1,589 research outputs found

    Space and biotechnology: An industry profile

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    The results of a study conducted by the Center for Space and Advanced Technology (CSAT) for NASA-JSC are presented. The objectives were to determine the interests and attitudes of the U.S. biotechnology industry toward space biotechnology and to prepare a concise review of the current activities of the biotechnology industry. In order to accomplish these objectives, two primary actions were taken. First, a questionnaire was designed, reviewed, and distributed to U.S. biotechnology companies. Second, reviews of the various biotechnology fields were prepared in several aspects of the industry. For each review, leading figures in the field were asked to prepare a brief review pointing out key trends and current industry technical problems. The result is a readable narrative of the biotechnology industry which will provide space scientists and engineers valuable clues as to where the space environment can be explored to advance the U.S. biotechnology industry

    Competitive Interference and Twentieth Century Diplomacy

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    Flooding of December 29, 1984 Through January 2, 1985, in Northern New York State, With Flood Profiles of the Black and Salmon Rivers

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    Precipitation, snowmelt, and resultant flooding throughout northern New York from December 28 through January 2, 1985, were investigated through a detailed analysis of 56 precipitation stations, 101 stage and/or discharge gaging stations, and 9 miscellaneous measurement sites. Flood damage to property and roads and bridges exceeded $5 million. Lewis and Oswego Counties were declared Federal disaster areas, primarily a result of flooding of the Black River and Salmon River. Storm-precipitation and runoff maps show the storms \u27 greatest intensity to have been over the Tug Hill and southwest Adirondack areas. Total rainfall from December 28 through January 2 was 6.90 inches at Stillwater Reservoir but only 0.69 inches at Lake Placid. New peak discharges of record occurred at 17 gaging stations throughout northern New York, and the maximum discharge at 17 sites had recurrence intervals equal to or greater than 100 years. Computed inflows to 11 major lakes and reservoirs in northern New York indicate that significant volumes of water (as much as 5 inches of storm runoff at Stillwater Reservoir) were stored during the storm-runoff period. Maximum 1-day flood volumes at two gaging stations on the Black River had recurrence intervals greater than 100 years. To help evaluate the extent of flooding, 67 floodmarks were obtained along a 94-mile reach of the Black River from Dexter to Forestport, and several floodmarks were surveyed within major communities along the Salmon River. The floodmarks were obtained primarily near major bridges and dams along these rivers. (Author \u27s abstract

    Optical Spectra of Candidate Southern Hemisphere International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) Radio Sources

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    We present the results of spectroscopic observations of the optical counterparts of 47 southern radio sources from the candidate International Celestial Reference Catalogue as part of a very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) program to strengthen the celestial reference frame, especially in the south. We made the observations with the 3.58 m European Southern Observatory New Technology Telescope. We obtained redshifts for 30 quasars and one radio galaxy, with a further seven objects being probable BL Lac objects with featureless spectra. Of the remainder, four were clear misidentifications with Galactic stars and five had low signal-to-noise spectra and could not be classified. These results, in combination with new VLBI data of the radio sources with redshifts more than 2, add significantly to the existing data needed to refine the distribution of source proper motions over the celestial sphere

    Using microtechnology to quantify torso angle during match-play in field hockey

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    Warman, GE, Cole, MH, Johnston, RD, Chalkley, D, and Pepping, GJ. Using microtechnology to quantify torso angle during match-play in field hockey. J Strength Cond Res 33(10): 2648–2654, 2019—Field hockey is played in a dynamic environment placing specific postural demands on athletes. Little research has been devoted to understanding the nature of a player's torso postures in field hockey match-play and its relationship with the perceptuomotor demands of the sport. We used commercially available microtechnology worn by 16 athletes during a 6-match national tournament to quantify torso flexion/extension angles. Orientation was derived using the inertial and magnetic sensors housed within global positioning system devices, assessing torso angle in the sagittal plane from 91 individual match files. The main independent variable was playing position, whereas the dependent variable was torso flexion/extension, presented as a percentage of playing time spent in 15 × 10° torso postural bands ranging from ≥40° extension to ≥90° flexion. It was shown that athletes spent 89.26% of their playing time in various torso postures, ranging from 20 to 90° of flexion. Defenders spent more time than midfielders (p = 0.004, effect size [ES] = 0.43) and strikers (p = 0.004; ES = 0.44) in the posture band of 10–20° torso flexion, whereas midfielders spent more time between 20 and 30° of torso flexion (p = 0.05; ES = 0.32) than strikers. Conversely, strikers spent more time between 30 and 40° of flexion than defenders (p < 0.001; ES = 0.74). These results reflect the sport-specific and role-specific torso angles adopted by field hockey athletes during match-play. Coaching staff can use these data to gain insight into the postural demands of their sport and inform the preparation of athletes for the perception-action demands of competition

