sivog pacova u mlinovima i skladištima poljoprivrednih proizvoda

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    House mouse, black and grey rat are the most important pest rodents in storage facilities and cause a 5% loss of the overall world food production. Control of rodent number in agricultural storage facilities is undertaken only after its presence has been registered. Preparations used to control rodents need to meet palatability requirements, i.e. stimulate rodents to choose baits rather than food available in abundance. Experiments were conducted in Omoljica mills and Starčevo storage facilities following the standard EPPO method. Palatability and efficacy of RB formulated baits containing bromadiolone and brodifacoum as active substances were tested against the house mouse in wheat mills and flour packaging and storing buildings and the Norway rat around mills and food storage facilities. Palatability and efficacy was calculated according to Abbott's formula. The results showed that palatability and efficacy of RB soft bag formulations (96-100%) was substantially high especially of brodifacoum-based baits.Kućni miš sa sivim i crnim pacovom spada u najvažnije štetne glodare uskadištenih proizvoda. U skladištima poljoprivrednih proizvoda oni izazivaju ozbiljna štete ne samo kroz pojedenu količinu, već i zagađivanjem i do devet puta veće količine hrane. Svojom aktivnošću dovodu do gubitka 5% hrane u svetu što je dovoljno za ishranu 130 miliona ljudi. Kontrola brojnosti glodra uglavnom tek pošto se uoči njihovo prisustvo. Preparati za suzbijanje treba da imaju što bolju prihvatljivost, tj, da navedu glodare da radije konzumiraju mamak nego hranu koja im je dostupna po izboru u skladištu. Eksperimente smo izveli u mlinu u Omoljici i skladištima u Starčevu (povrće i žitarice) po standardnoj EPPO metodi. Prihvatljivost i efikasnost RB formulisanih mamaka sa 0,005% bromadiolona i 0,005% brodifakuma kao aktivne materije su testirani za suzbijanje kućnog miša u prostoru za mlevenje, pakirnici i skladištu sa džakovima brašna u mlinu i za sivog pacova oko mlina i u skladištima sa žitom i povrćem. Kao standard koristili smo mamke u obliku peleta sa 0,005% bromadiolona i 0,005% brodifakuma. Mamci su postavljani u specijalne kutije na rastojanju od 1- 3 m, jedna kesica za miševe i 3-5 za pacove. Brojnost glodara izračunata je na osnovu najveće i najmanje količine pojedenog mamka podeljeno sa dnevnom količinom potrebne hrane i primenjen je metod cenzusa pre i posle tretmana. Prisustvo glodara praćeno je i 20 dana posle tretmana. Palatabilnost i efikasnost testirane i standardne formulacije izračunata je prema Abott-u. Rezultati su pokazali da je postignuta visoka prihvatljivost i efikasnost RB meki mamak formulacije (96-100%), naročito za mamke na bazi brodifakuma kao aktivne materije

    Štete na mladom luku od belog puža, Cernuella virgata (Da Costa)

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    Damage caused by the white snail Cernuella virgata (Da Costa, 1778) was for the first time observed in vegetable crops in Serbia during the summers of 2011 and 2012. In this country, serious damage to vegetable crops is usually caused by slugs, while snails do not normally cause any significant harm. Typical xerophilic snail species in the genera Cernuella, Xerolenta and Theba cause damage even more rarely since they are limited to wild flora in uncultivated and ruderal areas, and local outbreaks occur seldom and only in forage leguminous crops. The species C. virgata was for the first time found to cause damage to a number of vegetable crops during long periods of extremely warm and dry weather, including total devastation of a green onion crop.Tokom leta 2011. i 2012. godine prvi put je dokumentovana štetnost belog puža, Cernuella virgata (Da Costa, 1778), na povrtarskim biljkama u Srbiji. U našoj zemlji značajne štete na povrću izazivaju prvenstveno golaći, a veće štete od puževa sa ljušturom nisu uobičajene. Kada se radi o izrazito kserofilnim vrstama puževa rodova Cernuella, Xerolenta i Theba, ispoljavanje štetnosti je još ređe, jer su one ograničene na spontanu floru neobrađenih i ruderalnih površina, sa lokalnim masovnim pojavama samo na površinama pod krmnim leguminozama. Tokom produženih perioda izrazito toplih i suvih uslova, uočena je po prvi put štetnost vrste C. virgata na većem broju povrtarskih biljaka, dok je na parceli mladog luka šteta bila potpuna

