257 research outputs found

    One Extension Entomologist\u27s Perspective on BT Transgenic Corn

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    The title is very important it is my opinion based on what I now know about Bt corn. I say NOW because this technology is on a very fast track and new information is added almost daily. From a gene deployment and resistance management point of view of Bt corn, there are many, many unknowns. All of us are learning on the go

    Population Suppression of Western Corn Rootworm by Adult Control with ULV Malathion

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    ULV malathion (9.7 oz AI/acre) was applied by air to a 16 square-mile area during August of 1968, 1969, and 1970. Adult Diabrotica virgifera LeConte populations were reduced the following season by 39, 54, and 72%. No economic infestations occurred in the treated area the year following any application. Postspray migration of beetles was very limited, but adult migration during the peak emergence period the following season contributed to repopulation of the treated area. Migration and fecundity appear to be density-dependent factors which favor increases under low populations. Area suppression does not appear economically feasible, but adult control in individual fields may be an acceptable alternative to soil insecticides applied for larval control. A model was developed for timing treatments against adults; treatments between Aug. 1–15 should result in adequate population suppression to prevent damage the following season. Mid-August population levels of 1.0 beetle/ plant were an acceptable economic threshold for determining the need for control measures

    Oil-Soluble Dyes for Marking European Corn Borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)

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    The European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hubner), is a pest of corn throughout the Corn Belt. It also is the target pest of the first commercially available transgenic corn hybrids. These transformed hybrids contain a modified gene from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner that expresses an insecticidal protein (Koziel et al. 1993, Bio!T echnol. 11 : 194-200). The widespread use of these hybrids has fueled the development of resistance management models and protocols

    Field Worker Exposure to Selected Insecticides Applied to Com Via Center-Pivot Irrigation

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    Field workerswere monitored for dermal and respiratory exposure to chlorpyrifos (with and without crop oil), carbaryl, and permethrin at reentry intervals of 2, 4, 8, 24, and 48 h after application. Insecticides were applied to R3 stage corn through an overhead center-pivot irrigation system. Dermal exposure was measured by analyzing 18 gauze pads attached to the clothing of workers to represent human body regions. Hand exposure was determined using cotton gloves. Respiratory exposure was determined using portable air samplers equipped with polyurethane foam plugs to trap ambient insecticide residues. Gas liquid chromatography was used to quantify residues of chlorpyrifos and permethrin in gauze pads, gloves, and foam plugs. Carbaryl residues in pads, gloves, and foam plugs were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography. Highest dermal and respiratory exposures were found at the 2-h reentry interval. Exposures decreased as reentry interval increased. Dermal exposure was primarily confined to the hands. Residues detected by air samplers ranged from 0 to 0.03 μg/liter. Based on the estimated percentages of acute toxic dose (all \u3c0.00038%), the risk of acute toxicity to workers at the intervals studied was low

    Biotechnology and the European Corn Borer: Measuring Historical Farmer Perceptions and Adoption of Transgenic Bt Corn as a Pest Management Strategy

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    A 3-yr, multi-state survey of farmers who had planted transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) corn was conducted to evaluate perceptions of Bt corn performance and its utility as a management option for European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hu¨ bner). A questionnaire was sent to farmers in Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Pennsylvania who had grown Bt corn during the growing seasons of 1996, 1997, or 1998. There were 7,427 usable questionnaires returned with the following response percentages: 1996 (42.1%), 1997 (35.0%), and 1998 (22.6%). Adoption rates, based on percentage of acreage planted to Bt corn, increased dramatically from 1996 (10.5%) to 1998 (40.7%). The states growing the highest percentage of Bt corn were Minnesota, Iowa, and then Nebraska. However, Illinois, was adopting Bt corn at the fastest rate. Historical use of insecticides did not inßuence the adoption of Bt corn. In addition, of those farmers who used insecticides to control European corn borer, the percentage that decreased their use of insecticides nearly doubled from 13.2% (1996) to 26.0% (1998) over this 3-yr period. The primary reason farmers planted Bt corn was to eliminate the yield loss caused by European corn borer. Scouting for European corn borers decreased from 91% (scouting 2.2 times a year) in 1996 to 75% (scouting 1.8 times a year) in 1998. The percentage of farmers not scouting for European corn borers increased from 9.6% (1996) to 25% (1998). Most farmers believed yields of Bt hybrids were either similar to or greater than the yields of non-Bt hybrids. Minnesota farmers perceived the greatest yield advantages. Farmers are becoming more aware of insect resistance management guidelines; however, they also clearly show preferences for having the ßexibility to use different spatial plantings of Bt and non-Bt corn. Finally, after having planted Bt corn and obtained excellent control of European corn borer, most farmers believed that this insect had been causing more yield loss than they previously had suspected in their non-Bt corn. The data represented here provide an historical foundation for how transgenic Bt corn was used by farmers during the Þrst 3 yr of commercial availability, their initial perceptions on the performance of this technology, and their attitudes regarding management of the European corn borer

    Discovery of a kleptoplastic 'dinotom' dinoflagellate and the unique nuclear dynamics of converting kleptoplastids to permanent plastids

