2,643 research outputs found

    What Constitutes 'Discrimination' in Everyday Talk? Argumentative Lines and the Social Representations of Discrimination

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    Most people agree that discrimination is wrong, but the boundary between 'discrimination' and 'not discrimination' is often highly contested in everyday practice. We explore the social representations of 'discrimination' as an object of study in qualitative interviews and focus groups with both minority (self-identified as BAME and/ or gay men) and majority (self-identified as white and/ or heterosexual) participants (n= 54). Our analysis suggests three repeated and pervasive argumentative lines in social representations of discrimination; (1) that there are two distinct kinds of discrimination (hard versus soft), (2) that you need to understand the intention of the actor(s), and (3) that a claim of discrimination requires strong evidence. We outline the macro Functions of these resources to argue that each was non-performative: they appeared to be tools to make claims of discrimination, but in practice they were much more effective at making claims of what was not discrimination

    Study of the Effects of Silver Ions and Silver Nanoparticles on Embryonic Development

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    This dissertation focuses on the study of the toxicity of metal nanoparticles (NPs) and their ions on the development of zebrafish embryos, aiming to understand unique biological effects of NPs and ions, and design new in vivo assays to characterize the toxicity of these metal NPs and metal ions. Currently, the underlying molecular mechanisms of biological effects of nanomaterials are partially understood. Some studies assume that the toxic effects of NPs can be attributed to the release of their ions. We investigate the effects of silver NPs (Ag NPs) and silver ions (Ag+ ions) on the embryonic development of zebrafish and compare both of their biocompatibility and toxicity. By statistically comparing the distributions of normal, deformed, and dead embryos, we conclude that the Ag+ ions cause deformities and death of developing embryos in a concentration dependent manner, where the critical concentration of the Ag+ ion is 0.20 µM for chronic exposure and varies in a stage-dependent manner in acute exposures during specific developmental stages. Exposure to Ag+ ions influences specific types of defects in development, which are far less drastic than those caused by the purified Ag NPs with the same amount of Ag atom. Thus, we can conclude that toxicity of Ag NPs on embryonic development is not due to the release of Ag+ ions, but rather their own unique physicochemical properties. We also synthesized and purified spherical Ag NPs (42 nm in diameter) that are stable (non-aggregated) in egg water media. We examined the biocompatibility and toxicity of single Ag NPs in vivo at specific stages of development and the defects associated with treatment at those specific developmental stages. We then developed new imaging approaches to characterize single Ag NPs as they interact with key brain biomarkers that are significant for neurological development in zebrafish embryos. More specifically, we exposed Tg(pax2a:GFP) zebrafish embryos to various concentrations of the Ag NPs, and studied the effects of Ag NPs on the expression of the pax2a gene during treatment using fluorescent microscopy. Sublethal concentrations of the Ag NPs (0.00, 0.50, 1.00, 2.00, and 5.00 pM) resulted in a phenotypical dependent effect on embryonic development. However, we did not observe a significant decrease in expression of pax2a:GFP when exposing developing embryos to the Ag NPs. We did, however, observe that a higher dose of the Ag NPs led to severe deformities. We have further demonstrated the effects of Ag NPs on cardiac response. We found a decrease in heart-rate of both normal and deformed zebrafish, as the developing embryos were exposed to the Ag NPs. Our study also shows the dose-dependent effects of Ag NPs on eye development, where higher concentrations of Ag NPs leads to microphthalmia in developing embryos. We further studied the accumulation of Ag NPs in treated embryos. We found that each embryo accumulated a significant amount of Ag NPs in a dose dependent manner, which explains why some embryos developed normally, abnormally or resulted in embryonic death during treatment. In summary, this study demonstrates that developing zebrafish embryos can serve as effective in vivo model organism to study biocompatibility and toxicity of nanomaterials and metal ions, and can potentially lead to better design of applications to study developmental biology

    I Life and works of Emily Dickinson II Life and works of Elinor Wylie III Contrast and similarity in their works

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University, 1936. This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    Practices in teaching transcription in the public secondary schools of Connecticut.

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston Universit

    Skillsets of Traditionally and Alternatively Certified Beginning Teachers in the State of Georgia

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    This study examined the perceptions held by beginning Georgia Teacher Alternative Preparation Program (GA TAPP) teachers, beginning traditionally certified teachers, and their school administrators from three high schools in the Northeast Regional Education Service Agency (RESA) district in the state of Georgia during the 2007-2008 school year. The study sought to identify specific skills and common characteristics of beginning teachers from GA TAPP and traditionally certified teachers that may contribute to beginning teachers performance in the classroom setting. A face-to-face interview was conducted with three beginning teachers from the GA TAPP program, three beginning teachers from the traditionally certified programs, and four school administrators from three different high schools in the Northeast RESA district. The data for this study were collected using a self-generated questionnaire for interviewees developed from several components of the Danielsons Framework for Teaching (1996). This study generated ten case studies to compare responses relating to skills, experiences, and common characteristics of beginning teachers from alternatively and traditionally certified programs. Data were organized, analyzed, and transcribed into emerging themes and patterns to produce the written research. Study results indicated that beginning teachers\u27 skillsets, characteristics, and the school context affect the performance of classroom teachers whether they are from the alternatively certified program or traditionally certified programs. The researcher also discovered that there are more similarities than differences in the skills and characteristics found among beginning teachers from the alternatively certified program and the traditionally certified program. Each beginning teacher brings to the teaching profession their motivation, previous experiences or lack of experience, knowledge, and aspirations for a long-term career in education. It becomes equally important to provide beginning teachers with the resources, professional development opportunities, and support from mentors, school and district administrators, and policy makers to help strengthen those skills and address the weaknesses to create more effective teachers in our nations classrooms