    Prvi nalaz introdukovanog valensijskog golaća, Lehmania valentiana (Ferussac, 1822), u Srbiji

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    The established indoor population of introduced Valencia slug, Lehmania valentiana (Ferussac, 1821), has been recorded for the first time in Serbia. The first two specimens had been found in December, 2010 and cultivated in the laboratory by the end of April, 2011 when they died. In May, we collected new specimens of different ages in the same locality, indoor garden of Hyatt Regency Belgrade hotel. In the case of large population densities Valencia slug could cause severe damage to greenhouse plants in our country, yet it is unlikely that it could survive winter outdoor in Serbia, and we do not expect its permanent outdoor establishment.U našoj zemlji prvi put je u zaštićenom prostoru utvrđeno prisustvo zasnovane populacije valensijskog golaća, Lehmania valentiana (Ferussac, 1821), alohtone vrste. Prve jedinke su nam dostavljene tokom decembra 2010, i laboratorijski su gajene do kraja aprila 2011. godine, kada su uginule. U maju su sakupljene nove jedinke različitog uzrasta na istom lokalitetu, unutrašnjem vrtu hotela Hyatt Regency, Beograd. Ukoliko valensijski golać uspostavi guste populacije u plastenicima i staklenicima, mogu se očekivati velike štete na biljkama. Nasuprot tome, malo je verovatno da se ova introdukovana vrsta može održati u poljskim uslovima u našoj zemlji

    Prihvatljivost i efikasnost RB mekog mamka formulacije u suzbijanju kućnog miša i sivog pacova u mešaoni stočne hrane i na farmi svinja

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    The Norway rat and house mouse the most important rodent pest at farms eat and polullut the huge food quantity and carry a range of severe infectious diseases to humans and pets. Rodent control is undertaken only after its presence has been registered. Preparations for their control need to meet palatability requirements. Experiments were conducted in animal food blender facilities and pig farm (maternity and rooms with young and adult pigs) in Omoljica following the standard EPPO method. Palatability and efficacy of RB formulated baits (paste in special 10 g paper bags) containing 0.005% bromadiolone and 0.005% brodifacoum were tested against the house mouse and Norway rat. Baits in pellete formulation were used as the standard. All the baits were placed in special boxes. Rodent abundance was evaluated based on the highest and the lowest daily baits consumption divided by the daily required of food amount, and a census method before and after treatment. Rodent presence was monitored over the next 20 days. The efficacy of the tested RB soft bag and standard formulations was calculated according to Abbott's formula. The results showed that palatability and efficacy of RB soft bag formulations (81-100%) was substantially high especially of brodifacoum-based baits.Suzbijanje glodara vrši se uglavnom po uočavanju brojnog prisustva. Preparati treba da imaju što bolju prihvatljivost. Eksperimente smo obavili u mešaoni stočne hrane i na farmi svinja (obori sa odraslim svinjama, porodilište i prostorije sa malim prasićima) u Omoljici po standardnoj EPPO metodi. Prihvatljivost i efikasnost RB formulisanih mekih mamaka (u obliku paste u kesicama mase 10-20 g) sa 0,005% bromadiolona i 0,005% brodifakuma kao aktivne supstance su testirani za suzbijanje kućnog miša i sivog pacova. Kao standard koristili smo mamke u obliku peleta. Mamci su postavljani u specijalne kutije. Brojnost glodara izračunata je na osnovu najveće i najmanje količine pojedenog mamka podeljeno sa dnevnom količinom potrebne hrane, a primenjen je metod cenzusa pre i posle tretmana. Prisustvo glodara praćeno je i 30 dana posle tretmana. Prihvatljivost i efikasnost testirane RB (meki mamak) i standardne formulacije izračunata je prema Abott-ovoj i Handers-Tiltonovoj formuli. Rezultati su pokazali da je postignuta veoma visoka prihvatljivost testirane RB formulacije naročito za mamke na bazi brodifakuma kao aktivne supstance. Efikasnost svih testiranih preparata na bazi bromadiolona bila je izuzetno visoka, 81,81 do 100 %, a za preparat na bazi brodifakuma iznosila je 100 % i za Rattus norvegicus i za Mus musculus