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    A monophyletic group of dinoflagellates, called ‘dinotoms’, are known to possess evolutionarily intermediate plastids derived from diatoms. The diatoms maintain their nuclei, mitochondria, and the endoplasmic reticulum in addition with their plastids, while it has been observed that the host dinoflagellates retain the diatoms permanently by controlling diatom karyokinesis. Previously, we showed that dinotoms have repeatedly replaced their diatoms. Here, we show the process of replacements is at two different evolutionary stages in two closely related dinotoms, Durinskia capensis and D. kwazulunatalensis. We clarify that D. capensis is a kleptoplastic protist keeping its diatoms temporarily, only for two months. On the other hand, D. kwazulunatalensis is able to keep several diatoms permanently and exhibits unique dynamics to maintain the diatom nuclei: the nuclei change their morphologies into a complex string-shape alongside the plastids during interphase and these string-shaped nuclei then condense into multiple round nuclei when the host divides. These dynamics have been observed in other dinotoms that possess permanent diatoms, while they have never been observed in any other eukaryotes. We suggest that the establishment of this unique mechanism might be a critical step for dinotoms to be able to convert kleptoplastids into permanent plastids.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prey preference in a kleptoplastic dinoflagellate is linked to photosynthetic performance

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    Dinoflagellates of the family Kryptoperidiniaceae, known as “dinotoms”, possess diatom-derived endosymbionts and contain individuals at three successive evolutionary stages: a transiently maintained kleptoplastic stage; a stage containing multiple permanently maintained diatom endosymbionts; and a further permanent stage containing a single diatom endosymbiont. Kleptoplastic dinotoms were discovered only recently, in Durinskia capensis; until now it has not been investigated kleptoplastic behavior and the metabolic and genetic integration of host and prey. Here, we show D. capensis is able to use various diatom species as kleptoplastids and exhibits different photosynthetic capacities depending on the diatom species. This is in contrast with the prey diatoms in their free-living stage, as there are no differences in their photosynthetic capacities. Complete photosynthesis including both the light reactions and the Calvin cycle remain active only when D. capensis feeds on its habitual associate, the “essential” diatom Nitzschia captiva. The organelles of another edible diatom, N. inconspicua, are preserved intact after ingestion by D. capensis and expresses the psbC gene of the photosynthetic light reaction, while RuBisCO gene expression is lost. Our results indicate that edible but non-essential, “supplemental” diatoms are used by D. capensis for producing ATP and NADPH, but not for carbon fixation. D. capensis has established a species-specifically designed metabolic system allowing carbon fixation to be performed only by its essential diatoms. The ability of D. capensis to ingest supplemental diatoms as kleptoplastids may be a flexible ecological strategy, to use these diatoms as “emergency supplies” while no essential diatoms are available.Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.We are grateful to Dr Benjamin Bailleul for discussing the photoactivity possibility of N. inconspicua, and to Prof Dieter Spiteller and Dr Adrien Lapointe for suggesting the feeding experiment of D. capensis with four selected diatoms. We also thank Dr Martin Stöckl, from the Bioimaging Centre at University of Konstanz, for technical support of the CLSM. Our thanks also go to Ms Selina Pucher and Mr Alexander H. Fürst for discussing the RT-qPCR data analyses and evaluation, and to Mr Niccolo Mosesso for discussing the TEM protocol improvement. This research was supported by the Bridging Stipend of University of Konstanz (No.638/20, granted to NY), the DFG Research Grant (No. YA 577/2-1, granted to NY), and the Symbiosis Model Systems Award (No. GBMF9360, granted to NY, RT, DGM, PGK) of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. The CERCA Programme of Generalitat of Catalonia is also acknowledged. The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh is supported by the Scottish Government’s Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A multinuclear solid state NMR, density functional theory and X-Ray diffraction study of hydrogen bonding in Group I hydrogen dibenzoates

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    An NMR crystallographic approach incorporating multinuclear solid state NMR (SSNMR), X-ray structure determinations and density functional theory (DFT) are used to characterise the H bonding arrangements in benzoic acid (BZA) and the corresponding Group I alkali metal hydrogen dibenzoates (HD) systems. Since the XRD data often cannot precisely confirm the proton position within the hydrogen bond, the relationship between the experimental SSNMR parameters and the ability of gauge included plane augmented wave (GIPAW) DFT to predict them becomes a powerful constraint that can assist with further structure refinement. Both the 1H and 13C MAS NMR methods provide primary descriptions of the H bonding via accurate measurements of the 1H and 13C isotropic chemical shifts, and the individual 13C chemical shift tensor elements; these are unequivocally corroborated by DFT calculations, which together accurately describe the trend of the H bonding strength as the size of the monovalent cation changes. In addition, 17O MAS and DOR NMR form a powerful combination to characterise the O environments, with the DOR technique providing highly resolved 17O NMR data which helps verify unequivocally the number of inequivalent O positions for the conventional 17O MAS NMR to process. Further multinuclear MAS and static NMR studies involving the quadrupolar 7Li, 39K, 87Rb and 133Cs nuclei, and the associated DFT calculations, provide trends and a corroboration of the H bond geometry which assist in the understanding of these arrangements. Even though the crystallographic H positions in each H bonding arrangement reported from the single crystal X-ray studies are prone to uncertainty, the good corroboration between the measured and DFT calculated chemical shift and quadrupole tensor parameters for the Group I alkali species suggest that these reported H positions are reliable