3,431 research outputs found

    The cuticle

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    The nematode cuticle is an extremely flexible and resilient exoskeleton that permits locomotion via attachment to muscle, confers environmental protection and allows growth by molting. It is synthesised five times, once in the embryo and subsequently at the end of each larval stage prior to molting. It is a highly structured extra-cellular matrix (ECM), composed predominantly of cross-linked collagens, additional insoluble proteins termed cuticlins, associated glycoproteins and lipids. The cuticle collagens are encoded by a large gene family that are subject to strict patterns of temporal regulation. Cuticle collagen biosynthesis involves numerous co- and post-translational modification, processing, secretion and cross-linking steps that in turn are catalysed by specific enzymes and chaperones. Mutations in individual collagen genes and their biosynthetic pathway components can result in a range of defects from abnormal morphology (dumpy and blister) to embryonic and larval death, confirming an essential role for this structure and highlighting its potential as an ECM experimental model system

    Mid-J CO Shock Tracing Observations of Infrared Dark Clouds I

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    Infrared dark clouds (IRDCs) are dense, molecular structures in the interstellar medium that can harbour sites of high-mass star formation. IRDCs contain supersonic turbulence, which is expected to generate shocks that locally heat pockets of gas within the clouds. We present observations of the CO J = 8-7, 9-8, and 10-9 transitions, taken with the Herschel Space Observatory, towards four dense, starless clumps within IRDCs (C1 in G028.37+00.07, F1 and F2 in G034.43+0007, and G2 in G034.77-0.55). We detect the CO J = 8-7 and 9-8 transitions towards three of the clumps (C1, F1, and F2) at intensity levels greater than expected from photodissociation region (PDR) models. The average ratio of the 8-7 to 9-8 lines is also found to be between 1.6 and 2.6 in the three clumps with detections, significantly smaller than expected from PDR models. These low line ratios and large line intensities strongly suggest that the C1, F1, and F2 clumps contain a hot gas component not accounted for by standard PDR models. Such a hot gas component could be generated by turbulence dissipating in low velocity shocks.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 5 tables, accepted by A&A, minor updates to match the final published versio

    Timing attack detection on BACnet via a machine learning approach

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    Building Automation Systems (BAS), alternatively known as Building Management Systems (BMS), which centralise the management of building services, are often connected to corporate networks and are routinely accessed remotely for operational management and emergency purposes. The protocols used in BAS, in particular BACnet, were not designed with security as a primary requirement, thus the majority of systems operate with sub-standard or non-existent security implementations. As intrusion is thus likely easy to achieve, intrusion detection systems should be put in place to ensure they can be detected and mitigated. Existing intrusion detection systems typically deal only with known threats (signature-based approaches) or suffer from a high false positive rate (anomaly-based approaches). In this paper we present an overview of the problem space with respect to BAS, and suggest that state aware machine learning techniques could be used to discover threats that comprise a collection of legitimate commands. We provide a first step showing that the concept can be used to detect an attack where legitimate write commands being sent in rapid succession may cause system failure. We capture the state as a ‘time since last write’ event and use a basic artificial neural network classifier to detect attacks

    High-Dimensional Inference with the generalized Hopfield Model: Principal Component Analysis and Corrections

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    We consider the problem of inferring the interactions between a set of N binary variables from the knowledge of their frequencies and pairwise correlations. The inference framework is based on the Hopfield model, a special case of the Ising model where the interaction matrix is defined through a set of patterns in the variable space, and is of rank much smaller than N. We show that Maximum Lik elihood inference is deeply related to Principal Component Analysis when the amp litude of the pattern components, xi, is negligible compared to N^1/2. Using techniques from statistical mechanics, we calculate the corrections to the patterns to the first order in xi/N^1/2. We stress that it is important to generalize the Hopfield model and include both attractive and repulsive patterns, to correctly infer networks with sparse and strong interactions. We present a simple geometrical criterion to decide how many attractive and repulsive patterns should be considered as a function of the sampling noise. We moreover discuss how many sampled configurations are required for a good inference, as a function of the system size, N and of the amplitude, xi. The inference approach is illustrated on synthetic and biological data.Comment: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (2011) to appea

