26 research outputs found

    Transcriptional Activation of the Cholesterol 7α-Hydroxylase Gene (CYP7A) by Nuclear Hormone Receptors

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    The gene encoding cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase (CYP7A), the rate-limiting enzyme in bile acid synthesis, is transcriptionally regulated by bile acids and hormones. Previously, we have identified two bile acid response elements (BARE) in the promoter of the CYP7A gene. The BARE II is located in nt - 149/-118 region and contains three hormone response element (HRE)-like sequences that form two overlapping nuclear receptor binding sites. One is a direct repeat separated by one nucleotide DR1 (-146-TGGACTtAGTTCA-134) and the other is a direct repeat separated by five nucleotides DR5 (-139- AGTTCAaggccGGGTAA-123). Mutagenesis of these HRE sequences resulted in lower transcriptional activity of the CYP7A promoter/reporter genes in transient transfection assay in HepG2 cells. The orphan nuclear receptor, hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 (HNF-4)1, binds to the DR1 sequence as assessed by electrophoretic mobility shift assay, and activates the CYP7A promoter/reporter activity by about 9-fold. Cotransfection of HNF-4 plasmid with another orphan nuclear receptor, chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter- transcription factor II (COUP-TFII), synergistically activated the CYP7A transcription by 80-fold. The DR5 binds the RXR/RAR heterodimer. A hepatocyte nuclear factor-3 (HNF-3) binding site (-175-TGTTTGTTCT-166) was identified. HNF-3 was required for both basal transcriptional activity and stimulation of the rat CYP7A promoter activity by retinoic acid. Combinatorial interactions and binding of these transcription factors to BAREs may modulate the promoter activity and also mediate bile acid repression of CYP7A gene transcription

    The Physics of the B Factories

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    Bile acid metabolism and signaling in liver disease and therapy

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    Bile acids play a critical role in the regulation of glucose, lipid, and energy metabolism through activation of the nuclear bile acid receptor farnesoid X receptor (FXR) and membrane G protein-coupled bile acid receptor-1 (Gpbar-1, aka TGR5). Agonist activation of FXR and TGR5 improves insulin and glucose sensitivity and stimulates energy metabolism to prevent diabetes, obesity, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Bile acids have both pro- and anti-inflammatory actions through FXR and TGR5 in the intestine and liver. In the intestine, bile acids activate FXR and TGR5 to stimulate fibroblast growth factor 15 and glucagon-like peptide-1 secretion. FXR and TGR5 agonists may have therapeutic potential for treating liver-related metabolic diseases, such as diabetes and NAFLD. Keywords: Bile acid metabolism, Cholestatic liver diseases, Metabolic disease

    Short-Term Circadian Disruption Impairs Bile Acid and Lipid Homeostasis in MiceSummary

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    Background & Aims: Bile acids are physiologic detergents that also activate nuclear receptors to regulate glucose and lipid homeostasis. Cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase (Cyp7a1), the rate-limiting enzyme that converts cholesterol to bile acids, is transcriptionally regulated by bile acids and circadian rhythms. Fasting, nutrients, and the circadian clock critically control hepatic bile acid and lipid homeostasis, and circadian misalignment is associated with the metabolic syndrome in humans. To delineate these interactions, we employed a sleep disruption model to induce circadian disruption and examined hepatic metabolism with respect to bile acids, lipids, and clock gene expression. Methods: B6xC57 mice were maintained on chow or Western diet and were sleep disrupted for 6 hours/day for 5 days. Mice were sacrificed at 4-hour intervals over 24 hours. Hepatic metabolic genes were examined, and bile acid pool and lipid profiles were measured over 24 hours. Results: Sleep disruption significantly suppressed circadian expression of core clock genes, genes involved in lipid metabolism, and key regulators of Cyp7a1 as well as Cyp7a1 expression itself. Sleep disruption abolished the peak in serum cholesterol and increased liver and serum free fatty acids. Bile acid pool size was increased while liver bile acids were decreased. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay revealed that hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α (HNF4α) and D-site binding protein (Dbp) occupancies were suppressed at the Cyp7a1 promoter in sleep-disrupted mice. When coupled with Western diet, sleep disruption abolished liver clock rhythms and elevated free fatty acids. Conclusions: Even short-term circadian disruption dramatically alters hepatic clock gene expression, bile acid metabolism, and lipid homeostasis to contribute to dyslipidemia. Keywords: Bile Acid Synthesis, Circadian Rhythm, Lipid Metabolis

    Targeting the Enterohepatic Bile Acid Signaling Induces Hepatic Autophagy via a CYP7A1âAKTâmTOR Axis in MiceSummary

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    Background & Aims: Hepatic cholesterol accumulation and autophagy defects contribute to hepatocyte injury in fatty liver disease. Bile acid synthesis is a major pathway for cholesterol catabolism in the liver. This study aims to understand the molecular link between cholesterol and bile acid metabolism and hepatic autophagy activity. Methods: The effects of cholesterol and cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) expression on autophagy and lysosome function were studied in cell models. The effects and mechanism of disrupting enterohepatic bile acid circulation on hepatic autophagy were studied in mice. Results: The results first showed differential regulation of hepatic autophagy by free cholesterol and cholesterol ester, whereby a modest increase of cellular free cholesterol, but not cholesterol ester, impaired lysosome function and caused marked autolysosome accumulation. We found that CYP7A1 induction, either by cholestyramine feeding in mice or adenovirus-mediated CYP7A1 expression in hepatocytes, caused strong autophagy induction. Mechanistically, we showed that CYP7A1 expression markedly attenuated growth factor/AKT signaling activation of mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR), but not amino acid signaling to mTOR in vitro and in vivo. Metabolomics analysis further found that CYP7A1 induction not only decreased hepatic cholesterol but also altered phospholipid and sphingolipid compositions. Collectively, these results suggest that CYP7A1 induction interferes with growth factor activation of AKT/mTOR signaling possibly by altering membrane lipid composition. Finally, we showed that cholestyramine feeding restored impaired hepatic autophagy and improved metabolic homeostasis in Western dietâfed mice. Conclusions: This study identified a novel CYP7A1âAKTâmTOR signaling axis that selectively induces hepatic autophagy, which helps improve hepatocellular integrity and metabolic homeostasis. Keywords: Cholesterol, Cholestyramine, Fatty Liver, Nuclear Recepto