    The History of Nursing in Arkansas

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    This paper tells very briefly the history of nursing in Arkansas. Because a thorough investigation of the history of nursing would require a longer period of time, I have chosen the most striking events pertaining to the subject. The information in this paper was taken from unpublished manuscripts, mostly minutes from meetings of various organizations, in the possession of Miss Linnie Beauchamp, R.N., who is currently compiling the information for a book. I am greatly indebted to her for the time and help she has given to me

    John Calvin\u27s Eucharistic Doctrine

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    The Reformation Era witnessed heated debates over the doctrine of the Eucharist. This doctrine was a marvelously convenient focal point for the arguments of the theologians because it embodied doctrinal, ecclesiological, pastoral, as well as ceremonial questions. Thus, many of the basic differences among the reformers and between them and the Roman Catholic Church could be expressed in the forum of the Eucharistic debates. A study of Calvin\u27s Eucharistic doctrine, then, affords the student the opportunity of exploring not only the content of one of Calvin\u27 s basic teachings but also provides a means of understanding many features of Calvin\u27s theology against the backdrop of other, contemporary doctrines. This paper will, therefore, begin with a general survey of the non-Calvinist Eucharistic doctrines of the Reformation and proceed to a discussion of Calvin\u27s doctrine, exploring at the same time the points where these doctrines crossed paths with Calvin\u27s thought and contrasting the topics and approaches over which they differed. Calyin is not of interest solely as a means of gaining perspective on the Reformation, however. His thought, in itself, and the interpretations it has inspired are of equal interest. Having established the interconnections of Calvin\u27s doctrine of the Eucharist with the other positions on the subject, we will be able to address two interpretations of Calvin\u27s Eucharistic doctrine specifically that lend themselves nicely to the background we have covered. Those two can be labelled polemic and ecumenical Each has to do with understanding the origins, motivations, colorations, and atmosphere of the development of Calvin\u27s doctrine. One position suggests that Calvin\u27s doctrine of the Lord Supper, formed in a time of heated polemics, is an obvious product of the controversies. The ecumenical position suggests that Calvin was aware that his doctrine occupied a middle position theologically and that he considered it a useful tool in his efforts for uniting the fragmenting Protestant sects

    Service Learning: A Vision for Change and Youth Empowerment

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    Service Learning: A Vision for Change and Youth Empowerment examines the theoretical and practical framework of service-learning in a curricular setting. Service-learning is both a method and a philosophy of education. This position paper provides teachers and students with the conceptual framework and practical knowledge to implement successful school based service-learning programs that emphasize youth empowerment, democratic process, consensus building, critical reflection, and community collaboration. Key topics included are: definition, philosophy, essential elements, and practical strategies to apply service-learning methodology

    Should we turn the tent? Inuit women and climate change

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    Most of the climate change literature for Arctic Canada in the social sciences has focused on men’s knowledge and experiences. Drawing on research from Qikiqtarjuaq and Clyde River, Nunavut, we explore Inuit women’s perspectives on recent environmental changes, many of which are often attributed to climate change by Inuit or others. We divide issues resulting from environmental change into primary and secondary effects. Primary effects are changes in environmental features that affect, for example, hunting, fishing, and travelling. Secondary effects occur in the community as a result of environmental change. These include changes in the use and condition of country products like seal skins, and the psychological and social impact of environmental changes, such as going out on the land less often due to fear of dangerous conditions. We also offer a preliminary discussion on women’s role in responses to climate change, through their often dominant economic and political roles in their communities, the territory, and various wider global governance fora. Our research indicates that gender helps shape Inuit knowledge of environmental change, as well as social responses to perceptions of change. By examining women’s perceptions of environmental change, we draw attention to the social aspects and also highlight how women can contribute to adaptation, not only to physical changes but also to the resulting social changes.La majeure partie des publications en sciences sociales sur le changement climatique dans l’Arctique canadien a mis l’accent sur les connaissances et les expériences des hommes. En nous appuyant sur des recherches faites à Qikiqtarjuaq et Clyde River, au Nunavut, nous explorons les perspectives des femmes inuit sur les récents changements environnementaux, dont plusieurs sont souvent attribués aux changements climatiques par les Inuit ou d'autres personnes. Nous séparons les enjeux résultant des changements environnementaux en effets primaires et secondaires. Les effets primaires sont des changements environnementaux qui touchent, par exemple, la chasse, la pêche et les voyages. Les effets secondaires se produisent dans la communauté à la suite des changements environnementaux. Ces derniers sont notamment des changements dans l'utilisation et l’état des produits dérivés de la chasse, comme les peaux de phoque, et l’impact psychologique et social des changements environnementaux, notamment la diminution des sorties en dehors de la communauté en raison de la crainte de conditions dangereuses. Nous offrons également une discussion préliminaire sur le rôle des femmes dans les réponses au changement climatique, à travers leurs rôles économiques et politiques souvent dominants dans leurs communautés, sur le territoire, et par le biais de divers forums de gouvernance mondiale. Nos recherches indiquent que le sexe des individus joue un rôle dans l’élaboration des connaissances des Inuit sur les changements environnementaux, ainsi que dans les réponses sociales à la perception du changement. L’examen des perceptions des femmes sur les changements environnementaux a attiré notre attention sur les aspects sociaux de cet enjeu et met également en évidence comment les femmes peuvent contribuer à l’adaptation, non seulement à des changements physiques, mais aussi aux changements sociaux qui en découlent