    From Random Matrices to Stochastic Operators

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    We propose that classical random matrix models are properly viewed as finite difference schemes for stochastic differential operators. Three particular stochastic operators commonly arise, each associated with a familiar class of local eigenvalue behavior. The stochastic Airy operator displays soft edge behavior, associated with the Airy kernel. The stochastic Bessel operator displays hard edge behavior, associated with the Bessel kernel. The article concludes with suggestions for a stochastic sine operator, which would display bulk behavior, associated with the sine kernel.Comment: 41 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Journal of Statistical Physics. Changes in this revision: recomputed Monte Carlo simulations, added reference [19], fit into margins, performed minor editin

    Emergence of fractal behavior in condensation-driven aggregation

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    We investigate a model in which an ensemble of chemically identical Brownian particles are continuously growing by condensation and at the same time undergo irreversible aggregation whenever two particles come into contact upon collision. We solved the model exactly by using scaling theory for the case whereby a particle, say of size xx, grows by an amount αx\alpha x over the time it takes to collide with another particle of any size. It is shown that the particle size spectra of such system exhibit transition to dynamic scaling c(x,t)∼t−βϕ(x/tz)c(x,t)\sim t^{-\beta}\phi(x/t^z) accompanied by the emergence of fractal of dimension df=11+2αd_f={{1}\over{1+2\alpha}}. One of the remarkable feature of this model is that it is governed by a non-trivial conservation law, namely, the dfthd_f^{th} moment of c(x,t)c(x,t) is time invariant regardless of the choice of the initial conditions. The reason why it remains conserved is explained by using a simple dimensional analysis. We show that the scaling exponents β\beta and zz are locked with the fractal dimension dfd_f via a generalized scaling relation β=(1+df)z\beta=(1+d_f)z.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Conceptual design of a nonscaling fixed field alternating gradient accelerator for protons and carbon ions for charged particle therapy

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    Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI.The conceptual design for a nonscaling fixed field alternating gradient accelerator suitable for charged particle therapy (the use of protons and other light ions to treat some forms of cancer) is described.EPSR

    Clonal interference and Muller's ratchet in spatial habitats

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    Competition between independently arising beneficial mutations is enhanced in spatial populations due to the linear rather than exponential growth of clones. Recent theoretical studies have pointed out that the resulting fitness dynamics is analogous to a surface growth process, where new layers nucleate and spread stochastically, leading to the build up of scale-invariant roughness. This scenario differs qualitatively from the standard view of adaptation in that the speed of adaptation becomes independent of population size while the fitness variance does not. Here we exploit recent progress in the understanding of surface growth processes to obtain precise predictions for the universal, non-Gaussian shape of the fitness distribution for one-dimensional habitats, which are verified by simulations. When the mutations are deleterious rather than beneficial the problem becomes a spatial version of Muller's ratchet. In contrast to the case of well-mixed populations, the rate of fitness decline remains finite even in the limit of an infinite habitat, provided the ratio Ud/s2U_d/s^2 between the deleterious mutation rate and the square of the (negative) selection coefficient is sufficiently large. Using again an analogy to surface growth models we show that the transition between the stationary and the moving state of the ratchet is governed by directed percolation

    A Critique of Current Magnetic-Accretion Models for Classical T-Tauri Stars

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    Current magnetic-accretion models for classical T-Tauri stars rely on a strong, dipolar magnetic field of stellar origin to funnel the disk material onto the star, and assume a steady-state. In this paper, I critically examine the physical basis of these models in light of the observational evidence and our knowledge of magnetic fields in low-mass stars, and find it lacking. I also argue that magnetic accretion onto these stars is inherently a time-dependent problem, and that a steady-state is not warranted. Finally, directions for future work towards fully-consistent models are pointed out.Comment: 2 figure
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