    Comparative analysis of characteristics of passenger car tires in Serbia

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    U radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja stanja i karakteristika pneumatika koji se voze u Srbiji. Prikupljeni su podaci o pohabanosti dezena, dimenzijama, starosti, marki, tipu više od 700 pneumatika kao i podaci o vozilima na kojima su montirani. Osnovni zaključak je da je stanje pneumatika dobro, odnosno znatno bolje nego što je sanje voznog parka u Srbiji. Prosečna izmerena dubina šare protektora bila je oko 5 mm, a prosečna starost kontrolisanih pneumatika oko 3 godine. Značajan deo pregledanih vozila bio je opremljen zimskim pneumaticima. Prva istraživanja (Beograd, novembar 2009) o korišćenju zimskih dala su dobre rezultate sa oko 25% automobila opremljenih sa takvim gumama. Tokom drugog istraživanja (Beograd, juli 2010) uočen je pad od oko 5%. U Užicu, gde su sprovedena istraživanja u novembru 2010 godine utvrđeno je da se taj procenat popeo na 50%. Struktura i starost voznog parka u Srbiji su ocenjeni kao nezadovoljavajući. Sa sadašnjim stepenom obnove voznog parka, takvo stanje će se veoma polako menjati na bolje što će uticati i na strukturu i karakteristike pneumatika koje će vozači u Srbiji kupovati u narednim godinama.The paper presents the results of the condition and characteristics of tires that are in use in Serbia. Data on wear patterns, sizes, ages, brand, type, more than 700 tire and vehicle information to which they are mounted. Data about tread depth, dimensions, tire age, brand and type of more then 700 tested tires were gathered, as well as information about vehicles to which they are mounted on. Primary conclusion on tire condition is positive, notably better then than the Serbian vehicle fleet condition. Average age of tires was around three years and measured tread depth about 5 mm. A significant part of the examined vehicles was equipped with winter tires. First survey (Belgrade, November 2009) for winter tire usage had good showings with around 25% cars equipped with such tires. During the second survey (Belgrade, July 2010) decline of about 5% was found. In Užice, where survey was conducted in November of 2010 it was found that the percentage of winter tires increased up to 50%. Structure and age of the passenger cars fleet in Serbia have been assessed as unsatisfactory. With the current level of fleet renewal such a situation will be very slowly changing for the better and that will affect both the structure and characteristics of tires that will be bought in Serbia in the coming years. With the current level of renewal of the fleet, such situation will be very slowly changed for the better that will affect the structure and characteristics of tires that that will be purchased in the coming years in Serbia

    Comparative analysis of characteristics of passenger car tires in Serbia

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    U radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja stanja i karakteristika pneumatika koji se voze u Srbiji. Prikupljeni su podaci o pohabanosti dezena, dimenzijama, starosti, marki, tipu više od 700 pneumatika kao i podaci o vozilima na kojima su montirani. Osnovni zaključak je da je stanje pneumatika dobro, odnosno znatno bolje nego što je sanje voznog parka u Srbiji. Prosečna izmerena dubina šare protektora bila je oko 5 mm, a prosečna starost kontrolisanih pneumatika oko 3 godine. Značajan deo pregledanih vozila bio je opremljen zimskim pneumaticima. Prva istraživanja (Beograd, novembar 2009) o korišćenju zimskih dala su dobre rezultate sa oko 25% automobila opremljenih sa takvim gumama. Tokom drugog istraživanja (Beograd, juli 2010) uočen je pad od oko 5%. U Užicu, gde su sprovedena istraživanja u novembru 2010 godine utvrđeno je da se taj procenat popeo na 50%. Struktura i starost voznog parka u Srbiji su ocenjeni kao nezadovoljavajući. Sa sadašnjim stepenom obnove voznog parka, takvo stanje će se veoma polako menjati na bolje što će uticati i na strukturu i karakteristike pneumatika koje će vozači u Srbiji kupovati u narednim godinama.The paper presents the results of the condition and characteristics of tires that are in use in Serbia. Data on wear patterns, sizes, ages, brand, type, more than 700 tire and vehicle information to which they are mounted. Data about tread depth, dimensions, tire age, brand and type of more then 700 tested tires were gathered, as well as information about vehicles to which they are mounted on. Primary conclusion on tire condition is positive, notably better then than the Serbian vehicle fleet condition. Average age of tires was around three years and measured tread depth about 5 mm. A significant part of the examined vehicles was equipped with winter tires. First survey (Belgrade, November 2009) for winter tire usage had good showings with around 25% cars equipped with such tires. During the second survey (Belgrade, July 2010) decline of about 5% was found. In Užice, where survey was conducted in November of 2010 it was found that the percentage of winter tires increased up to 50%. Structure and age of the passenger cars fleet in Serbia have been assessed as unsatisfactory. With the current level of fleet renewal such a situation will be very slowly changing for the better and that will affect both the structure and characteristics of tires that will be bought in Serbia in the coming years. With the current level of renewal of the fleet, such situation will be very slowly changed for the better that will affect the structure and characteristics of tires that that will be purchased in the coming years in Serbia