    The Complex Wind Torus and Jets of PSR B1706-44

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    We report on Chandra ACIS imaging of the pulsar wind nebula (PWN) of the young Vela-like PSR B1706-44, which shows the now common pattern of an equatorial wind and polar jets. The structure is particularly rich, showing a relativistically boosted termination shock, jets with strong confinement, a surrounding radio/X-ray PWN and evidence for a quasi-static `bubble nebula'. The structures trace the pulsar spin geometry and illuminate its possible relation to SNR G343.1-2.3. We also obtain improved estimates of the pulsar flux and nebular spectrum, constraining the system age and energetics.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal. 15pp, 4 figures in 7 file

    The influence of contextual factors on running performance in female Australian football match-play

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    The influence of contextual factors on running performance in female Australian football match-play. J Strength Cond Res 33(9): 2488–2495, 2019—Given the recent growth of the professional status among multiple female football codes, the aim of this study is to investigate the effects of contextual factors on activity profiles and pacing strategies in female Australian football (AF) players. Thirty-five female AF players participated in this study. Global positioning system analysis was completed over 1 competitive season. Matches were separated into eight 10-minute periods. Greater distances were covered during the first half irrespective of playing position (effect size [ES] = 0.39–0.50, Likelihood ≥90%). Throughout a number of periods half-backs (defensive players) covered greater distances during losses (ES ≥ 0.74, Likelihood ≥92%) and against top 3 opponents (ES ≥ 1.0, Likelihood ≥97%). Midfielders and half-backs covered greater distances (ES ≥ 0.49, Likelihood ≥89%) in the final match period in winning compared with losing matches. A reduction in player work rate is evident during the second half of matches. The influence of contextual factors varied across positional groups. However, it is clear that coaches could use player rotation both early in the match in an attempt to delay the effect of fatigue and more frequently during the second half to increase running intensity

    Helicopter tail rotor thrust and main rotor wake coupling in crosswind flight

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    The tail rotor of a helicopter with a single main rotor configuration can experience a significant reduction in thrust when the aircraft operates in crosswind flight. Brown’s vorticity transport model has been used to simulate a main rotor and tail rotor system translating at a sideslip angle that causes the tail rotor to interact with the main rotor tip vortices as they propagate downstream at the lateral extremities of the wake. The tail rotor is shown to exhibit a distinct directionally dependent mode during which tail rotors that are configured so that the blades travel forward at the top of the disk develop less thrust than tail rotors with the reverse sense of rotation. The range of flight speeds over which this mode exists is shown to vary considerably with the vertical location of the tail rotor. At low flight speeds, the directionally dependent mode occurs because the tail rotor is immersed within not only the downwash from the main rotor but also the rotational flow associated with clusters of largely disorganized vorticity within the main rotor wake. At higher flight speeds, however, the tail rotor is immersed within a coherent supervortex that strongly influences the velocity field surrounding the tail rotor

    Enhancing arsenic mitigation in Bangladesh: Findings from institutional, psychological, and technical investigations

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    As part of a trans-disciplinary research project, a series of surveys and interventions were conducted in different arsenic-affected regions of rural Bangladesh. Surveys of institutional stakeholders identified deep tubewells and piped water systems as the most preferred options, and the same preferences were found in household surveys of populations at risk. Psychological surveys revealed that these two technologies were well-supported by potential users, with self-efficacy and social norms being the principal factors driving behavior change. The principal drawbacks of deep tubewells are that installation costs are too high for most families to own private wells, and that for various socio-cultural-religious reasons, people are not willing to walk long distances to access communal tubewells. In addition, water sector planners have reservations about greater exploitation of the deep aquifer, out of concern for current or future geogenic contamination. Groundwater models and field studies have shown that in the great majority of the affected areas, the risk of arsenic contamination of deep groundwater is small; salinity, iron, and manganese are more likely to pose problems. These constituents can in some cases be avoided by exploiting an intermediate depth aquifer of good chemical quality, which is hydraulically and geochemically separate from the arsenic-contaminated shallow aquifer. Deep tubewells represent a technically sound option throughout much of the arsenic-affected regions, and future mitigation programs should build on and accelerate construction of deep tubewells. Utilization of deep tubewells, however, could be improved by increasing the tubewell density (which requires stronger financial support) to reduce travel times, by considering water quality in a holistic way, and by accompanying tubewell installation with motivational interventions based on psychological factors. By combining findings from technical and social sciences, the efficiency and success of arsenic mitigation in general - and installation of deep tubewells in particular - can be significantly enhanced

    Observability of pulsar beam bending by the Sgr~A* black hole

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    According to some models, there may be a significant population of radio pulsars in the Galactic center. In principle, a beam from one of these pulsars could pass close to the supermassive black hole (SMBH) at the center, be deflected, and be detected by Earth telescopes. Such a configuration would be an unprecedented probe of the properties of spacetime in the moderate- to strong-field regime of the SMBH. We present here background on the problem, and approximations for the probability of detection of such beams. We conclude that detection is marginally probable with current telescopes, but that telescopes that will be operating in the near future, with an appropriate multiyear observational program, will have a good chance of detecting a beam deflected by the SMBH.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figure