    Sinteza kristalnih vanadijum-oksidnih keramićkih glazura

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    The crystalline phase is the dominant phase in the ceramic body with a small amount of glassy phase. The preparation of ceramic glazes with characteristics similar to glass-ceramics can be performed by controlling the raw glaze composition and nucleating agent. The choice of appropriate nucleating agents that dominate bulk crystallization can be essential. Among multiple nucleating agents such as zirconia, titania, metallic molybdenum, and wolfram particles investigation of the influence of vanadium compound was not well studied on aluminum-silicate glass-ceramics. Metal such as vanadium forms oxides in an oxidation atmosphere at lower temperatures compared to metallic molybdenum and wolfram helping elucidate the effect of oxide on the crystallization behavior. Controlling the microstructure of glass-ceramic by processing parameters further control mechanical and optical properties. The addition of vanadium–pentoxide promotes the formation of entangled flower-like crystals on the porcelain ceramic body in combination with different commercial high-temperature glazes. Red and dark red colorations due to the presence of V5+ were obtained for aluminosilicate glass with a V2O5 content in the 5-10 mass % range. A pronounced spread of crystals beyond the glazed surface is observed on densely sintered stoneware and porcelain, which enables the formation of a decorative effect using simple application techniques.Kristalna faza predstavlja dominantnu fazu porcelana i kamenine sa malim udelom staklaste faze. Priprema keramičkih glazura sa karakteristikama sličnim staklo-keramici može se vršiti kontrolisanjem sastava sirove glazure i sredstva za nukleaciju. Izbor odgovarajućih agenasa ima značajan uticaj na odvijanje procesa nukleacije. Za razliku od najčešće korišćenih nukleatora, kao što je cirkonijum, titanijum, metalni molibden i čestice volframa, ispitivanje uticaja jedinjenja vanadijuma nije dovoljno istraženo u formiranju aluminijum-silikatne staklo-keramike. Metal kao što je vanadijum formira okside u oksidacionoj atmosferi na nižim temperaturama u poređenju sa metalnim molibdenom i volframom, što omogućava proučavanje uticaja oksida na proces kristalizacije. Kontrolisanjem mikrostrukture staklo-keramike kontrolom procesnih parametara moguće je dobiti staklo-keramiku željenih mehaničkih i optičkih svojstava. Dodatak vanadijum-pentoksida promoviše formiranje umrežanih igličastih kristala nalik cvetu na porcelanskoj masi u kombinaciji sa različitim komercijalnim visokotemperaturnim glazurama. Crvena i tamnocrvena boja, uzrokovana prisustvom V5+ dobijena je u alumo-silikatnoj fazi pri koncentraciji V2O5 u opsegu od 5-10 masenih %. Na gusto sinterovanoj kamenini i porcelanu primećen je izraženi rast kristala izvan glazirane površine, što omogućava stvaranje dekorativnog efekta korišćenjem jednostavnih tehnika nanošenja